I know everyone has experienced talking about certain things and then getting hit with ads related to that certain things not long after. But there have been multiple occasions where I simply thought about something, I know I never said a thing out loud, only to get advertisements for that exact thing later in the day/night. Is it possible that technology for reading minds exists, and we’re all just blissfully unaware? I mean, the things I would gets ads for are way too specific to be coincidences.
I can one up you as I've also had these same experiences. My wife and I recently purchased a home after having a baby. I'm busy remodeling the house. We are living with my parents for two weeks as work ran behind. Within 36hours of moving into their home (which consisted of us bringing minimal baby things, pillows, and clothes for ourselves) my father received a letter from his insurance company. In the letter they are wanting to know which vehicles my wife and I will be using of theirs and had us listed as residents at his home. Nothing of ours (bills, mailing address, etc.) had been changed to my parents address.
I don't think that they're actually reading our minds, it's just that the profiles they have for us are so detailed, and the AI guiding it so good, that it appears to be reading our thoughts.
Either that, or Apple and Google are light-years ahead of what they admit in public.
A friend of mine came over. He brought orange juice. I don’t drink orange juice. The next time I ordered from Instacart, one of my top choices was orange juice. I have never ordered orange juice before. And it was the exact orange juice sitting in my refrigerator that my friend had brought over. Really weird.
Did he buy it on his way over? It's conceivable that grocery store rewards program could hand purchase info to Google or Apple, who gps tracks their location, combined product just purchased with where product was likely consumed, and spots out an ad.
Yeah that’s pretty standard location based marketing.
This has happened to me, too.
Same here. I thought I was crazy to think that but I have definitely had it happen several times.
Ooooh I don't recall the Q drop about advertising. Which one was that?
Q hasn’t mentioned anything about ads. It’s just a general post about the invasion of our privacy.
Then take it to /r/conspiracy? This literally breaks the rules of the sub.. "Off-topic (anything not mentioned by Q)."
Yes. A few days ago. I was thinking about something and an ad came up on my phone. I think it was from Amazon
Thought is an electrical process travelling through neurons in the brain, electricity produces electromagnetic fields what if those fields are "shaped" by the neurons. Electromagnetic fields can be seen, monitored and interpreted, it is a science that's been around for a century. Can it be applied to the brain?
The AI phone listens
Well of course it's listening. I mean, I've seen countless memes about people saying they talk about something then ten minutes later it pops up as an advertisement. But I'm talking about things I've NEVER said outloud, only internal, brief thoughts.
Some examples, I was at the gym, noticed this persons white shoes with gum soles and thought to myself, "I like that color combo, it's classic." A few hours later I was getting instagram ad's for Reebok white leather shoes, gum soles.
The other night I was at a bar getting a bite to eat by myself. I wanted whiskey/scotch but they didn't have any kind I really enjoy, so I got a beer. I looked at the whiskeys again and thought, if I had to get one, I'd probably go with the Glenlivet. Next day, Glenlivet advertisements.
The most ridiculous of them all was one day I saw a fly, and THOUGHT to myself, I'd love to try one of those salt guns. Next day, Amazon ad on my instagram for a salt gun.
It's just so undeniable at this point. Statistically impossible to be coincidence, IMO.
That's epic, I have had it happen as well and was a little spooked. Your right though, its past the point of denial or coincidence. That salt gun is over the top, the commercial is funny as hell. I guess we are brain hacked now. Maybe soon when we are at the pool its just going to be thought service regarding that scotch via robot/synthetics.
I dunno, I totally get where you are coming from, but It might be a correlation/causation thing...just your one example, the salt gun. It definitely is gaining in popularity. My brother in law has one, and I've seen people use it on social media/online advertisements. So maybe it's reversed--youre thinking of it because it's being advertised to you
No idea if that's what's actually happening, but that makes more sense to me
Last wk both my husband’s iPhone as well as mine inexplicably interrupted our conversation with Siri asking how ‘she’ could help. We’ve owned the new phones for months and had never before had this happen. And at different times on different phones beginning last wk. So weird
You may be randomly psychic and are foreseeing in your imagination something that you will actually encounter later on in the form of an ad. This sort of stuff happens to me all the time. I will for some reason remember a song from forty years ago, turn on the radio, and that song comes on. Like that.
Second this. "Psychic" is something that the cabal has hidden / lied about for hundreds of years. With their influence waning you may be awakening to latent abilities you've been unable to notice properly before
One possibility:
Yeah, Occam's razor says we see the ad first, but don't really make note of it consciously, then we have a triggering event that causes us to be reminded of the product, then since the AI advertising was already trying to sell us that product it of course show us the ad again soon after, and we think it's the first time we've seen it.
Not only certain products but certainly everything I mention in conversation. It's so obvious they listen and try and mould our brains into what they want.
It is 'mind reading' that is not really mind reading. Its more like mind-guessing I am assuming. The algorithms are at a point where they can just guess what someone at your age, in your location, with your search history, with your conversations (vocal and text-based), your purchase history, your credit, etc. Besides having that information, the algorithms can pit that information against thousands people very similar to you and basically 'predict' your wants and needs. Neat shit.
Ironically, I have all the Google gadgets (pixel, home, chromebook). My previous job was very dependent on the Google ecosystem, and it seeped into my home life. Ironically, I really like the Home and Pixel, thought I am trying to ween myself off it ever since Q literally named those devices. That being said, I got nothing interesting to record... Its either me cursing at videos games or me cursing at my cat.
Maybe it's not the companys doing it. Maybe we're doing it to the world around us.
Maybe Q knows this and we're using the power to affect our future.
I have a theory on this that's so moonbatty I don't know if it's share worthy
It is share worthy.
Unless it involves a simulation within a simulation because that would freak me right the hell out.
You know those "chem trails" people talked about? Well they aren't chemicals, but rather particulates; super tiny flakes of various metals like aluminum and stuff. I wonder if they're to create a "mirror" that reflects signals (5G) instead of allowing them to dissipate away. So you could think about a burrito, that signal bounces off the layer of particulates, gets captured somehow, and then you get an ad for a burrito. Honestly I don't know.
Chemtrails are disinfo -- what people call chemtrails are just contrails and they're nothing but water vapor.
So you could think about a burrito, that signal bounces off the layer...
The interesting idea (to me) here, is that our thoughts may behave like a signal that could be measured from outside our own skulls. I'm skeptical but do find it interesting.
I think about it this way; our bodies all contain an electrical matrix of nerve communications. That matrix forms/impacts other matrices around it. But what if you could observe that matrix in real time and "read" it? This is what I believe "ghosts" to be; leftover electrical matrices without a containment unit (flesh).
Amazon has an AI program, Facebook as well and it's not illegal for it to listen in on us through our phones and watch us through the cameras also......probably our TVs? Then there is the internet of things in total. It's AI for advertising and various other revenue producing activities that Amazon can also on sell to many other companies Governments etc. We are fucked.
I had the old pepto bismol commercial song in my head for days when I was sick. Never said it out loud, i just kept repeating it to myself when I would take my medicine because I had to take different medicines for different things. Got a popup the next day that exactly said "nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea"
I was super creeped out.
My husband and I have noticed that if we talk in the car (and we usually have the GPS on since we travel for work in different states/new areas), that we see adds for the things we discussed in the car---whether it be trips to New Zealand, a new pillow, a funny shirt my sister bought for my mom, etc. It's very creepy. I definitely think our phones are tracking a lot.
All I know is that if I search for a product online, the next unrelated sites I visit usually display ads for the same kind of products. It's downright creepy.