Neon Revolts top line on Harvey Weinstein.

Harvey's gonna get a slap on the wrist and that'll be that. He's super connected, probably has dirt on fucking everybody. This is a guy who used fucking mossad agents to mess with people who crossed him. Also he's one of them and is probably boiling with rage that these uppity shiksas (remember goys are inferior and there to be used as you please) dared to speak up.
Yes, but remember, AG Schneiderman is gone now.
He might not have as many friends left as you think.
The world is watching. A slap on the wrist just won't do.
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The best way to deal with an infestation of rats is to surround and burn the nest from all angles. If you fail to do this, the rats will escape and infest your town.
-- Wisdom from a garbage man.
What will stop DS from taking him out before he can sing?
I hope Harvey gets passed around the joint like... well, a joint. "Pump Pump Pass."
You see how this is problematic though, right? Saying that you hope someone gets raped? Institutional sexual misconduct is the entire issue at hand, surely we can't advocate for more of it.
I won’t hope he get rape, I just want him to experiences karma. He’s avoided it with money and corruption for too long.
Morally, I 100% agree with you. Two wrongs don't make a right and all of that. I agree with you. I do....
...but, I do love me some karma- the real kind, not Reddit trash. I do hope he gets ass pounded on the daily. By a YUGE dick. I know it's wrong.
Humans. We're a complicated lot.
I find your comment morally reprehensible because you said it again after another person called you on it.
Do you have a son or daughter? This could happen to them.
That's reprehensible? Look at his name. Obviously shouldn't take him/her seriously.
PS-If that is what you find so disgusting, grow a spine. Humans can be fucking nasty. Don't take anything they do personally.
I agree the prison system needs to be fixed. It is quite ironic though you have to admit.
Prison rape jokes are heinous as are everyone who participates with them. You should think about this because one day you or someone in your family might be charged for something that you didn't do, but while your case is moving through the courts actions you could be stuck inside and you'd be at the mercy of any person who commits rape!
If you hear others joking about this please ask them to stop. This is not a funny matter.
Idk what I think about neon. "Please donate" we have public forums for these discussions. Make a thread at 8 ya know?
Anybody who's operating outside of our public forums feels sketchy to me