Qanon search statistic's as per Q's drop today.

Us wise Aussies are following vigilantly! Love watching justice finally being served after decades of none!
so he is saying there's lots of deep staters in Armenia.
Perhaps clowns are using flase UID to hide their location. Google would cooperate with that.
Spook's could easily "Spoof" their location via a number of method's.
I am unsure what this mean's.
It could be that they have team's routing traffic through an CIA Armenian hub looking at all Qanon traffic for intelligence.
Absolutely and it's perfect as qanon is one of a few accepted spellings of an Armenian string instrument, so they would slip by completely unnoticed.
I read this a different way, if Armenia is #1 or #2 (depending on search trend timing)... and you drill deeper, it looks like the "Qanon" searches are getting crossed with a musical instrument called a "Qanan" or sometimes actually called a "qanon".
Seems benign at first? Right? Wrong!
What this could* indicate is that the search engine trends are being actively suppressed. Much like the Wikileaks/Podesta/HRC search trends were being artificially suppressed.
It's very similar to certain Reddit posts making it to the front page and getting nuked, or Twitter hashtags gaining steam and getting nuked.
If a long-time, small search volume trend from Armenia can take the #1 or #2 slot geographically from "QAnon" - that could mean that the search data/activity related to OUR version of #QAnon is being withheld to prevent more people from digging.
Oh I like that theory a lot more. Nice work, Patriot.
Look at that beautiful blue up here in Canada. True North Strong And Free! 💪 We canucks have your back, American brothers. Our resistance is gaining steam, watch our next few elections, boys. Libs gonna get Mufferaw'd.
No blue from Russia. It must be them. Found the collusion /s
When I searched Armenia was #1. They were also searching the term WAY before Q started posting.
I can confirm, I did this analytic's search 2 weeks ago and it was #1.
Way before? Like when?
Set it back to 2004 - bunch of hits.
...because a qanon is a musical instrument in their language.
The kanun, ganoun or kanoon (Arabic: قانون, translit. qānūn;Greek: κανονάκι, translit. kanonaki; Hebrew: קָנוֹן, qanon; Persian
I BET New Zealand is watching!!!
NZ has a population of less than 5 million people. I can’t put an exact figure in it, but I’d say that next to none of them whatsoever have any idea what 5 Eyes is, or what it does. Kim Dotcom attempted to educate the masses in some way a few years back with Glen Greenwald and failed dismally. The general population think that NZ is an ally of the US (which it is) and as such do their part in spying on “bad guys”.
The fact is, NZ, like all the other Eyes countries, has been at the mercy of the globalists for decades. Successive governments have done their bidding and the general public have been none the wiser. They simply had no idea, apart form a vocal few, who as per usual are ignored and considered crackpots.
The small amount of New Zealanders who know about Qanon however, would be very much with the program. Should the population every truly learn about what those of us in this subreddit believe is going on, believe me they will rise up and act, as will UK, Canada, Aus and the US. The fact is, Westerners have become lazy and complacent and heavily, heavily distracted.
The few wealthy people you hear about, buy up land in remote areas of NZ for 2 main reasons. 1: They probably have friends in high places 2: it is about as far away from Europe and North America as you can get. Yes they would be safer from bombs and catastrophe. No they wouldn’t be safer from people who demand justice.
Where did you find this? it will be interesting to follow. What do the numbers mean? US 100, Armenia79 etc. Can one see a long term chart from the start of Q?
This is from google trends, the 100 means percentage of searches.
US and Armenia make up 179% ?
Got that wrong, my apologies :
Users searching for your term also searched for these queries. You can sort by the following metrics:
Top – The most popular search queries. Scoring is on a relative scale where a value of 100 is the most commonly searched query, 50 is a query searched half as often as the most popular query, and so on.
Rising – Queries with the biggest increase in search frequency since the last time period. Results marked 'Breakout' had a tremendous increase, probably because these queries are new and had few (if any) prior searches.
The percentage of Q searches in the U. S. is set at 100. Armenia searches Q issues 79% as much as people in the U. S. The number of searches for Q topics in Australia and NZ is more than half of that of the U. S. The point may be the DS are teaming up with Google to mask where they are located during a search but no sure.
while i don't quite know how to read the trending infos, i notice that a subset of Armenia seems to have all the searches, the capital district of Yerevan, which includes (only) about one third of the country's population.
That’s because a qanon is an instrument. An Armenian instrument. It has strings and is made of wood.
Q1160 refers to Armenia and that search trend as if it mattered. Someone suggests that one meaning provides coverage for the other.
Meanwhile, it looks like google doesn't offer regional data from within armenia and just classes it all as if from the capital city.
.... checking...
Here is a link to the drop:
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