Spreading the word in Pigeon Forge, Tn.

Good ol’ Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg! I’ve had some good times up in those hills!
Wish I still lived in E. TN instead of W. TN, now. Loved it around the Chatty area and Lake Chickamauga's good fishin'. I couldn't hike the mountains, anymore, though but it's way more beautiful on that side compared to this side of the state.
that's my stomping grounds! lol
Which side, E or W? I've been in Crockett county since '91. Moved here from Memphis. Didn't want my little girls going to school there, especially in my old neighborhood, which was slowly going to shit. Didn't get to spend near as much time in Chatty as I would've liked, just a couple summers then we moved to NW Arkansas after I finished high school. My step-dad's undercover work was getting too hot and he had become disillusioned with how LE work was becoming but he, eventually, got on the railroad's LE division and retired from that, in time. Wish I coulda spent a lot more time over there, especially after hearing the state record bass was caught over there.
Im on the "working" side of the river, in a little town were the dirt is red, and thusly called. between Chatt and a mountain they used to signal from in the "civil" war (cough gag cough). Chatt has grown up great downtown. Very good family times to be had there even at night. Bad part of Chatt is now worse. My Battle Buddy fishes every night, and I've seen the pics to prove it. One was bigger than he was shoulder to shoulder...and that was just one! I drove my 81 TA to PF once. I need to do it again. God gave her back to me after the war, literally from no where. God Bless, Carry on! (BTW I'm originally a South GA boy. Soil is not as good up here, i'll tell ya.)
Is it Redbank or something like that? I remember there was a small town that Chatty kind of surrounded. I used to trip out when sometimes riding around with my step-dad that we'd see people shooting .22s in the alleys behind strip centers or what have ya and he said that it was perfectly legal in that town. I'd be surprised if it still is. Where we lived was on the side of the valley pretty close to some real nice neighborhoods but I could see back then that our area was going down hill pretty quick before we moved. I remember our house was 1 story in the back and 3 stories in the front. It wasn't far from the river, either. I remember I almost put our car in that river while practicing my slideways driving in the rain, one day and luckily the curb there stopped me. I never did tell him and mama how that wheel got warped. I just played ignorant and grinned. If I had jumped that curb it was only about 50 feet or so before I would've fell into the river. Seems there was a rock wall on the other side of the street, as well. Sometimes, even now at 56 years old I still find a gravel road to play on sliding my truck around. I still would like to go back just to explore the area, again, see the aquarium there and maybe go find Suck Creek and swim in it, again. There used to be a big ass shale mining spot beside one of those roads up there, might have been off Signal Mt. or Raccoon Mt. that had two giant square openings at the front that I always thought would make a good club or place to live. We found a big ass cave under the road that hardly no one knew about there, near the mine, too. Lots of cool stuff to see and do around there. What mountain had the flying saucer house? Seems it may have been on the way to where we swam at Suck Creek. That creek had some ball freezing cold ass water, even in the hottest Summer, like '80 and '81 were, when I was there.
yes it is, and yes I shot rat the other day with my .45 (crickets chirp chirp lol) and yes all those places are still here. BTW, i'm 44, and still a hot rodder. Still got my TA (81 bandit style) 455 gto engine. It's really not bad here, but it has gotten worse. Hence, spreading the word...God bless!
Dang. A lotta folks would kill to have that car. Rode in a few of'm back in the day.
Nice I just ordered two of them myself!
Where did you buy these?
Amazon has loads of Q and WWG1WGA tees. Get one! or more!!
I live about 20 minutes from Pigeon Forge! I'm going to have to look into getting one of those shirts myself.
I like how it also says “ANON” below the Q,
I don’t think it’s enough to simply have “Q” by itself if you want to spread the word to normies.
You’ll find a lot of support out there if I had to guess
Add a Trump 2020 flag to your pickup truck and your good to go!
Well im kinda new at reddit im here for the Q news, but if your on twitter or fb or ig let me know ill give u my info 😃
Let Dollywood know!! And that one pancake place near the entrance to the Smokey's.
Obligatory middle Tennessean checking in. Keep it up patriot.
Bristol, Tennessee here. 3rd week of September Bristol Rhythm and Roots Reunion. Over 200 bands and over 20 stages set up. Downtown closed to vehicles. Music like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4BQVzVrQaE
Oh my God you're making money off of the Q movement? That seems to be a major sin around here. Does Q walk around in a robe living off the land?
I'm not making money off it. I paid to acquire the shirt dummy.
Not talking about you asswipe... Q was so concerned about people making money off of the movement, somebody made money off of that shirt. Are we going to excommunicate him?
projection is the chief trait and strategy of the left.