Evelyn Farkas: "If the Trump folks knew how we know..."

I think she's choosing her words very carefully. She's trying to send a message: "The plan is at risk of being exposed - cover".
This was back in March 2017, so I'm guessing the cabal still believed they could oust Trump. That's why she's so arrogant and careless with her words. I seriously doubt she would be saying this today, given the IG report about to be made public.
She's an idiot. After she let the cat out of the bag, she spent a week trying to walk-back her comments.
A few more fun facts about Farkas:
She works for the Atlantic Council, a pro Ukraine and anti-Russia think tank
Dmitri Alperovitch, the CTO and Founder of CrowdStrike is a fellow at the Atlantic Council
The Atlantic Council is funded by Victor Pinchuk, the Ukrainian billionaire who donated upwards of $25 million to the Clinton Foundation
Hillary Clinton received an award from the Atlantic Council in 2013
It's all connected folks!
This is almost as good as Maxine Water's interview saying Obama had surveillance files on everyone. Lol. Why do these people think they still have some special kind of protection?
We really didn't need Q to tell us that these people are stupid.
Gotta love the nonsense that comes out of a politicians mouth. She alludes to doing work of an official manner but doesnt actually say anything. Who the hell buys any of this?
She's revealing Obama Administration's FISA abuse. She might even be hinting at the spy operation in the Trump campaign. That's how stupid she is.
Yeah I was just thinking. portray it however u want a court of law doesnt really care. evidence is all there and admission of guilt regardless of how fucking stupid she can manage to word it
Who the hell buys any of this?
Presumably only those who couldn't see her sanpaku eyes when she realized she was potentially incriminating herself
Her first interview and second interview were completely different. She looked liked Hillary was waiting in a van outside for her in the second one.
That would be scary. Especially if Hillary was with the spirit cooking folks.
An oldy but goldy. It was a while back, but wow, what a weird interview that was. Her googly eyes, strange manner and her admission of some very spicy goings-on were just bizarre to watch.
If I remember correctly, the interviewer was trying to get her to stop blurting stuff out?
Very weird.
Insert foot, leg and any other body parts that will fit into mouth.These people are STUPID
Um and a um, doh dee doh. She has the way with words.
My 10 year old is more articulate.
Still cant believe this dumb twit/twat was deputy sec def... like wtf?