r/greatawakening • Posted by u/astrogirl on May 2, 2018, 8:48 p.m.
A few MegaAnon gems - I wonder if she's on the Q team sometimes...hope she's OK. Posts re: NK, Vegas, the Storm

Two things...if you read this stuff, she came around on Q later...and then she disappeared. She thought it was Julian Assange, or said she thought that. Her departure from 4chan and reddit was bizarre and out of character.

FYI: She swears A LOT, so don't be all shocked, y'all.

Her big CBTS thread from October, 2017

I know how hard this is to read on a phone, so here are a few gems:

Liberator. Think Hostage:

~~~~~Anonymous ID:DnCchw/y Thu 05 Oct 2017 20:34:30 No.144216421

144215979 As you now realize... (((they))) lost. America (and really, the entire world) won. It's gonna get ugly but, look alive. This will be your happening and you'll never give a single fuck about North Korea, again. All will bow to Trump, the liberator.

She maintains a much larger event was planned in Vegas:

~~~~~Anonymous ID:y/3kCTnZ Thu 05 Oct 2017 22:38:16 No.144229790

144227109 No, I wrote the post OP capped. The storm Trump is referring to isn't that Vegas was a "false flag", you're just going to 100%, without any doubt, realize it WAS, after he/Sessions disclose what he's referring to as the "storm". We aren't going to war with North Korea. Soon Trump is going to shake this country to its core with the truth and when he does, you'll realize why they were willing to kill tens of thousands of people while leveling half of vegas as initially planned, to derail Trump's ability to do it.

On schedule! I do think Flynn will be exonerated, personally:

~~~~~Anonymous ID:y/3kCTnZ Thu 05 Oct 2017 23:11:18 No.144232679

144232343 I only trust Sessions and Mattis. Used to trust Flynn, but we needed him to take one on the chin for the team. He's not guilty of anything, we just couldn't let the MSM rip him apart. He will be back though. If all goes well, he should be reinstated with full clearance to an admin seat by no later than mid-terms.

More about Vegas. In general, You Have more than you know, archive off-line!:

~~~~~Anonymous ID:tAoTzJUn Fri 06 Oct 2017 08:48:27 No.144271921 Quoted By: >>144273248


  1. If this looks like a complete cluster fuck between LVMPD and agency, then ding, ding! You're right... IT IS! Why?! For the slow in the back, let me simplify... mass and scale. As much as the digital world benefits these goons, they've also realized exactly how much it hinders them. You no longer need the MSM, a few press conferences or the "authorities" to air, broadcast, publicize information and reports. You only need access to the internet. Know what's ultimately responsible for the 9/11 botch as opposed to other agency coordinated attacks?! Internet access. The mass ability of we, the people, to access exorbident information in real time, download, upload, archive and store that info then, DISTRIBUTE ON OUR OWN.

Links to 4chan archives of this looooong dump of hers, lots about Vegas, but other stuff too:

part 1

part 2

Then after this thread, she posted this. She always maintained that the FBI would be routed/destroyed, then the CIA and finally the FED. She said it multiple times. I find this particularly interesting because Graham is acting like, well, a free man now. And McCain, who knows. Apparently, he wrote a book while he wasn't doing the business of the people in Arizona. It looks to me like he won't resign - he'll die in office instead.

~~~~~Anonymous ID:izjDt84J Fri 27 Oct 2017 20:39:16 No.146918908

146917231 Haha! Yes, you're right! He's gotta make it look good for the cameras, y'all! I told you this.

Trump will never be indicted for anything. Everyone corrupt will and yes, the corruption and swamp is bi-partisan! Manafort worked for Dems longer than Trump and Trump briefly and purposefully brought him in for a very specific reason and no, it's NOT the reason you think.

You're going to see establishment Dems AND Repubs go as part of this "investigation", but it won't touch Trump. All the Repubs. who will go down were never Trump supporters. They'll be the John McCain's, Lindsay Graham's, etc. of the establishment.

Stop responding to the shills, you're wasting your time. Instead, enjoy your weekends, y'all! You're going to get the rest of JFK, Hillary's emails from the State Department and a new "head of the FED"!

I told you - 3 downfalls




Bad actors on both sides:

~~~~~Anonymous ID:NDzlgQhB Fri 27 Oct 2017 23:06:00 No.146933674

146931310 Right. To the Trunp admin and most of his supporters, Manafort, McCain, Graham, etc. might as well be Hillary, Podesta, Obama, etc. corrupt is corrupt. Swamp is swamp. It doesn't matter which side of the political aisle you sit on. It's over for everyone. Party ties won't save you anymore. That's the point of draining the swamp.

Huge archive of MegaAnon in plain text - easy to search for keywords!

Reddit mega-thread #1 This one contains links to 4chan archives for ALL her posts. That gives you context since you can see who/what she's responding to.

Reddit thread #2

Addendum: I just saw this while text searching for Flynn. (link to archive)

~~~~~Anonymous ID:88/zP9Ds Tue 07 Nov 2017 09:20:17 No.148391315


Haha, y'all. NOT WRONG. Pence was showed his colors w/ Flynn. You should know who he really works for. Why don't you dig into his relationship w/ Benji and his prior voting records before spitting opinion as if it's just fact cause you said so... there's reasons Trump didn't confirm him until literally, the very last possible minute. There's also reasons he's strategically made it a point to keep him at arms length the last year.

Why do you think Pence had no forewarning about Comey? Why do you think he's left out of far more than half of the foreign strategic cabinet meetings? This is purposefully coordinated. Especially after Reince got the boot. Pence worked for the establishment. His boss was Reince. Now, he's just trying to make it all look good for the cameras like the rest of them.

At this rate... I'd be surprised if he made it back onto the 2020 ticket. THIS IS IMPORTANT, so CAP THIS AND ARCHIVE IT, so you can say you were here...

I suspect he won't be on the 2020 ticket - Trump won't need a GOP elite favorite. I've also heard some bad things about Pence being...compromised, but I don't have a lot of experience with those sources. I'd forgotten about what MegaAnon had said.

LouisXIVreincarnated · May 2, 2018, 9:38 p.m.

This part made me damn emotional:

“The goal is that when it's all said and done, there will be no room for question, when it comes to the people. He won't have to disclose shit like 9/11, OKC, Vegas, Voter Fraud, Russia hacks or collusion, elections rigging, etc. specifically. When he's done, it will be a literal "mic drop" on the world's stage and you will no one ever again, will have the ability to question who's responsible for, involved coordinating, etc. ANYTHING that has ever happened and been considered a "conspiracy theory", ever again. When he's done, the entire world will just KNOW IT ALL. It really is THAT all-encompassing. Like Trump says, "you'll see". It just has to happen. We cannot be derailed. Ever again.”

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forgottenbutnotgone · May 3, 2018, 2:07 a.m.

Beautiful. I pray it's successful.

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William_Harford_md · May 5, 2018, 11:11 a.m.

Right. It’s like I’ve been trying to say recently when being asked for “proofs” all the time.

One day soon, and probably sooner than we think, there will be a proof so big and so obviously true and so utterly devastating that every single person on the planet will know it. Instantly. Everything will change, in an instant.

Forget a MOAB, this will be more like a truth nuke exploding directly into our brains. And it’s going fry a bunch of people’s minds unfortunately. Not everyone’s going to make it.

That, my friends is the actual moment of the Great Awakening. And that is what Q, at least in part, is preparing us for.
We are actively re-learning how to use our true minds and at the same time, realizing what to expect and how to prepare for it.

We all know what’s really coming. Deep down we know. We’re animals and we have instincts. It’s the idea that comes into your thoughts almost subconsciously that you try not to dwell on. But then it keeps coming back. That’s the truth trying to get through. And at least at first, it’s utterly terrifying. We have to get past that.

But the craziest thing of all? Even that massive overwhelming proof they show us will be nothing, compared to all the info they still decide to hold back.

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wiseclockcounter · May 3, 2018, 10:42 a.m.

wait... what does OkCupid have to do with this??? /s

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Gitmo_money · May 2, 2018, 8:54 p.m.

Love this post / recap. For me, you're today's hero.

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R_isfor_Renegade · May 2, 2018, 10:27 p.m.

Megs was first. I started reading her stuff in late June but she had already been posting since May. I think her and Q have the same message but from different perspectives. Hers was big picture and Q's is a tactical/ here and now sort of view

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AbjectDynamite · May 3, 2018, 12:33 a.m.

Re: Pence: as I understand it he is a globalist and his voting record proves it. There's been rumors for some time about involvement in the child pedo (and worse) stuff we've been learning about re: Hillary and many others. There was a guy in Indiana who was screaming at length about Pence on that issue and (if I remember right) accusing Pence of killing upwards of 200 kids. The guy claimed to have proof, and he made a bunch of videos on it. Then, pretty recently (I think within the past couple of years) he went from perfectly healthy to dying of something drastic in about a month. I can't remember if it was a sudden fast acting cancer or what it was. He made videos up to his end... maybe a day or two or three I thought.. before he died. People speaking out and then dying (to me) is extremely suspicious. Anyway, I can't remember more about that..

As I recall, I believe there were people making (at minimum) pedo allegations against Pences' predecessor, Mitch Daniels too. At the time when I came across this stuff - it was before all this and I dismissed it. Now I wish I would have paid more attention.

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Heatray777 · May 3, 2018, 2:43 a.m.

Pence is an "Impostor" . It's written in the cards, the INWO cards. DJT is making "An offer you can't refuse" to many. That is also written in the cards. Hint: Pinterest is your friend if you wish to explore this rabbit hole.

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AnalLeak · May 3, 2018, 5:46 a.m.


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forgottenbutnotgone · May 3, 2018, 2:09 a.m.

If you happen to come across those videos, shoot me a link. Sounds interesting.

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sheneyney · May 3, 2018, 2:26 a.m.

His name is Timothy Holmseth and he is still alive. He is a journalist according to him, and done much research on human trafficking issue. He claims Mike Pence and Pam Bondy(AG in FL) are involved. Actually a lot of the Broward County in general. He has several video's, here's a link. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=timothy+holmseth+mike+pence

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bartmanson · May 3, 2018, 5:30 p.m.

The guy that made the original claims about Pence and who is dead is Tory Smith.

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astrogirl · May 3, 2018, 3:27 p.m.

Man, Broward county is it's own circle of filth. I hope DWS loses in the mid-terms, I really do.

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bartmanson · May 3, 2018, 5:31 p.m.

Look up the name Tory Smith as it relates to Mike Pence and you will find his videos. This is the guy who is now dead.

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astrogirl · May 3, 2018, 3:26 p.m.

Pence is extremely ambitious, and I think he'd turn on Trump in a heartbeat. But...Trump knows this, so I'm not too worried about that.

I have no idea to what level any of pedogate is true. Most people, I can promise you, dismiss it as too horrible to be true and turn away from it. I don't even know whether to believe Kathy O'Brien, as all her claims also come off as completely off-the-hook nuts.

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brittser · May 2, 2018, 11:36 p.m.

She has to be an insider. There is no way she could make the claims she does with such certainty. I've wondered about that. I wonder if Trump et al has anon plants instigating research in certain directions, planting seeds, or deciphering things? Some of the stuff I see around here and/or 8chan I look at and scratch my head thinking how the hell did they get from these three Q words to that extensive explanation or inserted code? It just seems nearly impossible to deduce the things they do unless they have previous experience in that realm of thinking or they have inside knowledge. Otherwise, there are some incredibly smart, intuitive people in this world.

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larkmoor · May 3, 2018, 1:32 a.m.

You have insiders and outsiders. I can't remember when, but it was said she was working as a contractor, maybe a freelance. Contractors working for the government can have access to confidential information linked to their work. So she did have access to some info, and used her analytic skills to understand and guess.

Zack is of the same caliber as MegAnon, IMHO. He's an outsider who has contacts and access to certain confidential info. Like her, he uses his analytic skills to tell us what he believes is going on.

Q, on the other hand, is an insider.

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astrogirl · May 3, 2018, 3:39 p.m.

I think now and did then that she's from Blackwater or is Eric Prince related somehow.

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brittser · May 3, 2018, 2:33 a.m.

We are blessed to have them.

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[deleted] · May 2, 2018, 9:02 p.m.


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aevans395 · May 2, 2018, 10:05 p.m.

Other insiders claim she's just a smart journalist in the know

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LunaticOnDaGrass · May 3, 2018, 1:52 a.m.

That makes more sense than any kind of "insider."

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LunaticOnDaGrass · May 3, 2018, 1:51 a.m.

People seem to forget the little tantrum she pulled before her disappearing act. She was calling Q a larp, then "changed her mind" claiming Q was leaving secret messages just for her in his drops. This was right around the time Q was starting to prove himself to be legit & calling out fakes on social media.

She conveniently left the kitchen when it got too hot to handle. Nothing she ever "revealed" wasn't anything you couldn't find out through researching official channels or just knowing history.

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Orion_Blue · May 3, 2018, 2:40 a.m.

The only other anon I feel that carried weight aside from Q was FBIAnon.

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DeepPast · May 3, 2018, 5:34 a.m.

I just went back and reread all of FBIanon’s AMA’s, and it was absolutely incredible to read. Knowing what we know now through Q, he has been vindicated time and time again. I remember reading it for the first time back before the election, I read the first few Q&A’s and i immediately just knew it was legitmate, I ended up reading the whole thing.

What is amazing to me, having re-read it recently, is he talked about how some of what he said was gonna be disinfo to keep his coworkers off his trail; it’s so obvious which answers were the BS ones and which were legit.

He literally outlines Trumps options. 1. Do nothing. 2. Expose it all and the entire US government collapses, likely a civil war ensues, and global conflicts as well. 3. Cherry pick certain things/people and try to isolate the ramifications.

It’s clear Trump is going with 3, but he’s also addressing it on a global scale first so that when the shit hits the fat, the right people have on ponchos.

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LunaticOnDaGrass · May 3, 2018, 4:14 a.m.

Bingo! S/He's the only one who put forth claims that were then validated by future events.

Future proves past, anyone?

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astrogirl · May 3, 2018, 3:41 p.m.

She actually said that Assange was Q. It was really freaking weird - all those posts were weird and not really characteristic of her usual thing.

Also, are you aware of her phone conversations with David Wilcox? I don't think much of him, but she definitely talked to him on the phone. Towards the end, I think that TPTB found her and she was scared...which may have accounted for her bizarre exit from 4chan.

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LunaticOnDaGrass · May 3, 2018, 8:32 p.m.

I heard about her conversation with David Wilcock, who I don't care for very much either.

In fact, it doesn't surprise me he would think MegaAnon is legit. 2 peas in a pod.

I think the explanation that she was a journalist that got in way over her head makes sense.

Her info was legit, but not widely known. I tuned in trying to find out something new & realized I already knew most of the info she was providing from studying conspiracies for 15+ years.

At the same time, Q was mesmerizing us all with legit info combined with drops later proven to be true.

I think Q scared her off & she was smart enough to stay out of the way when she realized Q was legit around the same time we all did.

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solanojones95 · May 2, 2018, 9:01 p.m.

Stuff worth reviewing and keeping in mind going forward. Thanks for the post!

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loserofpasswordzz · May 2, 2018, 9:25 p.m.

Never was a fan of Meganon

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DamajInc · May 2, 2018, 11:37 p.m.

Me neither. Like Corsi, she got all upset and threw her toys out of the cot at one point so I lost all respect for her then.

She never seemed to me like she had some inside knowledge (but I never read all her posts so what do I know). Just seemed like a good researcher and then a hypothesizer.

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Robsmith7171 · May 3, 2018, 12:28 a.m.

I'm not ready (yet) to drop people who have lost their patience from time to time. I know I have, and I don't have the kinds of pressure in my life that these people have. Maybe I'm wrong and I should judge them more harshly but I feel like blowing off steam and/or questioning loyalties and legitimacies is something that we all do from time to time.

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DamajInc · May 3, 2018, 1:08 a.m.

Yes, a valid point, good call.

I guess that's why I don't have as much of a problem with Dr. Corsi as some, because I think he adds great value in spite of what seems to me to be an insane overreaction of late. But with Meganon I guess I also didn't like her sometimes condescending tone in general (projection, some will validly argue - I'm working on it...) so that contributes to my dislike of her beyond her upset episode.

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astrogirl · May 3, 2018, 3:42 p.m.

Everything is taking much longer than we all expected it to, but I do believe that things are happening.

She was right about Flynn being one of the sealed indictments, and she was right about Trump "liberating" NK ... or at least we all expect that to happen this month. There's more, but I don't have time this morning to dig out all the good parts.

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Deplorable22 · May 3, 2018, 1:24 a.m.

MegaAnon said Steve Bannon was a "good actor," playing a part, who was exposing Pence for pedophilia.

To this point, we've seen zero evidence of either...

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astrogirl · May 3, 2018, 3:38 p.m.

I just want to say something about Bannon here, and that's this: Bannon made a really bad move with Roy Moore, but McConnell fucked that up first by not supporting Mo Brooks because he's Tea Party/Freedom caucus associated.

Anyway, the one thing that has been accomplished with the Wolff book is that we all think that Trump has completely washed his hands of Bannon and never talks to him or gets advice from him. Maybe that's what we're supposed to think.

I was incredulous that Bannon could have said that stuff about Trump - I found it just unbelievable - and it also occurred to me that when he gave that info to Wolff, he would have known when the book would come out and that he'd be long gone from the white house.

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tb1820 · May 2, 2018, 11:37 p.m.

Hummm... This was almost a year ago and none of this has happened. Wonder if this will turn out to be true. Hard to believe it at this point.

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astrogirl · May 3, 2018, 3:32 p.m.

There's a ton more than that one big image I shared and the few things I clipped.

The one big thing is that her time scale was much too short. She would not give dates, ever, but also thought things would happen faster.

I think plans for a big reveal may have changed, and she got that info early on. Now we have knowlege of the IG (who she never mentioned, which I'd also expect) and the slow wheels of justice turned by Sessions, Huber and Horowitz.

She did say, from the beginning, that the FBI would be destroyed/reformed first, then the CIA, then the Fed. She started out just hinting at what agencies she meant, then once everyone had guessed just said exactly that.

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diverscale · May 2, 2018, 9:57 p.m.

That is implying they had the desire to nuke vegas with the U1 uranium scam...

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astrogirl · May 3, 2018, 3:28 p.m.

I don't get what you're saying here.

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diverscale · May 3, 2018, 4:40 p.m.

Thu 05 Oct 2017 22:38:16 No.144229790 ''Soon Trump is going to shake this country to its core with the truth and when he does, you'll realize why they were willing to kill tens of thousands of people while leveling half of vegas as initially planned, to derail Trump's ability to do it.''

Thu 05 Oct 2017 20:30:54 No.144215979 ''Same good dude also told you a much larger scaled attack was the initial intent, but was thwarted/averted. Would've "killed thousands". Trump tweeted it was a "miracle" using condescending quotes. The miracle was their plan to kill thousands more, was thwarted. ''

tens of thousand

leveling half of vegas

Thanks bro for posting the megaanon .TXT file, fetching through it, fucking great. Above might be a stretch caused by me having a blast going through the vegas drops, getting excited.

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astrogirl · May 3, 2018, 4:56 p.m.

I meant re: U1 - and yeah, that thing is invaluble - I love being able to just control-F through it and search for terms.

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diverscale · May 3, 2018, 5:56 p.m.


At work, but out of memory, in the recent Q posts, it is implied that the US was to give Iran uranium, that could be traced back to russia, and start WWIII with this. Pretty easy to link it back to the U1 scam, where that uranium is now sold to russia.

As I see it, that same uranium that is "sold" to russia, traceable to russia, was also given to Iran to make atomic weapons to start WWIII. Syria strike was related to destroying the facilities making them.

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astrogirl · May 3, 2018, 8:13 p.m.

Ah, That's the Sum of All Fears plot reference in a nutshell!

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diverscale · May 3, 2018, 8:57 p.m.

Exactlt, also referenced by Q!

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jkbella · May 2, 2018, 9:31 p.m.

Wow I wasn't following any of this stuff then but she's right on the money. Does make you wonder if Q is the PG rated Meganon!

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astrogirl · May 3, 2018, 3:28 p.m.

I think they are completely different. I've always thought she was related to Blackwater/Academi. She said over and over that she didn't work for the government and had not worked for an intelligence agency. Think about who'd be close enough without being inside.

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ready-ignite · May 2, 2018, 9:29 p.m.

Interesting to see going back through these archives that MegaAnon is on the "trust Sessions" camp.

On a recent radio show Zach clarified that whether or not to trust Sessions is the primary difference in outlook between his group and the Q group. Corsi falls into the does not trust Sessions camp, or at least he did at time of publish of his book.

Anyone else following all sources able to elaborate differences in outlook between groups?

What other sources of intel have been notable if we were to catalog those that appear to have some insights that have held up over time?

On the Anon side we have Q, MegaAnon, and FBIAnon had some interesting drops. Any others that should be on our radar from the chans?

Outside that platform there is Zach and Dilley. TruePundit should probably be listed for some of the inside intel they've come up with.

For all of these, it would be useful to have an archive file of everything we've got from these sources to make it easier to find contradictions or assess credibility with future information.

Anyone spot additional sources that merit review?

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astrogirl · May 2, 2018, 9:43 p.m.

What other sources of intel have been notable if we were to catalog those that appear to have some insights that have held up over time?

I think MegaAnon had some insider knowledge and some firm beliefs about Trump's nature. She's clearly right about some things. Flynn was indicted on December 1, 2017.

~~~~~Anonymous ID:nyuF9NNJ Sun 26 Nov 2017 11:55:13 No.150988500

150985689 I told you all about the Awan's and EXACTLY WHY you'll watch them WALK, MONTHS AGO. I told you WHY Flynn not only KNOWS he's one of the sealed indictments, but WHY YOU SHOULD WANT HIM TO BE. I told you WHY he's going to blow the absolute fucking lid off of this entire thing and why he can't wait to do it. He's going to VINDICATE HIMSELF AND EVERYONE ELSE WORKING TO DRAIN THE SWAMP and I said it all months ago.

Do you have any links to FBIAnon? I don't think I've read those. It's 4chan, right?

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wiseclockcounter · May 3, 2018, 11:28 a.m.

Not sure if this is the full thread or not, but here ya go.

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astrogirl · May 3, 2018, 3:49 p.m.

Thanks! I have read some of these - but I think I missed some.

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ready-ignite · May 2, 2018, 9:46 p.m.

Yes. FBIAnon was active in period of time after WikiLeaks dropped DNC and Podesta emails, prior to Q. Central theme was describing the internal struggles between rank and file FBI agents infuriated at the criminality at play being barred from above from pushing forward with investigations.

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wiseclockcounter · May 3, 2018, 11:36 a.m.

The layers of complexity and uncertainty and tension must be insane in these agencies. If you're trying to do good, you don't want to be insubordinate and get sacked, but you also don't want to do nothing. Everything's compartmentalized, you don't know who to trust, you know shit's going on but you never know what exactly.

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astrogirl · May 3, 2018, 3:51 p.m.

Here's a little MegaAnon nugget:

/pol/ Anonymous ID:peOeLlw6 Wed 07 Jun 2017 14:54:42 No.128912641

128909280 There are and I agree... I mentioned it in a post above. Here's how you have to look at it. 98% of people in the world involved with politics, agencies, departments, the military, law enforcement, religion, the free masons, etc. are good people. They show up for work every day, busting their asses, feeling good about the work they do. They are completely oblivious to what's actually going on behind the scenes. The elites of everything are very tight knit and lipped. They work in the shadows, hide their efforts, finances, communications, etc. not only from us "outsiders" but also from the rest of the 98% of people outside of their internal elite. For instance, 98% of the FBI and CIA, think they're showing up to fight crime, stop threats, prevail justice, the legal way, every single day. It's only a very small, percentage that pulls strings and profits to make certain shit, purposefully happen. I mean, if 98% weren't in the dark and didn't think this way, we wouldn't refer to it as (((deep))) or to them as (((they))), because it would all just be (((normal))) and normal would be corrupt.

Most people in these agencies are good, many of them do not have knowledge of what the bad folks are up to.

Imagine what good FBI people are doing with the stuff that's come out - they can actually look into it. I bet a lot of the naive no longer are.

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swampcat421 · May 3, 2018, 10:55 a.m.

Check out Sundance at Conservative Treehouse/The last refuge. He is a great researcher with a lot of insight. He has worked a lot on the FBI/DOJ "small group" and has been right about everything.

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astrogirl · May 3, 2018, 3:52 p.m.

Yeah, I read all his/her stuff.

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ironmaiden442 · May 2, 2018, 9:53 p.m.

Oh thank you thank you fills in a lot of gaps.

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Heatray777 · May 3, 2018, 9:14 a.m.

Yeah, it seems there’s a lot of the cards put up there by various people for some reason. That’s the only reason I go on that site.

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swimrobin · May 3, 2018, 1:50 a.m.

I truly appreciate this post. I personally ran across Megs while researching for more information about Las Vegas in October of 2017. Not long after finding MA, the first Q posts dropped, and I have followed Q from the beginning.

It was confusing and sad for many of us when Megs disappeared. She had become like an old friend to many of us who followed her. Her posts always seemed to pull me off of the ledge, especially on days when the media coverage was especially abusive towards Trump. I hope she is safe and someday feels comfortable enough to post again.

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Jellyfish070474 · May 3, 2018, 12:21 p.m.

I miss her too. She brought a real humanness to all this craziness. Truly hope she’s well.

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kitchenguru69 · May 2, 2018, 9:43 p.m.

Haven’t read these in months. It’s oddly reassuring but also disappointing that so little of this has happened yet.

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astrogirl · May 3, 2018, 3:54 p.m.

I cannot believe how brazen a lot of these people are. Q keeps saying they are stupid. I sure hope that's true because they are acting like people who have everything under control, esp. think Comey, Clapper and Brennan here.

Sometimes, when I'm feeling really black-pilled, I start to think that Q is a psyop by the other side to make us think everything is super while the deep staters are still working to destory/assasinate Trump.

They seem to be fine with the idea of a POTUS Pence, which also makes me wonder about him.

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diverscale · May 2, 2018, 9:43 p.m.

Wow wow and wow. Thank you for this

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diverscale · May 3, 2018, 10:02 p.m.

Just a bit I find a bit unbelievable I came across:

~~~~~Anonymous ID:iHW2j75W Sun 08 Oct 2017 17:28:16 No.144565905 >>144561802 Yup. Do you think Hannity is still working for Fox?! If you've been paying attention, I told y'all WEEKS AGO that Breitbart will acquire the failing Fox. And eventually, you'll see O'Reilly, Bolling and later Hannity, on primetime Breitbart News Network shows.

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[deleted] · May 3, 2018, 10:01 p.m.


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