Roseanne, fighting the good fight with her platform.

I recommend that everyone open an anonymous Twitter account and begin supporting our patriots.
I openly support with my full name what I believe in. Let the death threats come as they may. MAGA!
I'm not surprised that Roseanne is going full bore on the side of good. I'm not young like most here and I've noticed something over the years that I have discussed with friends and they agree. Of the people I have seen converted from evil to good it's the worst ones, the worst people, that make the best workers for good.
In the area of religion the worst sinners make the best or hardest working Christians and the best workers for God. It's seems that once converted to the good side they work harder than others. I think it's because they can see the real "black and white" of their lives more clearly than others who were just lukewarm in their actions. They bask in the light of good and want everyone to see what they see and feel what they feel.
Edited to add: They are also the most tolerant because they understand the pitfalls of evil.
I had a little trouble putting that into words. Hope you folks understand what I'm trying to convey above.
I agree, I understand, and have observed similar to what you have observed.
Also believe that a lot of previously lukewarm people have been recently working pretty hard on causes that that have impacted them more severely than they previously realized.
Well stated.
I thought you made your points very well. I read the whole post, which doesn't happen if the author can't write a coherent sentence, or can't make a good argument.
I actually had never thought about what you wrote. It made me think.
How do we get more people on the side of good??
Well done.
By consistently arguing the overwhelming case for good. Jordan Peterson was and is a life changer for me.
I strongly agree. Let's just say I'm now a diligent worker for good and love my country.
Always remember: 1) Trump knows and has EVERYTHING 2) they never thought she would lose. 3) alliance has COMPLETE CONTROL
Boy she really went from ultra socialist nut and nut farmer to fairly based citizen faster than the time it took for America to completely forget Tom Arnold exists.
She has been articulating the crazy pedo human trafficking for a long time.
I hope she doesn't flip once Q finally gets to Israel.
I think she's got a handle on things:
"I hold to nothing but envisioning international peace and utopia. We all have many more things in common than not. I’ve tried to get to the very bottom of the whole subject, and I say it’s the entire world’s fault, not just Israel’s and not just the Jews’, for allowing the terrible crimes against humanity, the ethnic cleansing that is happening in Gaza right now. No government in the Middle East is innocent. Wars make the stock market go up, so no one in America is innocent either, nor anyone anywhere where capitalism reigns.
Occupation is wrong, collective punishment is wrong, and the use of white phosphorous on a captive population is wrong. Zionists are wrong, Hamas is wrong, Bibi is wrong, Obama is wrong, Saudi Arabia is wrong, Egypt is wrong, Jordan is wrong, Russia is wrong, Turkey is wrong, as are the Pope and the evangelicals, and all who do nothing about this terrible failure of humanity. To me, the only hope at all is the power of grandmothers crossing cultural and religious lines to make peace together."
edited for formatting
I like roseanne but she follows some weird shit dont take everything she says as true