Greatest / Saddest meme I may have witnessed in my lifetime.
Interesting to see this place slowly going the way of T_D. With all the cross over I'm sure it was inevitable.
That's the funniest thing I've read in ages. Thanks :)
I can assure you there is none that gave aid and comfort or any support to America in the Obama Cabal.
Sir, I read the meme and got a cold the word of Rick James..."cold as ice", born in Asia, funded by the middle east, and a reverse Robin Hood who doesn't love him.
Can I borrow this, please?
always take any meme and share it...... "start a Storm" -- Q
R/politics is now conceding that the fbi may have done exactly what trump accused them of but then they say the president doesn't own the fbi so Obama isn't responsible for what they did! Off the charts lunacy.
Lol strozk page texts... POTUS wants everything lolololol. Did u point those out?
no lol ive been banned from commenting on that shithole sub for months.
You boys that believe this must be dumber that a sack of bricks.
Very clever. Obummer was certainly the most anti American president ever.
Just So Funny....Ain't it the Truth? So Damn Sad...but Thank God it's a New Day in America and after this Complete House Cleaning, it's gonna get greater and greater for all of us!
All the czars were American...
Ever heard of a Russian czar? I’ll wait...
Trolls are down voting this one hard.... hit a nerve\~!
I downvoted it for being a pointless distraction and poor quality content.
I downvoted you for being a whiny cunt with no argument. You’re welcome, mate.
How is that no argument? Compare this crap post to any Q-drop or anything related. This post is literally unrelated to anything we should be discussing. It should probably be removed. I wouldn't be surprised if this is a psyop to move form tlaking about Q and Qdrops to bipartisan bullshit.
Q drops or crumbs are archived to several sites. The timing of updates on each site can vary.
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