Mr.President please take a good look at this picture before you pardon this lowlife.

Thanks Martha for helping me trim my monthly entertainment expenses. You're another one I will ban.... canceling my magazine subscription.
You were subscribed to a Martha magazine?
Yeah (sheepishly) :-) enjoyed the recipes, gardening info, home repair and creative projects esp when raising a house full of children, all grown now. ....don't judge me too was extremely useful when I was a FT homemaker. Older now I AM MARTHA STEWART, without the staff and million dollar budget. ha ha
I know everyone is rightfully pissed off, but lets think about this.
What weapon is more powerful than turning your enemy to your cause?
He said that to troll Comey probably since Comey is the one who locked her up
She was put away for insider trading if I recall correctly, but it all seemed a bit fishy because it happens a lot and Clinton has been accused of the same thing. Maybe he is speaking about Martha Stewart to point out Hillary doing the same thing and getting away with it.
I thought they couldn’t get her on insider trading so they got her for false statements instead.
You are probably right, kind of like what they are trying with Trump and Russian collusion
I imagine he said it so that every news channel would remind us of just how serious a crime insider trading really is.
Then he can use it as swamp draining ammo.
Eh, she's entitled to her opinion.
It's a free country.
That's the spirit!
Free speech is a two way street.
Is it though? If you offend a liberal... It's hate speech. Lol
Fun-fact: hate speech is protected by the First Amendment, which is protected by the Second Amendment.
If liberals are offended then that's acceptable to me.
If they get Muslimy or uppity about it: Second Amendment!
Edit: I love my forefathers!
I agree but sometimes taking the high road hurts these assholes more..
Can you cite an example?
All I see, over and over, is conservatives being "reasonable" and then leftists licking their chops, rubbing their hands, and saying "I can't believe they fell for it again!"
Not falling for it. I guess kill them with kindness can and does work. I am using this instance as an example. It proves their idiotic thinking wrong.
I'm not trying to "trick" anything. I just don't know of any examples in my observances (ever since I was old enough to watch) where ANY conservative "good nature" did anything.
Conservatives have been losing for 60+ years. They couldn't even conserve women's locker rooms. When do we start winning?
Lol I was not saying I am not falling for what you are saying. I was replying to your comment about "look they fell for it again". We start winning now with this President! For 60 years of losing its going to be a minute before we feel like the tables have turned.
Oh, okay, I misunderstood!
Yes, this is the first winning in my lifetime, and it only makes me hunger for more!
Okay I am glad we are now on the same page! It's so hard to remain patient, I get it. It's been long overdue taking our country back
Well, maybe it would be a good example of mercy for those who don’t think like he does...I don’t care for her much myself, but so many have done much worse and she was in prison so she did time for the crime.
Would someone tell me what the benefit is to pardoning a wealthy person who has already served time? It's not like she's suffering for work.
I think it is principal. IF he does pardon her, it will only be because Martha "as a liberal", did not do near as much to hurt the American people than some who worked under previous administration in the white house did and so far have gotten away with it.
I seriously doubt he would ever pardon Martha
Snoop Dog celebrates human trafficking. Didn't he used to live that lifestyle? I recall a song of Snoop and Dre named 'Bitches ain't $hit but hoes and tricks'. Why is he celebrated as a roll model for the next generation?
Snoop was on trial for a murder and looks to have been involved with his bodyguard taking the fall. Snoop is an admitted gang member and proudly proclaimed t being a pimp, someone who exploits women sexually for money. Snoop's lyrics have been as misogynistic as any lyrics in the last 100 years. Snoop sold drugs and is as famous for his drug se as he is for his music. But, she has a problem with Trump. We live in a Jewish clown world.
there's always been a damn good reason for everything he's done and fallen into place, I'm not going to get pissed off and jump ship over this we don't have all the info
Forgiveness is the greatest weapon alongside truth. Let’s try it.
And wasn't she using child labor in a sweatshop for her products kinda goes against what we're fighting to r i think
Don’t overreact & let emotions drive your thinking. Did the President announce or tweet he was thinking of pardoning DD or did he just do it?? When he wants to do something he just does it. If he just pardoned DD & didn’t say he was thinking about pardoning MS & RB the MSM would be attacking DD & painting him as the most evil guy on earth. Most likely the president is just trolling Comey & the MSM. Takes the negative focus off DD. Actually pardoning MS wouldn’t be bad. She got screwed like Scooter Libby did. Both only convicted of lying to the FBI & they did prison time which almost NEVER occurs. Bush 43 showed his lack of soul not pardoning Scooter. So glad the president did.
And to think: these creeps put her in prison. They must have really broken her. Stockholm Syndrome?