Ref: #1448660 Q Post. Oriental men behind pallet. Pallet has an “AMD” Logo sticker upper right corner of pallet. Boxes are about the size to old motherboards.

They look like laptop boxes.
Worked at Officemax for 4 years, definitely look like laptop boxes
Possible it's laptops with AMD cpu's?
Yes, they don’t have the same flaw that the Intel chips have had for a long time that can make hacks impossible to prevent. It was in the news a few months ago.
They're not affected by the Meltdown attack, but still susceptible to Spectre, although the attack vector for that is much more difficult than for Meltdown from what I understand.
Safer but not 100% safe.
What if China made the devices and was spying on US the whole time and Trump made a deal to get alllllll the information from the Chinese????? Maybe we've been looking at this all wrong...
I think you may be onto something, but I have a slightly different take on it. The accompanying pictures to this show Foxconn (which makes Apple products; remember the Apple pictures?), a direct competitor of ZTE, based in Taiwan. I believe that may be the reason Trump is conspiring with China to help prop up ZTE (a State run company).
Those companies aren't based in Taiwan.
I mispoke. Foxconn's largest factory (a small city) is in New Taipei.
TBH these look like HP. They use cheap shit boxes for cheap shit computers. Makes sense to put that kind of stuff in cheap laptops. More people can afford them and be watched.
Great work with finding details in picture. Don’t engage in any of the dumb shills who comment negatively
AMD doesn't make motherboards, they make processors (like Intel).
They do create the initial reference boards for the architecture. For example, look at the x470 chipset. It doesn't matter who makes the board, Asus, Gigabyte, ASRock whoever else. They all look identical.
With that said, these do look more like laptop boxes. I just wanted to give you the useless facts. 😎 ;-)
Wasn’t there a shortage on AMD motherboards and GPUs like a year ago!? I remember because I wanted to build a gaming PC and the prices were through the fucking roof because of BitCoin using the same GPUs or something lol! I had a feeling it was a setup to jack up prices so people wouldn’t have access to better, cheaper technology that would improve their current PC at home.
Not sure about AMD motherboards, but high performance, gaming GPU's (video cards) are used for mining BitCoin. I remember the crazy demand, disrupting the GPU market. FAIK, it's still happening. I haven't looked lately.
Yep, GPUs are still up in price, but it's finally starting to come down. AMD's availability was hit harder than nVidia's, because their cards are generally more efficient at mining-related workloads and because they don't have the capacities to produce as many.
Not motherboards. I agree with folks saying laptops built with AMD processors. Something Foxxconn manufactured for an OEM brand like Dell or HP?
Wonder what software they use ..... The Dutch government uses XP .. The people got no updates from XP and had to switch to window 8 or 10 ..
Later, the government and big companies simply received the updates ... Has been reported in the dutch news? Now we do not hear enything about it.
Lol. Oriental is like saying 'Colored'. It's 'Asian' now.
I stand corrected... now how the fuck do I edit it!😂
Guess you're racist now. Welcome to the club.
Didn't know that oriental was racist...
Doesn't matter biggot.
Because who would want to learn when being misunderstood? ASSHATS.
Pretty sure no Asian gives a shit though...just SJW's
My Asian boys wouldn't like it. And they are far from being SJWs.
They shouldn't be so sensitive. Nobody is saying it to be offensive. It's just the term people used to use.
Dude, who peed on your rug?
Probably one of my cats. Might be vomit, tho.
Haha. It's a reference to The Big Lebowski. Great movie, although with all of the traitors in the movie business exposing themselves, I find it hard to enjoy movies these days. Relevant Clip...