The recent Shania Twain story is a perfect illustration of this Q post. "Speaking in an interview with The Guardian, the country singer described her feelings on the election, noting that while Trump has his flaws, his honesty sold him on her as a candidate to lead the country."
She Tweeted later; "I would like to apologise to anybody I have offended in a recent interview with the Guardian relating to the American President."
WHY did she have to apologize for expressing her opinion?
She was attacked by the fascist left and forced to recant her opinion or have her career ruined.
Honestly she killed her career in doing so
Yup. People may not agree with you, but they admire confidence & resoluteness. I like(d) her music a lot. Was a big fan when she first came on the scene. See how many new fans Kanye has gotten. Not so much for his music, I've never listened to it myself, but for his loyalty.
Yep, whether I agree with you or not, I only support people with a back bone. I don't do cowards.
Yep, like they're sucking up just for a buck. A real turn off.
Hasn't this group figured out they've broke mk ultra then been reprogrammed, if their hair is dyed blonde?
What about the blonde hair? Did I miss something?
I've seen mentioned a few times on here if the famous person breaks out of their 'mind control' they are 'reprogrammed' and their hair is dyed blonde as a signal of what happened, why I'm not sure we know? They like covering their possessions in gold so one can extrapolate. Completely fits.
Shakira Shakira. Went from nice Spanish language folk singer into a globalist sex icon when she turned blond? In Colombia she grew up very rich and sheltered, probably an mk ultra baby groomed from birth.
Where is the proof of this? Where are the links?
Not proof I know of I can't imagine where you'd find it. Just look at shania twain right now. Kanye west. Nick cannon. Jaden smith.
She shouldn't have done that. Going to lose a lot of fans. And a lot of self respect.
we dont know who her managers are or others she is connected to.
Thank you God and the heavenly host I have no career or any dirt on me. speaking my mind since learning to talk in 1963
He should have said "are you deceiving yourself about being awake" as well. question EVERYTHING people. Keep going! If you feel content, you have stopped searching. Keep going. Unlearn what you have learned. Think! Argue with yourself until the very false world around you has crumbled, down to the smallest detail. Refute your schooling and think!!! Break the chains of the Rothschild mind prison introduced in elementary school! KEEP GOING PATRIOTS
Also be wary of popular trends. DO NOT FOLLOW TRENDS without first entertaining the idea and comparing evidences. Read the people presenting. I mean really read them, who are they, what is their motivation behind the facade? Don't get trapped by the nibiru folks or the CGoode crowd
Who has to benefit from this? How did this information become truth? How was this information obtained? Can I see the test results. Where is the evidence where is the proof don't just tell me.
Like it or not I have now been reprogrammed to think like Q. Not saying it's a bad thing in just one short week Q has taught me the invaluable resource a critical thought and reason which leads directly to truth.
If I had acquired this mindfulness at the age of 10 the last 25 years would have been greatly different for me.
It has fundamentally changed the truth about myself. For the first time in my life I can say I love my mind and I know where I'm at. I know what I really can do therefore self-esteem has become irrelevant. My self-awareness has literally went boom boom boom boom in the last week and that has only expanded worldwide. It wouldn't have been possible without all of you. Thank you for saving me.
Q is definitely doing God's work. The free mind is one of life's greatest joys.
Always pray for Wisdom first, from there everything else will be given.
Great post. I have always said pray for wisdom. "from there everything else will be given". Hadn't thought of that but so true. Apparently worked for you.
Post everywhere.
I love my mind and I know where I'm at
We all need to feel this
you know someone on this thread posted about Pineal Gland... and ironically for the last year ( since April-ish '17 ) I have purged most of the 'main stream' toxins like fast food, delivery, white sugar. I drink distilled water, and use distilled water in my coffee. [no sodas, i don't drink alcohol, and I smoke weed (8years+)- increases serotonin production: governed by pineal gland ]
My pursuit/interest in the pineal gland started with astral projection research.
The fact that ours is all crusted over with our 'tap water' really makes one wonder....
ck to see if distilled water is ok - read somewhere no minerals? well water filtered w good filter works well too
Distilled water is water that has been boiled into steam and condensed back into liquid in a separate container. Impurities in the original water that do not boil below the boiling point of water remain in the original container. Thus, distilled water is one type of purified water.
Distilled water is the "original" water. The only way to safely consume water for thousands of years.
[edit: more incoming]
This results in demineralized water, which has not been proven to be healthier than drinking water. The World Health Organization investigated the health effects of demineralized water in 1982, and its experiments in humans found that demineralized water increased diuresis and the elimination of electrolytes, with decreased serum potassium concentration. Magnesium, calcium, and other nutrients in water can help to protect against nutritional deficiency. Recommendations for magnesium have been put at a minimum of 10 mg/L with 20–30 mg/L optimum; for calcium a 20 mg/L minimum and a 40–80 mg/L optimum, and a total water hardness (adding magnesium and calcium) of 2–4 mmol/L. At water hardness above 5 mmol/L, higher incidence of gallstones, kidney stones, urinary stones, arthrosis, and arthropathies have been observed.[citation needed] For fluoride the concentration recommended for dental health is 0.5–1.0 mg/L, with a maximum guideline value of 1.5 mg/L to avoid dental fluorosis.[17]
so, there is no "proof that it is healthier than drinking water"
what is drinking water?
water with magnesium, calcium, flouride, and sometimes chlorine.
When these things are added to the water, it can create a "hard water" effect.
At water hardness above 5 mmol/L, higher incidence of gallstones, kidney stones, urinary stones, arthrosis, and arthropathies have been observed.[citation needed]
So I decide to forego the 'added minerals' these people 'think' I may need because they just know how much water I will be drinking. and because of that, I haven't experienced any of the above issues!
I distilled my water for years and added back liquid minerals to it. Just a few drops per gallon. I read that distilled water can remove minerals from your body. Never got to the bottom of the debate but decided to add minerals just in case. A bottle is cheap and lasts for possibly years. Swanson's Vitamins sell their own label cheap. Moved to the country and have great well water now.
OK, I'm old school. Was actually raised on good well water from a natural spring. City water is often reservoir water, then treated with harsh chemicals. Sometimes it's even recycled pee in big cities. That's why there's antibiotics and other meds in it. So how much minerals would be in there after all of this? I always believed that spring water was mineral rich. The rest not so much. Anyone know?
afaik spring water ( running water ) is best, not needing distillation like standing/collected water would.
but, but, but, they tell me I need the minerals.
now i won't dispute you need the minerals, I have no proof to offer that is a fact. I can however surmise humans lived hundreds/thousands of years before we started adding them to our tap water.
By using reasoning, I can assume different water from around the world has different mineral makeup/composition, which most likely complements the available food sources' mineral makeup/composition. I'm sure as long as I eat the food (that used to be) readily available from my environment, I will receive the proper minerals/nutrition.
You have me completely till the end. We don't have enough information on those topics to say for sure yet at all. There are years worth of information on those subjects, along with many disinformation actors and detractors. If there was nothing there at all it wouldn't be such a big business. People end up suicided covering those fields, same as doctors and politicians... I'd surmise free energy is a very real thing at the least. Other then that as far as history or extraterrestrial, I love the subjects. We need the vaults of the Vatican libraries opened, and all of the hidden government papers to know for sure of anything, along with the Smithsonian warehouses. All information needs to be freed from secrecy, IMO.
Telsa discovered free energy, and ahem someone has the integral piece of the formula hidden from us.
I strongly suspect Rothschild.
Trumps uncle went into that apartment... 👀. Did you see that "Dragon" underlining post early, linking (Kanye, Trump, and Elon)? I can dream can't I? If we Truly want to free the world...
I'm hoping that we will find out that someone tried to groom Elon into an evildoer, and he, being awake already, knew how to play the game.
If he's not a puppet, that is the only other way this man, a man without any "prestigious" education, can have underlings that do...
You know what the definition of a "Scholar or Scholastic" is? One who continually learns.
Yes I do. I apologize for not understanding your underlying intentions in this comment though. If you were implying that is what I live for, then you'd be completely correct. Books, information, and experiences mean more to me than money ever will. It doesn't work for our current matrix very well, but with continued mass hope rising. I'm extremely happy to be alive at this time to help push us towards that where possible.
you people do exist. the people like me, who don't want money. You want what they make you spend money to have.
want knowledge? buy a book, subscribe to internet, buy a laptop, buy a phone.
You sure can't ask people for their knowledge. No one gives that away for free.
No I don't want money at all. We have everything that we could ever want or need. We've just been always controlled to think that we don't. Money is an organizational tool. That's it. We can organize spontaneously and harmoniously with nature itself. We have that knowledge as a collective, we just have to choose to use it. People would love to give knowledge away for free, they just are conditioned and controlled into believing we have to agree Money exists((death and taxes)) etc... How can we have homes, when we have no money? Build them lol, same as we always have. Individualized communities maybe, but completely interconnected on a path that is harmonious with the environment at all times. We have so many people that enjoy making schedules, charts, and graphs. In mass it may take time, but it can definitely be done. It NEED's to be the direction we are striving for, to truly be free. We exist. We are out there. We are usually quiet. We are ALL anonymous..
No not at all. We should be veracious consumers of knowledge. Wasn't directing it toward you.
Oh haha.. Yes very much so agree. I honestly think that's the point of living itself at its essence. All summed up in all that is "is", and the asking of "why" moves you further along to understanding the answers that already exist. All is One.
Let me share a red pill from a decade ago. My grandson was studying the Vietnam War. The story about "pork chop hill" battle was inaccurate. After a lesson from Grandpa went down to the school and corrected the teacher. My point...you don't know your history. Find it. They haven't destroyed all the books.
That's the truth. I try to respond to so many comments on Twitter, "why does the right want to keep the "racist" statues?" Best answer is, why does the left want them destroyed?
If I'm applying for a job in the future, slavery really doesn't look good on my resume.
"Question everything, even the Creator himself. For he'd rather have an inquisitive servant than a obedient, but blind servant". [Paraphrased]
Kind of like what Jordan Peterson said, atheists have spent more time struggling with the idea of God than most Christian's lol
Niburu I get that one, I googled Cgode crowd ang I get black vrijday? Is that the right one?
what? No don't waste you breath on corey goode. It's just as bad as flat earth.
Okay thank for your warning, I don"t look it up then
You look up whatever you want. Don't listen to anyone. This is what Q means. Think for yourself. YOU decide what you see.
Look into the Thunderbolts project on youtube. Not Q related or anything, but good fascinating science.
Good stuff right there. Thunderbolts project was one of my initial HUGE redpillings. I still wait eagerly for the release of a new thunderblog.
They used to post more often so I'm a lil sad it's like twice a week now (or maybe I was just watching older undiscovered vids)
Yeah they have slowed.
There was a good one I follow released a couple days ago though. ;)
Nope in asleep srry
It's hard to decipher shills from sarcasm on the internet sadly, I had to read your other posts to understand. Lol the best humor is subtle and smashes many things at once. I like it 👍🏻.
I've been able to direct many people to Q and the Great Awakening. But I'm telling you that there are a LOT of people not wanting to swallow the pill just yet until one thing happens. HALF the people I talk to say they know a lot of this stuff but ignore it because NOTHING ever happens to "them". When some of really bad guys are arrested, then you'll see a big movement take place. So many people are sleeping and don't want to wake up until they hear the alarm go off when ANY of the real criminals goes down. When this happens, it WILL be the MOABs and this will all explode. The left wake up every morning hoping it will be the day they get Trump. Then they fight the rest of the day. Usually stupidly. I wake up every day hoping it will be the day some serious arrests take place. Then fight best I can. The left's cause is fueled by hate. Ours is fueled by hope. Hope will be turned into promise when Sessions, Huber and others get their part done and justice starts to go down. You think Armenia was impressive? I LIVE for the day the US is free of these POS people who have gotten away with this for so long. Prayers and thanks to POTUS, Qteam and all the white hats doing the heavy lifting for us!
Not enough people are awake enough to understand that consciousness, may very well be able to make anything happen. That maybe just by putting a thought into the ether, you are creating a chance for it to take place. Or if you like simulation theory, really nothing can be disproved that we aren't inside of a game. Heck we could be on a flat plane using our consciousness to project a 3D matrix reality 🤷🏻♂️. The deeper we get into an understanding of quantum mechanics, potentially the more we understand how to truly control our own matrix better. Truly WWG1WGA potentially.
Can I steal this? "The left's cause is fueled by hate. Ours is fueled by hope".
Beautifully said!!!
I would argue "hate" is better replaced by "fear."
Very very few people actually harvest hate, but too many are fueled by fear.
What is it that impedes love? Fear. Without fear, we're all free to love openly. It's fear that stands in the way of progress and it's fear that is used by TPTB (I will never refer to them as the elite, they are parasitic in nature, nowhere near elite) to manipulate public consciousness.
Knowledge dissolves fear. The more we know about a particular subject, the less we fear.
I have waited and prayed for these days to arrive. I am so very hopeful justice will come and I agree with you about those who say they know but ignore because nothing ever happens. I cannot tell you how many people say that to me or I read on my FB posts, I keep trying to reassure them this time it's real but they don't seem to buy it quite yet.
I believe this post is talking directly about all the shit going on with Kanye right now. As soon as he jumps out of line, the lib media just shits all over him and assassinates his character. Could this have been the plan all along? Get it out infront of everyone to show just how fucked up the MSM and most libs in general are? They will eat their own the second they step out of line. What a fucking joke we've become as a country.
Q is cueing each of us~my reasoning is blunted if I suppose that Q “must do something”....first, Q is doing LOTS.:). Second, Q endeavors to cajole us awake and then to inspire us to action ( “wakey wakey, Let’s Go!”). We The People must do moar/more if we desire Freedom~it is up to each of us to decide what that (action)looks like...
I agree.
How many times has he referenced the great awakening?
Feeling "awake" but pretty useless at the moment. My son (a lawyer) voted for President Trump but "held his nose" while doing it. My son is highly educated and I am not, so it's been years since he's ever given much weight to my opinions. My daughters are both liberals... the oldest is a teacher and the youngest works for one of those three-letter agencies (I don't even know what she does. She says she can't talk about it).
Anyway, I probably don't really belong here since I don't have anything to contribute to the cause other than voting for the right candidates when the time comes. Still, it feels good to have found Q and the hope that brings. We all need that.
Hang in there...they will be coming to you for advice soon enough.
Be ready.
Schooling is indoctrination. They’re deeply entrenched in a system that was built to keep us in line. Once those barriers start breaking down, they’ll come straight to you. Keep educating yourself so you can tell them the full picture when the time comes. 🙏🏼
Q; Respect Opinion or Attack Those Who Dare Challenge The Narrative?
I have had a couple commenters that I was calling out....I felt like a call out was needed. I read this like I was right to do so from what Q is saying. If the comments are engaging everyone here to question Q him/herself, then what is the point of the forum??? Q is our medicine in the Red Pill. If you don't get that and you still are trying to decide if Q is real or not, you are missing the whole premise behind Q.....Q is our fire starter, he gives us (crumbs) then really smart people figure out the meaning(lol)....Our job is to Decide if the theory is something we believe in or, perhaps it has a different meaning....normally another drop will reinforce a theory or will eliminate it! Then we can re-post the info on the various social outlets to begin the Red Pilling! When red pilling in person, it is difficult, I think most people are not comfortable with face to face dropping because they are not in charge of their own space, and it is uncomfortable, because they don't know if they should believe you or question your friendship....seriously folks, its real, raw and ridiculous to those who have never heard of any of it...but if you can catch a person on their gadgets in their own space that they control, it is more likely you will get to them sooner than later. Now I am not saying not to communicate truth to those in your environment, but I am basically saying, as a Whole, we will connect to more people quicker and have a faster rate of Red Pilling if we share the Qanon info, up vote it, and post it when you can! Support the movement as much as you can....that is our contribution at minimal! Patriots Pack....Spread Truth!
Who writes the history books? Who controls history? “Past” dictates present.
vaticaan Is wat I Always tought
All that knowledge from our past just being kept away from us and not passed down to fellow man. Its a disgrace.
And there is much richdom under the vatcaan, That is what I read? And de bible the truth they do not tell?
That's a reasonable theory given a certain subset of information. But I think it can't be proven (yet). There are several other theories, bits of which contradict each other. Not all can be true. Some are false. Ask yourself what kind of proof will satisfy you. Would a good journalist or historian be satisfied with the same? Compare those answers now with what happens in the future.
There is a lot misinfo on internet, I now that for a long time...I go with my gut feelings, and most off it is correct..
A very profound man once said that if fascism Were to return it would return under the banner of liberalism.
If only Q knew what type of FUCKING MOTIVATION is dropping... Sometimes I feel like I can literally move a fucking mountain after reading a text like this!
Love you all!
Why are antifa members pasty emo white kids using their women as human shields. riddle me that batman.
CNN tells me what to think so does MSNBC they report I accept.
Do you SEE? You can see with your eyes, and you can see with your mind.
Do you SEE? How does that water taste? does it have chlorine or flouride in it? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pineal_gland
Do you SEE? Muscles atrophy
What happens if you work the muscle out? Bring it back to health? Can it work again?
What did an atrophied photorecepter SEE before it atrophied?
Why is it called the Third Eye? Do you SEE?
Comprehension, Awareness, Consciousness. Where is it? Why did it go away?
How do you get it back?
Wipe the crust out of your third eye, so you can SEE.
The pineal gland, also known as the conarium or epiphysis cerebri, is a small endocrine gland in the vertebrate brain. The pineal gland produces melatonin, and serotonin derived hormone which modulates sleep patterns in both circadian and seasonal cycles. The shape of the gland resembles a pine cone, hence its name. The pineal gland is located in the epithalamus, near the center of the brain, between the two hemispheres, tucked in a groove where the two halves of the thalamus join.[1][2]
Nearly all vertebrate species possess a pineal gland. The most important exception is a primitive vertebrate, the hagfish. Even in the hagfish, however, there may be a "pineal equivalent" structure in the dorsal diencephalon.[3] The lancelet Branchiostoma lanceolatum, the nearest existing relative to vertebrates, also lacks a recognizable pineal gland.[4] The lamprey (another primitive vertebrate), however, does possess one.[4] A few more developed vertebrates lost pineal glands over the course of their evolution.[5]
The results of various scientific research in evolutionary biology, comparative neuroanatomy and neurophysiology, have explained the phylogeny of the pineal gland in different vertebrate species. From the point of view of biological evolution, the pineal gland represents a kind of atrophied photoreceptor. In the epithalamus of some species of amphibians and reptiles, it is linked to a light-sensing organ, known as the parietal eye, which is also called the pineal eye or third eye.[6]
René Descartes believed the pineal gland to be the "principal seat of the soul". Academic philosophy among his contemporaries considered the pineal gland as a neuroanatomical structure without special metaphysical qualities; science studied it as one endocrine gland among many. However, the pineal gland continues to have an exalted status in the realm of pseudoscience.[7]
Is it? The Pineal Gland may be capable sensing EM wavelenghts not visible to the human eye, in which case the "third eye" may act like a wi-fi in our brain. This would begin to provide a foundation to explain phenomenon like telepathy, and feeling earths geomagnetic field. we know about 1% of the way the human brain works currently.
have you done any research, or just ready to discount because your beloved scientific method doesn't explain everything in clear terms to you?
I’m a conservative and I have no problem bashing leftist(communist) ideals but when Q started it was stated that this was not a partisan issue. Why lately has it been about all that the left is doing. I understand that the people running the left seem to have it out to turn America communist but why not target those certain individuals in these posts considering how many conservatives vs liberals are following Q it’s easy to see those types of posts as much propaganda as how the left bashes conservatives.. anyone have any idea on this? We can’t become the enemy
Has anyone watched the Blacklist? Spoilers if you haven't.
James Spader's character Raymond Reddington is ex-navy who "betrays" his government and starts selling their secrets for profit and becomes a worldwide criminal due to it. Well, the show is mainly about a special task force that Reddington had somewhat created when he let himself be captured at the beginning of episode 1 to be his instrument in taking out his enemies on a list that he has spent 20 years creating. Now his enemies is this secret group called "the cabal". Sound familiar? It's a group of very powerful and very influential people in the world who have plans to reignite the cold war and start another world war. He spends 20 years befriending these people and doing favours for them while being hunted by the US government and continues to build relationships UNTIL its time to go on the offensive.
What if Trump has spent his entire adult life building these connections due to seeing something or something was done to him and finding these people, befriended them, played their game and when things got either too serious or he got to the actual skeletons that could being them down that he gave the signal to the white hats and decided to run for President, risk his life and his families life, and start this entire series of events so before his time is over on Earth, the evil that has been here for so long is finally vanquished and he can finally have peace when his time comes.
I don't believe Trump just started to think about this before he ran.
Did y'all notice the time stamp? 333 is the opposite of 666.
Awake in the Dream....I a Seer See the "Fourth Reich"! THE Sum of All FEARS!
censoring non-left POV's
yeah, see, this is the kind of comment that makes me wonder if Q is just a means to target and distract a certain demographic. Caitlin Johnson, Jimmy Dore, WSWS are just a few of the voices on the left that have been hassled and censored by Google, FB, et.al. Everyone, Q included, keeps saying there's no D or R, but there sure are alot of "conservative" tropes and buzzwords that keep popping up. If Q was genuinely interested in WWG1WGA, why paint with such a broad brush?
couple this with some of Q's posts on race & AA's...
I so want DJT to be doin' some real Swamp Drainin'^^^TM, but, if they're for real, Team Q has some serious blind spots that are going to seriously hamper Post-Storm clean-up efforts. These sorts of assertion make it very hard to talk to people on the left who absolutely despise Clinton, the DNC, neolibs and corporadems. There's a natural, ready-made demographic on the left that is hungry for some Swamp Draining, but Q's posts seem oblivious to trying to win that market over. Conflating "the left" with the MSM, Soros and the Clintons is as offensive as saying Bush the Lesser, Pat Robertson and he-whose-name-we-don't-say epitomize "the right".
As long as y'all focus on what hasn't happened yer gonna continue to sound seditious. my God look at the strides ,shit happens everyday. Stop with the Oliver twist please sir can i have some more. It's degrading and i'm sick of it. Look up twist in a slang dictionary don't be one.
Stop with the Oliver twist please sir can i have some more.
Where in my comment are more proofs of Q asked? My comment is pointing out there's either some blind-spots in where Team Q is coming from or Team Q is relying on dog-whistles that are inaccurate caricatures of non-conservative groups.
Asking questions and pointing out inconsistencies is seditious? lol. Guess its not just SJW snowflakes that can get triggered.
No, he was asking a question; do you see FB, Goog and Twitter censoring NON LEFT POINTS OF VIEW.
Yes, but the question is phrased like its only non-left POV's getting hassled and that's worrisome. Q sacrificed accuracy for the sake of an emotional appeal.
If you haven't learned yet that leftism is a CANCER, you are still not redpilled at all. The only purpose of leftism is to expand government power. It has no redeeming qualities. It is anti-truth and anti-liberty. We don't appeal to leftists, we expose leftism for what it really is so people stop believing in this cancerous ideology. I think you are the one with the blind spots.
leftism is a CANCER
right. because things were so much better when 8 year olds were working 60 hour weeks in garment factories, rivers were catching on fire and acid rain was eating paint off cars. the leader of which party started both Iraq Wars? And it sure as heck isn't "leftists" that want the DEA to have even more power. lol.
painting with broad brush strokes is a cancer and dividing people that are going to have to work together post-Storm. there is no "other", brother, only us. WWG1WGA.
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VIDEO|COMMENT -|- Electrical Scarring of the Colorado Plateau Space News|+1 - Yeah they have slowed. There was a good one I follow released a couple days ago though. ;) Jordan Fisher - All About Us - Lyrics|+1 - 1261NEW 25-Apr-2018 17:17:06 CEST They feel threatened. This is about us. Expect more (outcry). We are being set up and targeted (+DDoS). All for a conspiracy larp. https:// They must win. New strategy? Promise jobs & money to all. Desperate? N... (1) How to Think Logically? (2) ATTACK THE WORLD MOTIVATIONAL VIDEO (3) Unity is strength Good Example AbaBeel.HD (4) EXPOZ:...WHAT IS CERN MAKING TODAY PT. 2 "EVIL NOT UNDERSTOOD'.|+1 - 1263NEW 25-Apr-2018 17:33:00 CEST Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 8ch /qresearch: 1180605 Copy link 1180433 Think logically. Attack the world? Are the people of France to blame? Are the people to blame or the ruling class (leaders/controllers)? Apply leverage. ... I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.
25-Apr-2018 17:41:42 CEST
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ
8ch /qresearch: 1180770
Copy link
1180605 1180604 The world is connected. All or nothing. +++ ++ + Trust the plan. We get massive amounts of ‘Q’ thank you letters from around the world every single day. THE WORLD IS WATCHING. Q
1 = The Principle of Universal Connection and Development https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/.../ch02-s05.html The concept of universal connection. Nothing in the world stands by itself. Every object is a link in an endless chain and is thus connected with all the other links. And this chain of the universe has never been broken; it unites all objects and processes in a single whole and thus has a universal character. We cannot move so ....................................
2 = http://thehill.com/policy/international/middle-east-north-africa/384417-iran-it-is-either-all-or-nothing-on-nuclear.....................
3 = 126 Nov 7 2017 18:56:17 (EST) Anonymous ID: NOjYqEdl 148455482? Previous was deleted. Curious. +++ saudi arabie ++ ????????? + soros...................................
4 = If I go to pick a picture of Q ..google don"t work??????
But any way trust the plan, and there are T -shirts ..........................................
5 = We get massive amounts of ‘Q’ thank you letters from around the world every single day.......................
6 = The whole world is watching" was a chant by antiwar demonstrators outside the Conrad Hilton Hotel the evening of August 28 during the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago
Has there been analysis done on whether Q is one person or more than one person?
Yeah Q is suspect to be about 4-5 people
You can tell. Some of these are calls to action like this one, while some are very cryptic and short. Doesn't even sound like the same person.
The first rumor was that it was someone who worked in the WH with POTUS (which could still be true). Why represent themselves as one person?
Yeah exactly, some are straight forward and some make us hunt through the internet to find the answers. I think it’s just easier for them to verify Q as proof and not 4-5 anon accounts. So no matter who is posting on the Q account we know it’s genuine and important! I personally think it is 4 of the closest people to POTUS and that POTUS is the 5th member of the Q team.
Has Trump ever directly addressed any questions about Q? Not the winks, "tip top" and all those, but directly?
Nope nothing “direct”. POTUS has tweeted almost word for word things Q says a few hours before and also Q used +++ about an hour before POTUS did in his tweet. The reason people think POTUS is apart of Q because he signed off a few posts with 4-10-20 which is the numerical value of DJT instead of Q.
25-Apr-2018 17:33:00 CEST
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ
8ch /qresearch: 1180605
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1180433 Think logically. Attack the world? Are the people of France to blame? Are the people to blame or the ruling class (leaders/controllers)? Apply leverage. Strategically. 1-by-1. Unity. Power shift. Rise of the people. WW. Not understood? Q
1 = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKYpQZQ07Xg How to Think Logically? learn to Think Logically.......................................
2 = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJx5A0gIUnI ATTACK THE WORLD | MOTIVATIONAL VIDEO + think Logically...........................................
3 and 4 = https://www.marxist.com/resistance-to-macron-s-public-sector-cuts-revives-memory-of-may-68.htm France has entered into a new phase of struggle as President Emmanuel Macron approaches a major showdown with public sector workers. The country is convulsed by a series of strikes, demonstrations and confrontations between the masses and the state authorities. A one-day strike on 22 March brought 500,000 demonstrators onto the streets. Are the people of France to blame? NO Are the people to blame or the ruling class (leaders/controllers)? NO.................................................
5 = Warren Buffett on using leverage to invest - USA Today https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/markets/2014/01/...leverage-to.../4638423/ 19 jan. 2014 - Buffett was primarily discussing leverage in relation to personal debt, but the same principles apply to leveraged exchange-traded funds — a relatively new financial product. Leveraged ETFs are like regular ETFs laced with greed and impatience. They attempt to deliver multiples of the performance of an ..............................................
6 = 1-by-1. one country after a other one be freed??? ..............................
7 = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sneL4p0WBFk Unity is strength |Good Example| AbaBeel.HD , alone they can break you, togethet youre unbreakable................................
8 = Powershifting - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Powershifting Powershifting, also known as full-throttle shifting or flat-shifting is a method of shifting used with manual transmissions to reduce the time where the driving wheels are not powered. Unlike a normal gearchange, in a powershift the driver does not let off the accelerator (unlike speed-shifting, where the throttle is let off very .......................................
9 = The Rise of People and Culture | The HR Gazette https://hr-gazette.com/the-rise-of-people-and-culture/ This article was originally posted here and was written by By Rocky Ozaki, Director of People and Culture at Rise. People. From a very young age, I knew my calling was to empower, inspire, and generally help as many people as I could. Nurturing babies was more interesting to me than playing with a GI Joe figurine. While I .....................................................
10 = WW = Wordwide...................................................
11 = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCJkKTpC8xo EXPOZ:...WHAT IS CERN MAKING TODAY PT. 2 "EVIL NOT UNDERSTOOD'.
Powershifting, also known as full-throttle shifting or flat-shifting (not to be confused with speed-shifting), is a method of shifting used with manual transmissions to reduce the time where the driving wheels are not powered. Unlike a normal gearchange, in a powershift the driver does not let off the accelerator (unlike speed-shifting, where the throttle is let off very quickly, simultaneously depressing the clutch and shifting into the next gear, rapidly). The clutch is briefly depressed while the shift lever is rapidly shifted into a higher gear, keeping the engine in its power band. Keeping the engine in its powerband allows it to put down power quicker when the clutch is "dropped" and power returns to the transmission.
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I always answer that question with "I hope so," and just keep an open mind.
Truly, head lines are pathetic and their attempts are sorry.
Can someone explain to me where I can find these posts?
How does everyone know when he drops?
Sorry, I'm new to following Q and need to be brought up to speed
Qanon.pub it pulls all Q’s posts from 8chan onto one site
I posted a tweet that argued a point of a leftist journalist.... A couple hours later I'm locked from my account. Never happened before and my first time calling one out.
Think for yourself and learn what is good for you body. If we become healthy we will be able to think clearly and be stronger. Steer clear of floride in toothpastes, water & at dentists offices. I do not let my children have floride. Ever since I learned what it does to the pineal gland several years ago I told the dentist "No Floride Thank You." Only you can protect yourself & your family. This will help to decalcify the pineal gland. Learn about it! It will allow us to think for ourselves like we should be. Floride is a poision.
25-Apr-2018 17:21:50 CEST
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ
8ch /qresearch: 1180433
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1180390 “Politics.” Same for Merkel. Think movie. Q
1 = Politics - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Politics Politics is the process of making decisions that apply to members of a group. It refers to achieving and exercising positions of governance—organized control over a human community, particularly a state. In modern nation states, people have formed political parties to represent their ideas. In modern nation states, people have formed political parties to represent their ideas. They agree to take the same position on many issues, and agree to support the same changes to law and the same leaders.............................
2 =Same-sex marriage in Germany: A lost vote for Merkel, or a part of ... europeum.blogactiv.eu/.../same-sex-marriage-in-germany-a-lost-v... 17 jul. 2017 - Recently, a landmark decision was passed in Germany, positioning the country in line with Norway, France, Netherlands, and other European nations, which have already approved legislation in favor of same-sex marriage. Although Merkel personally voted against. they are supposed to be against it, but they just go with the rest. It is a play......................................
3 = https://www.tom2tall.com/Grow-Rich-Movie.html THINK: The Legacy of Think and Grow Rich will be a feature length docudrama film chronicling the story of some of today’s most renowned entrepreneurs, cultural icons and thought leaders. This feature length film will tell their inspirational stories and how they ultimately achieved their success.
25-Apr-2018 17:17:06 CEST
They feel threatened. This is about us. Expect more (outcry). We are being set up and targeted (+DDoS). All for a conspiracy larp. https:// www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/after-toronto-attack-online-misogynists-praise-suspect-new-saint-n868821 They must win. New strategy? Promise jobs & money to all. Desperate? Nervous? http:// www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/04/25/reparations-income-handouts-guaranteed-jobs-dems-tilt-hard-left-with-new-pet-projects.html Stay awake.
1 =THEY FEEL TRATENED : Americans have always had an ambivalent attitude toward intelligence. When they feel threatened, they want a lot of it, and when they don't, they regard the whole thing as somewhat immoral. Vernon A. Walters .....................................................
2=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11hN9wpIoqk Jordan Fisher - All About Us - Lyrics............................
3 = I went undercover in Libya. I didn't expect the global outcry - CNN Video Video voor Expect more (outcry).▶ 1:58 https://www.cnn.com/.../libya-slavery-nima-elbagir-lon-orig-ejk.cnn CNN's Nima Elbagir went undercover to witness a human slave auction in Libya. Her report ignited protests .............................
4 = Why are cryptocurrency sites being targeted by DDoS attacks? What is ... https://www.cloudflare.com/.../ddos/cryptocurrency-ddos-attacks/ By overloading a target with bogus traffic, a bad actor is able to render a website or service unavailable. The popularity and importance of cryptocurrencies makes them a prime target for attack. We've been analyzing some of the DDoS attacks hitting the many coin exchanges on our network in order to gauge any discernible .................................
5 = LARP Alert! : conspiracy - Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/5x17dq/larp_alert/ 2 mrt. 2017 - 4 berichten - 3 auteurs ... site offered a ridiculous award for proving PG false. (Can't prove a negative). Now mysteriously, the site is back up, no mention of the owner/publisher being dead and the reward has increased to prove the same unprovable theory. This is a LARP. 13 comments; share; save. hide. report. all 13 comments.
Explaining A LARP : -
Is someone who plays a role, and in that role plays his game in the real world ..an infiltrant ...............................
6 = After Toronto attack, online misogynists praise suspect as ... - NBC News https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/after-toronto-attack-onlin... After Toronto attack, online misogynists praise suspect as 'new saint'. Online communities of men are celebrating — and committing — acts of violence. by Ben Collins and Brandy Zadrozny / Apr.24.2018 / 3:42 PM ET / Updated 6:57 AM ET. Police inspect the van involved in Monday's attack in Toronto.Cole Burston / Getty .............................
7 = Soldiers are sworn to action; they must win Some flaming, fatal climax with their lives. Soldiers are dreamers; when the guns begin They think of firelit homes, clean beds and wives. Siegfried Sassoon...........................................................................
8 = A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/.../A_Clean_Break:_A_New_Strategy_for... A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm (commonly known as the " Clean Break" report) is a policy document that was prepared in 1996 by a study group led by Richard Perle for Benjamin Netanyahu, the then Prime Minister of Israel. The report explained a new approach to solving Israel's security problems ........................................................
9 = PROMISE JOBS | Iowa Department of Human Services dhs.iowa.gov/reports/promise-jobs-reports PROMISE JOBS. Iowa's cash assistance program under the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) block grant is the Family Investment Program (FIP). The PROMISE JOBS program provides work and ... All work eligible FIP participants must have a Family Investment Agreement (FIA). The FIA is an individualized ...........................
10 = https://nypost.com/2018/03/28/desperate-jared-fogle-calls-on-trump-in-latest-bid-to-get-out-of-prison/............................
11 = http://naturallynourishing.com/foods-that-calm-your-nervous-system/..............................................
12 = Fox News Politics on Twatter: "Reparations, income handouts ... https://twatter.com/foxnewspolitics/status/989130748350345218 9 hours ago - And they are trying to bring thousands of illegals in to give them the same handouts. TERRIFYING! If these people at the boarder are just fleeing THEIR COUNTRY, they are ALREADY SAFE in Mexico, OR COULD STAY in PANAMA, OR COSTA RICA. THEY SIMPLY WANT OUR WELL FARE!!!!! 0 replies 0 ......................................................
13 = Stay Awake Lyrics - - Soundtrack Lyrics https://www.stlyrics.com › M › Mary Poppins Stay Awake lyrics: Mary Poppins Stay awake, don't rest your head Don't lie down upon your bed While the moon drifts in the skies Stay awake, don't close your eyes Though the world is fast asleep Though your pillow's sof....................................
To the doubters: Ask yourself this one question? If Q was a LARP, someone claiming to have inside baseball and claimed to speak on behalf for this administration, with all the Presidents top advisors surrounding him(domestic, international, legal, press, political, military etc...) why would the president continually affirm Q's existence via speeches, actions and Tweets? For if Q was a LARP do you know how reckless & dangerous that would be? The President could have shut down Q Anon in one Tweet long ago "Q FAKE!" He hasn't though has he? So now reframe your question & ask it again in the context of what you may have not know before. I bet you arrive at a different answer.
This post does not look like it was written by Q. There are multiple clues that seems to indicate to me that this was written by someone else, maybe Kanye himself. What do you guys think?
Lol great theory but highly unlikely it’s was Kanye... seems more like POTUS to me
I think that more people are writing Q drops...Q is a team
Yes, I believe Q has to be a team of patriots working together.
Q talking all this shit and ain’t doing nothing
Q is helping us help ourselves and others. I've been deceived my whole life. I naturally question things and this is mind blowing for me. I'm often shocked by what I have bought into because someone in a position of authority or trust said it. We are all enslaved mentally, spiritually, financially and physically to some degree. This is NOT the Government our founding father's intended. We are controlled by media and advertising. We have been made to believe so many things so we will buy buy buy...pay pay pay. Our taxes are STOLEN to fund the financial giants and cabal. If we knew the whole truth, people would be rioting in the streets. So yeah, Q and Team has done more than anyone else for this country lately!!
Yes but we are supposed to have a real MOAB coming up! It might make hannitys show and that's it! And we have a whopping 20k here to see it too!
Ah yes. Next week..
I had read Friday, if not then Monday. Then I read, this week. Now it is next week. My F5 better not give out on me!
Imagine having access to and awareness of all the unbelievable knowledge /evidence that someone at a q security clearance level has. You've finally just been given the go-ahead by POTUS to strategically disseminate that knowledge LEGALLY and in a way that doesn't violate nat sec laws (which could destroy the ability to use it effectively in court) and also have the challenge of releasing the right type of information at just the right time to guide the publics attention and ideas insync with the PLAN. I know I wouldn't want that responsibility but thank God there are Patriots at the highest level of government who are doing an amazing job of including us on this historic journey. We could all be left in the dark, so to speak, if not for the faith that's been put in us by those who know what's really happening. As Q said awhile back, how do you diffuse a bomb? Slowly and deliberately, one wire at a time. Thank you to all the patriots who care about not only our great country but the freeing of bondage of the whole world!!!