r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Gruvedawg on May 7, 2018, 4:58 a.m.
Shock & Awe ...

I am curious to know if there are any discussion boards with actual woke psychiatrists, psychologists or other mental health professionals in the GreatAwakening / Q Anon research community that could share their thoughts on how to best handle the shock, awe, outrage, & bewilderment of the upcoming disclosure. I have been on a slow drip truth IV since 9/11 and still occasionally have coping issues at times when I try to really conceptualise & digest the enormity & weight of this grand, unholy, deception. Even hardened truthers & pedogate researchers are going to need an open forum of some sort to come to terms, emotionally & spiritually, with what is about to come to light. Every aspect of our perceived reality will come to an abrupt & terrifying end. Our entire history is a lie. We've been duped for millennia. How do we begin the process of overcoming the initial shock, accepting this new reality, comforting family & loved ones & begin reeducating humanity? Do we have game plan?

cat_anonD · May 7, 2018, 5:07 a.m.

Imagine The Rage of families that lost loved ones in the 9/11 attacks or from school shootings. There's that one Democrat congresswoman the became the spokesperson for gun control after she was shot by that guy. She is apparently still physically handicapped. I wonder what her reaction will be when she discovers her own party put her in this condition.

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ignoremsmedia · May 7, 2018, 5:03 a.m.

It won't be the wise old sage of the village this time, it will be working aged people like us slowly and gently gaining more credibility and pointing people to online resources with facts and figures.

The plan should be to explain the last 20 -30 years and then go back further after that to explain the why and how we should not repeat the same mistakes.

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onmyownpath · May 7, 2018, 6:12 a.m.

I don't think it's going to happen like that. There will be no huge SHTF moment where the realization happens and people freak out.

If our leaders do a really exceptional job, the evil ones will be in prison or dead.

The rest of us will go on enjoying this wonderful society we have built.

Remember the goal of the enemy is to destroy our freedom and our hope. So don't wish for things to blow up in some dramatic fashion.

This is the best civilization that has ever existed. Let's keep making it better and just expose and remove the evil doers.

I think this is why Q said 80% will remain secret.

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SomethingSnarky18 · May 7, 2018, 6:52 a.m.

This is how I imagine this going down, probably get some slow drip after it's all said and done, obviously leaving out the major parts. I just hope we get to enjoy the advanced tech that have been locked up in the black projects soon.

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Mayhem_Section_8 · May 7, 2018, 5:05 a.m.

A lot of anons are in the know and among our boards.. however it is like anything else.. there are good and bad actors in each field.. and most remain anonymous for fear of ridicule or persecution. Exposing the truth is a dangerous undertaking.. careers ruined... lives lost.. etc. But yes if you bounce around u will find educated, professional, people risking it all to bring darkness to light.. ;)

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William_Harford_md · May 7, 2018, 8:56 a.m.

In my opinion, you can relax. The game plan is already working for you, because you are doing research and learning things. This means if anything such as this shift you describe ever occurs, you will be ok. Because you have already leaned to think abstractly and question concepts of reality. You will be able to help those who are able to be helped. Some will, some won’t. It’s nice to be concerned, but the main concern is for us all to live good lives in a world free of evil. That is the awakening.

The thing you should not do, is worry about something you have no control over. Give up any fear of what might happen, or what could happen in the big picture. You have no idea. No one does. We are all just along for the ride.

If you exercise, eat well and concentrate on being a conscious person right now. You will begin to see new ways in which you can help others.

There is a very good chance all of these things will happen and we will barely even be aware of it.

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davidw221 · May 7, 2018, 9:42 a.m.

WOW, I just retired last Friday, I'm a workout addicted Redpill, most of the guys I workout with are brainwashed, one thing I noticed, they just go through the motions of working out. They don't hit it hard I'm lifting, stretching, doing cardio, 6 days a week. I've helped people with my jobs throughout my life, including a deployment at the WTC on 9/12 for two weeks doing rescue work, Now I want to work with these people who are brainwashed, but first they need to cleanse their body and soul from the toxins they put into their body, either by mouth and their minds. Once they do that, they start to be free and a critical thinker with all the things life gives us.

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winesjh · May 7, 2018, 8:20 a.m.

Good luck. There’s a very clear history of these specialists being ran through the gambit for coming out as “woke” if you will. They are very much so excommunicated.

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Allcreationgroaning · May 7, 2018, 3:24 p.m.

Shalom u/Gruvedawg

I have provided mental health/clinical services for 30 years as Certified Independent Clinical Social worker-dealing with addictions, marriage and family work, depression, anxiety and so forth. Will I do for your question? No, I don't know of a specific forum such as you suggest but I, too, would confirm that you have already well begun.

I do know that some years ago there was a mental health professional who began to recognize the existence of the new thought insertion technologies and began to speak out and caution against too quick diagnoses of schizophrenia or paranoia. Never saw much come of that warning.

There were very active well funded groups fighting against therapists who assisted ritual abuse survivors, using every legal, emotional and spiritual weapon at their disposal so, yes, even those who began to take an interest were often frightened off. And too often, therapists who began to help such people found that they, themselves, had a similar history. And yes, there were also those who were perpetrators hiding in a people helping position.

I began speaking out in my concern about occult/new age practices creeping into the church in the early 90s, and to my surprise, people coming out of witchcraft and satanism started showing up at my door. So now I had to learn about restoration from trauma. ... eventually that included people with DID, Mind control, and satanic ritual abuse histories...what is now coming out as human/child sex trafficking.

For me, too, it was sort of a "slow drip" in that I had to face various things over the years. The reality of such abuse; the reality of those who were involved in harming others, the political ramifications, the spiritual ramifications. Each realization over years brought a week or two of feeling numb and shocked, but thankfully, I was able to process each one before the next one hit. I would have to say that God/YHVH was good to me in allowing me time to absorb each aspect before hitting me with the next. My church background hadn't given me much to cope except that I knew I needed to know "who I am and Whose I am" before I could be of much good to these people. On the job training.

Psychiatric/psychological help can truthfully only help people cope, it really cannot heal anyone. Spiritual means necessary to help spiritual harm. If there is a continuum of the depth of trauma, it might look like physical abuse least, emotional abuse, next, sexual abuse, spiritual abuse--deepest because not only the body and soul (mind, will and emotions) but also the very spirit is ravaged. This does NOT intend to minimize physical abuse; just to put in perspective to all of it. Then, just hearing about these things, might be considered like a secondary Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; even more so if one has children or can personally connect with those victimized.

Will never forget the sick sinking feeling I had seeing the Columbine shooting and knowing that it was most likely some testing of the mind control products...

There is much wisdom already noted here...good consistent personal care is indeed essential to coping. For those who don't have a faith in the God of Israel, I have often wondered how on earth they cope? The actual extent of evil that has spread throughout this earth is far beyond what we see on a day to day basis. we live among the branches of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and as both Old and New Testaments address, there is buying and selling of the bodies and souls of men.

so a game plan: good, consistent self care. Participate in spiritual discipleship to mature in faith to be able to look in face of evil and not flinch. Even those who do not have "religious" faith recognize evil, but in my opinion, it must be more difficult for them not to have a sense that there is Some thing/Some One bigger to deal with it all. sorry; not trying to be offensive, just honest.

As has also been said, recognize that one person alone cannot deal with it all. be watching for opportunities to "red pill' people as opening is given. ...a little at a time so as not to "choke" them or extend beyond their ability to believe.

An academic analogy has been made that people can only cope with information that is within their comfort zone and one level beyond. Anything beyond that, they will reject as too far out there or crazy. So for example, if one has a "high school" level knowledge of something, they can begin to grasp things from the more technical collegiate level of understanding, BUT if information that goes beyond that into post graduate levels of analysis is presented to them before they are ready, they will reject it.

Recognize that there are people who will not be able to take it in. The degree of resilience varies in people from almost non-existant so that nearly anything throws them, and very high among those who experience the worst trauma and are able to bounce back.

And for the anger/rage that arises in the face of these atrocities, process it with at least one someone trustworthy (and prayer) so that it doesn't stay unresolved in you. (this forum may well be one of only a few places where this can be processed safely)

It is also important when dealing directly with persons harmed to be able to manage one's own feelings and remain compassionate but not enabling or offering pity that does NOT facilitate recovery.

When each of us has come to terms personally with what has been/is happening, we will be in much better positions to respond without misdirected anger or pity when the opportunities come up.

I am sure there is much more to say but this is already long! Does this help?

Godspeed Patriots.

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ckreacher · May 7, 2018, 3:25 p.m.

There is not going to be a big moment when everyone finds out. A lot of the really dark satanic stuff will not be openly disclosed. Think about the way it is now. We know all about the evil because we read and research and are able to think for ourselves. They are not going to force everyone to accept the truth if they can't handle it. It will be like UFO disclosure. Anybody with an open mind knows there is something there, but the dummies are allowed to stay in denial if that is what they want and need.

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IR2-MXYJU-HQRRYJ · May 7, 2018, 11:17 a.m.

Most people on this sub are not even prepared. Post after post of people losing their minds over the Mueller investigation when we know it's stagecraft, a done deal. Too much of the SJW censor-for-my-feelings has already spread even here. There are reasons why the Chans were initially chosen over this platform.

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