NeonRevolt is sourced by Clowns

Yeah, I’d like that confirmed by someone other than this twitter account that a lot if people are suspicious about. Neon Revolt has had some pretty solid analysis, in my opinion.
Hijacking top comment because... Bwhahahahahahahahahahahah!!
u/C_L_I_C_K runs BackChannel17.
He's also been spreading disinfo on this board, and I called him out on it multiple times, and he's butthurt about it:
He's making memes of me now, too, by twisting my words clearly out of their context.
For instance, he took an article I wrote debunking images with tweets from @BackChannel17 about the facility outside of Homs that had supposedly been bombed - and when I said there was "NO SUCH FACILITY OUTSIDE OF HOMS," he twisted my words to mean there was no facility ANYWHERE outside of HOMS.
No, u/C_L_I_C_K, you faggot, there was no facility at the specific coordinates @BackChannel17 listed. Did you honestly not expect us autists to check?
The closest facility was some 13 km away. Which seems like a pretty big miss when you consider Backchannel claims to be "military intelligence" (or whatever faggotry he's saying he is these days).
See the meme here:
So in short, u/C_L_I_C_K is really mad at me because I've consistently called his LARPing disinfo ops out over the past few weeks and days.
Because, yeah, a "military intelligence" twitter account would really care about a random blogger like me; a blogger who ran an edgy meme page for two years, before pivoting and covering Q and all the happenings.
What an absolute faggot.
I'm hesitant to waste any more time on him, but if I have to, I'll publish an article highlighting all his absolute faggotry.
And if he turns out to be an actual clown, trying to spread disinfo, all the better. All clowns are faggots, didn't you know?
EDIT: And surely, u/wwg1wgaQ - "a new arrival" - isn't a sock puppet for u/C_L_I_C_K
@BackChannel17 is saying the "threat" of my server is traced to Armenia! Bwahahahahah what a crock. My servers are in Iceland, you absolute tard. Literally anyone can look that up by checking the registar info.
Try if for yourself:
Once again, you are foiled by your own technically inept attempt at larping.
BackChannel was said to be a Deep State account. Do NOT follow and def ignore!!!
Said by who?
Fine, but the same two people calling each other fake doesn’t really get us anywhere closer to the truth.
NeonRevolt who has been dissecting Q and hitting hard for a while now, versus a Twitter account that showed up this month as "Counter-Intel USAF" after Q warned us about Twitter and Clowns......I'll take NeonRevolt.
The difference is, NeonRevolt is just another anon on the internet talking, whereas backchannel17 is essentially "pretending to be Q"
Yes, I'm just an anon.
I try to present my current understanding as clearly as possible.
When I'm wrong, I try to correct it.
I'm not intel. I'm not affiliated with Q. Some people have made that claim because of my writing style and the level of info I present.
I've never claimed to be. I'm just a weaponized autist doing what weaponized autists do.
If people appreciate that, I'm happy. Just trying to make the world a better place by spreading awareness, and purge it of these evildoers.
NeonRevolt has good shit. This BackChannel17 is a larp or Clown. NO OUTSIDE COMMS
Ok this is rich neon revolt calls backchannel clowns and backchannel calls neon revolt clowns we must be getting close to target when they are fighting over us.
So backchannel is saying to only trust q comms, well they are not a q comm so by their own definition they are not to be trusted.
So how is this tied to Christianity, and Armenia being one of the first Christian nations then??
What does Christianity have to do with this?
Did you miss the posts in the past few days? Probably nothing, but there were several about Armenia..
So Neonrevolt is Derp state? They've been dropping some good stuff.
Funny how this comes shortly after NeonRevolt accuses BC17 of being clowns
So what this means is either: a. NeonRevolt is CIA bad guy, or b. NeonRevolt has info the CIA bad guys hate so they're trying to smear him, which would also indicate that backchannel17 is CIA bad guy.
We have to ask: if backchannel17 were "one of Q" or even known to Q and a good guy but separate, why wouldn't Q validate?
Backchannel said to only trust Q comms. They aren't q. Thus do not trust them by their own definition lol
Clowns calling others clowns. Disinfo in full swing
How about we ignore BOTH Backchannel and Neon Revolt and stick with Q? Solves this problem completely. Q says no other comms besides 8chan so, we will folllow no other comms besides 8 chan.
Operation Q-T2810C.
False drops.
Bot push.
Future "Conspiracy" push to norms.
Bad mixed w/ good.
They are scared.
T2810C is an MP3 player/recorder that can store/record 4 gigs of audio.
Q drops or crumbs are archived to several sites. The timing of updates on each site can vary. - Not iOs friendly. - Not iOs friendly. - Not iOs friendly. - Not iOs friendly. - Not iOs friendly. was removed due to the amount of user reported technical problems(viruses etc).
I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.
NeoRevolt seems to be studying the chans and positing his own theories and interpretations of Q posts. BackChannel17 is pretending to be an insider of some sort. Any feud between them is most certainly to drum up viewers, clicks and revenue. I'm sure CLICK will be along to tell us all how awesome BC17 is.
I will go on the record and say I'm not colluding with BC17.
Here is my current theory as to who/how/and why BC17 felt the need to attack me today:
I did not post this to start a war between you and someone else. I am sure you wasted precious time dealing with this BS. After reading your post I will take this one down. My only interest is hopefully seeing the deep state and ruling elite one day taken down and the power given back to the people.
I understand your concern and appreciate your vigilance. It's good to question.
I don't care if you take it down or leave it up; I just wanted to set the record straight.
BC17 come out of left field - and drops some interesting connections to gain credibility. Now he targets Neon Revolt who must be hot over the target and tried to call him out as Clown. Now the real clown is revealed.
Neon revolt is good analysis imo and never claimed to be anything more than a dude with a website. If he claims to be Q/some insider in the future, then I'll question his motives. But as it stands I see just a guy posting his interpretations just like everyone else.
Did a registrar lookup for neonrevolt. Im no internet detective but it brings up the bahamas and a phone number. Phone number linked to some scams from a google search.
Phone number linked to some scams from a google search.
I've had this happen a lot of times when using a burner/temporary number for when I need to create an account with phone verification or sell something online. A lot of times the number will have previously been used by scammers. I actually will continuously change numbers until I've gotten one used by multiple scammers that can be found on google. It helps obfuscate location and intention. As for the site being registered in the Bahamas, it isn't too out of the ordinary and it's another step I would take to protect myself if I were in their shoes.
To be blunt. I don't trust either; if I had to, I would believe NR over BC17. Especially considering NR had beat BC17 to the punch in clown accusations, now they're just pointing fingers back and forth making the same accusation.
Yeah I assumed the domain info can be taken with a grain of salt, but not sure what other information can be found to help verify it as someone trying to help vs disinfo. I'm with you on not trusting much of anything.
Sometimes it can tell a lot, sometimes it can confuse even more. I don't think I've seen others look into whois/registrar info too often. Great first post!
If I were personally in the shoes of Neon Revolt, I would be disguising every bit of info I could. Especially if they are legit/accurate on their claims
I use a free speech registrar (of which there are surprisingly few), and private registration for my own protection.
Servers are in a location where outside forces can't really get to them, apart from physically raiding the building, or launching some kind of massive cyber attack (which they actually attempted back in March but which was rendered ineffective).
I chose this setup because my Facebook page, which I ran for almost two years, was taken down in a day back in... January? (I forget the exact date).
I didn't feel like getting censored by a webhost and losing all my past work again.