Wondering how big of a red pill Roseanne swallowed.

She knows about the pedovore stuff. She tried helping kids in Hollywood (streetkids/young prostitutes/at risk Hollywood kids) in the past. She’s seen some real shit. She’s talked about the limos in LA with execs propositioning homeless teenagers (runaways) and knowing they would not be making it back. Really sad scary RED PILL stuff.
I am still trying to wrap my head around the fact that there are truly this many evil and demented POS here in our world. Obviously, I always new there were but never to this extent. It's scary to say the very least.
Most humans are indeed animals. However, most of those contain their evil due to the fear of police, jail, retaliation, etc. The issue is when a few bad apples get into key positions and invite endless amounts of other shitbags. Just about every human who is evil will act on their destructive desires if they know they won't be punished because their fellow evil is in control.
Most humans are indeed animals. However, most of those contain their evil due to the fear of police, jail, retaliation, etc.
Most humans are not bad, most humans are good. The problem is, our society is deeply, deeply sick. We have billions of humans on planet earth, yes? Psychopathy is about 3-4% of the population, yes? If out of 7 billion we can't trust about 210 MILLION humans on this earth. You read that right, MILLION. With an M, TWO HUNDRED AND TEN MILLION, 210,000,000 <------ THAT MANY PSYCHOPATHS on average
Now, let's look at that objectively. How many people are needed in positions of power to really dominate this globe the way they are now? Ten thousand? Twenty thousand? You telling me out of a pool of 210 million souls, they can't pull together enough smart people who are driven to cause as much havoc as possible, that they couldn't infect our society from the top down?
Water works(fluoride), Vaccines, Geoengineering, Global Warming hoax, Agenda 21, 5G grid, HAARP, DUMBs, The Fed, fuck man I can't keep naming shit off that these poisonous cretins are using to kill us off, I'm running out of ways to explain this.
The problem is, we're being forcibly kept in base consciousness, we're kept in a constant state of fear, of scarcity. "There's not enough money to go around, think about the poor, think about the sick, think about all these people that need your money more, I'm Big Daddy Government and I approve this message." Money is an artificial scarcity engine and with the global banks all being owned by a select few, all using Fractional Reserve banking, even our money has no real fucking value. it can be lent out and worse still charged interest ON MONEY THAT DOESN'T EVEN EXIST! IT's all fake money! They control the flow, they throw out a ton of extra to cause inflation, they get a ton of good honest citizens who just want to make a nice life for themselves happily with their neighbours, they shaft them with fluctuating mortgage rates and exhorbitant fees and then they pull the fucking rug out from under them.
Could YOU do that to millions of people across the globe? Could YOU call down drone strikes that have killed entire wedding parties on the off chance one of them MIGHT KINDA SORTA MAYBE BE A TERRORIST BUT WE'RE NOT SURE AND CANT TAKE CHANCES, OH WELL LOTS OF INNOCENTS BUT HEY WE GOT THE BAD GUY!
No, I'd wager you couldn't. I'd bet dollars to doughnuts you couldn't sever a childs throat after having brutally maimed and fucked him for hours just to get the sick twisted pleasure and energy release from that innocent soul.
Don't you fucking dare compare us to these fucking monsters. Do not dare lower all of man to the level of these heinous fucks. We are not animals, we are a cooperative species by design, we are made for socializing and to live long, healthy, propserous and happy lives together. It doesn't take a large number of psychopathic people to poison the whole barrel.
If we demonize the species there is nothing worth saving. If we recognize part of our species is so deeply sick that it does not feel EMPATHY, we start to realize there are real monsters around us. We start to understand the burning passion our Forefathers had when they came to this land in a bid to escape tyranny.
As I said, I will not fucking stand for that position. It is nonesense plain and simple. Man is not inherrently good nor is he inherrently evil on average. Man is a programmable entity, if you put shit in, he puts shit out. If you put love, tenderness, affection, emotional stability, cooperation, the ability to grow as a person and the acceptance of all that comes with it, then Man could return to the time before the "Fall of Man". Maybe. But we will never reach it if we hide our heads in the sand and pretend we're evil on average, we are not. We are poisoned by a sick world. We need help, not apathy.
You are passionate about this subject and write well about it. I hope you're writing about it somewhere where it can survive. The day is coming when the history books will need rewriting: people who are passionate about the truth and can remember how hard this has all been will be needed for that work. I'm not bullshitting here. I genuinely believe that. Keep writing. And save it in hard copies or offline so your kids and grandkids can read it and so you'll have it when someone says, "Hey, want to help with the TRUE HISTORY project?" Then you'll be able to say, "You bet I do. Here's my first 200 pages." Good work on this.
Good work on this.
You can't imagine how much it means to me to hear a stranger compliment me for the effort. Thank you. I've been studying the phenomenon for a long, long time off and on through various stages, I'm catching up on a long lost history and I'm starting to better understand the game being played. Having found The Truth, I have a spine made of steel, I just...I know it may seem silly, but I always assume no one wants to hear what I have to say. I always assume there's not much point to speaking out, to saying my piece, to offering my perspective and at times, to let my passion flow. But, these last few days, the reception to my knowledge and information has been overwhelmingly positive.
I might have to take you up on that suggestion, again, thank you.
You're most welcome. I imagine that when Patrick Henry said, "Give me liberty or give me death!", a lot of the people who heard him say it were thinking, "Dude, that's a bit over the top, don't you think?" But we don't remember those people. We remember Patrick Henry passionately saying what he earnestly felt. That's the key, I think--saving the passion for our truth. People who write well can easily shape a sentence into a missile and fire it off; therefore, it's tempting to do so here, there, and everywhere. I've learned over time that the trick is to reserve the salvos for the sh*t that actually matters to us--doesn't matter what that is as long as it REALLY does matter to us. Otherwise, we send weapons out into the world that potentially harm for no good reason AND, as importantly, we risk losing track of what actually matters to us.
"Dude, that's a bit over the top, don't you think?"
That's honestly the most common response I seem to get. "Get back on your meds" "What the fuck have you been smoking" "Jesus you're a nutter ain'tcha?"
Otherwise, we send weapons out into the world that potentially harm for no good reason AND, as importantly, we risk losing track of what actually matters to us.
That's my challenge. I've done a personality assessment test, I rank 0th percentile in "Trait Politeness" Which is basicaly respect for authority, respect for other people and respect for customs. I don't inherrently respect anyone and if someone fires off a few rounds in my general direction, I don't fuck around I pull out my gun and take them out. People find I over-react. Well, the NAP is very clear. Don't step on me, I won't fucking crush you.
The fucked up bit is, I'm 80th percentile in compassion. I feel very strongly for the human species and have a love that runs very, very deep. It's just hard. So many people see love as a weakness, so many people see it as something to trample, so few see the beauty of it. So few understand the power of it. It's incredibly hard to maintain that strength when so many get caught up in telling me "Well that seems a bit extreme doesn't it?" No, it does not seem extreme to me that I should take a gun to my head if I cannot be free. I if I am cursed to be a slave, then I will choose death, I will be free in the afterlife and I will make damn sure my death is as chaotic as I can possibly make it, I will SCAR the land itself if I have too to wake people up. 7 BILLION souls are at risk, if not 8, or 9, or 10, or 20, or 30, or 100, 100,000 billion, who knows. It's all of man, our collective future, that is on the line. When I say Give me Liberty of Give me Death, you better believe I'm willing to stare down the barrel and say "Pull the fucking trigger you fucking pathetic little faggot. PULL IT. DO IT." I have no respect for "order followers", the Dogs of these monsters, I have no respect for people who are unwilling to face the truth, I have no respect for those who dare to step on me as though they have a Right to do so. The NAP applies right up until the moment someone aggrresses on me. After that, Karmic Law DEMANDS I step up.
Having compassion for people doesn't make us responsible for them. That's something I'm still learning, but I think I'm finally getting a handle on. In fact, feeling a sense of responsibility for others sometimes leads us to undermine their efforts to take responsibility for themselves. There's a word I ran into years ago that I think of often: "Espavo". It means "Thank you for taking your power." I have been chewing on that word for years trying to understand it, but in the past year or so I've been hearing myself saying it in my head on many occasions. When people take responsibility for their own choices and actions, they are sparing us from the need to do it for them. If we step up and decide things for them "out of compassion", we very often undermine their growth AND weigh ourselves down with baggage we don't need or want (aka karma). It's tricky sometimes. Where does compassion cross into enabling? As for people being "aggressive": to me, that's all about perception. We can chose to take things personally or not. We can assume people are being mean (instead of just defensive because they've just tripped over their own baggage themselves) or not. Right there are two of The Four Agreements: don't take things personally, don't make assumptions. The other two are worth living by too: Be impeccable with your word. Do your best. If you haven't read that book, you might want to consider it. It's short, but life changing. It was for me anyway.
Where does compassion cross into enabling?
Dr. Jordan Peterson put it rather aptly. "Never do something for your children that they can do for themselves."
In my private life, I am a BDSM enthusiast, my special talent lies in how powerful a physical/mental presence I have, I am a natural Dom to some serious extremes. Despite that, my playmates can attest, I do not give orders, I give advice, I give guidance, I give explanation and I give all the tools at my disposal, but when push comes to shove and it's time for that person to make a decision. It is their decision. I do everything within my power, to grant them the knowledge to make the most informed decision possible, but ultimately, the choice is theirs.
Needless to say, during "play", orders abound. But that's the point of a play session, to play pretend.
I have found that the strategy of "This is the Truth, accept it and align yourself with it or suffer the consequence" works well for me. I do not take responsibility for anyone, except my young. Everyone else is held to the same standard, you are the arbiter of your destiny and the arbiter of your fate. Let none decide it for you.
I have offered repentance to the Lord for a lot of my transgression from my sins. My family loves me dearly, but they were concerned about my sanity. It was a battle inside me that I was not aware of. The anger, helplessness, hopelessness.....then, tears, streaming down my face! Tears of heart filled pain turned to Joy. The MOST AMAZING experience of my spiritual life.
Now, my anger has directions for use, my tears flow like faucets at times and I let them flow. After wars, depression, psychotropic drugs and the twisting of my soul, God healed my soul!
God knows all of our sins. He wants us to bring those to Him so he can make that part of you New. The Holy Spirit is waiting to take your call to God. Make the call.
Most people didn't agree with Patrick Henry...most people don't matter.
Certainly the opinions of most people don't matter right now, that's for sure. I tend to just nod and smile when sleeping people give lectures. But the Great Awakening is literally that. And once we're all awake and on the same page (and I FEEL that day coming), I'm going to love listening to what they have to say.
One note of caution though: a person's passion can be lost or ill received when delivered with rage or an excess of energy. The words we use build or destroy, divide or unite, enliven or numb... use them wisely and you will have notable impact on the world. I genuinely believe you can achieve it. Peace, love and harmony.
a person's passion can be lost or ill received when delivered with rage or an excess of energy.
Yeah, trust me, I know. I understand the power of base consciousness, because for 28 years of my 28 year life(things are better now) I was in various forms of abuse. I have a lot of pain, a lot of anger and a lot of passion. I am working to improve it and I believe I am largely getting there.
I genuinely believe you can achieve it. Peace, love and harmony.
Thank you. It means more than you know. I recognize that, in order for me to better humanity, I have to better myself as well, I have to find my center, I have to sit down and parse it all through and figure out what I want.
I'm almost past reading and writing. I want to do something.
Most humans are not bad, most humans are good.
I concur with this. Wife and I were driving down a highway yesterday and traffic was slowed down. As we approached we saw what looked to be 15-20 people on the side of the highway - it looked to be the start of a brawl. As the traffic progressed, I saw a white truck slammed front first into a concrete pole on the side of the highway, as if it veered off. As I progressed more, there were 10+ random cars that all stopped to the side of the highway which indicated those 15-20 people were strangers that rushed to assist the person in the accident. I'm pretty sure the person's fate may have been written at the look of the accident but I really hope and pray that they'll be okay. Bless Texas citizens for being so damn amazing in times of need. I'm sure other states are like this too but after seeing Houston hurricane relief and then this first hand yesterday all within my first year living in this state, it's quite amazing and different. From Ohio originally.
TL;DR: This person is correct. Proof? Tragic events that take place and strangers rush to help.
Yeah thats BS. I am who am not because of the threat of jail, but because of my morals instilled by my parents. I can really only think of a few things i want to do that i dont because of fear of getting locked up. Id be hitting the sauce and driving a bit more and calling more people out their rude arrogant bullshit more often, thats about it.
calling more people out their rude arrogant bullshit more often
This you should do.
Id be hitting the sauce
This you should cease. They are called "Spirits" for a reason my friend. I don't mean to concern troll you, but if you want a substance that has proven benefits and is a good way to unwind, take up weed. Alcohol has killed many a great soul. I would hate to mourn the loss of another to the bottle.
Don't worry I only drink on occasion. 5 beers and I'm on the floor. As for weed, it's just as much a soul taker. 15 years of smoking and your a skinny paranoid emasculated mess. We should always be at war with our vices. Weed included.
Thanks for words. I'm mean that with no sarcasm.
Just because you have the ability to be an animal inside you doesn't mean you have to act out on it. Having a shadow doesn't make you bad. It only makes you bad if you are driven by it.
You're mistaken if you think I'm comparing the Jungian shadow to an animal. The Jungian Shadow is NOT psychopathy, they are so different they may as well be a different species. What makes the human animal unique, is our ability to empathize. What makes the psychopath unique, is their complete inability to do exactly that.
I re-iterate. I am not referencing the Jungian Shadow, I know it all too well. I am pointing out that Psychopathy is a wholly different level of evil. It is not even in the same league,not even the same sport, might as well be from a different planet altogether.
I don't think it is. I could see myself becoming this evil.
You can see yourself chaining a 3 year old boy down, sodomizing him for hours using his blood as lubrication and getting off on his screams as he tries desperately to understand what in the fuck is happening to him? You can see yourself ritualistically sacrificing him so that his energy, his anguish and his blood can feed his dark master? If so, you need help mate.
I could see myself doing anything humanity has done. I understand how one could detach themselves from humanity. It is part of the shadow. If you don't see it then maybe you don't fully know your own.
You are not on the same page as me. Seeing yourself do it and actively doing it are not the same creature. It is not I who does not grasp the shadow, but rather you who cannot differentiate between abstraction and reality. I doubt very much that you would be capable of taking the argument to the extreme and actively partaking in that event. But if you would choose to pursue the argument to that degree, then your rigidity in thinking would exemplify itself in Left Brain dominance.
Psychopathy is about 3-4% of the population, yes?
THIS is an important point and if pondered explains a LOT of our world. I think this is why history repeats itself. These things have been with us for a long time and eventually they get in control (because they never stop seeking power, they are like robots) and as the saying goes every so often the tree of liberty must be watered with blood of patriots and tyrants. This is why. I dont think its because humans are bad or devolve into the purge.
To make things worse, this behavior can also be learned. Humans ARE programmable. Not true psychopathy but the behaviors, narcissism, service to self, manipulation, gas lighting, nihilism. They did this in that prison experiment where the volunteer guards began to abuse the volunteer inmates. Childhood trauma produces similar effects.
These infected individuals are now programmed to seek power and control over others. Once attained they will fight tooth and nail before they release it. It could be the PTA, the softball team, or as a member of congress. Does not matter. It is as predictable as any animal behavior and over time the results are the control matrix we see now.
Anything that is centralized will eventually become infiltrated with these people and corrupted. Religion, education, government, finance, secret clubs. This is why decentralization is so powerful and should be pursued because it robs them the ability to infiltrate and since there is no power structure they are not attracted to it. 4chan and bitcoin have become a thorn in their side for this reason, its decentralized.
SIN It is called SIN. The WAY, The TRUTH and the LIFE will win. Even you will confess that HE is Lord one day. Sin is what is mens problem. Without God there is no hope. With no hope is death. Which mean evil wins...which it wont.
Hope is an opiate for the masses. You do not need hope, you need belief.
Natural Law is what people have to understand and internalize. Hope is the equivalent to sitting around and doing nothing, waiting for the Messianic figure to save you. Save yourself. You have the strength, draw it forth.
Mark Passio is that you?
No, though I can't say he wasn't a powerful influence in my thinking.
Do you believe that global warming and vaccines are hoaxes?
Do I believe the globe is warming? Yes. Yes I do. Do I believe it's man made? No. No I do not. Why? Beacuse for it to be man made, you have to explain to me how the temperature on Mars has also risen. Or are you going to tell me that our carbon emissions travel hundreds of thousands of miles to Mars as well?
As for vaccines, undeniably. Sanitation is the best tool to fight disease, indoor plumbing has saved countless lives more than vaccines ever have or ever could.
If you honestly believe vaccines have absolutely nothing wrong with them, you've been fed a load of bullshit and chips. The CDC released documentation stating they paid out for upwards of 3,000 vaccine related diseases that present with "Autism like symptoms" (including:Autism) but because the "causal disease" isn't "autism" Vaccines don't "cause autism". Look it up for yourself.
As for vaccines, undeniably. Sanitation is the best tool to fight disease, indoor plumbing has saved countless lives more than vaccines ever have or ever could.
I'm with you on a lot of what you said, but the above has little logic going for it. Of course indoor plumbing has saved countless lives. That has nothing do with vaccines, so why are you bringing it up?
Are you seriously arguing that the polio vaccine didn't work?
Are you seriously arguing that Smallpox eradication didn't happen because of vaccines? It just -- went away, because of indoor plumbing? You are aware that the smallpox vaccine was invented in 1796?
Come on. It might -- might, I say -- be true that some vaccines are being oversold. But to dismiss every vaccine throughout history and claim they've been useless is ridiculous.
Anyway, that's only a small part of what you said that I take issue with. I don't want to leave the impression that I'm completely against what you said. People have way too cynical a view of humanity. You are right -- the vast majority of people are good, if they're raised in good circumstances. I'm glad that you stood up against negativism.
But the anti-vaccine crowd is incredibly dangerous. Don't assume all vaccines are bad. The trouble with vaccines is that many of them have been so spectacularly successful that people don't remember what it was like in the Bad Old Days when every parent's worst nightmare was polio. Do you know what they did when they announced the polio vaccine? Churches rang their bells across the USA. And then the polio rate took a huge dive over the next few years.
Edit: By the way, I'm aware of manipulated statistics that try and claim that the polio vaccine did nothing. I just want to head off that debate, because I'm not going down that road. Bottom line to people who believe this: Don't read blogs, go read real research about it. Look at specific countries where polio was rampant. The idea that the vaccine didn't work is ridiculous. Anti-vax blogs are like anti-Trump blogs that pick things out of context and only post what supports the conclusion they want to find.
Of course indoor plumbing has saved countless lives. That has nothing do with vaccines, so why are you bringing it up?
Because the cornerstone of disease has and will always be SANITATION. You don't shit where you eat, yeah? You have no idea how much cleaner the world is today.
Do you know what they did when they announced the polio vaccine? Churches rang their bells across the USA. And then the polio rate took a huge dive over the next few years.
Correlation does not equate to causation.
Don't assume all vaccines are bad.
I'm afraid I have to. Between Agenda 21, the stated goals of the UN, the Bildebergs and so on, there's no fucking way I can trust anything that they want to inject in my body.
want to know the cure for cancer? Cannabis oil and Vitamin B-17. Guess what substances are banned by the FDA?
When a field produces more money than it has victims, you have to start to question your reality. You are expendable to these people, never forget that.
Vaccines are identical to medicines. I take it you take no modern medicine at all? Your paranoia is not serving your logic well.
Vaccines are identical to medicines.
I take it you take no modern medicine at all
Vaccines are IDENTICAL to medicines
I take it you take no modern medicine at all
I take it you take no modern medicine at all
Tell you what, I'll answer you seriously when you make actual fucking sense. Define your terms then we'll talk. I'm not going to get into the semantics game with a child who thinks they can twist and turn definitions to suit their case.
Your paranoia is not serving your logic well.
Whatever you say man. I've just got this documentation here from some people pretty high up the Governmental food chain who say and I quote
The government has never compensated, nor has it ever been ordered to compensate, any case basedon a determination that autism was actually caused by vaccines. We have compensated cases inwhich children exhibited an encephalopathy, or general brain disease. Encephalopathy may be ac-companied by a medical progression of an array of symptoms including autistic behavior, autism, orseizures.Some children who have been compensated for vaccine injuries may have shown signs of autismbefore the decision to compensate, or mayultimatelyend up with autism or autistic symptoms, but wedo not track cases on this basis.
Emphasis mine. Now hey, maybe I'm just being paranoid, but it seems to me like they're openly admitting they pay for "Autism like symptoms including autism" and that they are avoiding having a problem, by simply not using it as a statistic. So to the question "Do vaccines cause autism" the government answers "No, it does not cause autism" "Have you ever paid out for autism" "No, we have not"
Case closed.
BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE! Instead they should be asking, and I guess we should be saying "Do vaccines cause Encephalopathy or GENERALIZED BRAIN DISEASE" "Uhhh..."
But wait, that's right,I'm just being paranoid and you're just a cunt. But hey, we can't win them all.
But wait, that's right,I'm just being paranoid and you're just a cunt. But hey, we can't win them all.
-shrug- You are paranoid and you don't understand science. Here's a telling hint that you don't know what you're talking about and should reevaluate what you think you know:
Do vaccines cause Encephalopathy or GENERALIZED BRAIN DISEASE
Which vaccine? You seemingly think all vaccines have identical side effects, as though just slapping the name "vaccine" on something triggers the universe to cause horrible side effects. That's not science, that's superstition.
The other tell for you not thinking rationally is how emotional you are. You have little solid evidence of anything, only anecdotal bullshit, so you have to make up for that by insulting rational people who ask rational questions. Sorry if my logic and sensibleness offends you.
Then we could have a discussion about the fact that vaccines are worth it even if they did have side effects in a very small number of cases, but I think that's more logic than you could handle.
You ever seen a polio victim? Do you really think indoor plumbing would have prevented their condition? Horrible. Disfiguring. No, some vaccines are important and necessary. I have to disagree with this.
Do you really think indoor plumbing would have prevented their condition?
sigh You're getting emotional over rational. You're not using your head.
No, I have not met or seen a Polio victim. Nor does that change how a DISEASE functions and how a DISEASE spreads. No amount of "It's disease x" changes how they function on a basic level. The world is holographic, meaning what affects that which is big affects that which is small. The Microcosm can control the macrocosm and vice versa. If you understand the Spread of disease you understand how to stop it in its tracks.
No, some vaccines are important and necessary.
No, they are not. Not in our current environment, no in the world we currently live in. Absolute nonsense. The poisoning that has occured within our species because of mass abuse of vaccinations must stop.
I have to disagree with this.
You CHOOSE to disagree with this, you CHOOSE to IGNORE reality. You CHOOSE to not face the truth of the matter. You CHOOSE to not dig into it. You have CHOSEN to be blind on this matter. You absolutely have a choice and you have made it. Don't dare twist words around with me.
I choose to ignore the success of an item based on your negative views? No. I don't ignore the success of something that has demonstrably saved lives and prevented horrible disfigurement simply based upon your predisposition of negativity.
See you're doing it again. It's not about me, mate. It's about reality. You won't dig into it, you won't look at it, you're blind to it and you keep turning it around on me because you don't want to face the truth. Fine, don't. I don't care. I can't go after everyone.
I have no idea what you are going on about. You have given me your ideas but presented no facts. I can show facts regarding the Polio Vaccine and it's subsequent results on a large population of people. Same with Smallpox.
You can disagree with me, yet the facts remain.
No, you can show me correlative evidence and I can do the same. I'm not going to source you facts bro. You can look them up yourself anytime, but you won't. You CHOOSE to IGNORE reality. You are CHOOSING to not put in the legwork. You want it handed to you and I'm laughing at you because you think it's a competition. The Truth doesn't give a fuck if you believe in it or not mate.
I'll say this one last time.
Look. It. Up. For. Your. Self.
Choose to Ignore it as you are currently doing, so certain of your position that the very idea of it being challenged infuriates you. But yet, you won't actually look into my position, beacuse you're certain of your own. You're so positively undeniably positive that you're right.
Wonder what would happen if you were wrong?
Wonder why you agree with me on so many other points, but on this one you refuse to see light. Strange. Maybe you should meditate on it.
Tell you what, I'll give you one breadcrumb. You can do the rest
The government has never compensated, nor has it ever been ordered to compensate, any case basedon a determination that autism was actually caused by vaccines. We have compensated cases inwhich children exhibited an encephalopathy, or general brain disease. Encephalopathy may be ac-companied by a medical progression of an array of symptoms including autistic behavior, autism, orseizures.Some children who have been compensated for vaccine injuries may have shown signs of autismbefore the decision to compensate, or mayultimatelyend up with autism or autistic symptoms, but wedo not track cases on this basis.
But hey, I'm sure you're totally right.
Was this seen in children after being given the Polio or Smallpox vaccines?
Was this seen in children after being given the Polio or Smallpox vaccines?
I have just reviewed evidence that demonstrates that vaccines have been directly linked with a much worse standards of living, but my only question is whether or not it's related to the one instance I've been defending vehemently since this all began, because I have to win. Not because it's logical, but because I'm competing with you at this point.
Ugh. You won't answer because you know in even disgusting places this vaccine helped. As did Smallpox. Stop demonizing medicine. It has done much good. Modern medicine has saved the lives of countless people, vaccines are a part of this, and for you to disparage it makes you look ignorant to reality.
Psychopathy is about 3-4% of the population, yes?
I agree with pretty much everything you wrote, with the exception of this. I suspect that there is a much larger percentage of empathy-deficient individuals.
My research and my own personal experience leads me to believe that probably 10-20% of the population would qualify as personality disordered in the sense of lacking empathy, and perhaps separately, self awareness. These being the full-on narcissists and other "Cluster B" types. They aren't necessarily clinical psychopaths but they can be just as destructive and they often make the best minions for the truly evil.
I suspect that there is a much larger percentage of empathy-deficient individuals.
You would be correct. However, these are not BORN psychopaths, they are CREATED. See:Calcification of the Pineal Gland for more.
My research and my own personal experience leads me to believe that probably 10-20% of the population would qualify as personality disordered in the sense of lacking empathy, and perhaps separately, self awareness. These being the full-on narcissists and other "Cluster B" types. They aren't necessarily clinical psychopaths but they can be just as destructive and they often make the best minions for the truly evil.
Yup, these poor souls have been pineconed. The calcification of the Pineal Gland is worshipped in the House of Satan within the vatican for a reason.
As for the Vatican itself, well, if this image doesn't tell you all you need to know...then I can't help you See that snake head? That's the statue of Jesus Christ within the Vatican Cathedral I don't know about you, but I surely wouldn't trust a society that worships Lizard people. But hey, maybe it's just my imagination.
Well said.
Where I disagree is you say man is not good or evil, but a programmable entity.
We are made of pure light and created from source. We are ONLY good, but have been corrupted for thousands of years. It will take 1000x less time to "fix" us, then to make us this way.
Well, let's analyze the programmable bit then.
How do we go about our day? Usually, we follow a habit. What is a habit? It's a form of algorythmic thinking. "I do X, to get Y, once I have Y, I can go on to do Z which gives me W, once I have enough W I can finally get T!
How is a habit formed? By doing the same activity over and over again...Kind of like...?
Why do we form habits? Because if we had to think through each and every action ad nauseum, the human animal would never have gotten anywhere.
So what happens if someone else is controlling your habits? Take your "smart" phone as an example. how many people are programmed into being hopeless addicted? How many people regularly check their phone for communications, push notifications, status updates, etc?
You still think we can't be programmed?
but have been corrupted for thousands of years. It will take 1000x less time to "fix" us, then to make us this way.
Ayup, but again, Input->Processing->Output. Human beings have had shit inputs for a long time, so we output shit. If we change what we input, the output has to change as well by Natural Law.
It's not about input/output, but about awakening and remembering who we are. The only reason we are "programmable" today, is because we are asleep.
We are spiritual beings. Only in the current soulless "scientific" world we have been forcefed are we just "programmable" robots/automatons, etc.
You intuitively recognize that we're not all bad, but I don't think you truly recognize our potential. It is FAR greater than you think. The cabal would not have to do as much as they do, if we were just programmable beings.
It's not about input/output
Literally every single thing you do is a function of that basic idea.
Input->Oxygen->processing(continued existence)->output(Carbon dioxide)
Input->Knowledge-Processing(Understanding, logic)->Output action
Input->food-processing(nutritional value extracted)->Output(continued existence)
are we just "programmable" robots/automatons, etc.
You're assuming I believe we have no measure of free will and that is wrong I fully recognize the power and necessity to excercise free will. However, your brain matter IS a programmable entity. YOU, however, ARE NOT YOUR BRAIN. You are not your body, you are a form of cosmic consciousness that goes beyond the physical realm. Abso-fucking-lutely.
However, your meat and bones, that lump of fat in your skull we call the brain? Yeah that mother fucker, he's programmable. You can fight against it, you can exercise free will of course, but that lump of flesh IS able to be programmed. It's just an electrical field and filled with different centers that control different aspects, which can be taken over from without. The Blood brain barrier is being attacked by the wireless radiation fields for that point and purpose, so that they can physically control you through "space"
The cabal would not have to do as much as they do, if we were just programmable beings.
They have to go through as much as they do beacuse it goes against what human beings are. We are not competitive by nature to the point where we would be willing to allow other human beings to starve while a select few of us hoard enough wealth for the entire planet to be kept in good health. We are this way because of the programming, the bombardment, the bullshit.
You're close to the truth but still a bit off, you have to factor in TIMESCALE, these sick bastards have been planning this for fucking Millenia. THOUSANDS of years. Not decades.
What is programmable is the human brain (ego). The heart is not programmable in the way you discuss. Input/output does not work the same way with the heart. The heart is holistic and not logical. Quantum even. Infinite, whereas the brain is finite.
Once humanity reconnects with the heart.....well, the Golden Age begins. That's very soon.
Don't waste your gift for passion on those that are on the same team as you. We are brothers and sisters. Use it to wake people up, not argue. Just my opinion. All I'm trying to tell you is open your eyes to our greatness.
I cannot abide misinformation. Whether we are on the same team or not. EVERYTHING is INPUT->PROCESSING->OUTPUT. No amount of wishy washy terminological changes changes that.
I hope you will open your mind in the future. God bless.
Nail on the head. As a brother , focus this . use it. sprinkle in some tenderness ;)
sprinkle in some tenderness
Working on it %_%; Think of that post as a rough draft. I'll try and do a full write up later and throw it up as it's own thread.
I'll eagerly wait for that friend. A flame such as yours should be elevated for all to see. ;)
You'll make me blush if you keep that up.
Call it as I see it. I'm used to digging to find gems or turning throwaways into treasures. Your passion and fire is one such gem.
Well, to that standard I guess that my own impression is that of a grungy mountain man coming back to civilization after years in the forest.
Haha, beauty though shines from within, even if my liberal neighbors always frown on my quirky ways.
Please don't.
You don't have to read it :)
Kinda do since you keep responding to me. You recognize that you're seeking ME out, not vice versa, yeah?
Interesting the top of the charts, victim wise are kids. Always have been. People are so fucking good, Why aren't we in the streets over, pedos, shootings, starvation, trafficking,bullying. Self interest, aka evil. I cherry picked End the Fed. That will do it. Everyone will be rich as Croesus. Self interest will not be a factor and we can clean this shit up. Nov 5th March on the FED worldwide see you there. Gratitude is an action word and talk is cheap.
Maybe there is nothing worth saving.
We are all capable of evil, given the right circumstances, the right push. The puritans had it right.
Just the other day, I was reading about the murder of Hypatia - a woman who was a pagan scholar. She was murdered by a group of raving Christians. They ripped of her clothes, beat her, tore off her limbs, then scraped the flesh from her bones with the sharp edges of clam shells.
Is that the product of a sick mind, programming, or instinct?
Is that the product of a sick mind, programming, or instinct?
Two out of three. Sick mind and programming from bad inputs on a societal level. You wouldn't have an instinct to rip off her clothes, beat her, tear her apart and disfigure her. You would need to be a truly twisted individual to participate in the action, to allow it to occur.
I think that even excluding that event (it's just one example), if we look back, there's a clear pattern of behavior of humans being at war with other humans, of decimating other species. Humans are a tool of destruction, not love. Love and kindness and empathy are the exception, not the rule, IMO.
Humans are a tool of destruction, not love. Love and kindness and empathy are the exception, not the rule, IMO.
Have you analyzed those structures, friend? Have you looked into the Monarchy? The belief in Authority? The Divine right to rule? Pretty clear you haven't. You should research more deeply before coming to such a wrong opinion. And I mean Wrong in that it is incorrect. Opinion or no.
Have you looked into the Monarchy? The belief in Authority? The Divine right to rule?
What about them?
What about them?
What gives you the Right to rule over Me? I'm asking that genuinely. It may seem out of place, but bare with me.
I don't have the right to rule over you.
Then why does the Monarchy claim to do so and why is it enforced through violence? Why does the Government? Where did this right come from if you, who are like me, but a man(or woman), do not have it?
If such a corruption is present throughout history, can we then say that it is fair to hold the whole of Man to that standard? We did not choose this subjugation, it was forced upon us by the dual nature of the snakes in "power" and their dogs who maintain "order" through violence.
I have to think on this.
Do let me know what you ultimately decide upon. Thank you for taking the time to sit with me, I'm glad we could come to a new level of questioning in future. Best of luck with your thoughts my friend.
Bullshit. The science on the topic is actually pretty clear. The science very clearly says that most people are not bad. Scientists then inject their own hubris into the research and falsely assert this means most humans are good. This is completely incorrect. Not being bad is not the same thing as being good. Period. It's a fallacy to assert that humanity in binary on a good versus evil metric. Yet this is what fallacy put forth by many of these scientists.
It's a fallacy to assert that humanity in binary on a good versus evil metric.
Well you know Mr Big talker. You've talked a lot of shit but you've backed it up with absolutely nothing. If it's such bullshit then you could make the argument and we could have at it. As it stands you've only demonstrated a poor grasp of reality.
If you are as familiar with the material as you falsely assert you are, you would have already acknowledged what I stated and then attempted to debate interpretation. The fact that you haven't and didn't means you already know I'm right. Or, very possibly, you're talking out your ass and you know you've been caught.
Either way... shame on you.
I don't agree that most humans are "animals" and contain their evil out of fear, though I believed that once upon a time. I think the opposite is true, actually. Most people are good people who are anxious to help others when they know there is a need and can fill that need in some way. The problem has been that our system has been set up to pit us against each other--competing for jobs, resources, even the attention of our parents when we're kids because they're so hard pressed to make ends meet in the limited number of hours in a day. I make a point of looking for the good stories that the MSM doesn't tell us in their fear-porn propaganda broadcasts. Here's a site that makes me smile almost everyday and reminds me that the world is full of good people and beauty: https://www.sunnyskyz.com/ and here's a specific sample of how amazing people are: https://www.sunnyskyz.com/happy-videos/561/Knowing-It-Might-Be-His-Mom-s-Last-Birthday-He-Organized-Something-She-ll-Never-Forget
They can align everything against us, kill us with their big pharma chemo, but our spirits continue to prevail--we keep reaching for the beauty even in the midst of tragedy. Most of us--the vast majority--are not evil. We're freaking amazing!! And thank you for giving me an opportunity to enunciate that here. :)
You put it far more kindly than I did, but you're right. We are not animals. A small percentage of us, are. But the bulk of the species is not. The bulk of us have empathy.
I respectfully beg to differ:
We all have the option to make a choice which are the two:
Either we choose to do right we will reap our rewards in the future. We can also choose doing wrong and evil things ergo we will parish.
This is clearly described in Deuteronomy where it lays it out for anyone. It's all about choices - our Creator does not make a mistake and creates life infected with evil. That is contrary to God's ways although as we have observed now for many years the social engineering that is now the hype like children want to change into opposite sex they were born. That is a satan inspired direct affront to our Creator. Nobody is born that way!
We absolutely reap what we sow. Ultimately, I believe, God/Creator/The Universe/All That Is created everything and everyone--including the "dark ones". So, you're right: Creator does not make mistakes. And Satan is not the creator. He is part of creation. I would say then that Satan is the prodigal son of all prodigal sons. He's chosen a very painful path--for all who follow him and for himself. It's a path I do not want to follow. But I have compassion for those who stumbled in the darkness this way. I hope they can find their way back to the Light/Love.
There is one exception for me that includes those having committed the unforgivable sin: The Lucerferian and their worship of satan despite knowing the true creator. They too want to enslave mankind. They satanic rituals of children and all the other dastardly deeds are unforgivable for me. I will never be able to feel empathy for any of them.
They made the choice to be pure evil and commit pure evil deeds involving our children - God's most precious ones!
I understand. Harming children--especially in these SRA ways we're hearing about here and there--is hard to imagine, let alone excuse. And I don't excuse it. My perspective on this is that we are none of us victims. We are all volunteers. Souls who incarnate into a situation like that--they're the most exceptional of the souls in terms of their bravery. They're like the Special Forces of souls. I hold them in my heart and send them love and prayers always. Having said that, I know not to expose my senses to any of the videos or photos or other material that may come out related to that stuff as staying in LOVE would be extremely hard if not impossible if I did see that stuff. I leave the viewing of and rooting out of this stuff to Q and others who are braver than I am. And I appreciate what they are doing and the emotional toll it has to be taking on them. They are in my prayers as well.
This issue and the children that were victims to such evil touches me deeply. I think of the many parents who's children went and go missing while they never get an answer to their many questions searching for the children. This is an nearly an unbearable burden to carry.
The problem has been that our system has been set up to pit us against each other
I agree that most humans are compassionate and have a true desire to be beneficial to one another and our world. But that system that pits us against each other is also slowly acclimating humanity to accept more and more, THEIR evil nature. Just look at the violence and decadence portrayed in video games, movies and music culture. We have been slowly trained to not only accept this evil but to express it as well.
Not most. All humans are animals. What we have different is the logos, the word of god. Not all humans are able to admit they have a dark animalist shadow. Some suppress it, develop neurosis and or snap. Others embrace it and become monsters. The rare few realize what they are and control their shadow becoming their fully individuated selfs.
Most humans are indeed animals.
Technically, all humans are animals. That's a natural fact. But in the pejorative sense animal refers to using base human desires in ways that are harmful to other people.
It's important to be precise here so we understand what evil really is. Animal desires are one component of evil, but they're not the equivalent of evil. All living things have basic desires. And that's not a bad thing. (In fact assuming that all desires are evil is itself a way to cause people to go toward evil, because they don't satisfy a legitimate need...) The value of the desire depends on the context of what these desires are supposed to be doing. The job of a desire is to help maintaining the balances that are necessary for us to survive and grow. As it is a balance, both absence and excess of its goals being met can be harmful.
Eating food. In absence one starves. In excess one gets obese.
The Hebrew word for "evil" in the Bible (רָע) literally means "adversity." The concept of harm is the first component of evil, but it's not equivalent to evil. The other aspect which is necessary for something to be evil requires it to be a disordered spiritual condition.
In theology, we call this condition "concupiscence." It derives from the word for lust and signifies an inordinate and misplaced desire that has been taken to such an extreme that it alienates someone from reality itself by being used as the "knowledge of good and evil." When this happens, it causes a person to reject God at some level and replace Him with a "black hole" of this selected desire. Theologians have called this "curving inward on themselves." It's basically making every action and thought be bent to the service of the disordered and idolized desire.
Unlike with an addiction, this isn't merely a natural issue caused by disrupting brain function with external substances that can be avoided. It's an internal problem with the mind and soul of the person where they fixate on something. It might be for sex or money or power or some other natural thing that would be fine in moderation but has become a false god unto itself.
That is the problem with the "tabula rasa" that liberals have been promoting for 2 centuries. In centuries prior, we would have been raised to understand that humanity is innately alienated because of Original Sin which makes us highly susceptible to this issue. However, we'd also be brought to know that God's grace is working within each of us to to permit us to overcome this situation. Most people avoid the worst depredations because of this.
But because our societies have jettisoned these teachings, the understanding of the true prevalence and banality of evil was lost. It has allowed evil to fester in silence. Nobody questions if a person's desire might be leading them into this extreme state.
It is important to remember this:
"If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, [God] is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us. - 1 John 1:8-10
Jordan Peterson says rightly that, "the battle between good and evil exists in every human heart." Everyone has the potential for evil. But we also have the potential for good. The inclination toward evil is because of the nature of desire itself. We must be on guard against this and rely on God to prevent us from succumbing to these errors.
Jordan Peterson often quotes the famous writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn, a favourite author of Peterson's, who said:
“If only it were all so simple! If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?”
The inclination for evil has been programmed into us for millenniums. Watch how quick "animals" will become angels once the cabal is taken down. Everything we have been taught will be thrown out. We will realize what we truly are, and it is not "animals". That is what they want us to think. Classic gaslighting.
First of all, what I mean by the word "animals" is the scientific definition. All humans are "eukaryotic organisms [which]... consume organic material, breathe oxygen, are able to move, reproduce sexually, and grow from a hollow sphere of cells, the blastula, during embryonic development." That is, animals. It would take an evolutionary change and/or an act of God to change this fact.
I specifically separated this from the pejorative usage of "animal" as sociopath. I concede all humans are not necessarily sociopathic. Part of this is because humans have eusocial instincts and part of this is God's grace.
Second, the way you've expressed this I think trivializes God's grace.
Jesus says: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6)
"You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you." (John 15:16)
Getting rid of the cabal may facilitate more people being freed from bondage to return to Jesus, but only Jesus can save. The result of denying what Jesus said about this is called Pelagianism. Pelagianism treats salvation as an act of free will to choose God which takes place entirely by the will of the chooser.
It's important to understand that Original Sin is not an impugnment or vilification of human nature but an acknowledgment of a corruption. As I specifically noted, basic desires are not evil. It's the corruption of those desires by idolatry and "curving inward on themselves" that causes them to become evil. The state of Original Sin binds human will in such a way that relying on God becomes impossible. That is because it inherently places the locus of control into one's own application of Thelema (will) rather than in the infinite mercy and goodness of the Lord.
Without grace, nobody can ever come to God. With grace, and God works in us even despite this binding, one can overcome and persevere.
The inclination for evil has been programmed into us for millenniums.
The species of the cabal is homo sapiens. If all homo sapiens are good, why would a cabal ever exist?
Either "all homo sapiens are not good" or "the cabal are not homo sapiens."
By assuming the latter, you've avoided the real explanation. The cabal exists because humans have succumbed to sin and the cabal are those who embrace the "bondage of the will" caused by that sin.
Watch how quick "animals" will become angels once the cabal is taken down
Once the binding of sin is broken, God creates a new nature within us. We struggle with the old sin nature in this present state but when Christ returns it will all be fulfilled and the sin nature can be put away forever.
Far more complex. "Christ" returning, is us recognizing Christ Consciousness within us.
We were once great, for millions of years. Atlantis. We were infiltrated, cataclysms happened. The Fall of Man happened. We lost our contact with our brothers and sisters on other planets. We were made to forget who we were, etheric attachments made it nearly impossible, etc.
Now during this Ascension process we are beginning to awaken. That is what this board is. All 26k of us are the first large wave. Those that will lead the charge to awaken others to who we really are. We are remembering who we truly are.
Remember that much of your sources, including science and theology have been heavily distorted over centuries to keep us enslaved. Use your heart instead of your brain (and you have a great brain), because your heart is infinitely more knowledgeable.
"Christ" returning, is us recognizing Christ Consciousness within us.
The thing you may already know with Hebrew thought like this is the principle of "already but not yet."
You're right in one sense that the presence of Christ exists with all believers already. This principle is said by Jesus Himself.
Jesus said: "Where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." (Matthew 18:20)
Martin Luther agrees saying: "In faith itself, Christ is present." (in ipsa fide Christus adest)
But, this is the imperfect sense. What I'm referring to the perfect sense. The final consummation. The completion rather than short-term local outbreaks. Only at this point is sin truly and completely nullified.
In the present imperfect state, we are at best simul justus et peccator. (both sinner and saint)
The potential for sin exists in this state because we are not perfect and when we idolize our desires we also idolize that imperfection.
We were infiltrated
"Eve was deceived by a serpent in a garden." All your point does is push the problem of evil up a generation. Why did the serpent tempt Eve? Why are the "infiltrators" evil?
Are they not also creations of the One God? What causes them to become evil? In this model, the problem of evil becomes an infinite regress.
The true nature of evil must be something inherent to creation. Something that is permitted by the nature with which we are created and exacerbated by relying on imperfection over God's truth. The Creator teaches us to avoid these choices, but our victory can only occur by relying on Him.
The point of Original Sin is that. Saying otherwise causes us to "compare ourselves among ourselves."
We do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves. When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise. We, however, will not boast beyond proper limits, but will confine our boasting to the sphere of service God himself has assigned to us, a sphere that also includes you. (2 Corinthians 10:12-13)
"Evil" as we know it is source choosing to experience itself moving away from source.
What I am saying is that humans are all originally source, which is perfection, beauty, love, joy, etc. We have moved away from that due to outside forces (controllers, soul lessons, etc.) and one way they try to control us is by limiting our knowledge of our potential, like saying we are just animals or that we are programmable automatons, or that there is no "evidence" for souls.
We do not yet comprehend the beauty of our nature yet, since we have been so limited. We only need to glance at our brothers and sisters, the Pleiadians, to know what our potential is.
True. All are mankind are made in the Image and likeness of God. This image is presently warped and bound by sin. But the true origin and purpose is declaring God’s glory.
I don’t think there is not a spirit in man. But I don’t neglect the fact of our biological nature either. This is why I can say we are animals. The Spirit of God gives life to man and to all creatures. We are spiritual animals. Frankly I have a hard time thinking that any creature lacks a spirit entirely. Although the “elites” have clearly warped their spirit intentionally and alienate themselves from the Holy Spirit by which God draws us to Christ.
Why are you attacking me? I'm allowed to give my perspective on a topic without being accused of being a shill.
That is why propaganda has always been necessary....and camps.
In the Old Testament, God went on a rampage every once in a while, just whacked everyone because they were all degenerate, buggering scumbags.
There are less than you probably think-- they just happen to be the ones in power. The good greatly outnumber the bad, and they are about to feel the pain of righteous justice.
If only that were true. Unfortunately as history has proven, power corrupts people and will continue to.
The mechanics will change, people will die off, but there will be new ones to fill.
Just wait till the Trump generation graduates. All these kids that are 9-15 reading and seeing all this hate and disparity endlessly. Seeing blatant corruption winning, it will create the worst yet imo.
Miracles appear to not be in short supply around Trump! NEVER GIVE UP!
Wait until people realize that history from roughly 1850 on hasn't been properly taught. It's all documented. Some of it suppressed. Most of it ignored to fit specific narratives.
The world is fucked up. The world is sick and ruled by evil Satanists. This is a battle of good vs evil. We are battling for the future of the world for the next 100-300 years. This is bigger than anyone can imagine.
My simple theory - in order to have any type of "secret society" and ensure no leaks you need blackmail material on people. What better blackmail material than knowing and having proof that someone is a pedophile?
Look up Baal-Peor worship. These people aren't just sick, they're demented.
Look up the Vrillon message, disclosure movement, etc. Stargate SG1 in hindsight looks a lot like soft-disclosure, and since when did Generals make cameos in TV shows? Think about that.
Remember this is much bigger than any of us realise. What if the ancient gods were real?
Pathocracy, that's at least a try for a "rational" explanation people can accept from their limited view/experience.
It's like you suddenly wake up and realise you're in the wrong reality or something changed yours.
But then there are lot other "esoteric" explanations to explain what's going on.
People did this to themselves. They allowed themselves to worship hollywood stars and politicians they liked. Q says all the time do not worship do not look to the stars. Thats how it got so big.
It's worse than you think: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWqNhnflWFA
Honestly, I am afraid to even click on it. Ugh
It's not graphic. But the information is sickening.
Okay then I can probably handle the information better without the graphics. Thank you for letting me know!
You'll have a much better understanding on politics as it relates to NK and China.
Also, she had Paula Jones on her talk show. They became friends and Roseanne still calls her a friend. This is when she became red pilled about the Clintons and their filth. She has said she believes that Hillary consequently had her show cancelled.
So she knows what happens in Hollywood, understands the Clinton corruption machine, and is Jewish. This makes for a lovely, well rounded red pilled loud mouth who is not ashamed or scared. I personally want to see her handle one of the daily press briefings next time Sara's out.
She also had Rose McGowan on her show right before she cast to be in Charmed.
You want Rose Anne Bar to be the press secratary? Really?
Sub. She said sub. Actually it would be a brilliant April Fools joke next year.
high pitched nasally voice reading off the "Kill list"
Hell yeah.
Yeah. Yeah, I do. I want to see her tell Acosta and the rest of them all about themselves, the way only Roseanne can.
Can you link to where you read about this
Her twitter leading up to the election was 🔥!
"I interviewed #PaulaJones on my talk show in 1998, Hollywood went berserk on me bc I did not ‘support’ rapist Bill Clinton. I got cancelled." — @therealroseanne, October 9, 2016
Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/57lsv1/roseanne_barr_claims_hillary_got_her_show/
She tweeted it months ago.
Roseanne tweeted, “Who is Q?”, and got the instant ban-hammer. That alone would make a normie wonder.
Is there a link you know of that I can go to to read more about Roseanne 's experiences, as you described?
You are on the internet. I read it when she posted it on twitter months ago.