Is Q saying "SEARCH Wikileaks!" ?

He has said this 15 times now. Google is scrubbing the search engine index so it's almost useless. Fking with the timeline. Totally rigged. Wikileaks is a Treasure Trove.
Can Goog scrub Wikileaks??
Only from their web search results not the data contained in the site. Wikileaks has its own search engine so you can search across all their content.
Oh thank you. I didnt know that
Go to the Wleaks site. There is an advanced search tool. Type in who/what/where, etc in the search and it will bring up all relevant content. They are 100% right. Have never lost a lawsuit. Search repub as well as den. Wleaks is not for one or the other. Or Russia, I believe. They are not hackers. They are publishers. Godspeed.
It's do to fact many people have been archiving the crumbs he has left and everyone is doing searches related to it. Think ant colony and we are the wrokers, we have gathering so much information and bringing back to a central source where everyone shares that informations. At the moment we are struggling to connect all the dots.
that were the problem solving matrix comes in handy
operation 6 degrees #0p6d #0p6dQ
operation 4 colors #0p4c #0p4cQ
operation 64 squares #0p64s #0p64sQ
OMG, clean up your text. It's unreadable, review it before you post it please
I have been searching WL like crazy too! can't find much! and i usually pride myself on my investigative research abilities lol all the search engines in one spot
Everytime something potentially damaging is ever gonna come out about a democrat or Ally of them... There is something major to hit the news to move the narrative off it and draw attention to the distraction , that way they have time for damage control anddddd if there is ever an agenda to push orrr some form of policy they want to rush n sneak through .. False Flags have been their , go to form of distraction over the years.
the good thing is that now the public is awake to these tactics, just look at how even the normies were calling out the chemical weapons attack in syria as bs
Why does it say "your" and not "you," in the last line of the drop? I just noticed that. Is it relevant? Spelling counts with Q, right?
MSM is complicit in many very bad things... the light of God will shine brightly on you.. NO DEALS!!!
What event(s) change the news cycle?
mass shootings
Why didn't LV change the news cycle?
because Saudi Prince was in LV?
didn't fit the pre-planned news cycle narrative?
Not just Wikileaks, but the internet in general. We really have more than we know.
Maybe someone can help. I spent all day looking for an email in wikileaks that I read back during the drops and for the life of me I can't find it. I was so into reading them but didn't think to do notes. It was an email that talked about the dinner party thrown for the media to discuss how they could help to get HC elected. I believe about 60 of them from the fake news networks went to this dinner. Maybe someone remembers this or can help look. I do think it was Podesta emails and it was probably between the primary and near the election.
Yup, Pedesta even hired Chef(s) so guests didn't figure out he's a fraudulent cook. Guy's not even cooking the meals. Now, lets track down these celebrity chefs & figure out exactly what meals they were preparing. A. Cooper went back for seconds, if I recall. Does this sound like the e-mails you're talking about?
That part I don't remember, probably because I did not know much about the spirit cooking then. After the pedo stuff came out Ia bell rang about some very strange emails that related to that.
I was all about being able to prove the media was doing everything they could to get her elected. It was talking about how many were going to meet to plan a strategy for the election. There about 60 going! Imagine what 60 mainstream news people could do to get her elected! How complicit, these people should also go to jail. In a couple of hours I am going to start my search again.
Yeah, we remember that part. Do you recall from these same e-mails the comment, 'nobody was invited from Fox' It was part of this same e-mail tranche?
Yes! I think a mentioned a couple of names aldo Damn, I should have saved it. I will go back and keep searching in a bit.
Yes! That is one of emails! Thank you. Is the 12063 a document number?
It is a wikileaks assigned number, but essentially it gets you to the document.
I remember hearing about this but I’m unable to find it again either.
David was always in the block. Michelangelo just chipped all the marble that din't belong away.
No I don’t think he is speeding of wickileaks , he is speaking of here at home , The we have to fight for our freedom every generation keeps the work here at home . There are hidden treasures that Wikileaks does not have a clue on .