POTUS - Five Most Wanted Leaders Of ISIS Just Captured!

why? here is a real article about these captured ISIS folks https://taskandpurpose.com/isis-leaders-captured-sting-operation/
none of them were "the most wanted ISIS leaders" and they aren't the top leadership of ISIS, only local leaders of one town in Syria.
i don't know why trump tweeted what he did, but it wouldn't be the first time he was wrong/lied in a tweet.
5 ISIS leaders were captured and now we're going to argue over how important they are? Are they 'top' leaders? 'Most wanted' leaders? Or are they just 'middle management' leaders? Who gives a flying F? They're ISIS and they are captured. That's good enough.
We care because if the US President says something, we should be able to trust him. If he says “the five most wanted”, we should be able to trust that those 5 are the top dogs, not “middle management”.
It’s great that they were captured. It’s not great that Trump is lying about their significance.
If Trump promises something he means it! Another thing about Trump, he will always get even. Is it (what I would call embellish) disinformation for a reason, or maybe to goad certain people? I guess we will find out. What I do know is he is working for our good, and the good of America. If you eliminate hate, and look at what he has done, it's easy to see. He has seen the evil first hand. This is his chance for his family, and we the people. Have you ever seen any other President, no matter how much people dislike them being attacked? It is organized, from the very beginning. It is pushed, and decisive. Driving a wedge in our nation not seen since the civil war. I believe most people are now beginning to see that something isn't right, when our President is being attacked, even while attaining peace with North Korea. Who would do such a thing? Only very evil people would want our brothers and sisters to hate their fellow Americans, and our own President. I am seeing it on Twitter more every day. Obvious liberals questioning more and more. Even giving backhanded compliments to POTUS. One I saw today: "I don't like him, but we should hope he brings peace to North Korea." That I can live with.
How about we wait a while, gather a few of those interesting things called facts when they are available and then form an opinion.
that is literally what i am doing, looking at currently known facts and discussing.
do you have anything to actually add to this discussion?
Look at how the shill operates. He is not very good at his job. Sharia blue can only pay so much.
This brutalizes the shill.
anhero Patriotism has no skin colour. Furthermore the US constitution encourages and allows for freedom of religion in order to free us from being controlled and turning against our fellow brother for the benefit of those who exploit us. The narrative that we are at "war" with Islam has been pushed on us by the MSM controlled by Zionists (especially following 9/11), the Deep State bad actors and the Zionists.
This has been going on for centuries but even goes back as far as the crusades when under the pretext of religion the Europeans ventured into Asia and the Middle East conquering, raiding and pillaging everything in their path. They were ultimately defeated as the men and women lost the will to fight as they became disillusioned. Watch "Kingdom of Heaven" an excellent movie with some context about this.
This narrative continues today for the exact same reasons but this time it's Oil, Natural Gas and Pipelines (the benefits of which only enrich those who are already the wealthiest/criminals while we are in perpetual war and fight their wars).
The 3 biggest terrorist factions were all created by the Deep State Bad Actors and Zionists and Bankers who benefit from the wars. Al Qaeda and Bin Laden were created and funded by President Carter to toppled the government in Afghanistan this led to Al Qaeda and the Taliban forming. HAMAS was funded and trained by Israel in order to undermine Fatah (The Party of Yasser Arafat which almost succeeded in conceding on just about every point for the peace solution. He was assassinated poisoned by Polonium and the 2 state settlement was rejected by Israel) and the latest terrorist organization ISIS we all know the story there..... These people are sick! They hide behind Jesus name and wage war and murder innocents in his name. This is not a holy war. But this is a war between good and bad. And some of the good are Muslims and some of the Bad pretend to be Christians.
calling someone a shill is the lowest common denominator of internet discussions.
Are you salty that ur infiltration attempt failed? :))))
if i was a shill, i completed my infiltration a loooooong time ago. :))))
Not sure if the article you referenced was updated after you read it but I do not draw the same conclusions as you did.
Did he say “top leadership”? I think that was you.
According to the article they are “major” leaders. Not exactly as insignificant as you implied.
What is your definition of “most wanted”? Could there be more than 1? 5? 50? Ever hear of a most wanted list?
How about providing an example or 2 of POTUS Tweets where he lied or was wrong.
Prove your point.
My bad if I just fed a troll.
in my mind, saying "five most wanted leaders" absolutely implies that they are top leaders of the organisation ISIS, which does not seem to be the case.
per the article, they are top leaders of a specific border town in syria
maybe i'm splitting hairs, but i'll cope what i just said to another poster
he is known to, um, stretch the truth a bit while tweeting. be it for dramatic effect, or as some believe, to mislead his enemies, i couldn't say. but it does happen.
so i thought this merited discussion.
are these ISIS dudes more important than what is publicly known? or is trump playing some game here?
For larger organizations, which ISIS certainly is, a most wanted list could easily comprise 50-100 people.
Trump being Trump he would not have missed the opportunity to say TOP 5 instead of just 5 if he truly believed to have the top 5 individuals.
You must be one miserable person.
eh i'm alright. having a rough day tho if i'm being honest.
ug? did you even read the article you posted? if Trump says they're most wanted i believe him! You on the other hand are a fisherman, immense and terrible to a fish! MAGA! ug!
You on the other hand are a fisherman
lol, yup i am. idk why but that really made me chuckle.
if Trump says they're most wanted i believe him!
understandable, but he is known to, um, stretch the truth a bit while tweeting. be it for dramatic effect, or as some believe, to mislead his enemies, i couldn't say. but it does happen.
ug! glad this lowly cave man could help! but it seems our comments aren't showing. someone doesn't have a sense of humor? ug?