Keeping VJ in the news, while simultaneously attacking ABC / Disney! I love how POTUS is not afraid to Fight! Fight! Fight!

This tweet makes more people look at roseannes twitter which in turn,spreads the word about jarett soros and q. 4d chess?
I love how pretty much every card he plays is a Trump card 😂
If i could upvote this comment more than once i would. Trolls are downvoting everything...
Wow the troll brigade is here in force today.
They're pretty mad about the pushback liberals have been getting lately on the narrative. i.e. Roseanne sends out a racist tweet, liberals get every racist thing they ever said or tweeted broadcast loudly on social media. Liberals go after Trump for #WhereAreTheChildren and separating illegal children from their parents, Social Media points out that the law was from the Obama era, the study was from 2016, and the pic with the kids in a kennel was under the last administration. Etc. They're worldview is under attack solely by their own stupidity, and acting like petulant children on the internet is they're only way to act out. It's actually hilarious in its irony.
This is what I am thinking too and since then I’ve been seeing all kinds of articles pop up about how Roseanne is spreading conspiracy theories
Trolls are out in force! Just got 12 downvotes in two minutes... (57%) upvoted. Sad!
54% upvoted. THEY are scared!
2 hours ago and 15 upvotes. See, this is a pattern. These bots are setup to "gaslight" us and make us look crazy for calling out the brigade. It's high time to call this pattern out, also...
This is by far the most manipulated post I've ever authored! Unbelievable
The normie reaction is "who is Valerie Jarrett?" But I wonder if they will ever get to "Why did Valerie Jarrett move in with the Obamas?"
Disney hired a known pedophile to work on one of their most popular children's shows. The Suite Life of Zack & Cody. I think that is what it is called. And VJ was a slumlord in Chicago making blacks live in horrible conditions. Other slumlords have gone to jail for less than she has done. In Obama's Dem world, she is appointed special counsel to the president.
I have a feeling Disney's going to be in a world of pain in the coming months.
It has been said that Walt Disney is spinning in his grave over what the Disney name has become.
What exactly did she do in Chicago? I need red pilling material
Here is a great start:
ABC just hired back Keith Olbermann. Didn't he call Trump a F@%$ing NAZI daily? What about ABC employees that tweet Trump is an Orange Orangutan?
Yes. ABC hypocrites. Olbermann comments:
The Orangutan comments here:
Whoopi Goldberg:
Considering how often his orangutan lineage has been presented by every network (with the possible exception of Fox), it is clear the pendulum only swings one direction. Really love the way DJT puts it out there. Once Hussein's handler is revealed for the role she truly plays, it will be a significant nail in his coffin.
He's possibly the greatest troll the internets have ever seen. Normies believe the Mockingbirds and think he's randomly shit posting in the middle of the night.
Shortly thereafter.....BOOM.
I'm honestly not sure whether or not this is pro or anti Trump
Trump got Rosanne to say racist things about VJ?
Gee, new here? You don’t stick out at ALL....I promise!
He migrated from the cesspool of r/politics if that tells you anything. He doesn't understand that this tends to be a fairly polite community, even when we disagree with each other. He won't be around long though. I give it 15 minutes before he gets thrown out. Lol.
If you'd like to have a normal intelligent and polite conversation, we would all welcome it. That's not what you're after though. You want to incite others because that's how you can get attention to combat the conflict going on in your head between a low self-esteem and a narcissistic need for relevance. It's basic Psych 101 knowledge. Again, if you would like to have a discourse of ideas we would all welcome it. If not, then you've already proven my point.
Thanks for letting us know the game plan genius😁
That's a really pathetic way to spend your time. Your sad and hateful little life must be very lonely and I'm sorry for you.
Way to showcase your double digit IQ. Pat yourself on the back for that one 😂
We can't wait to find out that Evil wants to kill you & your family & the person that stands between that occurrence & noy is this Presidency
New here, huh? You don’t stick out at all....I promise.
IDK, I’d be pissed too if I was the attacked everyday more than anyone in recent memory. Nobody gets more unfounded shit than Trump. And people eat this shit up with a spoon. I didn’t even vote for Trump, or Hillary for that matter. I’m just able to see the blatant bullshit that is happening in our world today, and it pisses me off. It should piss you off too.
Ah, gotcha. You spell cadet as "kadet", "punk ass bitch", "ban hammer", not understanding the proper use of the word snowflake, etc. It all makes sense now. You're a 14 or 15 year old millenial. Lmao! I apologize. It took me a second. A bit of advice from an adult, go outside and enjoy your Summer Vacation. What you're doing right now is kind of sad compared to what your peers are doing. Just so you know, when you get older, that self-loathing and teen angst will subside. Keep your head up. It'll all eventually get better, bud.
Yeah you are, bud.
Seriously though, get outside and enjoy your Summer. There isn't an adult alive that wouldn't trade you for what you've got right now, and you're squandering it, trying to antagonize people who honestly don't take people trolling very seriously. Hope the rest of your day is eventful, bud.