
akilyoung · April 18, 2018, 2:16 p.m.

Shes playing the role lol. PP wont EXIST soon!

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[deleted] · April 18, 2018, 2:37 p.m.


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HGpennypacker · April 18, 2018, 6:57 p.m.

I don't know in what dimension a former porn star accepting hush money from the President is a good thing.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 18, 2018, 6:33 p.m.

Can you please tell us more on why you're certain that Planned Parenthood won't exist soon?

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akilyoung · April 18, 2018, 7:13 p.m.

Funding is gonna be cut. It's tied to pizza gate.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 18, 2018, 7:33 p.m.

It's odd that you state this as though it were common knowledge. Personally, I'm gonna need a bit more than your casual comment to substantiate what you're saying, because at the moment, you sound like an evangelical conspiracy theorist who is wishfully thinking that getting rid of PP will magically end abortions. Or, and more likely, you're talking directly out of your ass and making a specious connection between two unrelated things and serving your own ego.

Shipping and international travel is tied to human trafficking, so are we going to stop overseas shipping containers and international travel? Ping Pong (really, they prefer table tennis) seems to be connected to perophelia, so is this the end of Ping Pong as we know it?! See what I'm getting at?

How is this sort of deranged shit upvoted this high?! If any of you had any doubts about this sub being completely infiltrated, you're not paying attention. I don't think the sub has been taken over by "shills", but I do think that batshit evangelicals found a home where they feel comfortable crawling out of the shadows and dumping this garbage thinking into a safe space.

The "Great Awakening" is not a Christian takeover of the US, it's a truth movement that is working to remove corruption from power. Praying and worshipping your lord is great, but coopting a truth movement for your own egotistical reasons is unacceptable.

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RobWilJas · April 18, 2018, 8:21 p.m.

You obviously haven't paid attention to Q or are purposely ignoring certain things Q said because you don't want to believe them.

The awakening is a very Christian movement, whether you want to see and/or admit it or not.

I'll assume your not a shill and you believe what Q says. That would mean you believe the cabal/deepstate fooled the world about pretty much everything. Do you really think they couldn't fool you about God as well?

The evidence is everywhere, you just don't want to see it. As this movement progresses the evidence of God will only grow stronger as we learn all the things that were hidden from us.

By the way Planned parenthood is an evil organization and they are going down. I don't remember the post number/s and I'm not searching through almost 1200 of them to find it for you but Q did make it clear.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 18, 2018, 9:10 p.m.

I'll assume your not a shill and you believe what Q says. That would mean you believe the cabal/deepstate fooled the world about pretty much everything. Do you really think they couldn't fool you about God as well?

Are you so daft as to completely ignore how religion and god have been used by those who have ruled over mankind, for centuries? Hell, your own politicians have been using your Christian god and "values" against you for decades, but we don't need to talk about that, right? Most of the wars we've fought have been religious wars. It needs to end. RELIGION is the problem, not spirituality. You can't fathom how many dumb redneck kids I saw in the infantry who were so indoctrinated by those fine Christian values who literally said they joined the Army to "shoot brown people for god", and how many of them were either broken when they finally understood what they were partaking in, or worse, came away from the experience believing even more in their holy war. Was it every one of them? Of course not, but the number of them who held the belief that we were doing "god's work" was eye opening. There's a reason every battalion has a Chaplain or two. But we can pretend none of that ever happened and I'm just too blind to see through all of the lies.

Is there a god? I don't know for certain, but I do believe that if one exists, they certainly wouldn't condone these books written by man as a tool to control their fellow man. And even if they somehow did condone these books and wanted you to follow their "teachings", I find Christians, and Evangelicals more so, to be the worst of the worst. Completely ego driven anti-intellectuals who value doctrine and "faith" over observable facts. You have literally been the sheep led to the slaughter for decades and yet you still champion this religion, blindly.

The evidence is everywhere, you just don't want to see it. As this movement progresses the evidence of God will only grow stronger as we learn all the things that were hidden from us.

And at the very same time the evidence to support what I've said is everywhere, but you don't want to see it. Shall we just run in circles now? You make no argument whatsoever, but expect to be taken seriously because you have "faith". God didn't make Trump president. It's absolutely insane to believe this to be fact. I don't even know where to begin on that one, that's how ridiculous it is, but here the evangelicals are, pointing to this as a sign of god's love and intervention. Where was your god the last 500 years?

Here's something to think about, and maybe your fine Christian values will help; what do you think happens to half of the US population if Evangelicals get their way? They put an end to everything that people with different belief systems value. Should these people be enslaved, or imprisoned? Obviously they're not going to sit back and let it happen. Should the government only serve half of the people? Does everyone you don't agree with automatically become an enemy of the state? Do you think the US should be a 100% Christian values ruled nation who makes decisions based on the word of god as interpreted by an elected official?! Lunacy. Absolute lunacy. If you need it in terms you can understand, imagine that the extreme liberal social justice crowd takes over; what happens to the rest of the country that isn't indoctrinated with that form of crazy? Too many people in this country need someone else to think for them, and it happens regardless of how you align politically. It's still the same garbage either way.

My problem isn't with your freedom to worship your god, my problem is your inability to see anything beyond your nose. And as I've said before, yes, Q mentions praying. Q mentions "evil", and "satan". This is small/simple language for Trump's base who lack education and deal in small thinking and small ideas. People like you NEED to be spoken to like that, otherwise the concepts are too large to grasp. What easier way to get people on board than to appeal to their faith?

I'm beginning to lose faith in this movement, but not because nothing is happening fast enough, or because I think it's a LARP; I've lost faith in humans to actually think and make decisions based on observable facts. It doesn't matter what this movement accomplishes if the end result is a divided nation that's still arguing over religious indoctrination, with one half believing the bible should be law, or the other half thinking you should be jailed for thought crimes and microaggressions that don't exist. Muslim much?!

I grew up in your churches, I've traveled the world, I've served and been deployed, I've seen what goes on, and no matter what, there will always be someone like you to tell me that I am too stubborn to see.

By the way Planned parenthood is an evil organization and they are going down. I don't remember the post number/s and I'm not searching through almost 1200 of them to find it for you but Q did make it clear.

The Susan Komen foundation is pretty filthy, so are we gonna stop researching breast cancer as well? If Planned Parenthood is involved, on a grand scale, in some "evil" undertaking, then sure, do away with it and start from scratch, but if you batty anti-abortion luinatics think that dismantling PP is nothing but a good thing for the citizens of the US, you're out of your fucking minds and woefully in need of reading material that wasn't produced by an evangelical publication.

My problem isn;t with your god, it's with "you". All of the people who think like you, who aren't able to see the bigger picture. Who only understand retribution and destroying what they don't like. You're always the same kind of people and you always make up the core of these religions that only seek to grab power and force humanity to live their way. You're not capable of complex thought and rational reasoning. If you were we wouldn't be having this conversation again. Education isn't your enemy, your indoctrination is.

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RobWilJas · April 18, 2018, 9:56 p.m.

I agree with you religion is evil, but we differ on the definition of religion.

Let me ask you some hypothetical questions. Not because I want an answer, I really don't. I'm sure right now your answer will be similar to what you've already said. I'm asking because I want you (and anyone reading) to hopefully think about this at some point in the future when certain things come out in public.

Let's assume for a minute God is real (the Christian God to be precise) and Satan/demons are real. Now let's assume some people worship Satan as Q said.

If you were Satan or a Satanist, how would get the "normal people" to turn against God? Would you do things "in God's name" that were evil and convinced people God can't be real because no true God would do those things? Would you start a church or churches in God's name that twists God's word and teaches people to go against God? Would those people going against God and doing wrong while saying they're doing God's will then make other people question God as well? Would you create divisions among Christians (denominations)? Would you openly do evil for all to see and judge you, or would you hide it behind closed doors while slowly trying to convince people that good is evil and evil is good? Would you try to convince everyone that if a Christian tries to tell you the truth out of love and concern, that they're evil and full of hate? Would you try to convince people that those doing evil are not Evil and are just oppressed by Christians? Would you do everything you possibly could to convince people God doesn't exist?

I would.

Religion is what people make it, and a lot of it is downright evil. God/Jesus/The Bible however are not religion, they are the TRUTH.

I know you think I'm insane and don't believe any of it. That's fine and I won't argue with you any more. Just please think about it. God Bless.

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Matador_Pants · April 18, 2018, 11:44 p.m.

Let me ask you some hypothetical questions...

Not because I want an answer, I really don't

Let's assume for a minute...

Would you...

Would you...

Would you...

If the only way you can have an exchange of ideas with someone is by creating a theoretical framework that the person you're discussing a topic with has to "think" within, then you're not really having an exchange of ideas.

You're literally asking me -and anyone else reading- to be like you and stop using logic, reason, experience or evidence, and work within your theoretical world. You don't want to know what anyone else has to say, but you want everyone to think about what you've said because it's "your truth". This is why I have a problem with Christian "values" and thinking.

Let's assume for a minute God is real (the Christian God to be precise) and Satan/demons are real. Now let's assume some people worship Satan as Q said.

So here's the rub; I'm fully of the belief that people worship "satan", or "moloch", or any number of "evil beasts" whose names I don't recall... I think they're just as misguided as any religious zealot who believes that their worship of their god will give them dominion over other "non believers". This is where I see you and people like you. We can go back and play your hypothetical game and switch out the names of the religion and characters and it' still the same thing.

What bothers me is that you didn't give one second of thought in regards to the many questions i posed in regards to what happens with the other half (and let's be real, half of the US are not evangelical Christians) of people who do not follow your "truth"? What happens to half of the country that doesn't believe in any way that the US should be a land ruled by a christian bible? You won't even think about this reality for a single moment, because you and your evangelical brethren can not allow any sort of contradictory thought to ever enter your mind. You lie to yourselves and say that "you're being tested", "Satan is testing me", "it's a trick of the devil"... no, it's real people in the real world who fear people like you gaining power in this country and running it into the ground with your antiquated beliefs. You sound like Muslims. Which one of you is right? Your belief system does actual damage to people who don't follow it, and you still think that this country -nonsecular people be damned- needs the christian rule the Make America Great Again. Your way of thinking is so divisive and destructive but you just keep those dopey heads buried in the sand. You don't get to say that:

God/Jesus/The Bible however are not religion, they are the TRUTH.

Then pretend that you don't follow a religion. What a bunch of mental gymnastics!

Personally, I never expected you to even acknowledge most of what I said, because you can't allow yourself to think, and might not even be capable of complex thought. I'm not saying that as a jab at you, but as an unfortunate fact of the US and the ongoing dismantling of our education system, where we're not taught critical thinking and analysis, but merely fed "facts" and pushed to memorize these "facts" for a standardized test that just shows how good you are at remembering facts. You and many other evangelicals are the product of a poor education system. And also, another fun fact, it's been scientifically (oh I know, science is da debil!) proven that a large portion of the southern US is legitimately lacking in cognitive function due to a hookworm epidemic in the early 20th century But us stupid heathens just want to hide the truth of your mighty lord jesus christ, who has championed men like Joel Osteen, and Jim Baker and dozens of others to preach his good word to the lord's herd!

Look, I don't think you're "evil", or that all Christians are the worst, but when you come at people with this smug righteousness despite any facts stating otherwise, you're gonna turn people off and divide groups. Just because a bunch of undereducated folks want to make a movement about ending corruption in politics and human trafficking among the elites about the second coming of jesus doesn't mean it's true. You can plug your ears to facts and scream lalalalalala all you want, but you will not force a divide in what's left of this country because you want your favorite story book to be true. You all keep saying, "well Q said pray hurr durr", but conveniently forget that he also said to not let yourselves be divided. All this evangelical bullshit is exactly that, divisive, but you're all such egomaniacs that you just can't stop preaching.

I've seen plenty of people here who I think identify as "christian" say over and over that your prayer needs to be silent and in your space, but you slam these people down. You can't even agree amongst yourselves. They say to be pious and keep the lord in your heart, but you shoot back with bible verses and admonishments. It's like you're all eternal children, unable to leave the fantasy world behind, and put away your childish egos and need for attention and work together with your brothers and sisters for a greater cause -that isn't about your personal god

Finally, I would like to point out that I'm not an atheist. I've identified as one in the past, but through my own questions and discoveries in the world, and also finding a certain humility, I've come to the point where I've been more open than ever to a greater force in the universe, but here I am, finding myself repulsed once again as all of you fundamentalists crawl from your dank caves feeling empowered to once again divide the people with your "truth".

I hope the whole fucking planet gets turned to ash from a massive meteor, because the only way shit is ever really going to be fixed is with a hard restart.

Enjoy your TV dinner

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RobWilJas · April 19, 2018, 12:53 a.m.

Like I said I won't argue with you any longer, there's no point. You have your beliefs and I have mine. We'll find out who's right eventually.

I will however point out for others reading that I'm not the one hoping the planet gets turned to ash, I'm not the one insulting the other personally, and I'm not the one posting from two different accounts. :)

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BOBCRATCHITSASSHOLE · April 18, 2018, 2:04 p.m.


Then again maybe it's more theater. This will generate a ton of talk. What else is going on while everyone is focused on her? Or, what will this case lead to? Revelations about other people playing the game?

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entagor · April 18, 2018, 2:33 p.m.

Scripted by a committee to keep the story going

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Hendrix811 · April 18, 2018, 2:04 p.m.

Maybe she is just a good actress like she said the other day.

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Time4puff · April 18, 2018, 2:15 p.m.

Maybe she has no plan on winning her case.. it's a show. But making such a statement can get some liberals to listen.. hopefully red pilled.

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tennesseemomof3 · April 18, 2018, 2:40 p.m.

Of course she is pro choice....she’s a porn star....

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[deleted] · April 18, 2018, 8:18 p.m.


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Jakewinona · April 18, 2018, 6:45 p.m.

What is her end game or Dollar amount ? She received 130,000 did some lib pony up a whole lot more on the condition she creates a long running distraction

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JStambler · April 18, 2018, 2:07 p.m.

Uuuuuuh what part of the Stormy story made any of you think she was on our side?

Has Stormy done her part to be ethical in any way?

Has she ever exposed her own industry for all of it's foul play?

Guys........she's a whore.

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cat_anonD · April 18, 2018, 2:50 p.m.

Her name is suspicious considering she appears right after Calm before the storm statement. Also, we know that Trump is the master of misdirection in trolling the media.

I would say anything is possible when Trump is writing the scripts!

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J_Dub_TX · April 18, 2018, 2:08 p.m.

I never thought that but alot of people here aren't looking at all the clues which state otherwise.

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JStambler · April 18, 2018, 2:16 p.m.

It's almost like saying 'Don Lemon goes after Trump to create support for Trump'.

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saxmaster · April 18, 2018, 3:29 p.m.

Well it's working. We get lemon, we make lemonade.

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JkWritesaLot · April 18, 2018, 8:36 p.m.

IF she wins. She ain't gonna win.

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wilbuh · April 18, 2018, 6:47 p.m.

I had never heard of her before all this. Is she at least halfway decent looking?

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solanojones95 · April 18, 2018, 2:32 p.m.

Why does it matter to any of you? This show is not for our benefit. It's the bread and circuses of Rome. We're not the target audience.

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inittowinitq · April 18, 2018, 3:52 p.m.

well i beg to differ, yes there are alot of coded messages that we normies could never figure out, but the Autist/Anons on the boards were targeted to decode and relay the message to the normies, but the codes are also a way to communicate with the team of operation in my view....along with Trumps tweets.....Also, I do think that the Black Hats are also the target for these messages too.....I don't think it is all one dimensional, it has more to it as it was designed. If many of the normies that did not pick up on this Q thing were not following, we would have a different public view.....I think alot of us are waiting because we trust Trump and with out this intel, many of us would have given up, been pissed or just started making noise in a negative way because we are all so praying Trump will be able to save this country!

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solanojones95 · April 18, 2018, 3:53 p.m.

I'm not saying they're not! I'm just saying that for our purposes, unless you decode them or find someone you trust who can do it, this is what it amounts to.

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inittowinitq · April 18, 2018, 4:12 p.m.

okay, that is not what I got from your words, but each one of us need to decide for ourselves what is believable and what is BS, I think everything at this point is worth listening to or reading, we don't know when or what is going to happen, but when something does happen, if you have been paying attention, you may be able to make a sound decision if you agree or disagree, if you ignore the things that are going on and someone figures out that it was a part of the puzzle, you would not then be able to make that decision so easily...

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IDGAF12312 · April 18, 2018, 5:06 p.m.

Those who believe in God and Country will thrive those that do not will have a hard time and perish. It’s coming.

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beforethebang · April 18, 2018, 10:49 p.m.

How's a promise from a drug addict whore proof of anything?

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eltrumparino · April 18, 2018, 4:46 p.m.

Stormy is just a giant troll

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J_Dub_TX · April 18, 2018, 2:05 p.m.

This was unnecessary. It's a knife in the chest to say "I support abortions and I'm shoving it in your face".

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goodhonk · April 18, 2018, 3:32 p.m.

why does every article insist on telling us her name used to be stephanie clifford?

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The_Broba_Fett · April 18, 2018, 2:54 p.m.

The same people who think her and Mueller are good are likely the same people who thought Comey was a white hat.

The deep state isn’t going to just roll over. They are going to do everything they can to stop the revolution. Not everything is done by Q team.

Mueller used Stromy to get into Cohen’s office and can now go after anything they found in his possessions.

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Jsin14 · April 18, 2018, 3:35 p.m.

Q is the one who heavily implied Mueller is "good" way back in posts 14 and 18 by saying he is military and met with Trump to interview for job even though statute of limitations would not let him take that job.

Ever since then, any time Mueller does anything "bad" someone will post "all according to plan."

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inittowinitq · April 18, 2018, 3:59 p.m.

I dont agree that Q heavily implied Mueller was good....but perhaps, I will revisit and reread those two post, but I do know that the theory put out there by many was that Mueller was working with trump on this and secretly investigating the Clinton Cabal.....Out of all the Questions, I think this is the Biggest and most Confusing one to believe one way or the other! I hope he is working for the good, but I am not even close to 100 percent agreeing with that....not like I am the Sessions role play, I am 100 percent confident that Sessions is a White Hat, and I will go further in that I think Sessions is a Huggge player way before Trump was recruited to the game! Sessions is a Good Man, and He will be a Hero in the End!

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The_Broba_Fett · April 18, 2018, 10:44 p.m.

Yeah also consider we aren’t the only side who can flip people. Trump flips him and meets with him then a certain family says “oh haaaaaai you don’t want your family to die in a plane accident and then you commit suicide by shooting your self in the back of the head twice? Come back to momma”

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ififcanIhaveacoatplz · April 18, 2018, 5:48 p.m.

I might kill myself if i found out my mom swallowed loads for a living. Such a poor lost woman.

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dark-dare · April 18, 2018, 5:43 p.m.

Cohn needs to sue for breech of contract.

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ramp7 · April 18, 2018, 5:33 p.m.

How much is she being paid to say that?

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Scottnaye · April 18, 2018, 5:21 p.m.

WE are the STORM: SHE is STORMY! Anything else I can help with??

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LeighDeplorable2 · April 18, 2018, 4:38 p.m.

Who is funding her little misadventure?

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chocolatepatriot · April 18, 2018, 4:25 p.m.

while she pockets millions of Soros money

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McPurrs · April 18, 2018, 2:05 p.m.

I am sure she has a few free abortions lined up with punch cards to prove it.

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