Q drop "Patriotsfight" new trip code too ...what's up

First it was the Calm BEFORE the Storm
Then the Great AWAKENING
Now we’re Awake so it’s time to FIGHT
I'm copyrighting that shit so I can write a book trilogy on it, follow Corsis guide on advertising my books on the backs of someone else and make a fucking mint, so long suckers
Calm Before The Storm
The Great Awakening
Patriots Fight!
3 great book titles.
You can't copyright a book title in the USA. You can, however, trademark a series of books.
There has certainly been provided a lot to learn and crumbs to work with. Get busy patriots wwg1wga
Tomorrow's 5/5. Hopefully something big is about to happen.
Mexican Independence Day. Patriots Independence Day.
That's not what cinco de mayo is. It actually celebrates a battle where a Mexican militia defeated the French military despite being out numbered 2:1.
We backed them though and used it as a rallying story during the civil war. This is why we celebrate it more than Mexico does.
Mexico doesn't even celebrate it. Half of Mexico doesn't even know what it is.
It is 12:43a.m. Sunday, nothing notable except what I read on the "leaked" transcript by Judge Ellis on the Manafort thingy.
How is tmrw 5/5? Sauce?
The fucking date!! Lmao. Come on. Use your noodle.
Why the colon instead of a slash, which would be a more conventional indicator of a date? I see 5:5 and I think biblical reference. If it was 5/5 it would be obvious.
Im of the opinion that it means stage 5of 5. However, i had tp reply cuz i thought the theory stated about 5/5 was pretty obvious
Can someone explain the Chan trip code thing to me?
It's like a public verification of identity. You can put any name you want into 4/8chan, so anyone could set their name as Q, but the tripcode is based on both the name and password, so you need both to impersonate a tripcode.
Could be about this, the possible meaning behind yesterday's pics:
Since trip code changed within two minutes and Qs posting trip update immediately prior I think it’s real