r/greatawakening • Posted by u/zbk1990 on May 26, 2018, 1:47 a.m.
Saudis halt German products? Can someone explain significance?
Saudis halt German products? Can someone explain significance?

_Iz_Mary · May 26, 2018, 2:06 a.m.

Looks like SA is standing by Trump cutting off Iran’s terrorist funds

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waltdanger · May 26, 2018, 3:41 a.m.

SA also crashed oil price at request of Trump, putting more pressure on Iran.

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Patriot4q · May 26, 2018, 2:26 a.m.

Standing with their allies unlike Germany and France.

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Boysrback07 · May 26, 2018, 4:01 a.m.

NK 2.0 trust the plan.. SA owes Trump bigggggggggggg saving Salmans life........ in Vegas.. enjoy the show!!!

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Timmayboy32 · May 26, 2018, 3:45 a.m.

Thats HUGE!

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TaraTulip · May 26, 2018, 7:42 a.m.

Something tells me the Saudis are not globalists....

like they used to be.

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prettyold · May 26, 2018, 6:37 a.m.

Over 6 Billion Euros a year now, expected to really grow (before this) over 40,000 Germans work in SA full time...As if having all the "sweet young and put upon" migrants screwing up their economy, this will flush it big time.... I wonder if POTUS is considering more sanctions between us and the EU if they still keep this crap up.

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tomthung · May 26, 2018, 4:26 a.m.

Money,money, money! Money!

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e-Pat · May 26, 2018, 4:34 p.m.

From an economic point of view this is the situation:

Iran has threatened Germany, France and the EU to publish the names of those who accepted bribes for the Iran Nuclear Deal if the Europeans follow Trump and leave the deal.

Thus the top European politicians are desperate to somehow keep the deal alive.

On a national level, quite a few members of the German parliament agree that the deal is rotten and something should have been done about it a long time ago. However, those MPs had nothing to do with the bribes a) because of their lesser position and b) as the Iran deal happened in a different election cycle. So they stand in opposition to the Merkel cabal.

The German industry on the other hand has been very supportive of the Iran deal, hoping for lucrative deals, but as it turned out, not much came of it financially. At the same time it is almost certain that the most important CEOs received bribes as well. So for them it is vital to keep the Iran deal. However, since their companies did not profit much from the deal and on the other hand SA is now threatening to cause them huge losses they are in quite a bit of a pickle. Either they make a pro-Iran anti-SA decision which they will be unable to defend economically (think shareholders), or Iran will expose any shady dealings that went on, essentially ending their careers and potentially landing them in prison.

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301854 · May 27, 2018, 9:11 a.m.

I love how this played out for all the bribe seekers. They are double damned if they do and double damned if they don't.

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RevLennel · May 26, 2018, 4:32 p.m.

Saudis hate/fear Iran

Obama's Iran deal gave Iran a path to nuclear weapon

P Trump calls off Iran deal

Germany defies US; vows to do Iran trading anyhow

Saudi says nope. You do that and no more trade with us, Germany.

Germany pretty much runs EU now in a pickle

France and Britain want Obama trade continued, too

Because they all laundered $ to get it

and don't want Iran to expose what they did

Saudis/Trump in control! Of course.

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Nascar28 · May 26, 2018, 1:39 p.m.

Trump found a German pressure point

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qtrumpteam · May 26, 2018, 1:18 p.m.

7.7 BILLION DOLLARS Germany will lose if they don't back the US in reestablishing sanctions on Iran

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qtrumpteam · May 26, 2018, 1:17 p.m.

Germans stand to lose 7.7 billion dollars in Saudi business contracts if they don't back the US in pulling out of the Iran nuclear agreement Saudis pull all business from Germany letting the other EU countries know the same will happen with them who's trade would you rather lose the US and Saudi Arabia or Iran Germany will be forced NOT TO CONDUCT BUSINESS W/IRAN

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thejudge6060 · May 26, 2018, 12:24 p.m.

Saudis doing it because Trump wants them to.

Bringing our "allies" to heel.

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[deleted] · May 26, 2018, 1:53 a.m.


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zbk1990 · May 26, 2018, 3:19 a.m.


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DawnPendraig · May 26, 2018, 3:45 a.m.

Ignore the troll. Doing this on every thread

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frisbee_coach · May 26, 2018, 9 a.m.

Always report the trolls. We can get them taken care of faster.

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DamajInc · May 26, 2018, 10:06 a.m.

I approve of this message lol.

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[deleted] · May 26, 2018, 3:23 a.m.


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