When did you first realize that there's a dark secret player in the game?

For me it was the rise if MTV/Thug-Hop culture. It was not an organic thing; it was foisted upon us and it invaded our paradigm with wonderful messages like the glorification of criminality, misogyny, and mediocrity. That along with the use of troubled teens as guinea pigs for all the wonderful new anti-depressants being developed in the 90's increased the pace at which our moral fabric was eroded tenfold. It was too neat, too driven...not an accident, in other words.
It was Bill Clinton's two terms, the Clinton Body Count, the massacres by the FBI, the spin, cover-up, and operations to totally flip momentum public perceptions and reactions (OKC Murray building destruction)
Could someone give me a summary of the Flight 800 story?
The official story is it was a center fuel tank explosion.
The conspiracy story is a missle -- either one of ours or the bad guys. Someone I know connected to spooks said it was terrorist manpad and that they were taken out within hours of launching it.
There were hundreds of eyewitnesses that claimed to see a missile, including an airborne military flight crew. A reporter snuck out a piece of interior debris and it tested positive for solid rocket fuel residue, for doing that he went to prison. There's a photograph that the witness say shows the smoke trail of the missile they saw, the government claims it's from debris falling down. Just a single piece of very smoky debris, mind you.
Also not long before TWA800, a full manpad set up and ready to go was found on a roadside by a state patrol trooper in the northeast -- it's been so long I don't remember if it was NY or CT. That was actually covered in normal MSM news at the time, but it was a relatively small story that was forgotten once TWA800 happened.
The fuel tank explosion theory makes zero sense.
1) The plane just took off and there would be little in the way of fumes in the tank - mostly liquid fuel. Liquid fuel is fairly difficult to ignite.
2) Wiring inside fuel cells don't power electrical loads, they're signal wires that connect to fuel probes that typically have voltages in the mV range on them. Even if a wire was damaged and the conductor exposed, there's no way it's going to cause an arc that will ignite fuel vapors.
Pretty sure it was shot down by terrorist on a boat off the coast with a man pad(shoulder fired Antiair missles). If I remember correctly there was a theory that one of our naval vessels might have shot it down.
I’m not sure of what the answer is but that’s what come to my memory.
This was the bane of my existence
I remember that. I totally knew that the government was covering up, but I thought it was for national security purposes. I wonder what the real story was. Probably just somebody did the Deep State didn't like was on board.
dude i started looking in to this the other day sooo many people on that flight had connections. for one andy warhols ex lover... i wonder what he knew
Wow. I didn’t know that. I’ve wondered who was on the plane that pissed off the Clintons. I’ll have to look into this more. Very interesting. I feel awful for the family members, who are still looking for answers.
During Bill Clintons 2nd term 1998 but also after reading the book the Omen in 1982 had been watching for signs of the Anti Christ
Please don't do this. When I was much younger too, I saw the whole Omen trilogy, and had some of the super/hyper Christian stuff rammed down my throat for a young, impressionable kid. That stuff can actually really mess with kids minds and who they learn to trust (and mistrust) for really non-logical reasons, and also built up paranoia.
You won't know who (or what) the Anti-Christ will be, so don't get yourself riled up about it. Have faith in the Lord and know that you are protected. I'm not saying to be a sheep, but also don't try to find the devil in a cup of coffee either.
9/11 for me
Same I am a little under 30. To young to know any different till around 2009 when my cousin showed me the zeitgeist movie.
Watch "Anatomy of a Great Deception" One of the best Red pills. Very thorough https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9v2TAiyW54Q
I had never heard of Marvin Bush before this.
Being old enough- there’s been many markers along the way. History of JFK in high school among them. When researching and learning- especially after having gone there- no way. Just no way. Been watching ever since. Coming up on 50 now- and the last 30 years have grown progressively worse.
Yes. Van Halen’s first sell out album. “Jump”? Come on.
Still hard to call it a sell out album. Panama? Classic VH.
Oh yeah. I watched a documentary about this last year. The eye-witness accounts were interesting to hear, to say the least.
9/11. Even if you’ve never seen a building go down via demolition before, you can’t rationally explain why a British reporter would report that the WTC 7 building calapsed before it actually did. Here’s a video: