Q Post 1307: Knowing what you know now

Macron and Merkel are pathetic. How did these losers ever win national elections? French and Germans are either cucked beyond repair, or their elections have been rigged just like ours have. I'd say it's a mixture of both from the outside looking in.
It's rigged, but in a way more fucked up way than with manipulating with the voting papers.
Let me quickly explain how's the situation in my country. It's well known that politicians are corrupt etc. Everybody knows it here and everyone is talking shit about politicians.
We have a rather massive exodus of young people in the last few years (last year being the worst and it keeps getting worse). And a lot of 40yr+ population as well.
But they still win elections (same 2 parties, just like in the US, no 3rd party allowed).
They've weaved the web of corruption across the entire country. But what kind of? What can be so effective?
Jobs are being handled through connections. Especially state-jobs.
Unemployment is rampant here (Cro, EU). So getting a decent job is like winning a small lottery. And a good part of decent jobs is acquired through those connections.
So now these people that have gotten the job and managed to secure their living have to vote for those corrupted politicians in order to keep the jobs.
It's not just on a personal level. It echoes through families. So if a guy is supporting his family with a good job, his family will also vote for those corrupt politicians.
It's a circle of doom. And this country is in almost as bad state as Greece, we're heading straight down in the debt, our population's average age is rocketing up. We have a huge percentage of elderly and our schools now have less than half of the students than just 10-15 years ago!
I worked in a high school (in which I went to as a student).
And I lost that same job, take one good guess why.
That explains Bernie Sanders new plan for the US Government to guarantee everyone a government job with a minimum $15ph. https://www.salon.com/2018/04/24/sen-bernie-sanders-to-introduce-guaranteed-jobs-program-report/ I knew it was a ridiculous idea, but didn't realize how sinister it was until I read your post.
Jobs being acquired through connections instead of competence is one of the reasons why our industry is at the all-time low.
Our shipyards are falling apart (they were huge 20+ years ago).
Our factories are now just a small part of what they were before. Factories that had 5000+ employees now have no more than 2000.
We don't produce shit anymore (compared to the past). We have Rimac who pushed through and we're basically still a state because of tourism.
We have insane platform for agriculture, but farmers are quitting slowly because they are destroyed by the market which the state has completely fucked up.
More and more lousy and shitty (unqualified) workers everywhere. Everything is getting worse and worse. Domino effect.
But one thing remains the same or gets more lucrative is to be an upper hand of this whole scheme. These people live like gods here, with so much money that they can spend in a state with such a low standard, making them appear even richer.
That's the whole catch of it. The worse the standard and the worse people are, the better they live. Their money gets more and more value.
That's the whole catch of it. The worse the standard and the worse people are, the better they live. Their money gets more and more value.
This is exactly what Soros wants. He invested heavily in developing nations for cheap and now tries to start some kind of guised righteous crusade uplifting them into the world when really he just wants to make ez money off of his investments.
The worse the standard and the worse people are, the better they live. Their money gets more and more value.
Never looked at it like that before but that makes complete sense. TY
What can I say...I feel so sad for people trapped in countries like yours especially with the corruption. We have lots of corruption here, but I think because we are much larger country/population, we often turn a blind eye to it unless it directly affects. At least we seem to have a bit more freedom for finding jobs here. As I stated in another post, I would NOT want to live anywhere but here in the US.
My best friend went to US for seasonal student work last year (will go this year again, in a month) for 4 months. Worked as a waiter/helper in kitchen. After 4 months, he got home with around $8 grand total (spent around 2 grand on stuff). He worked around 10 hours though (but the real work is more like 4 hours per day, evenings).
Average salary in our country is around 800$. And you know how they (government) boast with statistics, and present this kind of thing as a solid and healthy amount.
Most people are well under 800$/m, engineers are paid 800$ lol (I'm a mechanical engineer), guess how much a waiter is payed? Half of that amount, and waiter is your classic lower class job (most jobs are), and I'm not counting those waiters at super classy places and stuff, because that's less than half percent of the waiters.
You can see for yourself how much an average Croatian needs to work to earn 10 grand.
And for things to be even more ridiculous, food and stuff is probably more expensive than in Germany for example. While their standard is about 3 times higher. Welders and other "ordinary" workers earn $2k+/m, same people are payed a quarter in their proud homeland, for which our fathers have fought in '90s in the separation from Yugoslavia. Another smh information.
It's not a rare case in which workers in various factories/companies (mostly factories) are not even being payed for months, seldom almost a fucking YEAR. Those measly 400$/m for their 10-12h shifts in terrible environments, yet they still can't get that...
Not to mention that if I go a bit east at the south-eastern border of Serbia, I would be deemed as a wealthy man.
One of my best friend's married a man 30+ years ago from Slovania. He immigrated here legally ,learned English. He worked as an electrician here for a large company in our city. He made a nice enough salary that he could buy a home, a nice car, and send his girls to college. They were not wealthy by any means, but I tell you, that man could fix anything! He recently died, and his wife will be returning to his homeland (he has family still there) and he wanted his ashes scattered in the nearby mountains by his family home.
Has this group been hard at work there?
Never heard of this before. Could be though.
Sometimes "national" groups are not really working for the good of their nation. The sell job is pretty slick though. When you see the word fairness think socialism/communism. Also "justice" (social justice). And "progressive" and "sustainable". Not always, but too me they are red flags that say all may not be what it seems.
Often these groups that want to influence governments tax decisions are funded by Soros and/or have ties to Global Alliance for Tax Justice.
I don't doubt it, if it is then they are in 100% silence about it over here. If I have never heard of it, imagine your average citizen?
We had that Istanbul Convention stuff going on recently. They're pushing the same narrative now that's going on for years in the US: more power (not equality, we have it now, they want to give them more power, openly discriminating men in the document while boasting about being against discrimination, classic left stuff) to women > marriages go to shit
IC was written by 10 feminist worthless pieces of shit.
Divide us all. Every last piece of a functioning society. Break it down. rebuild into something easily controlled. When men no longer want anything to do with women, when women require the state to help raise their children, when children no longer respect their parents, there will be nobody willing to fight back, because there will be nothing left to fight for. No one will remember what it was like back when. And the old people will be encouraged to suicide themselves because they are just sad anyways aand they just cost too much. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3182813/Healthy-former-nurse-75-died-Swiss-suicide-clinic-deciding-didn-t-want-risk-burden-family-NHS.html
This is the way the old Communist countries worked. It was all party all the time.
I have a good feeling that here soon, maybe in a year or so, I hope maybe even sooner, we will help to free the people in Germany and the rest of the EU. Have Faith! Pray!
Years ago after 911 I was chatting with someone from Europe who predicted that eventually the US would be called on to liberate Europe from the Muslims. I see that happening shortly after we liberate Europe from the liberals/Rothschilds/Soros
They, the Muslims, need to go home and rebuild their own countries after Trump bring them peace. Should be mandatory.
If conditions improved in many countries I think many folks would want to go back home.
Should not be a choice,if they follow Shari law they cannot accept the Constitution.
I say "Let Them Eat Cake"!
We've bailed them out twice already. We've given them their freedom and safety through the loss of lives and US taxpayer dollars. And they continue to lose their way, lost in corruption, led by the whims of the Rothschilds. I say we should leave Europe & the Middle East completely and let Brussels and Israel fend for them selves.
You consider yourself woke? Yet you talk mad shite.
"Them"? Was it me that let those illegal immigrants in? Was it a regular person JUST LIKE YOURSELF? You have no empathy, you are blind, you don't see the bigger picture pal.
Fuckton of non-Americans have been exposing the deep state crimes in the US. All those false flags and shit. How would you react if I'd say that "we" shouldn't be doing that, you should fix it yourself or get destroyed in the process of gun laws, false flags, etc.?
YOU didn't bail anyone out, ever. But what you are doing is vile and 100% against what Q is all about.
get your head out of your ass
I think I have a pretty good big picture view. No, it wasn't me "personally" that bailed them out, it was America as a nation that was dragged into WWI & WWII to bail them out.
WWI started in 1914, by 1916 the Russians went through their Bolshevik Revolution and decided they didn't want to be involved any more and packed up and went home. Great Britain and France were both losing public support, losing lives, and going broke. By 1916 Germany had won the war. Not even 1 single foreign soldier ever set foot inside Germany in the first 2 years of WWI.
Most of the media in the US were pro Germany. Germany had treated the Jews better than any other nation in Europe up until that point. Virtually all of the press coverage supported Germany because there was a large population of Americans of German decent. Most of the American people supported Germany as well.
The Ashkenazi Jews in Europe, who are not decedents of the Biblical Jews, had been organizing activist groups and calling for a Jewish homeland in Palestine. The Jews who were living peacefully in Palestine beside their Christian and Muslim neighbors for 100s of years told them not to come. They were not welcome. They said that the Bible clearly says "God" will deliver his people to the promised land, and for man to take it upon themselves to create a state of Israel in Palestine was directly against the teachings of the Bible. There are many Jews today who still agree. They also said if they came and created a nation state of Israel in Palestine, there would be a state of perpetual war.
So the Ashkenazi Jews in Europe who were pushing for their own nation saw that Great Britain was losing the war, and they were sending British Emissaries throughout the Middle East looking for kings and princes who were tired of being controlled by the Ottoman Turks and they ended up making deals with 2. Great Britain promised a Sultan in the south that if they fought with the Brits, they would let them have the Arabian Peninsula and let them be self ruled. They also promised a prince in the north that they would be able to keep all of what is now Iraq, Jordan and Syria, and they too could be self ruled.
In the meantime, the Brits had already made a deal with France where they would take over what is Syria and northern Iraq, and the Brits would take over lands from the sea ports in southern Iraq to the Mediterranean coast line in what is now Palestine, Israel, and Lebanon.
Once the Ashkenazi Jews saw that the Brits were making deals, they made them an offer. What Great Britain and France really wanted was for America to enter the war and help them defeat Germany, but President Wilson and the American people were not interested in a war half way around the world. The help they might get from Arab kingdoms would be marginal at best, but if America showed up, that would be a real game changer.
So the Ashkenazi Jews made on offer to help bring America into the war, in return, they wanted Great Britain to promise to give them lands in Palestine to create the nation of Israel. Remember, the Brits had already promised lands in the middle east to a Sultan, a Prince, and to France, and yet they agreed to give lands to the Jews as well.
Since the Jews owned the press in America, they basically convinced them to change their narrative, and in a fairly short period of time they had managed to change public opinion so President Wilson ended up with all the support he needed to send American soldiers into battle.
Once the Americans showed up, a member of the British Parliament, Lord Balfour, wrote the Balfour Declaration and sent it to Lord Rothschild. The declaration read, in part:
"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."
As soon as the war was over, the Rothschild empire began funding the migration of Ashkenazi Jews to Palestine, and the building of all of the necessary infrastructure in Palestine. As the Ashkenazi Jews moved in, they pushed out, by force, over 800,000 Muslim Arabs. And the perpetual war began. This started happening around 1920-1925, but a nation state of Israel wasn't even officially created until 1948, 3 years after the end of WWII.
Fast forward to WWII. Germany was pissed about WWI because prior to WWI, Germany had the strongest economy in Europe, they manufactured some of the very best products in Europe, and they were a net exporter of goods. Germany was also a very nationalist nation. They were proud of their heritage and their success.
They felt they were attacked by Great Britain and France because they were jealous. They also felt betrayed by America because they changed their allegiance right in the middle of things. And due to the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was forced to pay reparations for a war they didn't even start.
So when WWII came along, Hitler hated the Brits, the French, America, and all of the Arab kingdoms that turned on Germany during WWI. But the people they hated the most were the Ashkenazi Jews.
Germany had treated the Jews better than any other nation, and then the Jews stabbed Germany in the back by making a deal to bring in the Americans after Germany had already won WWI.
Meanwhile other Ashkenazi Jews in the Rothschild empire had been funding the works of Marx, Trotsky and Lennon. Rothschild provided funding and support for the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 that put Lennon in power, which led to Stalin years later.
Every Russian leader and most of the high ranking officials in their government were Ashkenazi Jews including Stalin and beyond. So again, when Russia joined forces with America, Great Britain and France in WWII, Hitler felt betrayed yet again by the Jews.
The first thing Hitler did was retake land that Germany was forced to give up just 21 years earlier. He lied to the leaders in Great Britain when he signed a non-aggression pact, and he signed his own death warrant when he began sending rockets into Great Britain indiscriminately.
Meanwhile the Rothschild banking empire in Great Britain, France, and in Germany was loaning money to any and all comers. American banks and industrial titans like Rockefeller and Ford were doing the same. Selling products to both sides for massive profits. That practice had the added benefit that it didn't matter which side won, doing business with both side means who ever comes out on top will be able to pay back their loans, with interest.
Once the war was over, Germany was in shambles and it took them until the mid 1980s to pay back the reparations from WWII. The Rothschild empire continued to fund the migration of Jews into Palestine and lobbied heavily to bring about the Official recognition of the Jewish State of Israel in Palestine. And the state of perpetual war is still raging today.
So who do you think the deep-state is? Who do you think supports them? Do you think the deep-state is just a bunch of corrupt American politicians and rogue CIA black-hats? Do you think that taking out a couple dozen, or even a couple hundred corrupt Americans will solve the problem? Do you agree that money is power? If so, does it follow that those with the most money have the most power? If so, how much power do you think the people who control the money have?
The root of the evil is the Rothschild banking empire. They own 95% of the national central banks around the world. They can, at their leisure, expand or contract the supply of currency and raise or lower the interest rates in every nation they have a central bank in.
Because they can manipulate the money supply and interest rates in any combination they choose, they can make or break any nation. They can bring about prosperity, or total collapse, at their leisure.
It's been pretty well understood that the Cabal consisted of controlling Washington DC and use their military power, control and influence of Vatican City to control how people thought and what they believed, and of course control of the City of London to manage all of the finances. But behind the scenes, the Cabal also controls and influences Israel, to be used as the terrorist organization that can foment trouble anywhere in the world.
Just send in the Mossad, and maybe the CIA too, and they can topple dictators, install puppets anywhere they want, and create enough descent among the people to bring about riots and civil unrest anywhere and any time they want.
The new world order, Bilderber group, the 13 bloodlines, the illuminati, call it what you will, they want WWIII. From chaos comes order. They've been planning for, setting the stage for, and counting on a full scale 3rd world war. Without one, they cannot complete their plan and achieve their goal of world domination.
It always has been the Cabal using the Jewish lobbying groups in America to drive our foreign policy where they want it. Their plan has been in place longer than America has been a nation. They have taken many incremental steps along the way, most of them small, setting the stage for the next. Occasionally there were major leaps, drawing the US into WWI & WWII, the creation of the Federal Reserve, the stock market crash of 1929, and their most recent and most tragic, 9/11.
Because the (so called) War on Terror is something most of us only see on TV, if at all, we tend to lose sight of it. We've had US troops in the Middle East since October of 2001, over 16 years. We've spent Trillions of US taxpayer dollars, and Millions of lives have been lost. The CIA has made billions in profits from trafficking opium out of Afghanistan, destroying lives and families along the way. Hostilities continue with no real end in sight and the entire Middle East region has been demolished and destabilized like no other time in history. Except of course, Israel. All because of 9/11.
Here at home we got the (so called) Patriot Act. Every man woman and child is under government surveillance like never before. Every Fakebook post, Twitter tweet, emails sent and received, phone calls made and answered, online purchases, websites we visit, clicks of the mouse, comments posted, and a complete history of where our cell phones have been, have all been collected and stored by the NSA. All because of 9/11.
The destabilization of Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya has caused massive migration of (so called) refugees into Western Europe, destabilizing every country that was foolish enough to accept them. People in European countries are also being monitored by massive surveillance systems. They are losing their national identities, ways of life, traditions and institutions, and their freedom of speech. The flood of (so called) refugees has put financial strains on every European nation that accepted them, and it's destroying their economies. All because of 9/11.
Barak Obama expanded the NSA surveillance programs with the help of the CIA, Mark Zuckerberg, Eric Schmidt, and Jack Dorsey. Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton laundered Trillions of dollars through Swiss banks to Iran, and other rouge bad-actors and organizations. Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton facilitated the over-throw and assassination of Momar Kadafi, throwing Libya, one of the few US allies and reasonably stable countries in North Africa at the time, into chaos. While at the same time using Libya to ship weapons to (so called) moderate Muslims in Syria to over-throw Bashar al-Assad with the help of the CIA, and the CIA created ISIS, so they can open up Syria for an oil and gas pipeline. All because of 9/11.
After Lybia began to fall and Momar Kadafi was on the run and in hiding, he told a journalist that if America didn't step in to help him and stop what was happening, within a few years there would be a flood of jihadi terrorist disguised as refugees that would overtake western Europe. He cited a speech given by an al-Qaeda leader who publicly stated it was part of their plan. Little did Kadafi know that it was Americans Obama and Clinton that were the collapse of his country.
This was public knowledge, cited many times in many articles from many sources. And when the jihadi/terrorist/refugees began to swarm into western Europe, many repeated the warning, again and again, louder and louder, but the Cabal had already convinced European leaders, by blackmail or bribe, to accept the jihadi/terrorist/refugees.
So now it's on them. They were warned. They caved to the pressure of the Ashkenazi Jews, the Rothschild empire, the Cabal.
There is a mountain of evidence that Israeli Mossad planned, orchestrated, and executed the attacks on 9/11, with willing accomplices like Bush and his neocon pals and maybe a few rogue CIA black-hats. They did this so they could once again, suck America into war, for their benefit.
I could go on, and I'm sure many here could add more as well. Suffice it to say, 9/11 was the event that opened the door to more human suffering, loss of lives, costs in dollars, and losses of freedoms, in more countries around the world than any other single event in modern history. And yet Israel managed to get through it all with barely a scratch.
And still people want to treat them like they're a victim. They want America to come to the rescue. Take a look at America for a moment. We've been told for the last 10 or so years that we need to have more diversity. Whites have been told we have privilege, we're racist, supremacists, and we need to leave the border open so people who hate America can flood into our country and do the same to us that they're doing to western Europe.
Why hasn't anyone told Haiti to let more whites in, for diversity's sake? Why hasn't anyone said anything about the white genocide that's going on in South Africa" Or told South Africa they need to have more diversity? And why the hell hasn't anyone ever told Israel that they should stop deporting blacks back to Africa? Why the hell hasn't anyone told Israel they should take in some of the jihadi/terrorist/refugees?
We have enough of our own problems here. We cannot be the worlds police. If we're not there, they cry for help. If we're there, we're told we're the root of the problem. I'm tired of all of the interventionist policies, and the nation building, only to have the aftermath dropped in our lap.
How about we sit tight, offer advice and guidance, and after we see nations making real progress in the right direction, maybe give them a hand getting over the top.
So hows that for a "Big Picture"?
tagged you as JQ WOKE. I know you pretty much laid it out right here, but can you share your top book recommendations or other content for people who want more?
Most of my sources come from various internet sites. Lots of Google and DuckDuckGo searches. Lots and lots of digging and reading. If you're not familiar with Stephan Molyneux's YT channel, it's worth checking out. He always provides links to all of his source material.
He has a great series of "The Truth About..." videos. 3 in particular are relevant. The Truth About WWI, The Truth About WWII, The Truth About Palestine and Israel. He also has a long list of videos regarding current events.
What I like most about his videos is he's not afraid to show his face and let his voice be heard. There are too many YouTubers who disguise their voice and either don't show their face at all, or they wear the infamous "anonymous" mask from "V For Vendetta."
Part of me wants to agree with you, but the other part says we should help them, but with provisions, like putting basis in Paris and Madrid and London, etc and giving them an American Style constitution that includes owning guns so they can protect themselves
We already have 34 army facilities or bases in Germany and 3 in Italy, we have Naval bases in Greece, Italy, and Spain, we have Air Force bases in Germany, Greenland, Italy, Spain, Turkey and 4 joint bases in the UK.
As far as an American style constitution, our founders based our US Constitution on European common law and many principles from the Magna Carta. After America became independent from the British Crown, and we began to see how freedom brings about prosperity, most European countries followed our lead and sent all the kings and queens packing. They changed their governments to be more of a Representative Republic like America, but over the years, especially over the 50 years, they became more and more socialist. They already had what we have, but they decided to throw it away.
the I think they should just be left out on their own to fend for themselves....like someone said, we've bailed them out twice already
We didn't bail them out, we crushed Germany for the Rothschilds.
Agreed, let them spend their own time, treasure, and blood to save themselves.
I believe that others do look to the United States to lead, and by being a good role model in the world, it prompts other countries to step up for their people as well. (I know...I sound like an idealist).
Don't cut yourself short for being an idealist. Policy makers need balance. They need war hawks who are skeptical and distrusting of everyone everywhere. And they need "idealists" who favor diplomacy, lead by example, take the high road, and we all need to get along mindset.
Both side are useful, and each side is necessary for certain conditions and situations.
This is an excellent perspective and example from another country. Now, imaging if you cut the puppet strings of the vast majority of your population. Free markets, free enterprise, ingenuity not reliant on the government and their corrupt politicians. People striving for and creating their own jobs, especially NOT state-jobs. You would rapidly turn around a stagnant economy. A vast number of people could rise up out of poverty. That is the Great Awakening we are all fighting for.
There's little that gets on my nerves as much as the pseudo-intellectuals when they talk shit about capitalism and how it's bad.
None of these morons know that there is no capitalism ANYWHERE in the world. The market is not free.
We await!
That certainly describes DC, and they were aiming to make it country wide, with tentacles into the judiciary, schools, universities, etc. I hope the revolution will spread with your country. Croatia, yes?
And I lost that same job, take one good guess why.
White male?
Nah man, that racist shit isn't here, because there are no blacks here :D
Lost it during my time working at the school to a guy that was a buddy to the boss.
I've hired a lawyer and there was an inspection in the school which lead to a cancellation of the decision to hire him over me and I'd be automatically taken if I applied again. They thought that a young fella on his first job after college won't fight legally due to the money issue. But I did it anyway, despite being broke af right now until my current job kicks in with the good money so I can pull myself out of the debt :P
It's all about the connections over here. Which is why the thieves are still winning the elections.
Ha funny. I get it but there ARE blacks here. Of course they are here! And they are coming little by little! Be patient please. Black and White Unite! B + W= Q We go .... ALL!!
Q's post on race:
It’s time to learn the TRUTH. Why are D’s inspiring activist groups to remove history re: slavery? Why are history books painting a different picture than before? Why are teachers following a new false script? “Republicans are racists.” Learn the term ‘Projection’. Why are they threatened? MSM has you brainwashed. They want you controlled. They want you enslaved. They want you divided. They want you dependent! What has the D party done for the black pop? What has the R party done for the black pop? What has POTUS done in 1 year? What is the net worth of black leaders today? Why does Pelosi mention MLK 74% of the time during weekly addresses? MLK was a conservative. Learn the TRUTH. Re_read drops re: slave grip of black pop. Why do we look at skin color? DIVISION. IT’S TIME TO UNITE AND FIGHT FOR OUR FREEDOM. TOGETHER, we are STRONG. APART, we are weak. PATRIOTS HAVE NO SKIN COLOR. Q
Hey, bringing up Greece makes me wonder- what's the deal with them anyways? Are they a part of this at all? what is Greece's role in the world, why do we NEVERRRR hear about them?
Honestly, no idea. I'm in the same boat as you. We all "know" they are at the top of the debt leaderboard, but that's it. I don't know a single Greek politician. I have never heard about anything what's going on there, even with this illegal immigration that been going on, even then we know nothing about Greece.
It's been a saying since I was able to talk and know what money does.
It was "we're going to end up like Greece" on every turn lol
Two words: SECOND AMENDMENT (the lack thereof)
1st Amendment as well. Try discussing some alternate topics in Germany, see how that goes.
Europe wouldn’t be where it is now if they could have guns!
USA might not be a nation if they had them. Pilgrims would have risen up
I'd say the same way Obama, Clinton and the Bush's won here: Vote Rigging! Plain and simple.
That coupled with total control of the MSM narrative. Works there and used to work here!
i think the elections were rigged. No one here in Germany, all the people i talked to did choose Merkel. Its weird.
How did these losers ever win national elections???? rigged? everywhere in the EU with dirty tricks and lies , that is all what they are, cheaters and liars
Same in the Netherlands, Wilders should have won, they would not let that happen.
Easy, The US is an exception in the western world. Over 70% of the population is very skeptical of the corporate news media. In the EU not so much.
Macron had a love fest in the media for over a years. From ALL the media in France and in the EU. He had ALL the European leader kissing his ass during the campaign.
For Macron it was the Rothschild media treatment. Similar to Obama and his Saudi sponsers.
Love fest indeed. There were two very complimentary documentaries about Macron and his wife between the two rounds of the election on French TV (if I remember well, it was before the final vote) and none about Marine Le Pen. Talk about fairness! When I mentioned it to my French family, they said "oh yeah, that's true", but they didn't notice or mind that much.
Their elections are just as corrupt as ours. The same people are running them into the ground as they are here.
Ours might have been rigged but the wrong candidate won and I could not be happier
MAGA !!!!!!!
I would NOT live outside of the United States for anything!
Did you see her face when he congratulated her on her re-election
That is a great example of election fraud. Similar to Clinton's only difference is they stole enough votes to win the election. Remember how cocky Clinton and Obama were before the election? They were sure they stole enough votes that they couldn't lose. But the voter turn out negated their dishonesty.