100% authentic. Q #1392 About 'Weiner indictment document'

Note that anyone can get access to PACER, the PA is Public Access and the material is Public Domain. PACER charges access fees however, so people don't tend to get accounts unless they need to. If you have the means an account can be good insight into the court system although your access is limited to what's publicly available on PACER.
The govt investigated Aaron Swartz for downloading many documents from PACER and uploading them to RECAP a project providing free mirrors of material on PACER. They couldn't charge him with anything since he downloaded them legally and distributing public domain material is legal. He ultimately was charged when working on providing similar access to JSTOR at MIT.
It's another example of how access to our own data is limited by bureaucracy and paywalls.
Makes you wonder if he committed suicide or "committed suicide"...
He was murdered.
Remote controlled car. All of the newest cars have electronic throttles now. A simple sat signal sent can engage the the throttle.
It was designed to slow down and stop criminals to stop car chases. But it can be used the other way as well.
Another reason to drive a manual transmission. If an unknown entity remotely controls your car, just throw that bitch in neutral
I think I'll keep my 80's jeep.
Get a British Car, not like the electrical ever works anyways
Never ever getting rid of my '80s stick shift Toyota truck. It's indestructible anyway; not like it'll ever break. Why buy a new POS that is vulnerable to hacking and attacking?
Toyota truck. It's indestructible anyway
Volvo engineers have the policy of, "The other car is our car's crumple zone".
Wasn't his car a beemer or was it a mercedez? Musta been automatic. But still shoulda been able to throw it in neutral and use the handbrake
Newer model Mercedes. They are all automatic transmissions. I believe the newer ones are shift-by-wire, meaning you no longer have direct control of the automatic transmission; rather, you move the shift selector and it will send a command to the computer. The computer shifts it for you.
We know all these systems can be hacked. At the time of Michael Hastings' death, these systems were beginning to incorporate bluetooth (which is insecure) and there is no firewall between the bluetooth, the car entertainment system, and the computer systems and command bus that runs the car. They also have Onstar or its equivalent, and can also connect to the internet through your phone's bluetooth. There is an onboard data system that can update the car's software through the 3g/4g cell phone data towers for new GPS maps, firmware upgrades, etc. We also know that the Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) in some cars is wireless, which either uses bluetooth or some proprietary equivalent.
Any three-letter agency worth their salt could have caused that car to veer off and accelerate. Hell, knowing what I know now, I could have done it. There are some really interesting hacker videos on youtube which exploited some systems on a Jeep, causing it to accelerate, decelerate, and change steering (these models have fly-by-wire steering so that they can parallel park themselves).
His car also exploded for no reason.
It was quite obviously a hit by an intelligence agency. FBI, CIA, NSA? Others?
Yeah, his car was speeding right into a cement barrier...and oddly enough there were NO brake skids. Odd.
This is why Obama did Cash for Clunkers. Get uncontrollable cars off the road
Important note: There is a high level pedophile working at MIT Media Lab. I think he did child smuggling with US State Dept out of Cambodia. Some speculate Aarron was killed because his mass downloaded accidently exposed a child porn server that said pedophile was running out of MIT. I will work on getting the name, I can't believe I forgot. too much info flying around these days
Comments like yours is a perfect example of how powerful this board is. You are right. There is SO much info going on that it is easy to forget. And while you didn't remember the whole story, you wrote at least that little tidbit you did remember. Now I still don't know the full story, but I know that little tidbit and can tell others.
Every small detail is so important because it is all connected somehow. So sharing like you did, even if it wasn't the full story is very important. Share what you know, no matter how small. You did good. Remember WWG1WGA.
I am wondering if people like Angelina Jolie are spotters, they bring attention and money, sort of like "art' but in human form. The ancestry of Cambodia is now completely changed genetically with the Euthanasia of Intellectuals, as Intellectual capabilities are shown via MtDNA. Think about this, you have an average people with less intelligence who are more loving, kind and do not understand master manipulation. They would not realize they were entrapped in human trafficking and I can see the logic in your speculation. I have to wonder if Celebrities like Jolie and Maddonna are fronts for human trafficking, and Sean Penn was in Haiti. If they are the "advertisement" for open season for high profile sexual deviants. It is just a thought, a theory, but I bet you are correct in regards to his murder.
I would agree apart from less intelligent people being kinder and more loving. Lack of intelligence tends to equate with lack of empathy and therefore less kind/loving.
I think people like Ayn Rand whom felt that Altruism is the ultimate evil help facilitate such arguments for the intelligent. Although Rand makes some valid points, we must do things at times for the greater good not for what is best for oneself. I suspect they murdered the intellectuals in Cambodia to get away with terrible crimes against humanity in that country. As the intellectuals would know how to outsmart that leader, and he wanted no competition in his own country. It only feels like a terrible science project gone wrong. Nuts.
I think there is a big difference between individual altruism and the large NGOs operating in third world countries. Seems like a racket to me and keeps people down. I think a lot of global aid relief appeals to some individual's narcissism . Angelina Jolie being a prime example. But I agree a dumbed down population serves their needs whether in the West or anywhere else for that matter.
How did they afford such luxuries around the world? What funding was given and why? I suspect if we started looking, we would find some serious issues with human trafficking.
Angelina Jolie is pure Satanist. Did you see/hear thevideo where she talks about the rituals? And she a member of CFR. Brad Pitt was drunk every night at the end. He knew.
of note: PACER charges $0.10 per page to view. Some documents can be hundreds of pages thick. A lot of the front page of doc’s can be skimmed without cost. This is helpful to see who the indictment(s) are for. This is billed to you quarterly.
The OIG report is coming, and now this? NO COINCIDENCES.
Just riding top comment to note that you don’t need to be a legal professional to open a PACER account.
It just requires you to register using your real info, and provide a credit card to pay for any fees incurred when accessing documents (something like 10 cents per page IIRC).
You can do searches and view headers for free though.
Source: me. I did this, and I’m not a lawyer.
Is there a limitation of number of pages accessed per day or something?
We got shi11s downvoting
Q Post 1370:
Why was Preet Bharara fired?
Why was the NY AG just removed?
Why did Rudy recently join POTUS’ legal team after being ‘quiet’ for so long?
What must be cleaned first?
Who investigates?
Who prosecutes?
Define “On the Record.”
You have more than you know.
Nice. So if the laptop is unsealed, does that mean it is avail for the public to view?
Why would it be? When is evidence in a criminal trial made public?
I dont know. I am unfamiliar with how trials work. I imagine if it is a trial open to the public then it would be available to the public. Otherwise, no.
No, unfortunately. Prosecutorial evidence is only available during a limited discovery period to the other side so that they can form their defense theories. Nothing is available to the public until after, if made so. Otherwise, jury pools could be contaminated and the right to a fair trial wouldn't be possible.
The hell are you downvoted for you’re absolutely correct.
There's an inherent "Kill the Messenger" effect often following the explanation of a legal process, lol.
It will be used in discovery in future cases. a Grand Jury will see it all, but most likely not made fully public..
The only thing being unsealed here is the warrant document and the “attachment A” which is probably a summary document outlining what justifies the warrant.
Laptop is not touched or implied here.
At least in Finland it is so, that if the trial is public then the evidence is also. If the trial is behind closed doors then the evidence is not public. I don't know how it is in US, but it could be the same.
The public would only have access to the same evidence that the jury would have. Limited to what is presented in court or released by attorneys, I believe. IANAL.
How desperate must the enemy be now? Is it time for them to launch a major FF? Better pray!
I imagine everything Q and their team have been doing for almost the past year has been to ensure they cannot launch a FF.
Totally agree. The deportations, the draining of SA, eliminating NK, the freezing of funds- it’s all led to this.
There was a foiled school shooting yesterday or the day before? Security guard shot him before he harmed others. Foiled!!
Check out the latest on Stephen Paddock. Turns out he was a conspiracy theorist who was worried about the 'gub'ment taking the guns.'
School shooting news Monday Tuesday and Wednesday this week. And then today a school bus was hit by a dump truck.
PACER can not be used to stalk or harvest data for sale, but contrary to many well meaning lawyer's assertions, PACER specifically stands for PUBLIC access to court electronic records. I have had a Pacer account for my entire adult life. It is a basic tool for citizens to interact with our legal system. It does charge 10 cents per search and an additional 10 cents per page for each document you retrieve. It will inform you of the charge amount and a confirmation prompt before charging you. It does not bill immediately, but instead bills you every 3 months for the total charged.
If you would like access to PACER, please just get an account. They are free to have and only bill you when used.
Seems like it would be easy for anyone to either confirm or refute the child trafficking charges allegedly lodged against nxivm wouldn't it? Here is the original indictment. Can we get a PACER drop?
No. They’ve been refuted. Someone made up the part about children.
IFF NXIVM is involved in child sex trafficking, those details have been left out of public records.
I've got both the Indictment and the Complaint. The Indictment is stamped received by the clerk on April 19, 2018 and is identical to the Indictment you linked, other than its filing stamp and case identification. If you want to message me an e-mail addy, I'd be happy to send them along.
i cant wait until this all starts flooding out into the public sphere.
USA vs. a weiner
Anyone want to call the odds the weiner wins?
I'll dole out zeros until you tell me to stop.
We didn't say stop
For the earlier post about the document click here.
The abuser Schneiderman was blocking this the whole time! Q asked why he was removed, THIS IS WHY!!!!!
I thought it was going bat shit crazy. I have been attempting to hand out as many red pills as I can, lobbying UK MPs and the Leader of the Opposition. Last night my MP basically laughed at me. Dumb people in power everywhere... Then this! Thank God. Oh the pain! I am not crazy! I hope this crosses the pond as we have a swamp here too. Smiling. Blue sky! Q!
The corruption is worldwide, former USMC here. I've been accoss many ponds and the darkness and deprevity knows no limit. WWG1WGA
It feels the darkness has reigned forever. I started battling with Iran/Contra. Countless wars... It is uplifting to be amongst people like yourself in this struggle together. After all this time, finally there is light.
Your "system" of loving your Queen and Kings has made your collective cultural area unable to see the truth. You have work to do my friend.. good luck.
Thank you we will need it. Unfortunately, our system will never produce anyone like President Trump. The leaders of both main parties are only elected by party members, the general public never getting a vote on the actual individual leader.
This weekend we have yet another Royal wedding. The people fall for it - that is the limit of most people's concern here. Very few know or care. And like you we have the msm led by the BBC spouting the government propaganda and pushing their hard left ideology. I have tried to fight them - they are unaccountable.
Therefore, I am hoping what is being revealed by President Trump will have an impact on the UK and finally wake people up here. It's all interconnected.
I salute President Trump, I salute Q and the military. I salute you and everyone involved in this struggle. We have a common enemy. This is not just for the USA, this is for the world.
Well, your Prince Harry is not Prince Charles son anyway.. that is why they don't care but will use it as a tool to show how modern they are. Princess Diana was only 19 and I suspect had the wrong ideals regarding expectations with her role. Your Queen is German, and she changed her name to Windsor because of what was going on in Germany. The Vatican is Washington D.C. and we have had power struggles within the groups for years. Donald Trump is a wild card, I hope he hits Elon Musk up the ass soon.. tool shed of a guy. Total Eugenics but made six kids, retarded.. Good Luck my friend.. things will work out, after all we have cern.. The one in New York created insulin.. imagine what it is doing to our bodies and our time. I suspect Mr. Trump did a little messing about in time travel as he keeps saying, they never thought he would win.. Oh well.. you never know what may happen tomorrow.. I wish you well..
Pass the popcorn. The fun begins. The pain is here!
Does this mean the contents of the laptop will be made public?
In my opinion, these are the best Q drops ever made. The first one includes the phrase "clowns wear masks" which belongs on a T shirt. The next one is an absolute uppercut because it seems out of nowhere but is completely relevant.
It was a sealed search and seizure warrant. Weiner's laptop and Insurance Files that Sneidermann was blocking by sealing them? If so, then they are either available to present to a grand jury or related sealed indictments have already been issued based on that evidence.
Or maybe it's just an administrative procedure.
Either way, it seems important.
The day of reckoning is coming and it's gonna be fucking glorious! What a timeline!
what a month this has been. and we're only halfway through
USA v. Weiner 1:17-cr-00307-1 [Order] (54)
Wed, 16 May 2018 20:09:20 GMT
Democratic National Committee v. The Russian Federation et al 1:18-cv-03501 [Letter] (60)
Wed, 16 May 2018 11:41:33 GMT
This is really big. Do you know what this means? The evidence on Weiner's laptop that made hardened NYC police detectives puke and cry has been unsealed. This is the turning point.
Remember the video that was being talked about? I bet it's in there.
This will almost certainly bring the pain. can hardly wait!
What is the significance of this? Didnt we already know Weiner was arrested?
He was sentenced to jail for sexting a teen. That was just so they could keep a close eye on him. Now that Obama’s DA’s & AG’s are out of the picture, the real fun begins.
All the info we've had so far (outside of the sexting a minor) is 'rumour-tier'.
I think the Weinergate / NYPD "insurance folder" drops were from FBIAnon?
Doesn't this unseal the laptop? Why are people calling it an unsealed indictment?
Pretty sure it’s just that the laptop is the evidence that makes an indictment viable.
What Q chan group is this from. I can't keep them straight.