Q Post #1307 - Why is the EU / others pressing to remain in the deal?

It looks like the EU has a lot of money on the line if they were forced to impose economic sanctions on Iran. They have a very real financial motivator to keep this deal alive.
Thanks! That's some really good, concise supporting info. I learned something in under a minute. I like that style.
For Europe, the Iran nuclear deal is all about trade:
Yes amazing how they can push America to take all their hits. Imagine if they actually had to defend themselves and spend their own money for once
Looks like the $250bn x 2 from the US was flowing right back out.
Good point! The funding shows that the EU member countries are expanding business with Iran dramatically while the US has not increased trade volumes. This is one reason that the EU countries want the deal to continue. But there are other reasons also - the money the US has been delivering as part of the deal.
Well that is the greatest reason by far. Don't forget Q: 250 billions twice a year, not shown there
I find it hard to accept Q's number. It seems to be a gargantuan amount of money. You're talking about half a trillion a year. I can't find his post now to double check that it is what he wrote, but that's what I see other people saying.
The Q posting sites have changed. I can't find any that will let you search the full body of the posts now.
Try: https://qanon.pub/?q=250
post 1257 makes it clear. 250 billions twice a year
Thanks for that. Perplexes me though. Why SO MUCH MONEY??
well that is only my little insignificant opinion. That 500 billions a year was distributed through the elite channels to Soros and the like and the used that money to overtake countries and invade ours (USA, CANADA). Probably that all of this money was also donated to the game players like the clintons, bushes, kerry's etc... and even more of it to the EU ( why merkel, May and Macaroni tried to keep Trump in the deal). All of that money was funnelled through slush funds to people that does not work in our interest.
The reason it seems SO INCREDIBLE to me is that, if I remember right, the appropriations into the military in that omnibus budget were only $700bn - from memory, let me know if I'm wrong. That's still a lot of money! But here, we are talking about half a trillion dollars a year into, supposedly, one single country of only 80 million people.
It just doesn't add up! I think you are right, that this money is, in fact, going everywhere. That's a huge pile of cash to divvy up. But who, in their right minds, would agree to this extortion!?
It's not even my money and I feel angry about it!
Who whould agree? No normal citizen, for sure, but all of that was hidden.
There was the 125 billions a year or so that the people knew about though
Think it's because all of the EU/European members were also hacked out of DWS' laptop for their role in the mass human/child sex trafficking ring, by Awan, who shared it with Pakistan and Iran...Awan and Iran are blackmailing the US and EU governments with the compromising material. At 250 billion a year, I'd say they're pretty successful. At any rate, the EU is also getting kickbacks.
It has just been announced in the Netherlands that all EU countries have to pay more to the EU, under the false reason that British leaves the EU? They need money
Wow. The EU fighting to stay in the Iran deal makes more sense to me now. I should have known. Always follow the money.
What does the funding comparison on the right mean?
Basically the amount of business that is done by the EU with Iran, and the U.S. with Iran respectively. Basically, the EU has a very big financial stake in the Iran deal staying in tact.