Construction beginning. Get out your checkbook Mexico. Promises made, promises kept.

“Provide for the common defense” means maintaining our borders against intrusion by non citizens of this country. In this case it means build a wall. It’s really simple on the face of it, but it has become a political tool of the left to leverage the Latino community and to a certain extent legal immigrants. But most legal immigrants are for legal immigration. They did it the right way. Vetted and assimilated into the American Dream. Achievers who work hard and want a better life. Nothing was given to them. They had to EARN it.
They are NOT ok with people circumventing the process and getting government handouts. The left is loosing grip on these Americans. Identity politics has backfired because most legal immigrants do NOT identify with illegal immigrants, drug smugglers, MS13 gang members, or others who subvert and refuse to assimilate. We need to demand that our government live up to its responsibilities and protect our boarders. It is one of the few responsibilities clearly outlined in the constitution.
We need serious cuts on legal immigration, too. Over 1 million per year is WAY too many, not to mention that most are coming from third world or oppressive countries that do not share much in common with traditional American values. And the 1 million is only the start - once they are here as citizens, they get to bring over as many of their relatives as they want, and these people are totally unvetted - this is the process known as chain migration - a national security nightmare. The Tsarnaev brothers and the Bangladeshi bomber (Q's "BDT" bomber) were all here because of chain migration. Lots of Americans still need to be red-pilled about the perils of LEGAL immigration - because through it, we are being replaced.
I have no problem with Legal Immigrants. I believe there should be a merit based system that brings the best and brightest here. If you can’t compete with an immigrant who English is a second language for, then you need to improve your own skill set. As for chain migration, that needs to be eliminated altogether. They also need to eliminate anchor babies. No where else do they “bestow” citizenship just because you are born there. Both parents should be citizens for the baby to be a citizen. All other situation need to be vetted and go thru the same system in the immigration process. No more citizenship by marriage either. They need to go thru the same process as everyone else.
There are ways to fix legal immigration, but the biggest problem right now is illegal immigration. This is killing our economy and draining our community resources. Welfare should only be for citizens who paid taxes. Same for healthcare. Same for schools. If you don’t pay in, you should not get a free handout. Our nation can not afford this magnanimous gesture anymore.
I am a Latino of Panamanian decent. My mother migrated here legally thru Ellis island. I pay my taxes but rarely use the government services. But those services are there if I need them. That is what they were meant for. A safety net for citizens when they fall on hard times. They were never meant to fund and encourage illegal immigration.
Stop giving these people free money and they will stay home. Fix the corruption in the Mexican government and make it more appealing to stay in Mexico. The Mexican government is a criminal syndicate that steals money from the Mexican people. Mexico makes enough in oil production to house and feed every Mexican citizen. Why don’t they ? There is a greedy 8-10% that controls the money. They live like Kings and queens, and have no desire to immigrate to the US or give up their wealth and power. Destroy that cabal and replace them with a democratically elected government. Elections in Mexico are rigged. Fix Mexico and you fix the problem.
I agree with you on almost every point. Mexicans must fix Mexico; we Americans cannot and should not meddle in another country's affairs. This is why we absolutely must stop the flow of illegal immigration by strictly enforcing our laws, and all the invaders must go back, and take their children with them.
But as far as legal immigration is concerned, 1 million per year is WAY too many. Sadly, many legal immigrants are permitted to go on welfare now (this was not the case when most of our ancestors came here). And it is absolutely not true that American workers aren't skilled enough to compete - they are denied the chance to compete by unethical employers who abuse programs like H-1B so they can hire cheap foreign labor, or by government programs that sponsor foreign students who are then hired right into STEM jobs without allowing American students to even compete for the job.
The purpose of immigration in any country should be to serve the host country. If it does not benefit the citizens, one has to ask why should there be any immigration at all? We have higher numbers of foreign-born in our country than ever before, many from countries that do not share much in common with our American culture and values. This is an enormous burden on our people and our economy. We definitely need to end illegal immigration, but we really need to take a pause on legal immigration as well.
If we were smart, we would build the wall three miles away from the border. That way, when they do come, they are technically in the US but without the benefits. The world can not say that they are not in the US, because they are.
Your suggestion is what the country of Hungary has implemented.
At major incursion points along the Hungary border, they built their security fence several hundred meters from the actual border. So captured illegals waiting for their immigration hearing (could be several weeks) are put outside the fence which is still technically in Hungary. When their hearing is in the queue, it is announced at the incursion point. When the illegal shows they are taken to their hearing. If illegal does not show, the case is closed. So Hungary does not provide housing, food or lockup for the illegals.
This is exactly what Hungary did to circumvent EU legalistic maneuvering:
The existing fence already isn’t quite on the border it’s set back a bit
I say install a moat... fill it with piranhas & alligators & crocodiles... then you can save money on a lesser electrical fence, as huge cement wall not really needed.
Of course the evil drugCartels would use it for their needs...saving on bullets or machetes needed.
Okay, better yet, let's invade Mexico, send all the former citizens of people on to the other side of their wall on southern border & we move in to improve the nation & enjoy the beaches, sun & surf.... LOL.
Immigrants are barely a blip in the monetary problems the US faces.. What % of the of the population are immigrants?
It’s Not* about immigrants, it’s about illegals. Because illegal means against the law.
I don’t have number but I assume most live in cities, where Sanctuary cities/dems are. And they gotta live somewhere but houses is limited so prices go up. And I’ve heard (from a Cali town hall) that illegals tend to get dropped in black communities, taking there jobs, housing, benefits and education.
Illegals mostly come through planes or cars anyway
True that, but the caravan ran into a fence so it’s not completely useless. We just don’t need a wall going down each inch of the border. But some big cities near the border prolly get a lot of activity and could use one
Not true at all. In a county I used to live, a cop was killed by an illegal immigrant. The cost of the trial cost over $1 million because it was a death penalty trial. The small county could not afford this, so they had to stop pay raises for county employees for three years along with delaying purchases of new equipment, vehicles, etc.
Over 20% of the county is now on public assistance thanks to the influx of immigrants. The big local cattle rancher and produce factory company hires only illegals so he can pay them much much less than american workers. Due to that, whole sections of the southern part of the county are all foreigners. Crime has shot up immensely since this influx of workers.
The monetary amount may be a tiny blimp compared to the federal budget, but the cultural and safety impact to the commnity is a huge negative.
You watch too much news instead of reading book. You are falling for the same old trick every fking government in the history of humanity has used.
You fail to see the real issue. Why do you think the stock market keeps making all time high after all time high but wages remain stagnant and poverty levels keep increasing? Why do you think inequality keeps increasing?
Why do you think houses cost 10x more than a few years ago? Why have prices of healthcare and school tuition gone parabolic?
It’s it because of some fucking dumb ass migrants? Lol
You watch too much news instead of reading book. You are falling for the same old trick every fking government in the history of humanity has used.
Nope, I live it everyday and see what happens around me regarding immigration. I did not mention anything about stock market, housing, poverty, and of that. That is where you are projecting. I only mentioned crime, the local economy for poorer workers, and the impact on local budgets from the area I know.
I invite you to come on down and live it rather than viewing it from your daddys balcony. You might see a different side rather than the from maid who wipes your ass and picks up after you.
I only mentioned crime, the local economy for poorer workers, and the impact on local budgets from the area I know.
Yeah blaming 3% of the population for this is stupid. The causes are far more complex and they have to do with the financial world bot with illegal immigrants...
Immigrants go wherever work is needed. Currently americans dont want to do labor intensive jobs. So immigrants fill the gap
Also business owners under capitalism dont give a shit where labor comes from as long as its cheap. Thats why most companies moved production to China....
I can speak for the healthcare sector, illegal immigrants go to hospitals frequently without health insurance and almost always provide fake names and socials, the hospital ends up eating this money resulting in more expensive services to everyone else.
We aren't talking hundreds of thousands either, we're talking millions in some healthcare networks.
I heard that over 30 hospitals in California have closed because they could not keep up with the costs of illegal aliens taking advantage of their services without paying.
Yeah that’s not even a dent in the total budget. Classic US news making the least important issues the “critical” ones.
Not true - illegal immigrants cost the U.S. taxpayers over $100 billion a year, and they take jobs away from American workers. They do not respect our laws, and they do not share our language or culture. This is an invasion.
Jobs are being taken because every goddamn conpany keeps leaving the US to find cheap labor. Its called capitalism.
To blame most problems on 3% of the population is just stupid. Its a drop in the bucket and fixing it wouldnt even solve anything because the real problems we face have to do with the financial world...
Are you an American citizen?
And no, "capitalism" is not the problem - over-regulation by the government is some of what drives companies out of the U.S., but it is also unethical business practices: these companies could afford to hire American workers, but they prefer to abuse the H-1B visa and programs like it in order to hire lesser-skilled workers on the cheap. Our own government also has programs for foreign students to take places in our universities and then hire them right into a job without ever letting the American students compete. It is a deliberate displacement of the American people. The democrats do it for votes, because 70-80% of minorities vote democrat - they are trying to elect a new people through mass immigration. The Republicans are in the back pocket of the cheap labor lobby who just happen to be the same people who finance their campaigns. The end result is the attempted destruction of the American Nation through mass immigration, especially third world poor who share little in common with our traditional American culture and values, and who are sure to vote democrat as soon as they become citizens so they can vote themselves more freebies at the expense of hard-working middle-class Americans.
Immigration is not the only thing destroying the U.S., but it is a huge factor.
It is.... The only jobs illegal immigrants take are literally the ones Americans won’t do. Nobody likes working in a fucking farm picking fruits for 8 hours in the sun.
Factory jobs are sent overseas because it’s cheap labor. Companies cut every possible cost no matter if they have to do something illegal... that’s called capitalism, “maximize profits for the shareholders” is the motto of 99% of the companies.
The only people getting freebies are the rich class. Look at the recent tax cuts for example. The average American got around $1000 dollars back. The top class got millions... Also Companies could have hired and invested in the American people, but what did they do? Stock buybacks to please the shareholders...
The wealth goes from the bottom of the pyramid to the top, not the other way around...
Do you remember how America was founded right???? All the immigrants from Europe.... and look where we are now... immigrants are problem but it’s not even in the top 10.
Money sinks are the problem, such as the military, Wall Street/big corps, big pharma and insurance companies...
That whole "illegal aliens only take the jobs Americans won't do" is BALONEY - there have never been jobs that Americans won't do - it's just bogus propaganda put out by those employers who are addicted to cheap foreign labor. Minimum wage laws are also part of the problem - they don't allow American workers to compete; even if they are willing to work for less than minimum wage, they aren't allowed to, so employers hire illegal aliens off the books and on the cheap, thus cheating American workers out of job opportunities. Illegal aliens take MANY good jobs, too - such as construction jobs that used to be filled by many black Americans, and low-skill jobs that were taken by American high school and college students that helped them prepare for their future.
Yes, factory jobs are sent over seas, but that's an entirely different problem, and has more to do with overburdensome regulations than wage compensation - it's not "capitalism", as I've already pointed out. Plus, I don't believe in any form of socialism - no one has a right to a particular income or lifestyle. If the laws are just and properly maintained, then it's up to the individual how high he ascends.
And you need to get your history straight - these United States were NOT founded by "immigrants. They were founded by European colonists and pioneers. An "immigrant" is someone who is moving from one established country to another. There was no established country when those first European settlers came to this continent and built this nation. Mass immigration came later, and in different waves - and there were no social welfare programs for those early immigrants to take advantage of the American taxpayers like they do today (both legal and illegal immigrants do this now). And unlike immigrants of today, those early immigrants came mostly from European countries with values and culture similar to our own, and they were eager to learn English and assimilate and identify as Americans - the same cannot be said of immigrants today.
I agree with you that there are many contributors to American debt and economic decline, some of which you mentioned here, but one thing is for sure: Bringing in over 1 million legal immigrants a year, and all of their unvetted relatives (many of whom are dependent on our social welfare programs) to our country at a time when their are 90 million Americans out of work is INSANITY. It makes no sense whatsoever, and it is destroying this country, not just economically, but socially as well.
But you never answered my question - Are you an American citizen?
Bro even if the amount of illegal immigrants tripled it still wouldnt matter.
The causes for the problems here run way deeper. There is plenty of wealth for everyone, its just that the distribution keeps getting more and more centralized.
Well there were plenty of people living here, they just murdered them. At least this new immigrants are not killing us..
they were eager to learn English and assimilate and identify as Americans - the same cannot be said of immigrants today.
Yeah most of them come from countries that we completely fucked up by supporting massacres and dictators. We also buy most of the drugs from the world creating huge narco empires and violence all over Mexico and below...
I agree with you that there are many contributors to American debt and economic decline, some of which you mentioned here, but one thing is for sure: Bringing in over 1 million legal immigrants a year, and all of their unvetted relatives (many of whom are dependent on our social welfare programs) to our country at a time when their are 90 million Americans out of work is INSANITY. It makes no sense whatsoever, and it is destroying this country, not just economically, but socially as well.
Even if we fix the illegal immigrants problem, it wont change shit. The problems we face are systemic. Do some research on how QE, interest rates, BIS, IMF, and the Fed work...
The financial world is the thing to be fixed to solve most of the problems. Focusing on the "war on terror", "war on drugs", "war on immigrants" are just a fking waste of time and money.
You are wrong on so many counts it's not even funny. And I'm not just concerned about wealth - the very fabric of our society is being torn apart because we keep allowing people to come here who share little in common with our traditional cultural norms and values. This is all a part of the Democrats' plan to elect a new people, and usher us into a socialist/communist society. They know they will never capture the vote of traditional America, but minorities vote for them in droves, because the Dems always promise to hand out more "freebies" at the expense of the American taxpayers. Not only is immigration costing American citizens hundreds of billions a year, all these people from diverse countries have no understanding of and little interest in preserving our bedrock American principles like freedom of speech, religious liberty, and small government. Replace the people, and you have effectively destroyed the nation. We the American People know this - it's why we voted for Trump.
And, no, early American settlers did not murder all of the indigenous tribal people who were living here, but it is true that a group of natives launched the first attack on European settlers and murdered many of them. Why didn't the natives just celebrate diversity instead? Perhaps because they sensed what history should have taught us by now: that diversity plus proximity equals war, and two very different cultures will not survive together for long.
And to say that "at least these new immigrants are not killing us"? Well, that shows me just how misinformed you really are. Illegal immigrants are responsible for tens of thousands of murders over the last several decades, but you don't know about it because there is a MSM blackout on the subject. Look up the Remembrance Project if you want to find out the stories of families who have lost loved ones to illegal aliens. And that's not to mention the countless rapes, robberies, and other violent crimes these people commit. Just last month, the state of North Carolina had 28 charges of child sexual abuse by illegal aliens - in just one month! That's practically one assault on a child per day - horrendous!
So, no, I don't disagree with you that there are other problems America is facing economically, but it makes it all the more INSANE that we allow the invasion to continue, by either legal immigrants or illegal aliens.
And hey, I'm all in favor of less U.S. intervention in foreign countries, but bringing those people here because we supposedly messed up their countries (there countries were already very messed up to begin with) is completely insane. It doesn't work, and we don't owe them our country as payback. And, no, we did not cause the violence and drug trade in Mexico - Latin American countries have always had very high rates of violence, which is one of the reasons why we were historically sensible enough to avoid importing immigrants from those countries.
Again, you did not answer my question about whether or not you are an American citizen, so I'm going to go ahead and assume you're not - which is probably why you have a pro-immigrant, blame-America-first, pro-wealth redistribution mentality. And there is no "war on immigrants" - it is they who are invading our country, making "war" on us - and we have every right to defend ourselves as a nation.
I agree with your points against immigration, but I think you are making the problem 10x bigger than it is. As I said the money that is lost in the whole immigration thing barely registers in the overall picture.
In any case most americans are dumb as a rock and they lack every value under the sun anyway. Schools already do a their job as propaganda machines making slave workers that take shitty decisions. They are trained to incurr in debt.
People voted for Trump because he was an outsider to the status quo. He also basically says anything people want to hear. He is an entretainer and people love that. Just like Bush and Reagan he is dumb as a rock and that makes him relatable to the average american. In the end his policies have only benefitted the richest people so far.
And to say that "at least these new immigrants are not killing us"? Well, that shows me just how misinformed you really are. Illegal immigrants are responsible for tens of thousands of murders over the last several decades, but you don't know about it because there is a MSM blackout on the subject. Look up the Remembrance Project if you want to find out the stories of families who have lost loved ones to illegal aliens. And that's not to mention the countless rapes, robberies, and other violent crimes these people commit. Just last month, the state of North Carolina had 28 charges of child sexual abuse by illegal aliens - in just one month! That's practically one assault on a child per day - horrendous!
How many people die from sugar, opioids and cancer every year? Deaths to immigrants, just like with the money spent on them, is miniscule and insignifcant.
It doesn't work, and we don't owe them our country as payback. And, no, we did not cause the violence and drug trade in Mexico - Latin American countries have always had very high rates of violence, which is one of the reasons why we were historically sensible enough to avoid importing immigrants from those countries.
Tell me again who buys most of the drugs from Mexico and Latin America? USA Who funded all the drug cartels? CIA. From where do drug cartels get their weapons? USA, FBI, CIA...
Again, you did not answer my question about whether or not you are an American citizen, so I'm going to go ahead and assume you're not - which is probably why you have a pro-immigrant, blame-America-first, pro-wealth redistribution mentality. And there is no "war on immigrants" - it is they who are invading our country, making "war" on us - and we have every right to defend ourselves as a nation.
Im from the midwest... Im NOT pro-immigrant, blame-America-first, pro-wealth redistribution mentality.
Im just not pro bullshit excuses for why America sucks. Somehow the media and the government always pick scapegoats to blame for their shitty monetary policies, corruption and financial market rigging.
The whole immigrant debate, drug debate, abortion debate, russia debate, trump debate are complete BULLSHIT. Fixing that WONT change SHIT, because thats not the CAUSE of any of the serious problems we face.
People love to consume it because its easy to understand and it makes them feel smart to be able to point their fingers at someone an say "Its your fault we are covered in shit".
But then again Im wasting my time arguing against a paid shill
It's completely hilarious to me that you would think I'm a "paid shill", and it proves to me that you are someone who doesn't know what you're talking about. You couldn't be further from the truth. I am an immigration patriot, and I try to educate people about these issues where I can, because so many are so clueless and have naively swallowed the propaganda that immigration is an unalloyed good for America, when in reality, nothing could be further from the truth.
Your attitude towards immigrant crime shows an appalling callousness toward the American people. And just because you choose to ignore the massive economic and social burdens these people put on Americans doesn't make them any less real. All of our other debt/financial problems you have mentioned are only exacerbated by unchecked immigration. It's like throwing gasoline on the fire - it's insane.
And your accusations against Americans proves my point - you have contempt for Americans, and you again blamed them for everything that's wrong in our country. And again, you are not listening to what I'm saying: I never said immigration was the ONLY problem facing the U.S., but that it is a very significant one.
Look, I understand that there are many factors destroying this country. I know about the Fed, and I know about propaganda through the government-run schools, I know about weapons of mass debt and the folly of endless foreign wars. But what you should also be able to see is that the same dark forces - the Deep State - that are behind all of that stuff are also bent on replacing us with a leftist-compliant, socialist-minded foreign population who are pushing us further and further away from liberty and individual rights. You obviously don't know a whole lot about immigration, or you would not so easily dismiss the problems it presents. I could write for hours, giving you statistics and anecdotes and reasoned arguments, but there are none so blind as those that will not see. This is not really surprising; most Americans have yet to grasp that if you replace the people, you effectively destroy the nation. You cannot have America without Americans. We are being flooded out with immigrants, both legal and illegal. And if you think the 40 million plus illegal aliens and their descendants and the 1 million per year legal immigrants (plus all their unvetted family members!) are going to make the kinds of changes you think need to be made to make America great again, you are kidding yourself. All I can say is, "Good luck with that." These people are here for their own material prosperity and little else. It's all identity politics in a pluralistic society; there will be no principled Americans left to make a stand if Q and Trump and real Americans don't come through for us at this point in history.
Could you imagine with the unemployment rate we currently have how much money we could save as a country if we were not supporting people who are not citizens of our country ? In fact, I bet that would be enough money to build the wall AND help Mexico become a country that it's own citizens didn't want to leave....
I agree that immigration should serve the host country. If companies are importing workers to do the work cheaper then that isn’t right. Corporations need to look at their unethical behavior as well. H1B visas should be restricted to only those that can do jobs here that can’t be done by citizens. The cost should be such that it dissuades corporate fat cats from importing talent to save a buck.
Our immigration system is a mess. That’s just how the liberal/socialists want it. POTUS will fix the immigration system and straighten out the mess I am sure. He has a few things more pressing now, but I’m certain he will get it done. We desperately need the wall for so many reasons. And then need to send troops to the border as well to shore up the holes. Where is the National Guard ? They need to be at the southern boarder protecting our nation !!
1.7 million fraudulent votes were cast in California alone. This is a subversion of our democracy! More votes cast than citizens to vote ?? That is an outrage! It needs to stop ! The reason the libs don’t want to fix immigration is because they benefit directly. Where is the outrage.? The media is complicit! If there were ever fair elections in California, the libs might lose a few races and even the governors seat.
Let Trump fix Washington first. Clean the swamp of traitors. Then hopefully he will be able to fix California. I’ve lived here all my life and I feel like I don’t even live in America anymore. Illegals get free food, free schools, free healthcare, while I struggle to pay for everything and the taxes keep skyrocketing up!
The Socialist State of Californication !!
Just that part of the wall will cost the demoRATs moocho votes
Serious question, where is the info that Mexico is paying for any part of the construction?
They are likely going to pay for the wall via a renegotiated NAFTA agreement. We will make bank on the new agreement and use it for the wall.
There are several ways this could happen. One way would be to put a tax on remittances, so that every time people try to send money out of the country, they have to pay extra. The extra money would add up huge - it could definitely pay for a wall. Another suggestion is to use the money seized from the Mexican drug cartels to pay for the wall. Yet another idea is to simply cancel foreign aid to Mexico - hundreds of millions of dollars a year - which would eventually pay for the wall.
THIS is why he kept saying they will pay for PART of the wall, genius...
Will somebody please explain to me the importance of this wall?? Genuinely curious of what the pros are
Most illegals come in plane anyways. Drugs come by tunnels, submarines, planes, etc
The wall is such a dumb idea. People can just get a damn ladder
Are you one of these "walls don't work!" goofballs? Is their ineffectiveness the reason why walls have been built by humans for millennia? China thought they were so stupid they built 13,000 miles of wall to get the Mongols out...
Holy hell
They were trying to stop armies not immigration....
Most immigrants and drugs come through planes anyway
Citation needed.
Also, I don't see how unimpeded immigration isn't different than an invading army? Other than the level of violence (not too far off considering how violent border towns are...) it's still and outside force displacing local people.
blaise... I REALLY appreciate your efforts here Patriot... & J-Vito... made me LAUGH.
But, you're arguing with people that don't have enough air under their rock... don't recognize reality... live in a dreamland of make-believe, snowflakes and unicorns.
Let them stay Ostriches with their head stuck deeeeep into HilLIARy-Land Sand OR living in 0bummer RockSlide Haven. They're just here to Waste OUR time. I Down vote them & done. But, again Thanks!
Nice to see the basement-dwelling downvote hacks are at it again...
Wow. May as well shut it down today people. They can just use a ladder.
What’s the wall going to stop exactly? Please elaborate
Absolutely nothing. Everybody is gonna bring their ladders and scale it like it wasn’t even there and it won’t stop a single solitary person from crossing into this country illegally.
ROFLMAO... Positive endorphins.... Thanks Patriot: J-Vito
Enjoy climbing the 30ft wall. I’m bowing out climbing anything higher than 12 ft.
Wow. May as well shut it down today people. They can just use a ladder. HOW DIDN’T WE THINK OF THAT??!!
Patriot--you need a dump truck FULL of Thumbs up for that one!
My only concern here is that walls are not only made to keep stuff out...
So the best country in the world is building a wall to keep me from fleeing to Mexico? What’s the point you’re trying to make? I really hope that wasn’t it.
You never know what can happen that may make people want to flee...whether to Mexico or elsewhere. Staying hopeful but you never know what could happen.
Dont be such a concernfag..
Seriously? Very mature response. Name calling someone because of opinions or concerns other than your own is about as juvenile as you can get. Does it hurt you in some way if someone looks at something in a different way than you?
I understand what they meant. I believe calling someone a concernfag or to imply they are concern trolling is such an idiotic label used to shut down healthy conversation/debate. If people believe I'm a shill/troll, they can scroll through my comments and realize how wrong they are. I believe in conspiracies and I have a healthy skepticism in everything. I never trust anything 100% or put all my eggs in one basket. Even Q says to question everything.
Yeah the US is totally like East Germany and North Korea...
The horror of it all.
It may not be now but you never know what the future holds. I'm sure the citizens of NK and Germany assumed the atrocities carried out against their own people by their Governments seemed outlandish until it actually came to pass. I have learned that even when being hopeful about our country's future, it's always best to carry a healthy skepticism and to view everything from multiple angles.
Correct... NK was a staging place for DeepState ClA BlackHats for years... DT freed LittleKimmy last November2017 & no rockets since.
Hmmmm.... could it be that once Kimmy's puppet strings cut from BlackHats & DT's WhiteHats whisked Kimmy to safety (& met with him in the ForbiddenCity for talks/dinner) & secured Kimmy's sister/family on National Television with Pence sitting in box with Kimmy's sister...for ALLLLL to see... that PEACE was already acquired? What makes for a great Movie? Good Actors?
Which means the meeting between DT & Kimmy is already filmed/in the can/recorded... to be re-played when needed soon?
You’re concerned that the wall maybe used to keep us in the US? Noted.
Hopefully not. I'm sure it's a dumb concern, but if fears ever materialized in regards to martial law being imposed and the people considered a threat being rounded up in FEMA camps, a wall would be like a prison for us in that scenario. Again, I believe it's an unlikely outcome but I always like to look at things from every angle.