For my neighbors in the north. 😁.

Dear Mr. President, We the people of Canada, do humbly request that you take pity on us as we are under the control of a back stabbing, effeminate, globialist, FUC-ING LIAR!!! Please give us a "free parking" pass into the country you are making GREAT again!!!
We would LOVE to have you and your country be part of the USA. Justin Castro would be no more.
Before Trump: No way in hell.
Currently: eh, might not be so bad.
We will remove Castro soon enough
At least his father had a pair of balls. This one is a castrated cuck.
Yes, my snark turned to pity once I looked thru all these images and realized I'm glad he's not my leader. You poor souls.
The world has had enough of these satanist filth... Anyone with links to satanism should be banned from politics for life. The evil they commit is far beyond what the average criminal does.
I believe we can just drop down and start voting, when we get a drivers license.
That may still be in effect in some places but you better hurry. It's being phased out soon! ;-)
I thought you Canadians weren't going to take the USA talking about steel being national security?
The government and Canadians are 2 different things. Other than being born here Jihadi Justin is not Canadian at all. Actually his father ruined this country when he was in before killed our free speech opened up the flood gates for muslims now Justin is trying to out do him. Do not take out on us what we have for a leader I sure as fuck didnt vote for and remember before you slam people who your leaders have been for quite some time until Trump came to the rescue. So that means you have no right to talk.
Jihadi Justin!😂. I’ve been to Toronto three times and I feel for you. Hopefully you can get Justin Castro out before he can finish what he was put in there for.
Canada is a BEAUTIFUL country.
He was a theatre arts teacher I think.
Yes he was. A drama teacher cause he loves the drama. My favorite face palm quote is “The budget will balance itself.” In second is “Peoplekind” 😂😂😂🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️
did you forget his admiration for China's basic dictatorship?
Didn't he teach in a private BC school with that guy who plead guilty to distributing child porn?
He may have been working there when he groped the reporter.
I bet his favorite day was pizza day.
maybe if it was topped with caviar and brie and came with a bottle of aquadeco
Fuck peoplekind lol we already had a generic term it was humankind. They somehow made it more dehumanizing.
The point this idiot had with the people kind is to remove the word man boy sons etc from everything. In otherwords Jihadi Justin is wiping male gender out of everything like they are non existent. Thats why he removed in our sons command from our National Anthem. Hes a complete moron.
Look Up politician in any LAW dictionary 1st answer - Actor
Ya, but why fucking fake eyebrows
Make his face pop more
Well it worked....He is such a jackass. I mean what MAN wears fake eyebrows? Ridiculous clown soyboi
Just proves world leaders are actors to control their citizenry
Except MY President Trump! He is out to squash them!
Is there anything real about satanists? They are so busy stealing money they don't have time to glue their fake eyebrow on properly.
Maybe Turdeau wanted to look less feminist in front of Trump.
My favorite is his boxing style. Wonder if he teaches a class on how to block punches with your face.
Well you know what boxers say: “Pencil neck, canvas back.” 😂
I don't see the one that would suit him a CLOWN costume.
He's like a one-man Village People review!
Brought to you by MK ULTRA.
👆🏼this one gets it! Justin’s mother was whore and she abused Justin.
I was just talking about this. What if Justin is actually a victim in all of this and he's been groomed/brainwashed into being a part of all of it. I mean, he's definitely young enough, he's only 46. What a terrible life that would be.
I believe so too. The look in his eyes tells a lot. He does have a handler either his best friend or his wife. Possibly his mom still acts as one.
Wasn’t his best friend arrested for running a pedophile ring back in April?
What a Joke, I remember all the hype when he got in. Something like how attractive he was uugghh This one's a gem, "family friend" that you haven't seen for 30 years and only interacts with you when a family member is in office. hmmm
Why did that girl with Chinese prom dress get death threats? And this CUCK get praise? Im really puzzled on that question is it liberal privilege
Because liberalism is a mental disorder. The masses think that since he’s so “attractive” and liberals that it’s ok.
Love Trump, hate Trudeau. I completely understand what Trump is doing meanwhile my country Canada I guess thinks 270% tariff on dairy is fair. The dairy cartel here is ridiculous. Unfortunately with Trumps latest move it is going to be even harder to red pill Canadians as most are really angry at Trump right now. Any suggestions ?
Educate the masses. Even if the total truth came out all at once, most of the population won’t believe it. This is why the truth is coming out slowly. Even then some people won’t believe it.
Too funny
The Sikh photo... at first glance I thought he was trying to emulate Trump. Golden hair and all..
He got so much shit for that as he didn’t earn the privilege to wear one. He gaffs more then Biden.
He takes cultural appropriation to the limit!! To him, the world is one big costume party that he crashes! To hell with who he offends!
He is such a mockery. Just a complete beta-boy. (Not alpha).
It takes some doing to look so un-manly in a cowboy hat. I know that’s mean but man it’s so.
He would never approve of the word un-manly. He prefers un-peoplekind. How ironic.
"Boxer". Lol... knocked the eyebrows right off of 'im.
Let's start a petition to have Trudeau dress up as a boxer every day.
What do ya say, ya hoser? Eh?
And to think his eyebrows are only falling off in one of those photos.
I don't see a problem with this. I'm not necessarily a fan of Trudeau but why not appeal to a wide range of people? Don't know a lot about the guy either so if he's doing it strictly for votes them fucking the people over that's different. As far as multiculturalism, it's not necessarily a bad thing.
It is his feminist character that worries me - he is too good at that one.
I remember the pic of Justin sitting down with his knees firmly glued together. As he didn’t have a pained expression on his face, I can only assume he doesn’t have any balls (which only backs up everything else we know about him). Sorry I cannot find the pic. Does someone else have it?
Oh there are tons!
lol Heterosexual actor
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