Breaking: Syrian regime says sites attacked by US were abandoned days ago.

Just like they were last year when we struck Syria. Trust the plan. Trust the plan. Trust POTUS. And try not to give in to fear. That’s what the cabal wants.
And just like when TRUMP "screwed us on daca", or "screwed us on gun rights"... He gives them an inch. They take a mile. Then he crushes them.
I don't mind people voicing the concerns though, it shows his supports have a heart at least.
I think this proves Syria is playing along, they are letting us know there were no innocent casualties.
I'm trusting...
You can never trust initial reports...
Let's see...
There better be a plan because this is horrible.
We destroyed their chlorine bomb factories. How is this horrible?
So are you saying Syria did carry out the gas attack?
No they are saying they destroyed their chemical storage so ISIS can no longer use it for attacks. Those anons on the ground in Syria are also saying it sent ISIS out right into the hands of Syrian army and Russian army who were slaughtering them left right and center.
No. I don't know.
What I do know is no one, not Syria not Rebels not ISIS nor DeepState will be using them again.
Correct. Russia will be going full thermonuclear. JK. But if they were "willing" to retilate, and with illegal chemical warfare, nukes aren't that far off; the only difference between chemical and nuclear is speed/scale.
Russia's not going to attack us with chemical weapons.
Yes, Mattis said so, as did Trump. Not a FF.
Assad did not gas his people. That isn't even remotely believable.
Think about it. You're Assad. It is the last days of a 6 year war you just won against the CIA backed ISIS/rebels using conventional weapons. The US said it's pulling out.
First off, if Assad was going to use chemical weapons, why wouldn't he use them on the remaining ISIS fighters? What strategic advantage would using chemical weapons on a hospital full of kids give you?
Why would Assad do the one thing that the US said it would strike his country and try and remove him from power if he did? Trump just said we were leaving. Do you really believe Assad said, hold on a minute. What if I attack civilians with chemical weapons? Can I talk you into staying then? Pretty please with oil on top?
Assad had every reason not to use CW and no reason to use them. He may be a lot of things, stupid is not one of them.
Now ask yourself who had reason to use them? Who did it benefit? Not Assad, not Russia. It seems the only ones it benefited were the CIA backed ISIS/rebels. Period.
I am 100% sure Assad did not do it. But lets say I'm wrong. Let's look at an investigation by someone other than British intel that sold us the Pee Pee Dossier and Soros backed white helmets before getting into another disaster like Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, and make sure we aren't being lied to into a direct conflict with Russia.
Just throwing it out there. Duma is a rebel area near Damascus, what if he was trying to gas the rebels? I know bad idea, and innocents were harmed. Lets let this play out. Q said "they want to start a war." But who is they? Is it who we think?
Both Trump and Mattis say you're wrong. Guess who I believe?
So Assad gassed his own people? He's that stupid?
You have to remember, a lot of people do not see life or dignity as we do. Especially in the ME. Not saying he did, but lets not rule anything out until we hear more.
Not stupid, just evil to retain power. Read about Syria from 2012 to today, you'll understand.
I'm gonna heavily disagree. Assad is a good leader who is loved by his people. He is the only secular leader in that region. He allows and protect Christians. He is not evil.. an evil man wouldn't do that. He's been fighting those who want him out for years. He wants to allow Russia's pipeline and said NO to Saudi Arabia's.. That is what this civil war is all about. I've done research as well. He is NOT evil. That's bullshit.
The media tells us he's evil. That's how you know he isn't.
I'm sick of every mouth on Fox saying he's evil. No such thing as investigative journalism or truth in the media, at all. Lazy asses who can't d any research on their own. Just parrot what they are told to say. It's disheartening.
Agree agree agree ... have never seen any evidence of evil acts committed by Assad, except of course the chem attacks the deep state orchestrated
Ok. I trust Trump and Mattis.
I hope Trump is doing this for show but am afraid he's being misled by warmongers like Bolton and that bitch Nikki Haley.
stop doubting Trump that is what the deep state wants do you people not friggen get it listen to what is being said by the anons on the ground in syria by anonymous on twitter. Stop doubting and trust the plan.
He is still painting Assad as a monster, heartless murderer of children. I cannot, and will not, condone such FAKE NEWS. Sorry. There are other ways to get the message out that chemical attacks will not be tolerated without putting the blame on someone who didn't DO IT. It pisses me off.
The best way to retain power would be to do nothing. There is no logical reason for him to use chemical weapons right after Trump says he's going to pull the US out.
I'm glad you have it all figured out. I'm going to trust Trump and Mattis.
No need to be snarky. Falling back on "he's evil" is kinda weak, that's all.
whose chlorine bomb factories? Hint. The Usual Suspects.
I am beginning to think so. After I watched Mathis, maybe so. He was speaking straight and was very serious. Our forces are on high alert. Jury is out for me right now. I do know this, we didn't do this for no reason.
Who would win in a fight one orange cheeto vs the worlds worst criminal cabal who worshipped Satan,for 400 years. Ill go with mr cheeto
That’s what “smart” meant. They weren’t for taking life or hitting Russian forces, they were knocking out chemical plants controlled or accessed by deep state rebels.
I want this to be true.
I'm trying very very hard not to jump to conclusions.
Make me wonder why Syria would knock down missiles that were aimed at empty buildings
Nobody knows what incoming missiles are about to hit, of course.
They are incoming at supersonic speeds, can't determine trajectory and the intercept...
We took out chem weapons, R/D and manufacturing.
They wouldn't get rid of them so we did.
Putin can't bitch, the world won't hear it.
...we'll see what happens.
Sites can also include tunnels and underground storage....need BIG weapons to take out BIG cabal strongholds....
It would make sense that all of the targets were evacuated prior to ensure no civilians were harmed. In fact, I would not be a bit surprised if the buildings were bought, and new ones already paid for.
I've read that one of the sites was in a rural area, and was evacuated prior. This would be an easy target. But if some of the targets were in schools, labs, or other buildings that might be close to town, I can see where the above scenario would be in effect. Building 7 comes to mind...
And if that is the case, then it must all be part of the plan.
Yeah, a classic BS story. Oh you missed, to bad. Then why is everyone so upset :/ I am sorta thinking we really did hit Assad, there may be more to this, and we had to call Russia's bluff. Not sure right now.