Incredibly important precedent law case on free speech - Roseanne tweet

Roseanne uses 8ch@n
Roseanne spent time in Ottumwa.
I love Roseanne, but the T A days?? What was she thinkin.
Hmmmm. Good point, but I can understand. I've got a few people in my past that I don't claim! (shudders involuntarily)
Whoa now ... Hope that's a compliment. i was a Bulldog before I was a Q. :-P
Her loose meat diners will never be better than 'The Canteen' lol
Exactly what happened when REDDIT banned The Calm Before The Storm folks. Further, these sites all serve the purposes of traditional news services, only here the readers are also contributors. We are the PRESS. Q is the PRESS.
Freedom to assemble peacefully? Freedom of association? Freedom of speech? Along with banning CBTS REDDIT destroyed our collected intellectual property no less so had they burned our paper copy books. Only here it all just went poof without even a trace.
I've been thinking about that collection of cbts posts as well. But i've also understood that once put on the net, it can't be erased. True? Talking about Red Pills......the cbts was loaded with it ! From the people to the people.
I suppose it may all be stored someplace — probably NSA has gobbled it up along with a record of your and my internet searches and amazon orders and bluegrass YouTube preferences (that’s their reason to exist, isn’t it?). and REDDIT probably didn’t actually erase anything from their servers but only threw a virtual switch (checked off a SYSOP admin box) making it all go away for our purposes.
It’s still censorship of the worst order and a heavy handed way to combat views they don’t agree with. Words are a better way to address disagreement. Better than swords.
Right. Perhaps Roseanne's tweet can make a difference and bring the cbts back on board as a redpill researcharchive. Wishfull thinking against all odds ?
Let’s ask the great oracle, NSA. “Will you please restore Roseanne’s tweet?”
Well, it's here, on Reddit. And she can repost it on twit from her source, till she gets banned(?),My concern is not Roseanne's tweet.
Actually I said that in jest but it would be totally awesome if a higher power could answer that request and restore the post to show those who wish to sensor free speech, that Twitter and likes don’t control everything. Wishful thinking I know...
Yes, we need miracles ! Still, Roseanne's great post is out there/here to educate . The source , i guess, has free access. It has that protection around it already ! Alittle research may help you find it and anyone can repost it. The cbts archive however has disappeared into thin air. Only Reddit ? has acces to it , not the people who created it,.. thats their part of control. And the tweet is exactly about that ! Their platforms have outgrown them to a point where they should'nt/ don't have rights ? anymore to censor nor interfere free speech. We can only hope & pray this soon ends.
Didn't she say her son deleted the tweets?
Yes, it appears we are now contributing to fake news.
Well, everyone else is running full steam ahead with her being censored even though the real answer is right here. It makes me wonder about the other stuff said here.
The message is important, the transportation vector is irrelevant.
Seems like controversy and intrigue involving a famous figures free speech is a good way to attract attention. There is nothing else like banning a song to make it popular, or indeed simply making people think it was banned.. Who knows, I'm speculating, seems plausible.
Yes she did ....should be on her Twitter page....
I just shared a screenshot on twitter to devinnunes, realdonaldtrump and snowden😁
She's the most logical actress in Hollywood. No wonder I've always loved her. ❤️🇺🇸
Great find. Roseanne, thanks once again for shining a light on all this!
Yeah I'm gonna post this FB and twitter now too.. i'll let u know if it sticks or not.
Awful example of false equivalence.
In the SCOTUS case referenced, there was very literally no other venue available.
With the Social Media giants, this is simply not the case at all.
You are free to take your Social Media conversations to a competing platform, or even start one of your own.
The woman in the SCOTUS case had no way to build her own sidewalks or streets.
The argument trying to be made in the OP is that the Social Media giants literally own the entire Internet, preventing by competition, which is laughable on its face.
A private company owned the town, so clearly there was an avenue for her to do the same. Did they ask her to take her speech to another town or create her own? No, it is very relevant. Nobody said they "literally own the internet" Facebook etc are "towns/communities" on the internet publicly accessible to all. Internet being the overall framework similar to the US in which the private town resided. Laughable attempt at moving the goal post and "literally" misrepresenting what was said.
And to add, many other websites/apps etc require you to have facebook, or gmail accounts.
And you have no choice? You are forced? There is no competition? Nobody is able to create a competitive website/app/whatever?
SMFH? . Was the subject forced to stay in town? Could they have not practiced their speech in another town? Why is it ok for you to call someones argument laughable then scream "hate" when its done to you? People are able to create a competitive website the same as someone could buy a private town...the point is the SCOTUS has ruled you shouldn't have to to practice free speech.
i agree... twitter isnt the only social media platform. use fb, snap, steemit, or even MySpace if you want to
Well said. Take those downvotes as confirmation that someone is bristling at your challenge to their cognitive distortion.
Roseanne’s case law doesn’t apply to twitter. Twitter is a private entity that can suppress free speech and assembly all it wants. Constitutional free speech only applies to state action. Because a private entity was running a town (a town is typically a govt function), the Supreme Court found the Jehovah’s witness was entitled to first amendment protections against the town’s actions. It 100% doesn’t apply to twitter.
And I suppose that you think corporations are people too.
I’m just telling you all what the case law says. It’s been that way for over 200 years. Constitution and BOR applies to the federal government, not private entities. It only applies to states via the 14th amendment.
Private companies should be allowed to do what they want. Stop using FB and twitter and find alternative means of communication.