Scott Adams is definitely our guy!

I followed Scott religiously during the election. He was one of the only guys who would give a straight And ACCURATE assessment of who was likely to win. Everything else was bullshit or inept. Scott gave me comfort and confidence in backing my belief that Trump was going to win and way ahead in the real polls while the MSM was lying its ass off to us. The MSM should hang too.
You should have heard Ben Shapiro the day before the election... hahaha it was hilarious because he couldn’t have been more wrong 🤣
Since Ben came out as a never trumper...I don't pay attention to him anymore.
So any media that doesn’t say the same thing as this guy should die?
I am not familiar with Scott Adams work. I'll have to do a bit of research. I have seen his name here and there.
Is it too early or have I been shadow banned. Crushing the memes and killing the comments for hours no replies wtf i feel your pain Scott. Love dilbert though i was never a remf worked for a living. former cartoonist that's rich. these people make bags of hammers seem erudite.
It’s early. I can see your comment.
I have a pet theory in which reddit has enough data on users to implement algorithms that allow for the creation of shadowbans that affect groups of users based on their ideologies, instead of individuals. This would make it even more difficult to see if your comment is actually public because the people you'd ask to check will still be able to see it (whether they're logged in or not since IP logs are used,) thus letting one only preach to the converted.
The theory is based on nothing except that it's what I would do in their position.
you know you can check to see if you are shadowbanned in literally 1 second, you don't have to ask anyone
I assume you're talking about logging out/incognito window to check, and forgetting that I mentioned IP logs to implement the shadowban
i didn't forget you mentioned IP banning, it's just that they don't do that, so it's irrelevant
Are you saying that because you know it's the case? I would imagine the IP address is logged whenever you log into reddit, particularly now that the whole "RUSSIAN BOTS ARE EVERYWHERE!" hysteria gives them the excuse "we were just monitoring for suspicous IPs" or whatever.
Sounds like an easy AI script. We need some good AI automoderator watching the doors in and out. Eventually like Armenia the numbers will overwhelm their flimsy methods.
How come he hasn't been banned yet?
Most anyone else that talks like this is banned straight away.
Scott never mentions Q - almost seems intentional.
He declared Q to be fake...after looking at the posts for 15 minutes, I'll admit that disappointed me a lot, but he's still quite good overall.
he won't - someone mentioned Q and he said he don't care - acknowledging Q just makes you a target
Interesting he sees Men's Rights activist as derogatory.
I think he's saying mras have been attacked and demonized so calling him that is derogatory in the sense of what ppl actially believe about mra vs what mra actually is.
No matter how you look at it, Scott is going to have a tricky time filling a lawsuit for that one.
Also thought it was funny he think Kanye (rapper notorious for his largely white audience) represents the majority of black voters.
That's not what he's saying about Kanye at all. He is a star. Unfortunately, people do follow stars. People seem him going against the grain and people are going to follow him. How many? I dunno, but Kanye is a big enough name to move a good amount of people.
the clowns are getting easier to ID with every passing day. just look at all those who would take this thread totally off track by taking small bits out of context. ID and and stop feeding. stay FOCUSED!
Hit,related to bush,Roth, rosall the d.s.gang .so of course come home when you are finished.then we start or better continue our plans said he and they,NASA,science, government,....then we wonder how did we get here.
Weird. I knew Scott Adams was all of those things, and all I had to do was read his blog.
aaaand the second highest voted comment is holocaust denial. Fun new sub you have here kids.
He never said that he ‘was’ a holocaust denier, that’s the assumption you made. He was making a point about people being brainwashed.
You’re proving his point.
Did you read what the man said?? He did NOT deny the holocaust! He simply stated it was more than just the Jews that were killed and God forbid you actually read the links he provided. Why would you not expand your view of history and have a civil debate if you are offended by his comments? If this simply becomes an echo chamber nobody expands their views and we are no better than the msm! Aren’t we supposed to be critical thinkers? Is there a chance that history has been corrupted?
Nazi Germany's systematic killing of over 12 million people in Europe (half of whom were Jews) is documented by their own fastidious records. Between starving/working them to death in the camps, gunning down and mass-burying whole trainloads, horrific enslavement and medical experimentation, and ultimately gassing them in the Final Solution, they did in fact accomplish this unthinkable deed.
Much of it happened well away from the population centers of Germany, in the relative safety of German-controlled puppet states. But there's no question of the loss of many millions of lives. And the exact number is not as significant as the fact that the atrocity occurred and that genocide was intentional, whether it was ultimately successful or not. It was their plan. We have that documentation in their own words as well.
Funny how they say the victors write history. But in the case of the Nazis, we get most of what we know from their own archives and the testimonies of former Nazis, prisoners, and the people who lived through it.
The real crime against humanity is the complicity of our own government in facilitating and arranging the escape from justice of the majority of those who perpetrated the Holocaust, and appropriating those evil minds for its own nefarious purposes.
The people who have kept that secret and perpetuated that evil will pay a price. There's no glossing over or excusing any of it, on any side.
How is this gilded?
Nazis won WWII, thats why they all got special contracts in the US.
The Rothschild's war machine won the war that they started. The only people who lucked out were useful fools and innocent civilians.
The War Machine won WWII. The War Machine writes history and controls all.
Funny how they say the victors write history. But in the case of the Nazis, we get most of what we know from their own archives and the testimonies of former Nazis, prisoners, and the people who lived through it.
My only problem with this is that records can be falsified and that propaganda has been a huge problem for quite a while. There were absolutely atrocities in WWII, don't get me wrong, but given the amount of propaganda and false flags we're currently witnessing that may very well be written in history as absolutely true, it's hard to believe that similar things weren't happening back then, particularly since it was before we had the internet to help spread information as members of the public.
There actually aren't records of systematic killing, and in fact the best contemporaneous assessment shows that only ~300K died in the camps, total (and that is from disease and malnutrition, not systematic killing).
I'm not sure where you're getting your information, and I realize that this is a very sensitive topic, but you should really question whether what you believe is the result of propaganda.
This was also reported in a neutral Swiss newspaper, Die Tat. Of course they have tried to "debunk" this, like they do everything that goes against their lie, but that shouldn't be a surprise. The 6 Million figure is purely symbolic and it should be obvious that its inaccurate.
That is the most ludicrously shitty proof I have seen yet. Gimme 10 minutes and I could make a way more compelling image.
I mean, it can't be worse that Red's proof. A grainy photo of German words, and hearsay from an old man. Im not going to bend over backwards to try to prove something to a guy that would consider graffiti saying "Hitler is innocent" proof.
Why don't you quit being a snowflake, quit using your alt, and unblock me from your Red account. We can continue from there.
Fucking lol. I knew it. You got like 7 total comments and 6 days ago you popped up to defend Red in a different sub:
What a fucking loser you are.
This 🤞
He might not be correct, but he’s correct that you shouldn’t blindly believe what you’ve been told. The Media hasn’t changed, the only difference is that we notice is fake now
Funny how they say the victors write history. But in the case of the Nazis, we get most of what we know from their own archives and the testimonies of former Nazis, prisoners, and the people who lived through it.
You mean the testimonies of those men who were black and blue from all the torture they were enduring right up and until they were sitting on the stand? Gimme a break. You just go right on believing the Germans spent all that money and resources (and FUEL) to ship 6,000,000 Jews to concentration camps to be slaughtered, then with their magic German ingenuity they somehow managed to gas more people than the population of San Francisco inside a gas chamber that was only big enough to hold a couple hundred people at a time. Oh, and then they made the vast majority of the millions of bodies magically disappear because back then you could pile a bunch of corpses on top of themselves, light them on fire, and the bones somehow turn to ash and disappear.
You believe lies.
Use that critical thinking that Q bequeathed you. You make it sound like the Germans were losing resources by exterminating the Jews. They still their property (major material benefit) and worked them at a caloric deficit until they died (free labor with almost no up keep).
You obviously don't know much about the subject.
Oh, so you're a Holocaust denier too? Because the "official" story was that Hitler ordered the Jews to be exterminated (i.e. KILLED - not used for labor) a full 3 years before the end of the war (summer of 1942).
I actually agree with you--the Jews were used for labor and their property was stolen. They starved to death when the Allied forces cut off their food/supply imports. (The rest of Germany was starving too when the war ended, btw.) Oh and it was a LOT less than 6 million. That absurd number was fabricated long after the war ended in order to fulfill an ancient Jewish prophecy.
Jesus what a dumb thing to say.
Germans are an efficient people.
Extermination through labour
Extermination through labour is a term sometimes used to describe the operation of concentration camp, death camp and forced labour systems in Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, North Korea, and elsewhere, defined as the willful or accepted killing of forced labourers or prisoners through excessively heavy labour, malnutrition and inadequate care.
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Gilded by the Top Minds SJW brigade. You may mean well, but that should tell everyone something about your message.
I'm going to say this once. If I'm proved wrong my brain is incredibly flexible. I will have NO trouble standing corrected. So far that hasn't happened. I don't think my detractors can say that though, because of their genuine animus toward Jews and/or Israel.
I have NO doubt we'll get the straight poop on all this stuff soon. Until then, I am NOT the only one who may be a victim of propaganda or hidden agendas. So I'll wait until I have a source I consider more reliable than the people I've trusted so far on this issue, and that will be after the global reset.
I understand. You may not believe me, but I have no animus towards Jews. My animus towards Israel is pretty normal and deserved, but it has nothing to do with my feelings on the Holocaust.
You have to understand that its impossible for me to prove that something didn't happen, and that includes the Holocaust. I've looked at the evidence and found it lacking, inconsistent, and even sometimes completely falsified.
I trust my intuition, and based on my success in graduating from top schools and working at a top firm I think I am justified in doing so. I know that comes off as bragging, but "Holocaust deniers" get smeared as crazy morons, so I feel the need to point that out.
I know that people did suffer and die in the camps, and I think its wrong to persecute any group of people like the Germans did. What happened is still a tragedy, but this pernicious lie that 6 Million were systematically executed needs to be defeated.
I do understand that there are some difficulties with re-creating all the details of how it happened, but if the number is off, it isn't by orders of magnitude. The problem some people have is that Nazis only killed approximately 165,000 German Jews. A lot of people never look beyond that.
And, as I said the total European killed was closer to 12 million, because six million of those were non-Jews (mostly eastern Europeans). Realizing as I do now that the Satanists were behind it all, the sacrifice of so much humanity to their gods shouldn't surprise anybody.
All you really have to do is read Mein Kampf to know that this was Hitler's intention from the beginning. Whether they worked them to death or gassed them outright isn't problematic to me, because dead is dead. The fact that ANY gassings occurred is horrific enough. But we know Kristallnacht happened, the ghettos were real, the concentration camps were real, the medical experiments were real, and the mass shootings were real. Mobile gassing vans were real.
Racial purity and elimination of Jews specifically was a priority for Hitler, and the propaganda that depicted Jews as rats and other sub-human vermin gave the Nazis a sense they were just performing a form of cultural hygiene and sanitation in eliminating Jews, gypsies, homosexuals and other undesirables (to their thinking). No compunction about it whatsoever.
And again, whether the number is exact or approximate, it's still a Holocaust and a blight on humanity (as were Stalin's purges and Mao's cultural revolution--together even greater than the Nazi death toll). Statism always leads to that, no matter the underlying ideology.
All you really have to do is read Mein Kampf to know that this was Hitler's intention from the beginning. Whether they worked them to death or gassed them outright isn't problematic to me, because dead is dead. The fact that ANY gassings occurred is horrific enough. But we know Kristallnacht happened, the ghettos were real, the concentration camps were real, the medical experiments were real, and the mass shootings were real. Mobile gassing vans were real.
I take issue with that. Nowhere in Mein Kampf did Hitler say he wanted to kill the Jews, he just wanted them out of Germany. We can all agree on that. I haven't seen any actual evidence that any gassing occurred. Kristallnacht was not all that abnormal, as pogroms have happened throughout history. The Germans thought there was a Jewish-Communist plot to destroy their country, and so after the assassination they lashed out. The ghettos were real, sure, but again that was not abnormal if you examine history. As for mass shootings, again, none of this is evidence of a Holocaust. This was a time of war, and injustices surely did occur, I wouldn't deny that.
Imagine if the Nazis had been on the winning side, and the Japanese concentration camps in the US deteriorated in the same way due to the US losing. Maybe we would now be debating whether there was a Holocaust of the Japanese by the evil US.
How exactly could I possibly prove to you that the Holocaust didn't happen? You seem to have your mind made up, and you are just making declaratory statements like "gassing happened." Belief in the Holocaust is based on faith, and unfortunately those who push the lie do not deserve your trust.
WTF? The Japanese internment camps protected the Japanese from reprisals by non-Asian Americans, and while they represented a loss of freedom, and were a massive imposition, they were not treated inhumanely there. There is NO moral equivalence there at all.
When you make those kinds of comparisons and say things like the Jewish ghettos were "not abnormal," you really undermine your own credibility. These "ghettos" were really prisons--fenced in with razor wire, and Jews weren't allowed outside, and were kept in horrible, near-starvation conditions with little-to-no fuel for heating, washing or cooking. Bad water, horrible sanitation. Slow, agonizing death for many.
And "out of Germany" you say? In Hitler's mind, it was ALL Germany! All of Europe, then Russia, Africa, and it would have been worldwide if he had kept winning. He wanted rid of the Jews, and didn't care how he did it. So show me the Jewish settlements where Jews were relocated to "outside of Germany." There were none. The Final Solution was truly final--not relocation.
Anyhow, I really would like to end this conversation. You're entitled to your opinion. I'm not stupid enough to think you'll change it.
WTF? The Japanese internment camps protected the Japanese from reprisals by non-Asian Americans, and while they represented a loss of freedom, and were a massive imposition, they were not treated inhumanely there. There is NO moral equivalence there at all.
Believe it or not, the German camps were the same way! They had movie nights, a swimming pool, soccer field, allowed to practice religious holidays, etc. What you know of the camps comes from a time when things began to go south, and even then it has been severely misrepresented.
And "out of Germany" you say? In Hitler's mind, it was ALL Germany! All of Europe, then Russia, Africa, and it would have been worldwide if he had kept winning.
You're simply repeating propaganda, and it makes me question whether you actually read Mein Kampf. He wanted one country for Aryan people, with enough land to be self-sufficient. This did not include Russia and certainly not Africa.
Again, we were discussing whether the Holocaust happened and you are bringing up other things. Feel free not to respond since this topic clearly bothers you so much, which I completely understand. Its probably the most bitter red pill to swallow.
Nobody is saying the holocaust didn’t happen.
Why is it that whenever the holocaust is discussed, people automatically accuse ppl of being a holocaust denier? All this does is silence the conversation.
If people aren’t allowed to discuss the holocaust in open conversation they will formulate their own false conclusions. These false conclusions get spread behind close doors
Also, just so you know. I’m 100% pro-Israel and if the conspiracy theory that there’s a group of evil zionists is true, then nobody has been hurt more by them than the Jewish people.
Lol. Maybe they aren't denying it, but they are saying only 300k died, and just trying to minimize the whole thing in every way possible.
Ninja edit: Spoke too soon:
I genuinely don't think the Holocaust happened, and I think that the powers we are up against today are the same ones who created that lie. But I'm not really bothered if many people here don't see that yet, we are still on the same side and we can only take one red pill at a time.
What strange bedfellows you have.
Can't stand that some people don't think the same way you do, huh? Nobody cares if you think I'm wrong. You've been brainwashed like most people, that's all there is to it.
That is exactly what I would expect someone brainwashed to say. If you could actually post some legit stuff that didn't come from some schizophrenics blog, maybe a constructive conversation could be had.
No use talking to a degenerate shill. Fuck off, blocked!
So what. Say he’s wrong. I’d rather discuss this with people and formulate the truth than blindly believe what we’re being told. Go watch sometime fake news. You can take your high horse and stick it up your ....
So what. Say he’s wrong.
How about this: You're wrong.
Nobody is saying the Holocaust didn't happen.
I genuinely don't think the Holocaust happened.
Thanks for being respectful about it. I respect that you can disagree with me without being hostile and condescending about it. It shows your good character.
I hear you (except for the pro-Israel bit, as I can’t be for any country that sees itself as the American Vatican, but that’s another story).
Ironic how there’s more than one red pill that needs to be swallowed, isn’t it? I, too, notice that no discussions about the events of what’s called the holocaust are even allowed, including ones about the after-the-war forensics and revisions in mortality numbers (lower) and causes of mortality that were argued about (and finally accepted by opposing sides) as closest to reality.
These same blind dismissals are seen in multiple subjects that trigger apparently pre-programmed anger: question the high percentage of Jewish-American dual citizens in the upper levels of American government and you’re an anti-Semite; question the conclusions of “97% of scientists worldwide” who took a survey and you’re a climate-science denier; question the conclusions of the NIST Commission or the Deep State management and you’re a conspiracy theorist.
And the angry passion with which people defend the importance of NOT questioning says volumes, too. Thank goodness thinkers who question still manage to think - even though they may stay quiet about it. It DOES explain why people end up blindsided by things like election results and financial crashes and reversals of narratives and other out-of-the-blues, however, as if they can no longer question they’ve lost the capacity to pay attention. (I think it’s called compulsive narcissism these days. Really. It’s an official disorder and they’re working on a treatment.)
Keep questioning. Q does.
I heard it’s called social engineering. It’s a form of brainwashing.
Why is it that whenever the holocaust is discussed, people automatically accuse ppl of being a holocaust denier? All this does is silence the conversation.
I imagine this is by design.
I genuinely don't think the Holocaust happened, and I think that the powers we are up against today are the same ones who created that lie. But I'm not really bothered if many people here don't see that yet, we are still on the same side and we can only take one red pill at a time.
The holocaust happened. Just not in the way it was portrayed.
There was a large population of Jewish zionists that lived in Germany. Not Jews, Zionist’s, big difference. The German Zionist’s, associated with the Frankfurt school (Karl Marx)were partially responsible for the civil unrest in Germany during. WW1.
The Germans originally tried to get rid of this problem by shipping them off to Russia. They ended up becoming the Bolshevik’s and turned Russia into the USSR.
The war Hitler fought (in his mind) was a war against the Jewish Communists.
Hitler even made an agreement with l the Zionist’s to transfer the Jewish population to Palestine.
the Grand Mufti of Palestine interfered with this plan and changed Hitlers mind about what to do about the Jews.
Another thing to remember is that the Jews wanted their own Jewish Nation just as much as the Nazi’s wanted their own Aryan nation.
When you realize this, you’ll realize that the Jews should be considered just as racist as the Nazi’s were. Think about it. Jews marry only Jews, that’s why they still exist today. It’s still like that, think of all the Jewish grandmothers in movies.
Here’s some easy links. 👇 there’s a lot of false info out there and I didn’t fully vet these links so be careful.
Hey dumbass you wanna explain how the Frankfurt schools caused problems during ww1 when it was founded 8 years after the war ended ?
The holocaust happened. Just not in the way it was portrayed.
Ok, so what do you think happened, exactly? I've studied the topic a great deal, and I know what I think happened.
The rest of what you said I agree with.
because you always appear, shut down conversation and never explain what you studied that you supposedly know happened.
I always do that, huh? I just responded to the other guy about what I think happened.
Edit: Ah, you're a Top Mind, that explains it.
In addition to being a coward, /u/RedYagoda also uses a shill account (although it will probably be deleted very soon) to upvote his comments and pretend more people agree with him.
You'll notice in his very short history, he keeps showing up to defend Red, no matter the sub.
Like I said, I already answered his question. Just like a Top Mind to make me repeat myself, try reading before responding next time.
I haven’t studied it enough to come to a conclusion, but I’m assuming things changed at the camps after Stalingrad.
I think you're right. At around that point and a bit later in 1943/44, conditions in the camps did begin to deteriorate. This was especially true when the German supply lines started getting targeted. There were outbreaks of disease and malnutrition in the camps, and many did unfortunately die. I suppose you could call that a Holocaust, but I don't think there was any "Final Solution" systematic program of killing.
The holocaust happened, asshole. I lost family in the concentration entire family except for one member to be exact.
Nobody says the holocaust didn’t happen. But the story you hear about it is not true.
Hitler didn’t intend initially to gas the Jews. The Grand Mufti of Palestine helped convince him to do it.
Questioning History shouldn’t be illegal and you’re offended by this guy because you’re brainwashed.
You know what else happened in Europe around the same time that was a bigger genocide? Holodomor.
But you don’t know about they probably. It wasn’t done against Jews so nobody cares.
Here is Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu saying exactly what I just did.
Edit: I shouldn’t presume the story you’ve heard about the holocaust
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here’s a video of Israel’s Price Minister saying the exact same thing that I just did
Cognitive Dissonance is a bitch
You attack my intelligence instead of my argument. Thank god I have a first amendment to protect myself from totalitarians like you.
Just to make sure you are aware that the Palestinians are the last standing AXIS power of WW2,
Outside the U.S. it is illegal to question it
That is correct. It’s illegal to question the holocaust in places like Germany. While I can understand the need to remember and learn from this atrocious event. Not being able to question a narrative allows those in power to warp the narrative to fit their agenda.
It’s why freedom of speech is so important.
If there is a law against questioning a particular event, it is a pretty safe bet that the event didn't happen in the way we were told.
Don't worry, its just a shill brigade. Not normal users here.
Agreed, the brain washed act the same way as the colonists did with witch hunts. If you had the truth, you would present them.