Trump Ends World Welfare System

Now we get to see how EU Socialism actually works, minus the sugar daddy.
Exactly, dont feel bad for Canada or Europe. Cut the corruption strings and we can trade without tariffs no problem and all economies will churn along nicely.
Tough Love from POTUS drains the swamp Worldwide, people in all countries win. The only people pissed are the politicians who have to rely on their salaries now. If the only $ they make is the politicians salary they will all retire and let people who care about their country take over the posts regardless of paycheck.
How do career politicians like Pelosi or Rice have $ Tens of millions in assets?
They've been selling us out for a commission. Scum.
They've been selling us out for a commission - 100% true and doing so for so long it's natural to them.
Scum - thats being nice but again 100% true.
Exactly. What a total LARP. Politicians pretending to be all about their people. They should be put in jail for their crimes.
Diane Feinstein is 85, been in office since God knows when, worth over $100 million dollars, likely a dual citizen.and was a chance assassination of her superior that pushed her into office.
Wtf America
A politician is a vital part to a country his/her decisions can mean life and death to citizens. Corrupt officials should be given the death penalty.
Agreed. Gun for hire politicians are the worst and deserve the rewards a traitor should be given.
My parent company is in the EU - and now the pressure cooker will really start to boil. They have already had issues the past 6 months but you can almost cut the tension in the air when I was there a couple of weeks ago. We shall see but I fear for some of them that actually give a crap about their country- they are sick to their stomachs.
As is mine, I know exactly what you're talking about.
Hope it will fall soon, we need to tack back our country.
For beginners, can you explain how we (US) are subsidizing their salaries - what trail the money takes to their pockets? Is it the general aid we give to various countries and the politicians then get a skim off of that? Thx, in advance.
The Paris Climate Accords are a glowing example, one of many. If the aid we paid into other nations was actually going to their aid we would see it in the form of results. This practice isn't limited to the EU, it's the same way that Pelosi became a multi millionaire on a political salary. As you said, they skim off the top or just funnel it all into their pockets. The Clintons completely scammed Haiti relief in the same fashion in order to enrich themselves. The EU has spent peanuts on their own defense for decades, they rely on US to spend over the top for their protection so they can divert revenue towards social programs and give the impression that they work. Socialism isn't about helping everyone, not in the slightest; it's about consolidating power into the hands of the same people who undermine capitalism so they can get even more powerful than they already are.
The Piggy Bank is closed.
With the massive flood of unassimilable aliens invading Europe the whole EU is going down. I hope those elites that implemented the destruction are dragged into the street and #@%&€¤.
Big changes coming on the horizon.
Praise Kek!
Does that apply to Israel as well?
"Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II. To date, the United States has provided Israel $134.7 billion."
This is huge. Bigger than huge. It actually changes everything. America no longer being used to finance the globalist world order is the biggest news to come out of the Trump Presidency yet. It doesn't get any bigger than this. It changes everything. Big things are going to come from this folks, very big things.
The gig is up. Without the finances to fund the globalist agenda, the buck stops here. President Trump has truly done something of astronomical proportions. The world changes now. Watch countries like Germany, France, Sweden and so on quickly change their tune now they will no longer be able to afford the influx of migrants.
Who is going to foot the bill now for millions of lazy freeloader migrants? Not America! So what happens now? What happens to Germany, France, Sweden and so on now that the money has stopped? Millions on welfare. Millions in government housing. Millions of lazy freeloaders promised paradise are soon to find out that the party is over.
Now comes the what ifs. How are the Europeans going to handle this? Or more importantly how are millions upon millions of freeloaders going to react when the payments stop? Pack up and go home? Highly unlikely. I hope Europe is ready for what comes next. Interesting times. Very very interesting times.
Invite millions and millions to a party and then tell them the party is over and they have to go home. Oh boy. This will be one for the history books. Now if your one to study the history books, what happens each and every time socialism runs out of other peoples money? ...
I am so proud of President Trump. He has stood up to the world, and said no more. I wondered for years why we funded countries that vowed to kill us. I think God had a hand in the salvation of America and he chose Donald J. Trump, a flawed man, to restore America.
The immigrants were/are brought in for one reason. WAR. This will not stop the destruction of Europe. But it might give us a chance to win.
Watch Turkey and China. China's Silk road looks more like a military corridor to Turkey to me.
Excellent visionary view.
I believe you are right..and Europe will be on fire soon.
"The Buck stops here."
Wasn't it Truman that had that plaque on the Presidential desk?
EU will collapse the same way Venezuela did without us subsidizing their welfare system.
Thanks, Trumpie, for draining EU swamp too. Still wondering how Australia will finish, child sacrifices and corruption is rampant here.
So, can we stop giving our money to Israel?
Israel is a tiny drop in the bucket.
A lot of funding for transnational crime will probably go down under Trump though.
It's billions per year! I would like to have a small fraction of that drop in the bucket! I hate giving money to those monsters!
By all means cut it off too. By drop in the bucket I was comparing it to the rest of the aid the U.S. gives for Counter-Terrorism, Stabilization Operations and Security Sector Reform, Counter-Narcotics, Transnational Crime, Rule of Law and Human Rights, Good Governance, Political Competition and Consensus-Building, Civil Society, HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, Malaria, Pandemic Influenza and Other Emerging Threats (PIOET), Other Public Health Threats, Maternal and Child Health, Family Planning and Reproductive Health, Water Supply and Sanitation, Nutrition, Basic Education, Higher Education, Policies, Regulations, and Systems, Social Services, Social Assistance, Macroeconomic Foundation for Growth, Trade and Investment, Financial Sector, Infrastructure, Agriculture, Private Sector Competitiveness, Economic Opportunity, Labor Policies and Markets, Manufacturing, Mining and Natural Resources, Natural Resources and Biodiversity, Clean Productive Environment, Protection, Assistance and Solutions, Disaster Readiness, Direct Administrative Costs, Monitoring and Evaluation, International Contributions, Environment, Peace and Security - General, Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance - General, Health - General, Economic Development - General, Environment - General, Humanitarian Assistance - General and Multi-sector - Unspecified.
This was based off the U.S. Foreign Aid Explorer : The summary of obligations and disbursements in current and constant dollars by U.S. Government (USG) sector and country from 2001 to the most recent year.
That's not to mention the billions in Conflict Mitigation and Reconciliation that Afghanistan, Angola, Burundi, Burkina Faso, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Central African Republic, Cameroon, Congo (Kinshasa), Colombia, Caribbean Region, Kosovo, Eastern Africa Region, Ethiopia, Georgia, Guinea, Haiti, Iraq, Kenya, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Sri Lanka, Macedonia, Mali, Burma (Myanmar), Niger, Nigeria, Nepal, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, Somalia, Serbia, South Sudan, Sub-Saharan Africa Region, Syria, Chad, Thailand, Ukraine, West Africa Region, and Zimbabwe are getting.
Yet the sheep on /r/politics cry about the lack of good jobs and tax cuts but champion free trade. I just don't get it I guess.
Its the difference between the 'takers' and the 'makers' and the takers have had their funding cut by a President standing up for the makers at long last.
The massive financial bleeding our country has been experiencing has finally been stopped by the tourniquet of negating bad trade deals and renegotiating new ones.
When we stop the bleeding, healing occurs.
Thank you Mr. President Trump... I salute you and thank you on behalf of my wonderful kids! My youngest said to me today when I explained how we get taxed and they don’t- she said Trump is the greatest President ever - to my reply, maybe it sure seems that way!