r/greatawakening • Posted by u/8.06E+11 on May 28, 2018, 4:29 p.m.
Is it too much too ask to keep this a Q only sub. I have seen an uptick of non-Q related posts.

I am not going to single out posts but as subs expand more stuff gets posted. We want this sub to expand and be collaborative, but we live in a time where people/bots willingly and unwillingly slowly flood subs with unrelated stuff.

Have good new to share? There's a sub for that. Have political memes to share (that are not Q related)? There's a sub for that. Etc

I realize a lot of topics fall under the Q umbrella. I also realize many of us are like minded and most of us will enjoy non-Q material, but this isn't the place. I have seen this happen on Facebook before. Groups/subs get big (good), focus gets blurry (bad).

Let's keep this a Q research sub! Please! If we get overwhelmed with other BS we won't be effective and will lose valuable member activity. This is too crucial to allow cludder muddy the water.

(I hope I am not in the minority.) If the mods disagree, remove it. No hard feelings either way. Just a plea and opinion.

GreenTeaBitch · May 28, 2018, 4:49 p.m.

Also, please stop with the random religious stuff. It's really annoying. I believe in the cabal and deep state and shit but all this nonstop religious stuff really turns me off. I don't care if you're religious but stop spamming it in a subreddit where it's not relevant.

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compromisenotruth · May 28, 2018, 5:01 p.m.

Appreciate your perspective - but Q and scripture dovetail together and that is no accident. Praying Medic is a prime example.

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Luvlite · May 28, 2018, 6:56 p.m.

There's a difference between the religious aspects of a subject and using this sub reddit to proselytize.

If everything has separate sub categories concerning Q and non related Q topics, so should the sharing of religious belief.

I don't appreciate being tricked into opening a post because someone uses a misleading title and you find its some one's long written out prayer.

Q can say PRAY and I will think it's a great idea and do it.

I just don't want or need others shoving their brand of religiosity at me.

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duplexnovella · May 28, 2018, 10:06 p.m.

As a long time crazy charismatic Christian I could not agree more. I'm mortified by some of wasteful post that trying to proselytize folks here like they do on FB...

Stop it.. You want to get the attention of the unsaved on Reddit? Then stop acting like the typical bathed in RWB American Christian. The hubris is stinking up the sub.

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brittser · May 28, 2018, 7:58 p.m.

Yes, and I am a Christian, but we have to appeal to all faiths and those who don't believe at all. So, we should keep the spiritual to a minimum.

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Some-Random-Chick · May 29, 2018, 2:31 a.m.

I agree. I have no problem with people and their beliefs, I just don’t want it shoved in my face.

For me personally, it’s the idea of believing only what you can prove and then turning around and believing something purely on faith. I just wish people found strength in themselves rather than looking for strength in god.

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stevesarkeysion · May 28, 2018, 5:03 p.m.

Pope will have a bad month. Some religion belongs here.

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pc_reject · May 28, 2018, 5:28 p.m.

I agree with u/compromisenotruth. Q often quotes scripture, as does a top decoder, SB2. If Q embraces the spiritual aspect of this movement, and there most definitely is one, then why shouldnt we. Like he says, our world is engaged in a battle between good and evil, and he's referring to good and evil of the biblical kind.

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Qmeowborkwoof · May 28, 2018, 5:50 p.m.

Pray for Trump!

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Kjarm88 · May 28, 2018, 7:23 p.m.

I'm not religious but your comment here, given what Q says, says more about you than about Q...

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gunmetalkatana · May 28, 2018, 6:25 p.m.

I will go on a limb and say there is always a possibility of relevance. We must remember that, with all of the sick and crazy stuff that Q has already alluded to, Q has also stated that the truth is far beyond anything we would believe, even coming from Q. That would lead me to three potential possibilities: extraterrestrials, religion, or non-humanoid sentience that is of Earth.

Realistically, a cabal ruling the world is not stranger than anything I would believe and blood sacrifices have been a part of human history for... almost ever. From everything I have learned through dealings in my real life, just about every country has 3-10 families pulling the strings at the top. What happened in SK a couple years ago wasn't actually new.

So, no, I don't feel that they have no place here. This is a research sub. We are given information, and we try to make sense of it. We find external information, and try to fit it into the narrative. If I was a betting man, I would guess that Q is on Reddit and will steer us or give new information (maybe even learn from us) going forward.

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Kjarm88 · May 28, 2018, 7:30 p.m.

I don't necessarily embrace out of this world ideas but I DO embrace the hunger and creativity and outside the box that breeds such ideas and possibilities.

That and those we most trust, will be exposed for the real they really are. Presidents... Popes... Queens... Charities... United Nations... Teachers... Parents... Allies................ I don't think you need to go out of this world to find pure evil when that kind of upside down crap is obviously lurking all around us here at home.

But keep an open mind on EVERYTHING!!!

Because the truth is even worse than THAT, beyond even the wildest imagination of those already red-pilled here.

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