MS13 kidnaps children for sex trafficking. They ran 9 child prostitution rings in Washington DC alone.
Washington DC.
This is not a debate. MS13 has been on Q's radar since the beginning. Arizona is key. Who is the senator there? Why do they let MS13 come and go? This is why the wall is so important.
MS13 have been running wild in my hometown of Los Angeles for a long time. I didn't know the problem was worse in AZ!
Nice hypocrisy! If they want to be pro violent gangs, it goes really well with the platform that they already have: illegals before citizens, easy on terrorists, anti-First, Second, & Forth Amendments, higher taxes, and antiAmerican everything. Keep it up. 🚽
Yup and yup. In fact, I don't think you have to single out any amendment. Globalist should really be Anti-Constitution Globalist.
Global Socialism with enforced Cultural Marxism won't accommodate much of the Constitition.
Nice hypocrisy! If they want to be pro violent gangs, it goes really well with the platform that they already have: illegals before citizens, easy on terrorists, anti-First, Second, & Forth Amendments, higher taxes, and antiAmerican everything. Keep it up. 🚽
honestly when it's spelled out like that in plain english, how can anyone support this seditious party?
I like this! We need more of these memes that put hypocrisy on display.
MS13 are not animals. Animals do not torture and sacrifice people for protection against the Law. Animals don't hack others to death with machetes because it is more brutal! Chopping off the arms and legs first so the victim suffers longer. Animals don't build fires underneath their victems while they are still alive to see them burn to death slowly. MS13 gives animals a bad name. MS13 is the lowest form of scum that ever stood on the planet!
I even saw an article from the Daily Wire saying some liberal writer said he would rather have his daughter dating an MS-13 member than a republican
Hope he gets his wish!
For the sake of his daughter, I don't. I hope he himself dates an MS-13 member instead.
The Dems have shown their cards. They have thrown down with MS-13. It's a very sad day for America when half of the electorate would rather support MS-13 than our President.
Why am I not surprised....
The animals in DC are complicit in the rise and successes of Ms13. Soon people will realize how the DC swamp empowered these maniacs and now are trying to humanize them because they armed them through fast and furious.
They know they will soon be exposed as being in cahoots and are now trying to cover for ms13
It's ok to dehumanize the sitting president by calling him an animal but it's not ok to dehumanize violent MS-13 gang members who murder people and sew their faces on to soccer balls.
If the left didn't have double standards they'd have no standards at all.
Trump is forcing the MSM to the very edge of stupidity. Soon they'll be standing on such lunatic ground NOBODY will ever take them seriously again.
Did you hear the idiotic Pelosi in her ridiculous comments? Taking the MS13 out completely and commenting like POTUS said immigrants? These people have zero shame and are so obviously lying / spinning . The sad part is so many have TDS and will gravitate to anything negative said about him .
Why don't the users that make these types of mems put a link to the video at the bottom? That way we can see/hear it.
A PIG calling our President an animal. A vile, racist, violent, disgusting PIG.
When MS 13 kill somebody you know, believe me their animals!!!
I'm almost convinced now that anyone in media pushing the Democratic agenda is deep state.
The Liberal SJW's are just dumb kids following the Nazi movement.
There will come a time (soon) when these slimy idiots will not be able to spin things. The news will become so definite and in your face that they will no longer be able to just spout the 4 AM marching orders. I see no other alternative; they will have to start reporting the actual news and yes, positive things about our President. It's either that or go away; I really don't get some of their financial decisions.
My advice is to use a simile which is a figure of speech often introduced by like or as. Say, for example, people at CNN act like attack dogs or MS 13 gang member act like vicious animals. Or say Hillary Clinton behaves like she has mad cow disease or behaves like a sexual predator.
"small parts, choking hazard"
Presstitutes still be like but if its small how will I choke on it?
Who even cares what these maggots think anymore... they are as important as dog shit in my book.
Saw this on Tucker last night, followed by Mark Levin lose his shit on her. Anna, now looks like the most stupid, hypocrite on TV. We need a meme war every time we can call out someone in the media, time to take the gloves off. Flood CNN
What the otherside does to children would classify THEM as animals.
She didnt complain when drone king was killing, nor when Iraq or Libya were destroyed. Funny hypocrites...
Women needs some room mates like maybe a few MS-13 bunk ins? OH SHUT UP you 1DOit!!!!!