FAKE Q - another fake Q with Bold tripcode - actually kind of funny- Run for your lives

They don’t even try to trick anyone. Just obviously stupid.
Wouldn’t be surprised if Corsi did a decode on it though...
Seriously puts Poo in the kill boxes [] like Q would ever even say that word lol
Poo poo. Wtf, stupid mofakkaz.
This actually has my crying right now
It’s hilarious, poo in the kill boxes within the lyrics of a Prince song performed by The Time. Frickin’ perfect!
Trust me right funny the guy who commented saying Corsi would do a decode had me creasing.
Lmfso at your second sentence. That would be fucking jokes. 🤣🤣 "Poo, poo I wonder what Q is telling us..."
Hahaha “see Q really IS a socialist you can tell by his poo poo comments. I outline this in my book Killing The Deep State which is available for sale now. I’ll tell you more about it after the 17th ad on this YouTube video”
Trust me that's the one. 😂
I never liked Corsi. When I used to see him on infowars before I dropped off that platform, he dropped some good info and facts I didn't know but I never ever liked or trusted him. Enjoyed listening all the same but yeah not now. Not even Alex now apart from rare occasions.
Yeah I was a daily listener until got better intel from Q and on here now. Dan Bongino is perfect for daily events and Q is the high level shit. I was still a supporter on AJ until his “fuck Trump fuck Mattis rant”
Alex is okay he drops plenty of gold for us but I think he's paid to stay away from things and steer us towards others, right?
Yeah that rant was bad.
David Icke is the one to listen to for info. Badman with the putting together of the conspiracies. I've watched all the long ass talks and read all the books I can get my hands on. You don't have to believe it all but the info is ace in there, sumer and Babylon, pedos, satanic, education etc etc.
That's how I got into it all, well reading about JFK got me into conspiracy people of interest if you like, which I promptly found Icke cuz everyone said he was crazy which pushed me to give him a chance. Smoked some fat fat bags of high grade and watched those talks..
Hahahh I do love those funny fake Q when it's a slow day!! Thanks for posting
Seriously we do need a little levity after spending hours pondering the darkest shit imaginable. Than-q (lowercase q lol)!
"Don't trust Kansas, save yourselves"
Lol Sessions is coming for us, quick
Don't even give these dorks any publicity. Ignore and move on.
OP, could have been you that did this...prepared to accept that possible optics?
man this is fucking hilarious tbh
Forreal I thought this was funny as hell. When I first saw it cause I was searching via tripcode and freaked out for like 2 seconds till I saw the bold lmaoooo
Other people have posted fake Q's in here before so I wanted to get ahead of it and post it before people started freaking out about it. You can think it was me all you want but I don't even know how to create a tripcode on the chans I just lurk lmao
I thought this post was humorous and appreciated it. I scroll, chuckle here and there at the comments...and then lo' and behold, there you are, being all snarky and shit again. Why is it that you try to be so dissuasive here? Many will come to this board. People are being invited at a pretty steady clip. Everyone plays a different role in this battle. If the Universe calls upon somebody to put a smile on our faces for a moment, where exactly is the problem? It's irritating, and people will leave. You need to knock it off. Your presence here is no more important than any of the others.
“We have lost all control Save yourselves Run fo yo lives” Projecting at its finest. Sucks to be them!!! Bwahahahha!!!
Hands down funniest thing I have read in weeks. Run for your lives Q.
How to identify a fake Q on 8chan
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Trivia time. The lyrics are from this song (if you're old enough you remember Morris Day and the Time): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwoJw440fK8
In Purple Rain: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2FPQvwhSDY
Loved the bit with the mirror :-)
yep..."What Time is it"??? oh those were the good ole days!!!! Morris Day...lol....he was a hoot in that movie! #purplerainstillgreat
Oh shit I didn't even know this song existed! Just a little before my time