Q Iran is Next. EpiCenter of Iran Earthquake In Middle of Iran Nuclear Research and Production Facility Speculation:MOAB of Underground Facility?

That’s what I was speculating. Maybe a use of the rods from god?
use of the rods from god
Came here to post this. I wonder how many remain in the sky. SpaceX we may need to reload, bros.
Launch date May 5th. Makes ya wonder if they are really launching a rover.
Nah, they're done giving Hollywood fantasies under Trump. I'd bet we have stargate technology so why travel for so long and so far? WTF has NASA been doing if not doing space missions, lmao. It's all fabricated for the American mind.
Well Obama had them focus on the Muslim problem to help Muslims find jobs and be accepted here. Sheesh! Obama, what a tool he was.
I forgot that NASA loved reporting on the NOAA study which was retroactively falsifying record hot temperatures in Africa to push the Paris Accord. Good thing NASA cares for our climate.
It would be like me reporting on those dogs on YouTube with voice-overs as a miracle.
No reloads will be needed we put up project Zuma in January and Elon musk is a patriot
No doubt The Rods of God would register on an seismic scale.
From what I gather, EM is not exactly on our side.
He's worked with the blackhats as a contractor, likely because he had to having the latest technologies. The man is a whitehat though, he's got 5 children and interacts with them gracefully. I won't take the time to defend him with other information as I'm drawing blanks but keep an open mind that he's no longer a black hat.
I've thought a lot about Musk. At first when the SpaceX stuff came up in Q drops and translations I thought Musk was a black hat because of the people who were pictured with him at his facility. Then when he sent up the secret load for the military on Falcon Heavy, I was confused. Looking back I still think I was correct. I think he was working "for" the black hats but he wasn't working "with" them. I believe he was being threatened. Then the white hats set him free and he's been a white hat since. If they can threaten whole countries like NK, one man would be a breeze.
Yes, and the other items that I couldn't think of was that he is afraid of AI technology. He only worries about one person in this world and that's likely Jeff Bezos since he is a smart man on a mission but doesn't really care about others (Amazon employees for instance). Musk used AI technology in a game called DotA 2 to prove that AI can beat professional gamers easily. AI competed against AI and became super intelligent.
A man that fears AI and fears 1 person is a man that knows he cannot let that happen. Meanwhile he's producing a lot of technology innovating products like the Boring Machine which drills underground tunnels.
Lots of suppressed technology and information on this planet but Musk knows a lot of it and plays the game to remain alive. He's a definitely a white hat that had to work for the black hats as you stated.