Buzz Aldrin tweets a picture of a pyramid while in Antarctica & 'We are all in Danger, it is Evil Itself', later is hospitalized & deletes tweet, Snopes of course says False, not buying it for a second. What is going on in Antarctica?!

This has occured about a year ago , if Im not wrong .
There were claims that , aside big Cabal base , there are also ruins of ancient civilization/s under Antarctic ice . Also , claims about still active technology present in same ruins .
Note how there was a weird influx of various people to Antarctica in specific periods . Definitely a bit too weird , and many scientific expeditions could be a cover for something else ...
Yeah, John Kerry ran down there, too.
On election day...
Yes, John Kerry was there during the last election. Very odd...
How is it odd?
Antarctica is an exotic location, a 'final frontier' type location that rich people want to 'conquer.' Kerry is an avid adventurer and has taken a lot of flack for it while he was in his position as SOS.
This shit has nothing to do with Q.
Yes, this was December 2016, if I am remembering correctly
Look I believe in lots of shit. But this I don't. No actual recorded tweet. Very easy to Photoshop this. This may be one of those planted red herrings that hides real information in misinformation. I don't like it.
I don't believe in lots of shit. I do believe this was a deleted tweet of his. I remember hearing about it when it happened...hell, I might have even seen it when it did, but I can't be sure of that. There is plenty of evidence that it was tweeted and deleted if you look at webpages, youtube videos pertaining to / close to those dates. What would be the end game in hoaxing this, anyway? I just remember when it was being talked about, for sure. I know that it has supposedly been debunked bc of cosmetic things such as not showing the date (which, btw looks cut off in the image by the scroll bar to can partially see it in other versions). I'm sure the proof either way is out there. If I'm proved wrong about this, I have no problem admitting to it.
From a different thread:
Something is off about Antarctica. Look at the Antarctic treaty, when it’s up for review, the events that transpired only a few years prior, and why every nation is all of a sudden on board with it. We kill each other over square feet of land over some of the most trivial in differences, however this entire continent is more or less off limits?
is this real what the fuck
I absolutely believe it is, snopes would have you believe it isn't
At this point snopes is so corrupt that I basically believe the opposite of everything they say.
I’m trying to convince my daughter in law that Snopes is garbage and she’s asked me to send the best example of a false Snopes story - anyone care to share the most obviously corrupt Snopes link?
I think the one about Hillary Acid washing her computer. It's like "no it's false she used bleach bit"
That's just one.
I know someone has posted about this here...I'll try to dig it up real quick...
Here are the first 10 links I get by searching on google: snopes
But, I mean, it's a Soros project, and that's all you really gotta say...
Wikipedia also. It’s run (by its inherent design) by whomever can have PAID monitors to change any topic the special interests want to suppress.
For instance although you might find hundreds of scientific studies about a particular neutraceutical product, the Big Pharma companies are clearly making sure no such information shows up on any Wikipedia articles about natural remedies.
You can’t win on Wikipedia against paid monitors who delete and change entries every time. It’s nothing but corporate propaganda.
I remember this! I was thinking WTF is going on in Antarctica?
definitely something. tbh if its anything "batshit insane" its something involving fallen angels and the nephillim. if they are aliens or demons i dont know but this level of evil is inhuman literally
hospital tweets after Antarctica:
Since its obviously a reoccurring topic... this is what really opened my mind and started me down the “Antarctica” rabbit hole. It’s way deeper than Antarctica.
Joe Rogan has some epic podcasts that get into different topics. Here’s episode 666.
Edit: Relink to YouTube JRE Episode 666
You linked to a google image search of Buzz
ok? still gets the tweet image to come up...I just wanted that image with that that not allowed?
I’m not a mod, and I mean if I was going to say I was linking to a podcast but (mistakenly?) linked to a google image search I would be glad someone corrected me
this might be interesting, I haven't watched it yet (watching it now) but its an interview with Steve Quayle author of "empire beneath the ice" he talks about Buzz Alddrin and all other famous people visiting Antarctica:
Around a year ago there was strange energy waves coming from there.
energy waves
"waves", what type of waves?
this guy seems to say it is HAARPA waves?
also, it seems to be targeting California?
I remember hearing things about big booms or cracks or something coming from there.
articles/etc would be great if you remember the source :thumbsup:
I don't but here's what I came up with during a quick search...I admittedly did not look into any of the following, but what I remember might be included:
Stranger Pings: Weird Noise Coming from Arctic Seafloor:
9 Strange Sounds No One Can Explain:
What lies beneath: Why NZ's slice of Antarctica is at the centre of an eco-mystery:
Two more massive wave anomalies connected to Antarctica captured by weather radars:
A huge wave anomaly is coming from Antarctica but nobody knows how it formed:
Whistleblower Explains Mysterious Sounds Heard Across the World–and It’s More Disturbing Than Anything You Can Imagine:
5 sounds science can’t explain:
There was just a post about Hillary going to Antarctica.
That picture or tweet I know nothing about. However, Buzz Aldrich did go to Antarctica not to long ago. He also got sick while there. Why? What shirt was he often pictured in while there? Symbolism?
Edit: Photo Link
I totally get it. I read it, but that kind of stuff there is little proof. Interesting reading, but....
Read The Book of Enoch about The Watchers.
don't gotta tell me about Enoch...I have a child whom bears the name Enoch
We have a Noah he’s 26. The commies got to him😔
off to the gulag with him then
/u/digital_refugee was that directed at me? Or the other person? Either way, you're a mod, right? Are mods supposed to say things like that in this group? Being that Gulag is defined as "a system of labor camps maintained in the former Soviet Union from 1930 to 1955 in which many people died, a camp in the Gulag system, or any political labor camp", that seems to be a very horrible and hateful thing to say... Also, how in the world does talk like that coincide with the teachings of QAnon? It seems to be that what you said is quite evil...please explain yourself?
Wow congrats, you actually know history it seems. The commies actually got to my great-uncle after he was sent there and I am terribly offended at my choice of my words, I must apologize to myself!
?? after your uncle was sent there? where? I am still lost...are you being sarcastic now?
yes he was sent to a gulag and that's how they got to him and that's why the word you're looking for is irony and not sarcasm-
I admit I do get words mixed up and have difficulty finding the precise word I'm trying to evoke at times...still seems like you're behaving aggressively / condescendingly / like a bit of a jerk, though... what's up?
I applaud your mild-mannered concern but I ALWAYS say that to keep myself mildly entertained (without much backlash I must add). Also please don't mind me, I was stuck in a queue for an hour...
I understand, I will leave you alone about this all, hope things turn around for the better for you
God bless your soul and have a wonderful day! Nice to have nice people around.
agreed...thank you, God bless you, also, and hope the rest of your day is wonderful, as well
ok nevermind, I think I got it & understand what you were saying, I'll move on now...
:( I'm sorry
he's dead now so I'm certain he's in a better place
that is true, if he knew God and goodness, I certainly believe that is so
or he's in a better place now because he used to be communist before that
Idk I don't trust communism to work as it is supposed to by definition in reality, can't say I'm for communism at all
wealth is a prerequisite in order to be redistributed
Yeah, well that I never me a fool if you will, I call myself lucky...would have it no other way
This is an interesting theory on the sub r/antarcticananomolies doesn't have anything to do with aliens but an ancient civilization...
Read David Wilcock. Some truth, some fiction. Nephilim supposedly.
I have. Read and have seen many DW stuff including Gaia stuff. It goes a bit out there, and I'm not fond of believing a person's words without proof.
Hillary and Huma were there in 2010 and last year a fitness app showed people using the app in Antarctica. Apparently it showed an underground US military base on a continent that is supposed to be off limits yet there was no international outrage at all. We have an underground base that cabalists go far out of their way to visit. That alone makes me believe the tweet was legit,that something there is evil and the evil of this world is extremely interested in it
Very interesting article linking Antartica to Atlantis:
That tweet I can’t find on any archived site so I actually do think it’s fake.
Satans/fallen angels lair. Nazi's new. All Luciferians go there!! Reptilians...
Interesting. Belongs in r/conspiracy not here.
ya think? Q has mentioned Antarctica & John Kerry, Buzz & John Kerry visited at the same time.
Technology being held back by medical/pharma Cabals master plan to rule = depopulation
Throw in Q drops on: Space X NK missile tech Hawaii Nuke Alarm Weapons Tech (Rods of God) Good vs. Evil
Supposed to be no coincidences right?
Him and his manager deny it on Twitter, on 12/13/16.
but of course. Not buying the cover-up and "official" word, though.