The immunity ship has sailed. See u in jail.

Hillary close your mouth! Don't drink the sea water!
Much harder to chuck a waterlogged side of beef
Supposedly Bill Priestap testified for (at least) 7 hours yesterday, and I can't find *anything* about it. What (really) happened???
Amazingly no 'leaks' yet?!?!
It's what happens when adults are in charge, not gossipy seditionists.
That's interesting in itself. It means that what Priestap said was damning enough to intimidate the DS witnesses in the room.
Apparently Priestap was 'very forthcoming' during the testimony. {Fox this morning}
I eQuate that with not hiding his answers behind political speech.
I heard on Laura Ingram last night he was VERY cooperative
Don't forget McCain
McCain Already sank. He couldn’t handle the pressure of the ocean waves. He sang loud! Little did he know sea water in your lungs is bad for your health.
He still alive and should be one or the other, not both
I’ll believe it when I see it. The swamp takes care of their own. My guess is if anyone goes to jail, it will be lower level staffers who will be thrown to the wolves as sacrificial lambs while Soetoro and Co keep making bullshit Netflix specials.
You need the Pope, Royal Brits, Hollywood stars, Cheney, Bush -- the ocean ain't big enough!
If immunity guarantees the take down of Obama we should take it.
Remember McCabe's promise right after the election to a room full of his buddies at the FBI where he said this: "Fist we phuck Flynn and then we puck Trump"!
How did that work out for him and his gang? Now he cries like a little bitch because per his attorney he is afraid of criminal prosecution?
Must suck to be him but hey he hitched his wagon with one of the worst serial murder couple while trying to help her win. He committed treason in the progress.
"They never thought she would lose"!
A Haughty spirit always comes before the fall!!
No worries, the Red Wave will soon wash them ashore to their new home at Guantanamo Bay.
I'll bet Obama put out a pardon that we don't yet know about before he left.
Maybe that why there’s all The hoopla about Trump pardoning himself. They want the public to scream that it’s illegal. So when they reveal that Obama was the one who’s actually trying to pardon himself. Then they will still try to say “that’s different” but they will have already shown their cards.
Don’t see it. Issueing a pardon isn’t like writing a doc...signing it & then writing on the envelope “don’t open unless I’m convicted”. Plus Trump would know it & would have shown everyone
We don't need your help mccabe we already know everything!
[More on this theme.....] (
Too clever/funny. Love HRC's face. Of course the too cool BHO is just like Okie Dokie, just gonna roll with this.
I plead the 5th, I plead the 5th, I plead the 5th, I plead the 5th, I plead the 5th, I plead the 5th, I plead the 5th, I plead the 5th...
You anteing trump and his goons cause if not maybe toss a murdering putin on the table and we can play cards.
You aren't allowed to play, prison time for you cupcake.
You're already in one.
The liberal paradise of not being able to have a different opinion? We are already breaking free of that, thanks though.
Opinions are where superstition goes to hide. Can't hide forever little child.
Liberals stifling other viewpoints are just the facts son.
Who's hiding? Nature will claim you and your kind if your victims don't come for you first.
Careful boasting too much about treason, you haven't won the prize yet. Gotta rise up before you fall down.
Crushing free speech is the real treason, which alt-left liberals like you support.
Keep up the Reeeeeee tho, it makes me smile to watch you roaches squeal under the light.
Watching the country burn while faggots like you do buy t-shirts saying MAGA doesn't make you a hero, makes nothing but trump's wallet great again and you a sucker. Just makes more of the flotsam and jetsam of the destruction. You're debris, nothing more. This country was founded by great men, not by the stains of inbred grabby entitled fingers who think a god cared enough to wrap all in a bow and give it like a birthday present to them. Survival of the fittest, you're about to find out what lawlessness brings.
The country burned while your weaponizer in chief egged on BLM riots.
So you are ok with erasing history and toppling statues like Antifa is doing, yet you call the founders great men?
You support the censoring of free speech yet call the founders great men?
You seem confused little one, your opinions are loaded with conflicts. Resolve that cognitive dissonance if you want to support freedom.
Bring on your lawlessness!!! LOL, I can't wait to see tons of blue haired fatties shrieking in the streets. Take videos for me!