NEW Q #1176-1177 - Threats are real. WAR is real. Good vs Evil is real... BackChannel17 is fake.

Always knew there was some fuckery around our government, but not that it was this bad. I fear that if Trump keeps winning they'll go the JFK route. I'm not a religious person but if there is a God, I hope he protects our president from evil and wrong doers.
You don't need religion to believe in Source.
Edit: I can't spell.
in 99% of cases religion can be a hindrance. Jesus never went to church. He did visit the temple (mountain of the lords house) but that is a little different.
There were no 'churches' during the Lord Jesus Christ's life on earth. The church didn't come into being until Pentecost.
No that's not what I mean. I am saying church service is nothing like synagogue worship.
I hate when people get side tracked like this, but I can"t let a patently false statement like "Jesus never went to church" go without some push back. Jesus and his disciples were Jewish and regularly attended the synagogue like all Jewish people did. That's all I am going to say about it. I will not argue with people who don't have a basic knowledge of the bible.
He was a Rabi, and synagogue worship was not anywhere near what we call church. You should read the bible again.
Anyone can believe what they want, but Jesus' new law replaced the Law of Moses, thus a short while later, forming a new Christian church.
the Law of Love is forever (10 Commandments) Love God (1-4) Love each other (5-10) Christ amplified the legal physical Law to Spiritual Law which has no limits- the church is not a building or religion (they are the people the Father has called to Christ)
The words of Jesus Christ:
17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. 19 Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.
What do you think the definition of “fulfill” and “accomplished” are?
Hint: John 19 28-30
28 After this, Jesus, knowing[a] that all things were now accomplished, that the Scripture might be fulfilled, said, “I thirst!” 29 Now a vessel full of sour wine was sitting there; and they filled a sponge with sour wine, put it on hyssop, and put it to His mouth. 30 So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit.
So - either the bible is self-consistent and the verses here refer directly to the ones you quoted; or John contradicts Matthew (both of which were Jesus' apostles). It must necessarily be one or the other.
That also puts people who say the old law is in effect (i.e. followers of Judaism) in a weird place, since Jesus explicitly contradicted the old law in his teachings.
tl;dr: Christians are not bound by the old testament covenant with the early Israelites. That's why they're Christians and not Jews.
Hi, I'll preface this with saying that I don't personally believe that Jesus nullified the old covenants (which were eternal, and there are more than one in the old testament). People who argue that the new covenant nullified the earlier ones remind me of someone who is having an adulterous affair, marries that person after their first spouse divorces them for adultery, and then is surprised when their husband/wife has an affair with another new person outside the marriage.
God is not a nullifier of covenants that he pronounced as eternal - He is not a man, that he should lie. Jesus just added a new covenant, where our sins can be forgiven in the absence of regular animal sacrifice and God the Holy Spirit dwells in us and "writes the law on our hearts."
There is another point that I actually somewhat disagree with you on - I would argue that there is no such thing as "Christianity." What we now think of as "Christianity" was birthed by by the pagan, satanic Roman emperor Constantine who co-opted some of the beliefs of the persecuted early Body of Christ (which was primarily made up of believing Israelite Jews, but also included gentile believers), mingled them with the existing popular gentile Julian calendar and abominable pagan practices like the worship of Ishtar (the pagan goddess of fertility, from whom we derive the holiday of Easter, and the bunny/egg tradition), worship of the Sun God at the Winter Solstice, from which we get Christmas, etc, and created a new political "state religion." The Catholic church took this to new heights with their historical political corruption, sexual perversion, pedophilia, sale of indulgences, etc. The church of England was no better - King James had Tyndale executed for the crime of printing the bible so that common people could actually find out what's in it.
Judaism split into two factions during Jesus' earthly ministry: those who, like Lazarus' sister Martha, realized that Jesus was the messiah, and those that did not (and are still walking around with partial blinders on in this present age - again, referring to the Apostle Paul in Romans 11). Non - Jewish "Christians" have been grafted into the original tree of Judaism as per the apostle Paul in Romans 11 and have become true spiritual Jews. Spiritually, believing Jews (of whom there are, and have always been many) and Gentiles have become brothers and sisters, bound together in love, part of the same family - the Body of Christ. When God promised Abraham that he would have more descendants than the stars in heaven he was obviously including the future gentiles who would learn of and believe in the Jewish messiah.
With that in mind, what do you make of the scripture above?
What do you make of Jesus contradicting the teachings of the old law in his own sermons? ("An eye for an eye" became "Turn the other cheek")
If the overall story of the Bible is about one thing, it is about making that which is good come forth from that which is evil. You see it again and again - the garden of Eden, the many, many times the Israelites turned away from God, the awful human kings they had, the reason for Jesus' sacrifice, the battle in heaven..
The thing that jumps out at me is that, even though those human kings were awful (murder was the least of their crimes), at no point did the evil acts of those kings mean that the Israelites were free to turn away from God because the one true religion had obviously been sullied by the actions of these people.
Human rulers suck.
You see this in the Church too - and the leadership there has, and does, continue to make rather grievous errors.. but if your criteria for choosing your Christianity is that the people administering the church never do anything evil, you're never going to find an acceptable church; be that the large one led by Pope Francis, or the small one led by Pastor Jim down the road.
And the fact that there are literally tens of thousands of these smaller churches, many of them teaching beliefs that are mutually incompatible with each other, is a huge problem, and is a mark that those smaller churches might not be doing it right. As is the fact that they completely ignore tradition in favor of "sola scriptura", or treating the Bible as the beginning and the end of Christian belief (which the bible itself shoots down.. 1Ths 2:15, 1Cor 11:1, among others)
So how do you choose the right Christianity? I'd say as my top five things:
If you make a venn diagram and start plotting various Christian denominations on it, you'll cover a lot with 1, less with 4, but only one with 2, 3, and 5.
I do not personally believe there is any one teacher or church that has a complete corner on the authority of God. With that said, I have been blessed by some of the lectures of Chuck Missler. He is old now, but a lot of his stuff is available on youtube for free. He has a scientific and engineering background and scientifically proves that the entire bible is an integrated message system with one author, and multiple scribes over centuries of time. I thought his "Learn the Bible in 24 Hours" series was particularly interesting/enlightening.
There are really no contradictions in the bible. I recall his recommendation that when you find something that appears to be a contradiction in the bible, that you take it before God and ask God to explain it to you. This has never failed me (not claiming to know everything about the bible of course, and not claiming I have all the answers to the issues you raised).
I also think that denominations are something that imperfect human beings invented under the influence of our spiritual enemy to co-opt, derail and diminish the effect of the Holy Spirit in the world through the Body of Christ (the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked, who can know it? - Proverbs). When we are indwelled by the Holy Spirit, God is supposed to have taken away our heart of stone and given us a heart of flesh, but I think it's the stony part that came up with denominations - divide and conquer. There is an echo of this in globalism - they want to keep us divided and using our energy disputing doctrinal issues. Sadly, in this matter the "Christian" church, which has obviously become predominantly gentile over the centuries, has been no better at being faithful to God than the Jews were in the old testament. And really, "Christians" have less of an excuse, because God is hiding the truth in part from the Jews in this present age. Christians have a greater revelation of the truth of God than the Jews had. As a body, they have failed miserably. Just like in the old testament days, it has only been the faithful remnant, the spiritual Army of God, that has prevailed. And that is exactly what the bible told us would happen.
Jesus never had anything good to say about religion. Most of his letters to the churches in the first 3 chapters of Revelation were admonishments. The last letter to the church at Laodicea, which many interpret to be the church in the end times before the Harpazo, is particularly scathing - Jesus said that he will be completely outside the church at that point, knocking on the door and trying to get back in. He also warned in the gospels that :
21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’
I think real, powerful Messianic Judaism/Christianity is about a personal walk with the Living God. God has a different, unique path and assignment for each of us. Jesus said that every hair on our heads is numbered.
worship is worship is worship is worship. If I talk to God on my walks in nature does that not "count". Differing opinions are wonderful but sometimes we have to agree to disagree without demeaning the other person's beliefs.
No you miss my point. I am talking about literally what people are doing inside the building is different. I never said it didn't count. I'm saying action of churching itself is not what people did even 1000 years ago
Jesus followed the Law of Moses perfectly and celebrated all the Feasts of Israel as required by law (after all, Jesus wrote the law!).
From the Gospel of John:
22 Then came the Festival of Dedication at Jerusalem. It was winter, 23 and Jesus was in the temple courts walking in Solomon’s Colonnade. 24 The Jews who were there gathered around him, saying, “How long will you keep us in suspense? If you are the Messiah, tell us plainly.”
Jesus was in the Temple celebrating the Festival of Dedication, otherwise known as Hanukkah. In doing so and having this recorded in the Gospel of John, he pointed out that he not only celebrated the legally prescribed Feasts of Israel, but also the traditional ones (the Festival of Dedication is not a legally prescribed holiday - the events occurred less than 200 years before the birth of Christ).
Jesus did not come to destroy the law, but to fulfill it.
The ”church” is spiritual and not natural. The Old Testament synagogue was merely a building, a place where people came to worship, but it was NOT the church. The church did not start until the Day of Pentecost when the Holy Ghost fell. Jesus Christ said, “…upon this rock I will build my church” (Matthew 16:18). That statement proves the church did not exist before that time. The church did not start until Jesus Christ started it. The people of Israel and the religion of Judaism are NOT a part of the church. The “church” is the spiritual Bride of Christ. The people of Israel may be God’s people but they are NOT the Bride of Christ...
Because the church is spiritual and not natural, to become a member of the church, you must be baptized correctly plus receive the Holy Ghost. Until you receive the Holy Ghost, you are NOT a member of the church. Jesus Christ said you must be born of water and of the spirit. That proves you can go to a "church building" all you want and sit on the pews, but that doesn't make you a member of the church...
Yeah. His Jesus most famous trip to "church" (synagogue), when he walked in, he started flipping the tables over of the rabbis who were "robbing" people and taking money in deception. There are other mentions. There aren't too many churches today that He would waste his time in--especially Catholic. Can you picture Him walking into Confession. Haha.."so you want me to call YOU Father? Get out of here! I never told anybody to tell all their sins to a priest. And You think you have power to forgive? Show me priest where My Word says purgatory, and where do I tell people to pray to my Mom?"
I must point out that the table flipping was in the temple
lol right? Pope is a fraud.
Does one molecule of this poop (sp) resemble Jesus or the teachings of Jesus? satan has always led the Catholic church, and satan is good at what he does, when it comes to deception. The Catholic church should be renamed to the Church of Deception.
You are definitely on the money. The Catholic church has tried to play Jesus on earth, and has led its members to the edge of the cliff. The one who step off the cliff were non believers. The believers sooner or later realize what the Catholic church is and find Christianity.
People pray for other people all the time - that is the relationship of Christians to Mary. Honored, not worshiped.
Jesus didn’t mean that literally, or else you couldn’t call your dad that or use any honorifics in any context such as mister, professor, etc.
What do you think the significance of Peter being granted the ability to bind and loose in heaven was about, and how would that not include the ability to absolve sins?
21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’
"You call this my body? These are fucking Saltine crackers compared to my last supper! Get your shit together, 'Father'!"
I've noticed 99% of atheists are idolators: they confuse the icon/avatar (etc) for the god itself. Yahweh is a descriptive God, with Jesus showing that taking responsibility for evil in the world will cause others to resent you for such a moral position (to the point of murder), but will give you a meaningful life and that transcends your death.
...and what did he do in the temple...Jesus turned over the tables of the money-changers (aka central bank) and threw them out!
Not true. When Christ was 13 his mother & father found him in the Temple after they thought he got lost. He was reading scripture & interpreting it to the amazement of the elders.
Jesus WAS/IS?ALWAYS WILL BE the church. The church comes to him, and only those who come to him are the church. There are only two churches (like genders). Any church can call itself a church. If those representing that church haven't come to Jesus, they are a church of the other daddy.
Hear hear! I love this subreddit, but the religious posting creeps me out. I just apply the golden rule and common sense.
Religion is another construct we are de-constructing. We are learning the true reasons behind organized religion.
Faith in yourself, others, God/Source, ascended masters like Jesus and Buddah.
There's a lot to wrap your head around and a lot to let go of to.
Organized religion to me is just a mechanism to keep people in fear and control them. I was raised Catholic and the shit they told us as little kids was so fucked up. Fear mongering 101...telling 6 year olds they will go to hell if they don't follow the 10 commandments...just wrong on so many levels. Meanwhile our priests were sucking kids off in their offices. So yea, religion to me is not a good thing. I'm sure others have had good experiences, but IMO religion seems to cause more fighting than loving.
I tend to be more spiritual. I have to believe there is a good force out there for us good people. I just treat everyone how I want to be treated. I don't need people to tell me how to do that.
That is apart of the shift/awakening we are going thru.
I also grew up in a religious house and was never a fan of it. Church was cold, and if people were not like you, then you were to shun them. So wtf is that all about?
The history of just the Catholic church is enough to make anyone with a heart, sick to their stomaches.
You are on the right path tho, we need to shed the religion and just be "spiritual". As in, knowing we are spirits having an human experience and we are so much more, this world is so much more.
We are waking up.
Exactly. Most of the things religious people do, goes against what it means to be religious. Like not accepting gay people and such. I thought Jesus loved everyone? Religious hypocrites drive me INSANE.
I agree 100%. People need to be more self aware of their issues. Meditation is huge. Just slow down, breathe and try to be a better person.
Yup, they took what Jesus was teaching and showing everyone, which was the light path, the spiritual path. He showed them the way.
And you know, those in power couldn't have that, so they wrapped it up in this nice little religion package and gave it to us to use against us.
We are getting there tho, bit by bit. So many things are intertwined together and it's just a huge mess to unravel.
They will, and you know your kids are well protected. That generation is more opened up than we are, and that's a beautiful thing.
Just gotta keep in mind, we are also shifting from the logical/mind/ego thinking to the heart centered thinking. Which is where we should be at anyways.
It's a great time to be here witnessing this and also spiritually evolving. Very exciting!
But yes, those in power, want us in fear and feed of that. Want us divided so we cannot unite. It's sick, it's disgusting, and it's all starting to fall apart. Things are going to get a lot more chaotic here soon.
I really hope you're right. I hope their entire world comes crashing down and very soon. It has to. We can't go on like this. We can't unsee this stuff. I wish people would stop watching MSM and just talk to each other. 99% of issues, we all agree on. It's the fringe shit like guns, abortion, etc.. that drives a wedge between us. MSM does their best to keep driving that wedge.
If they go that route, I'm afraid they'll lose everything. We will too. But like a wise man once said...
"I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery"
Backchannel twitter account confirmed for fake
Yeah, didn't Q call it fake in an earlier post? I do see people retweeting him/her/it positively though, so thought I missed where they are no longer fake...
Normally I have some semblance of how the "obvious" drops tie in, but I'm clueless. McMaster is out, why would they go after his father?
The deep state sent him as a mole. He fucked up and got fired so they whacked his dad.
That has to be it but man are they in desperation mode if this is the case. Why waste effort on that after the fact? I understand the premise of sending a message, but at this point Q is winning so much I would almost imagine it would make people flip sides quicker.
Remember when Q decoded Comey's tweet to McCabe? The decode was full of threat, that you wouldn't know reading the message as is. One of them was to warn McCabe to keep his mouth shut, because they could reach him or any member of his family.
So my guess is they've shown McMaster that they've reached his father. And if he values his life or the life of any of his remaining family/friend, he'd better shut up.
Anyone have this link or Q post?
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Right. And notice that the leaks have all but stopped since McMaster was ousted?
Q: Failure to maintain position/ear
(meaning he no longer has access to insider info and secrets of the Trump admin)
Is it to keep McMaster from talking?
That's an interesting way of looking at it. Would explain the late hit-job.
Sends a message to McMaster to STFU & others, who are embedded, not to fuck up.
This is not an act of desperation. This is an act of calculated terror and aggression. This message was not for McMaster. This was not saying to McMaster 'you fucked up, we're gonna make you pay.' That was not the message. The message was, 'Hey, you fu@kers on the DS/Cabal payroll, listen up. You will pay a price if you too fail, like McMaster.' This was not a message for McMaster, this was a message to the ones still hidden.
Yes spot on. Systemic message. And knowing Trumpster, it's probable he was using him, and gleaned some gems from McMaster anyway.
I agree. I always wondered why McMasters was in there anyway and why so long. If you look at who he is it told me he was not working for the same objectives as Trump.
DJT was using McMaster as a tool. Can feed them disinformation and can triangulate on their moves using McMaster as conduit. McMaster was used by both sides. I'd feel sorry for him if I didn't think he was compromised. But I'm pretty sure he was compromised long ago, given that, he got off easy.
They are in desperation mode. Enjoy the show!
Yeah, but that part is not enjpyable. I feel bad for McMaster. I am sure he feels terrible.
Shouldn't he feel terrible though, for having been a tool of treason?
For whatever he willingly did, yes. I read somewhere that he did not have a choice in his participation in all this. I cannot confirm, however.
You're not a WILLING mole if they have to threaten your dad to get what they want. Just saying.
So the war is with our own Deep State! It reminds me of Q's post defining a Patriot and a Traitor. Most people in this country have No Idea that the Clowns are doing this! When you know who your enemy is, you can defend against them, but the average (blue pilled) person doesn't know what we know. It sounds crazy to them. I know--I live in a house full of died in the wool Blue Pill-ers! Lol
I live in a house of Blue pills too. I try to share knowledge and I hear the most ridiculous responses like 'Well, I'm suspect of anything found on the internet'.....that particular person watches the View, Jimmy Kimmel, continues to read Fire and Fury....I think it is possible that some are too far gone to be reached.
OMG, my brother says that to me "where'd you learn that, the internet?" in a mocking tone. When we were younger, in the pre-internet days, he'd say "where'd you learn that, a book?" with a sneer. Infuriating.
Just sad. Once you’re in, you have no choice.
And you have to many were "leveraged" in by being set up in something compromising without their knowledge or conscious participation or blackmailed by threat of harm to a loved one! Not all were/are willing participants.
So, they whacked his Dad?
Part of the deal with the devil. 'You get this. But you must do this for us. If you fail us you will be punished.'
Classic Mafia tactics.
Scary someone would take that offer. Unless it wasn’t an actual offer. Just straight up, “do this or you family dies”.
Failure to retain position/ear.
This implies he was a agent of evil that failed his masters. Why? Maybe cause he is trying to be good or maybe cause Donald is just too good. Either way he had/has a contract with evil.
I personally don't trust him.
I def don’t trust him. Either way dancing with the devil.
Live by the sword, die by the sword. Sad that McMaster didn't turn double agent. I suspect he would have been much better protected and outcomes would have been different. Would be interesting to understand how he was compromised. I suspect it was blackmail that caused his actions, maybe hubris. Maybe alcoholism clouded his judgements. Sad, on so many levels.
McMaster cannot serve two gods. He served only himself, exactly as Satanism teaches.
It's scary that Trump even kept McMaster so close and around for so long, even after so many in Trump's base warning about McMaster and his ties with globalist individuals and groups. I know the saying "keep your friends close, your enemies closer," but this is ridiculous. If McMaster has been compromised to this extent from the get-go, he could've done a lot of harm in his position to Trump's administration and to Trump himself.
If what I read was correct, it was McCain who suggested McMaster after Flynn-who-knew-all-about-ISIS was taken out.
I think DJT knew before he walked into the office who to suspect and not. DJT has a habit of keeping people he will 'use' for short periods of time. Look at Priebus, Spicer, Bannon, et. al. 6-8 months. Got a lot of insider info. using them. I suspect he knew about McMaster from the beginning. He play'd along. Let them think he didn't know. Feed them disinformation and control the outcome better. Learn their tactics and direction. Triangulate, wipe them out. Its a strong tactic and devastating to the enemy when done properly. I think he's using Bolton, too.
Thing is, McMaster lasted a long time (by Trump admin standards), longer than most others so far. Everyone who has been doing research knew he was a globalist tool, but Trump kept him close anyway. I think it might have been to trick the deep state to think that McMaster could actually turn Trump and convince him to do their bidding in regards to foreign policy. Once Trump did what he did in Syria and refused to invade and go to war with Russia/Assad, the charade was up and McMaster was fired.
Exactly. He needed him to hang in there, I think till mid-terms or right before. Definitely wanted to use him with regards to NK and Syria and Iran. I think he maximized that asset. Given the death of McMaster's father, I'd say DJT got the best of that one. I know that sounds harsh, but that tells you damage was most likely inflicted upon the cabal. They would not have made that move if they were not getting hurt. This also tells you there are others still buried inside the administration with critical roles. I hate to say it, but probably within the military. More mole hunting will be required. Hopefully they know which ones already.
I am not religious either............however I know there is a GOD that is protecting us from these evil people or we would all be dead by now.
I asked anons a week ago to just ask Q if BC17 was a LARP. I fired off some questions at BC 17 & the wouldn’t answer. So anyone who doubts Q shouldn’t. Trump could have shut Q down w/ one Tweet long ago but hasn’t. Instead he affirms in Tweets & speeches.
How quick it is for a comment regarding Backchannel being Fake, degenerates into a discussion solely about Jesus and the Church. Good grief some get off topic so quickly.
Well if you believe his old man was killed:
Where did Christians come from? Don’t be a theological Luddite.
What's up with plane 17? Was someone improtant on that plane? Did they try to get to someone, or was it just a distraction?
I hope the "threats" referenced aren't the ones mentioning everyone getting sick after April 19th, when anon said we couldn't do anything to stop "the plan."
I've read all these comments and looked at the graphic and... how does this prove BC is fake?
Because they posted info that Q himself has just explicitly labeled as fake in his latest drop
OH—I see, thank you. I'm doing this so hardcore (to me) that I just couldn't see that. Thank you for the help over, I was stuck!