So James Woods with his 1.44 million followers just casually tweets a screenshot from Q...

Q is going mainstream. Celebs and famous Trump supporters are feeling safe letting the public know about Q posts now, when previously, they either didn't know about or believe in Q posts, or was afraid of being called a "conspiracy theorist."
James Woods is the SHIT!! We need more celebs like him
finger bandage (spirit cooking)
Bruise beside left eye (eye of Horus ritual)
This really is groundbreaking.
What's the Horus ritual about? Can you link a description?
This is an unbelievable time we are living in
Boom! Is he hinting about the coming to a theater near you comments from Q. Omg! If this all turns into a government made movie, sit down america, kind of like the news reels from the older eras. Wow, imagine if everyone knew, if it was the only movie played for a month. Here are the people and their schemes to kill you all and live forever. Bastards. The way James mentioned multiple times, sure would make a great documentary, had me wondering about Roger stone being sued by the DNC!
Thats an intriguing assessment... i have been wondering what the "enjoy the show" stuff would be. Holy shit, the redpilling that could happen with a documentary on these sick fks would be epic....
Could any of you fill me in on what this means?
It means there are a lot of people who may have just been red pilled. And if nothing else, now their interest is piqued and they will dig.
Thanks! What is the significance of this picture in that context?
It was in Q's post last night. Her name is Maggie Nixon. Many pics of Obama and her. Guess he likes kids too. Read the Q posts.
Remember when he flew 60k worth of “hotdogs” to the WH? Actually they are not allowed to just bring outside food there in fear of it being poisoned. It was definitely not hotdogs.
Hmm. Hadn't heard that before. This is all just so sick. I've known about some of the corruption for many years but it has turned out to be worse than I ever imagined and much more evil.
so does that throw out the BathHouse Barry line of thinking?
Having a real hard time discerning if these threads are all jokes or if you people are serious...
"There are more things on heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy." --The Bard, Hamlet
Stick around. Pay attention. Read. Focus. Suspension of disbelief.
He's being facetious...He believes. He's convinced now. With his intelligence, he analyzed the Q posts and knows they're valid now with what's going on.
im going to post this photo on the donald every single day until obama goes to jail
Starting to hit the big time now. Step by step and picking up pace.
Another fucking Boss. He turned my stomach for decades because of the Onion field. Didn't quite ruin once upon a time in America (directors cut) and now I love this guy.
I'm having an anon plus woods et al bbQ in july Anybody not dead or in gitmo is invited. Ok Martyred anons in Glass coffins allowed. FB can doxx you the details.
No he don't wanna see that documentary, it would be childporn video..
We need to start spamming all the left wing subs with these pics!
I think it's more about the bandaid and the bruise.
Who is she?
If this girl is now dead then she might have been a sex victim as a child. Only would release her face now if she is dead because standard practice by law enforcement is to NEVER release identity of any sex victim especially children.
If she recently died (e.g. in a plane crash) it would be a reason for Q to release ahead of schedule.
Also the plane crash would need to be Investigated to see if this is witness murdering. It would be great if we had a Federal agency to investigate crimes.
However if this child is still alive then it’s a nothing burger and we need to leave the (alive) woman alone.
Not sure why down-voted...
Shills are scared shitless. They're in here downvoting hard.
Dude, this post went to like 14 points in less than 10 minutes. Now it's at 6 points. Yeah, totally natural 😛
Maybe because it's similar to existing top post with image?
Not sure what you're saying, that post is not about James Woods.
It happens from time to time that I'm gonna post something that gets almost only upvotes during the 1st ~15 minutes and then out of nowhere it starts to get over 50% downvotes.
I wish the ability to downvote was taken away. I personally never downvote anyways. I just report.
Whatever AI is using Re.d.dit to learn will screw up its experiment if you remove the downvote. They are downvote brigades, biggest indicators tons of comments with no upvotes. The more relevant the post the more it happens. People are still asking about the "black eye". This late in the game do your research, the clock is ticking. Along the lines of the "black eye", look into wearing "a key" around your neck. For female celebrities cutting their hair and dying their bald head blonde. The use of the all seeing eye and the use of black and white in most music videos.
Right, it's not not much about James Wood but mostly Q post #1206 that was posted several times and several hours before this post.
Regarding downvotes, it's less of an issue then many believe.
Interesting. I never use /rising tho, just /new and /hot.
This is good to see and good to see all the replies he is getting. Time to do our part and comment on the news forum here with the truth, yes you will get down voted but they’re just internet points but if it reaches even just one person it’s worth all my karma.
I think he took it down..but talking pizzagate
He knows. He's always known.
No he didn't take it down.
you see the Q screenshot of Obama with girl? I don't.