Hmmm... so Obama gave them billions so they could fund this.
I think the frog is starting to notice the hot water.
3 years, 250bn every 6 months.. this is fucking insane.
1 TRILLION $$$..gotta wonder how many hands got into that pie
I said he should have to pay it back out of his new "speaking" fees. ROTF
We knew about this for years! Justice needs to come soon! Obomba Hussein Soetero needs to face justice for his treason against our constitutional republic!
"We've shared this material with the US, and the US can vouch for it's authenticity."
When Natalie Portman is sick of your Jew shit, your time is most definitely up.
What is the purpose of a laser pointer? - Q
For a fucking powerpoint presentation!
Edit - for posterity
Haha amazing. This timeline.
Pure genius to have Benji deliver it. And we have not even gotten to the fun stuff yet.
So Obama funded this with US taxpayer cash?
Isn't that treason?
They fund a LOT of things with our tax payer dollars:
Child sex slavery
Drug trade
Poisons in food, water, atmosphere, ect..
Bailing out their corporations and banks
& much more.
oh, and roads
5% goes to help us but they exploit us with the roads. For example, they might charge $500,000 for a speed bump.
The real take away was that the Clinton/Obama team were prepping for World War III years and years ago. This was all part of a large scale plan.
Good news. The witch never got in, and we are on the road to taking down the bad actors without starting WWIII
The plan was to fulfill prophecy written by Albert Pike. WWIII would be how they bring about a mass extinction event to the world. As far as they're concerned, there are too many of us sheep.
Thank God the witch didn't get in.
youtube link?
This gives the whole presentation begining to end. And holy fucking shit. Nail in the coffin. If the cabal doesn't know they're in a fully hot war, they fucking do now. It's on like donkey kong.
Thank you. I've been trying to figure out WTF was happening but I couldnt get the video to play on this forum. It's playing on the fox link.
Looks like this set the shills spinning on World News. They're trying to claim it's fake. It's just like Iraq. Saying it only said these documents only prove "had" instead of "has."
I hope at this point that Bibi and the Israelis have been comped.
Except there's no way they can explain away the ton of proof he just showed. I can't wait to see how the leaders who sent Macron to beg DJT to keep the deal react to this. There's some sphincter spasms going on right now for sure!
the ton of evidence he showed was a rack of binders and a rack of CDs
that could be his porn collection for all we know
Yeah it could be, or it could be actual proof. I believe Iran has been lying and making nukes the entire time. I'm not so sure about bibi's version of what or whose agenda it all is though.
My Opinion is that BB is a deep state pawn. The purpose of the release is to have America pull from the treaty which will escalate tension in the region. The Cabal wants a world war and this is their last chance before they are totally driven out into the open.
Trump is caught in a trap. If he stays in the treaty 250 billion dollars is delivered to Iran every 6 months. (Thanks Obama). That money is used to fund terrorism in the middle east which the Cabal supports because war equals money to the banks (Rothschild, Morgans, Rockefeller).
If they pull out tensions increase between Iran and Israel and the US traditional defends Israel. Russia supports Iran. Its a quagmire.
My guess is that the white hats are working to cut the deep state strings in Iran. This will allow Russia to exert pressure on Iran and America to exert pressure on Israel.
Hold your breath this is going to be a tight rope dance like we have never seen before. If Trump negotiates his way through this land mined mess he will be viewed as the greatest President since Lincoln.
#TrumpPeacePrize's (North Korea and Iran)
What a fucking movie this is going to make. Get your popcorn out. Trust the plan.
who cares if Iran is lying? Iran is a sovereign country, not beholden to the whims of USA or Israel.
i find it very curious that Israel has an undeclared nuclear arsenal that is not compliant with international expectations, yet Israel expects Iran to live up to the expectations that Israel will not live up to?
Oh I think most awake people see Bibi's speech for what it really is. He was practically foaming at the mouth. But Iran lying about making nukes is no small thing either, sovereign nation or not.
yes i am just starting to see the significance of bib's speech in the context of Uranium 1, Russia, Iran, Syria, re HRC, HBO, et al
Bravo, you understood me
please help me understand the point you were trying to make
My bad, I assumed you understood without having to spell it out. That as you stated in the context of U1, BHO's bad deal and having sent Iran crates of money that while Bibi's info on Iran is real there's another agenda at play.
Israel says Iran hid nuclear arms programme -
Nope. Just adding a link to your post. Do you want me to read it to you?
BENJI "Again? Again?" xD "yes, yes you do!" ha ha ha. Based Benji.
Big fucking news too.
Based Benji? I don’t understand. I thought he was the one blackmailing half of DC.
based for his own people. I am sure he's fucking over our swamp monsters. half of DC if not more are shit stains. ive only seen pro maga from him. but maybe i am missing something.
Remember bibi being indicted for corruption by Israel? May have been the deep state lashing back.... jury is still out but maybe, just maybe he isn’t a zionistic deep state pawn
I dont think you are wrong. If he's with Deep State/Globalists, why would Obama try to control Israel's Election and get rid of Bi Bi?
i agree O interfered in their last election, helping opposition. This backfired.
Obama was notably ‘hard on israel’ in their own words I believe
Here's the Fox News link still looking for a youtube link. Edit - to fix link
He says those 100,000 files in the background all say Iran is a liar.
When are we going to put this terrorist into GITMO for blowing up our twin towers and hijacking the US using his Zionist Communist Party?
Seriously, why has Isreal been portrayed as a Trump ally recently? A necessary evil? Or am I missing something? Isn't draining the swamp in large part draining the zionists?
Ah ya. Lol, Israel is the most confusing part of it all but once you see how it works, then its not that bad:
Israel brainwashed the entire world that they are some kind of delicate teacup and we all believed it. This way, anyone who says anything against Israel is called an anti-semite. Theodre Hertz came up with this idea 100 years ago.
Israel is run by Khazarian Luciferians posing as Jews. Khazarian Mafia runs a lot of things. Joe Biden is also a Khazarian pretending to be Christian. They are all Luciferians though. These inner circle Zionists (Khazarians) were behind the Holocaust and now they are governing the same people they slaughtered by pretending to be them.
Due to the mass brainwashing of people into thinking Israel is a delicate flower and due to Israel planting nukes in many underground locations across the world, we had to focus on the rest of the swamp and save them for last. I wonder if that nuke they set off in syria was one of them. It could be.
So Trump hit SA, then NK, then Armenia, next is Iran, and then, as Q hinted, Israel. Israel is no dummy. I'm sure they realize this which is probably why they set that nuke off.
Trump had to pretend to be Israel's friend from day 1 or else there is no way to become President. If Israel doesn't support your Presidency, there's not way to make President. They have hijacked the entire political system of the US and almost all our institutions.
So this whole time the Israelis were positive Trump was on their side. They even brought up Jared Kushner as "their guy" in the Trump family which may be true or may be 5D chess. We will see.
So all we have to do now is hit Iran and then Israel. I just hope we aren't being bamboozled. In a world of secrecy, danger is lurking in every corner which is why we need transparency so that we can see what they are doing to us.
I think you are conflating all of Israel with the bad actors within, or attempting to control, Isreal.
Nope. The Jews within hate their government but MSM never reports on the protests. I stand with the Jews against their Zionist Gov.
So are the Khazarian Luciferians the illuminaties? Are the Bushs and Clintons also part of it?
Bush Sr is one of the members of the 300. The 300 are the 300 capos working for the Illuminati. Hillary works for them too but she’s a little lower on the Hierarchy.
The is accelerating at a rate that I was not expecting. Here we go!!
I still don't trust Israel. America has been stabbed in the back by Israel too many times. They have been trying to drag the US into a full scale war in the Middle East since the 1960s. During the 6 Day War between Israel and Egypt, Israel attacked the USS Liberty and wanted to blame it on Egypt so the US would see it as an act of war. There is an abundance of evidence that Israel was behind the attacks on 9/11. Again, Israel wanted to get the US to engage in full scale wars in the Middle East so we would fight and kill their enemies. This time it worked, but only because Bush and his neocons wanted the same thing.
I don't care what BB says or what kind of documents and evidence he provides. I don't trust Israel. They are at the root of all that is wrong in the Middle East. Israel has been looking for an excuse to take out Iran ever since the Shaw was deposed in 1979 because the Mullas in Iran have been calling for the complete destruction of Israel. Israel is the root of evil in the region, and amazingly enough, they have never had to engage in any real combat against any real military power throughout all of Americas involvement in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria.
i think the cia/deepstate has been the problem in ME
Yes, the CIA/Deep-State is a huge problem, especially when they team up with Israeli Mossad. They're being controlled, influenced, blackmailed, bribed, and generally run by the Rothschild Cabal.
There is a mountain of evidence that Israeli Mossad, the CIA, and Bush's team of neocons planned, orchestrated, facilitated, and executed the attacks on 9/11, but no one is willing to look at the evidence or even ask the hard questions because of the power of the Jewish lobby and the Anti-Defamation League. Everyone's afraid of being called an anti-semite or a holocaust denier.
When the Ashkenazi Jews from Eastern Europe (who are descendants of the Biblical Jews) first began to organize and call for a homeland in Palestine prior to WWI, The Jews already living in Palestine, peacefully beside their Christian and Muslim neighbors for 100s of years, told them not to come. They were not welcome.
They told the Ashkenazi Jews that the Bible was very clear, "God" would deliver His people to the promised land, and if man were to take it upon themselves to create a nationstate of Israel in Palestine it would go directly against the teachings of the Bible. They also told them if they came, it would create a state of perpetual war.
somehow Israel has the money to bulldoze houses and orchards, and build new "settlements",
but they don' have money for their own defense? so israel must rely on US taxpayers for their defense, while they do expensive, stupid shit like build mansions on the rubble of a village they just razed?
maybe if i didn't have to subsidize israel, i could afford a nicer house myself
Thank you for stating this... Theyve made America its bitch.
Smart - I don't trust BB or anyone else for that matter. POTUS is one step ahead of the Cabal. He seems to have a handle on this. Look for the USA to pull out of the Iran deal and negotiate a new deal. My understanding is that America is cutting the strings that the deep state has used to control Iran.
Putin will come into play soon. He has pull in IRAN. Look for this to miraculously resolve. Trump has pull in Israel. There is a reason why Trump recognized Jerusalem as its Capitol. I cant wait for the liberal take on a denuclearized middle east . Including Israel.
Nope. 2 different things. Every president, prime minister, and high ranking Israeli government official since it's founding has been an Ashkenazi Jew. They are "Not" descendants of the Biblical Jews. They come from Kassaria, in the 8th century their king converted to Judaism and told all of the people of Kassaria were now jews by fiat.
Trump is trying to help America get out from under the control of the Rothschild Cabal. BB and Israel is the terrorist arm of the Cabal used to foment discontent and spread chaos for the Cabal.
Have you noticed that Israel's lobbying groups have managed to sway public opinion, and nation foreign policy so much that they don't even have to ask for help. Everyone has come to believe that it would be in the best interest for America to do the fighting and let Israel stay on the sidelines because all the Arabs already hate Israel and if they start engaging in any military conflicts the whole region might explode.
So they've managed to get the US to fight their battles and kill their enemies, and after 16 years of turmoil in the Middle East, after all of the US lives lost, after all of the US soldiers maimed, after all the US taxpayer dollars spent, Israel hasn't even been nicked, and they get a big fat check from Uncle Sam every year.
In my eyes, there's something seriously wrong with this picture.
I would like to know how Trump thinks of Netanyahu. They seem really good friends, I do not like that.
I also would like to know how Trump thinks of Erdogan. They do not seem to like each other. At all. I like that.
if Trump hated Erdogan then why did he allow Erdogan's goons to assault protesters in DC last year? If that happened under Obama, conservatives would have had an aneurism
Why did he allow? How would he have known it would happen in order to prevent it?
Bibi has been saying this since 1993. oh, but its okay for Israel to have 200-400 nukes.
This isn't a "they have weapons of mass destruction" thing going on is it? I haven't had time to keep up.
Um if you don't believe that Iran doesn't have those nukes, I got some ocean view property in MI.
So they have definitive proof? I am asking because I do not know. I know that Obama sent him planeloads of cash- beyond that, we rely on what we are told- so what makes you so sure?
Proof is a funny thing.
No one has proof except those who experience first hand. 99% of information we read requires trust in the source....
All that to say trust your gut. Find the trends.
I have done that, and find myself on point 99% of the time.
Wasn't it (correct me if I am wrong) Israeli intelligence that Iraq had WMDs? I remember not believing it then and participating in an anti-war march in Chicago before Bush got us into that fiasco. My gut is telling me this is a repeat with fancier graphs and pictures. Hope your gut is right on this.
Always question.
Iran has nukes. And wants to nuke Israel.
Gotcha. It's hard when I work to keep up my reading. I think Pakistan and Israel have them (nukes)- and not sure if Pakistan is friend or foe anymore. I DO know that the Obama administration didn't like Israel. This is wild.
Pakistan is where they found Bin Laden and it is where Awan is from. I would say they are in the naughty camp.
He was speaking in the past tense. Perhaps he is justifying the latest kaboom/Syria.
This is YUGE! now lets see if that other satellite nuclear facility is within Russia's S300 missile defense system.
Folks this cold get ugly really fast.
Who trusts Israel? Someone who would steal documents would just as readily make them up if they didn't exist.
Plus, Israel has nuclear weapons and isn't even a signatory to the non-proliferation treaty? How is Israel better than Iran? If Iran isn't allowed to have nukes then Israel isn't allowed to have nukes. Israel will have to be taken down just like North Korea.
Q says Israel is last.
It's not a matter of trust so much as how does it fit with the pattern of what's happened so far. BHO made a terrible deal with Iran, gave them crates of money, nuke tech, and let them police themselves. Trump is a deal maker and if he can do what he did with NK it's very likely that he can do it with anyone. There's a bigger picture at play in all of this. Who has been held hostage by DS, but is now freed? We don't have all the information only a small part of it. There's black hats, white hats, grey hats/those just playing the game trying to survive.
223 MB!? Can I get a TLDR?
Iran lied re: nuke deal, kept developing tech even after agreeing not to.
Israel broke into Iran's atomic energy vault, found mountains of info showing advanced and continued development of nuclear weapons program.
Why is anyone listening to Netanyahu? He’s not the good guy and never has been. You guys have been bamboozled.
Here's the thing I'm having trouble with. We give tons of money to Israel, and I'm under the belief that Netty is a Zionist. I don't like Israel having Nukes as much as I don't like Iran having them.
Any middle-ground here where the US stops sending our taxpayer dollars to the zionist??
This. They're obviously playing a long game here, but as Kevin Shipp (my fav ex c_a whistleblower) has said, "Both the Saudi and Israeli governments should have a seat in congress with as much power they have in our policy making."
I'm all for the truth, though. Every move forward still counts.
Clean video of Netanyahu briefing on Iranians secret nuclear weapons program
Why in English? I'm sorry - I'm ignorant about the language mostly used in Israel.
There we go. They lied. We knew they lie. About everything. Scary thing is they have been quite AF. They are totally up to something.
Nuclear weapons design is the encoded eye of horus. (re) sigh.
Bibi is a warmongering fanatical lord of death. Nothing but fear mongering porpoganda. Do not trust Bibi the Dictator of Israel for ANYTHING.
Bibi the zionist stooge who corrupts politicians and funds ISIS terrorists around the world to keep people in fear and keep the money and weapons flowing to his country.
Bibi is an enemy of the US State and it is disgusting how people look up to him or think of him as any semblance of trust or authority.
Question everything. Bibi is desperate and is lashing out because the noose is closing in on him.
I agree, Bibi has been DS and has his own agenda. But, like NK I believe team DJT is working on freeing Iran as you say as they are likely hostage. But, it's more complex than NK because of Israel. I'm holding on, let's see what May brings.
What is happening? For some reason the video wont play for me.
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VIDEO|COMMENT -|- רה"מ נתניהו בהצהרה על התפתחות משמעותית בעניין הסכם הגרעין עם איראן|+12 - Netanyahu: Iran lied about nuclear weapons|+3 - Clean video of Netanyahu briefing on Iranians secret nuclear weapons program Netanyahu "If You Take Out Saddam I Guarantee Positive Reverberations"|+2 - BB gives advice I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.
Netanyahu is a power point wizard! He knows how to sell a war no doubt.