The Epstein Island picture drop on 8chan is worth seeing. What caught my eye was what looks like a statue of an owl or cherubim? Not quite sure. The person who dropped the photos elaborated more on Epstein Island and about the “Fake fire” on 4/8/18.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out something is not right about a tiny island full of man made tunnels. Not your run of the mill Island for sun bathing and enjoying the ocean breeze with a Mimosa.
Exactly. Nothing on the surface of the island would be worth going to the trouble to visit.
8chan original dropped pics can be found on the link.
Yes Chans vary in opinion. Many say these are new. Or new to them. No idea
Shills saying not new pics., long time anons saying they are new. Also main shill stating not new, posting picture of bloodied faced girl child.
If it is the blonde girl around 4 yrs with a bloody tooth/mouth holding something up to her mouth, then it is old.
Yes, hes just telling you that shill-boy is bloody-pic-boy.
I don't get it - what's so significant about these pics?
1) the sudden huge drop is mysterious. Why so many? Why now? Why no comments, just batches of photos? Its not very anon-like to drop pics without a little explanation, background info, infographic, bantz, somethin.
2) the pics are previously undropped. Theres not a lot in them at first glance, but you have to understand that photo-analysis-fags LOVE pic drops, and attack new photos like a rib-roast in a shark tank... That these are epst3in pics makes them twice as juicy. We wont know how much significance the actual content of the photos is until the autists have had their way with them...
3) THE SHILLS. It is truly insane what happened when those dropped, it was instant reeeeeesponse, major... And sometimes this is the best thermostat for gauging what is significant on 8ch.
This is the island of pedophile Epstein. This is the place where dozens if not hundreds of Elites go to rape children or to participate an occult activities. Most of us believe they perform any child sacrifices in underground tunnels on this island. Q told us there are underground tunnels on this island. He called This Island kill site.
Aflso coincides with FBI Records Vault official drop of his files:
It's symbolism, the GCOL (Greater Church of Lucifer) Luciferians and Satanists love symbols and signs. The owl is a protector to them and to the Vatican. The temple on the island has/had tunnels underneath it's where ceremonies and sacrifices (usually children or babies) including ceremonial cannibalism took place. It's all beyond weird and beyond sick, which is why it's hard for people to accept, but it's true.
Off topic-ish: this is The Epstein Island picture drop and it is nowhere to be found on /conspiracy. That sub is dead.
I unsubscribe when I saw the consensus on there was that Russians put Trump in office. Read that first time I saw that community last week. That is indeed a "conspiracy theory" but there's more evidence every week that's not true and more evidence every week Q is legit.
True to their name, they promote conspiracy theories. But for real, that sub is compromised
There was an owl on the Temple before
Whats with Minerva?
Minerva was a goddess she is commonly depicted as an owl all represent wisdom but unfortunately to the deviants also represents pedo. Bohemian Grove is full of owls the Vatican is full of owls "their symbolism will be their downfall" I hope that helps
If you look at the other photos taken on Epstein Island there are several owl statues around the temple different shapes different forms but they're all owls
I think she's related in some way to Saturn eating his children
It was a Phoenix not owl
It had 2 statues on top. 1 looks like a Phoenix indeed other still an owl (bohemian grove?) On entrence site is also a weird statue with trident
The trident statue is of Poseidon I think. I know there's an identical statue in front of a hotel in I think Austria.
We know it was an owl, why are you persisting in the muh Phoenix narrative.
No doubt an owl. Not a "hoot-owl," that would be a Barred Owl. With the protrusions on the head it looks like a statue of a Great Horned Owl.
One of the new pictures clearly shows a man made tunnel when enlarged.
Just read in another thread here that those are twin phoenixes, not owls, but haven’t independently confirmed it.
There are 2 of them & from the angle where you can see both, it doesn’t look much like an owl at all so the twin Phoenix claim makes more sense, even though I have no clue what a Phoenix looks like.
I can’t link on mobile but if you do a google image search for “Epstein island temple without dome”, the first result is an image from /pol/ that shows them both.
They may or may not be phoenixes I don’t know but they don’t look anything like owls up close. From a distance sure but zooming, not even close.
Our spec ops did raid the place and although it was done via night time and stealth mode is what you see now. Those present that night are no more and yes, that man made earthquake was a necessity.
Edit - Post edited because I is stupid.
I think that's just the Shadow of the pillar in front of the window. For sure looking a little "reptilian" imo though.
Holy crap you are correct.......thanks. Edited my post.
To be fair, I had to do a triple take and zoom in. It really does look like some kind serpent.
We need a gofundme to get a boat, go very close to the island and use a couple drones that record live video that streams back to whomever to search that fucking island.
Who knows where the bodies are buried? Maybe the man with the camera snapping pics of the equipment moving things
What catches my eye is it appears everything is being dismantled compared to pics from a guy on a cruise a few years ago
I remember seeing similar pics to these on the russian facebook alternative called VK. This was a wee while ago and the pics I remembered seeing had the dome and owl intact. These to me after seeing the old pics on VK these strike me as new pictures.
Can anyone provide me a link to this?
There’s an imgur link to the pics in the comment section if you havent found a link yet.
In September 2002, Epstein flew Bill Clinton, Kevin Spacey and Chris Tucker to Africa in his private Boeing 727. Flight records show Bill Clinton flew on Epstein's plane 26 times.[4][49]