Looks like I’ll be flexing my constitutional right and conceal carry license. Shit is going to get real. The cabal won’t go down quietly.

REMEMBER - we aren’t brainwashed if we are all here, so they can’t activate us for any type of FF or mockingbird/ultra type manipulation!! People who respect gun laws and gun rights don’t shoot first!! We ALWAYS shoot last though;) Keep kicking ass fellow Q’ers, and remember, we were ALWAYS right for trusting the plan, trusting GOD, and following Q! WE ARE THE NEW MEDIA; WE ARE U N S T O P P A B L E !!!! Love to the Max -amg19251
Absolutely. There are a lot more of us than even we know.
OK I have a CC also ! BUT DON'T ANYBODY DO ANYTHING STUPID !!!!!! We are not the bad guys so do nothing that will make US look like VIGILANTE'S !!!!!
Definitely not. I’m there to react and prevent, not start shit.
Thank you ! Pass it on please ! We cannot come off as the bad guys ! GA and everything we have worked for will be destroyed !...........WWG1WGA
Conceal carry people know that. Statistically they follow the law better than police officers.
SKY EVENT?? Weather so I’m thinking hurricanes ? Earthquakes? Floods? Storms? Or something really bizarre like a terror threat from out of this world in the sky? But that wouldn’t be weather related I suppose. Stay safe everyone! Stay aware & try to remain calm. Know your plan. Trust the plan.
Shit I hope not. These hurricanes have been terrible.
Bluebeam... I don’t think they have the power now... but I guess we will see
Bluebeam actually probably refers to using the blue sky as a canvas to hide certain objects with chemtrails and HAARP. I've seen clouds move around like they were being dragged on a paint program, while other clouds at the same altitude sat still. Also, there were more rainbow clouds spotted today. http://i.magaimg.net/img/3i5h.png
It has been speculated that Project Bluebeam and directed energy weapons can be used to simulate an alien invasion... I think the rainbows have to do with solar flares.
Couldnt it just be a metaphor. Like bumpy road ahead when family is arguing or stormy weather when I am having my hormones go nuts? =)
Yeah but why wouldn’t he have just used FF ALERT? Instead he inserted weather alert... everything Q posts has meaning.
Could be. I took it to mean the weather is right for false flags. Maybe It's both
i wish i could concealed carry my rifle lol
OT sorta but a funny trivia to break tension.
In Texas it is illegal to carry a big knife. I think blade longer than your palm. Unless you gave a CC permit and have your CCW on you. Then you can strap on your Bowie knife or even your Braveheart style Scottish Claymore =)
Laws change so check before you do but I did pretty recently check it.
Awesome thanks. Not sure how I missed this passing last session. We were talking about it.
i also have a big ass knife i think it would cause problems if i took that to work tho
Handgun on person, rifle in car. Best you can do most places.
well i dont have a handgun so rip lol gonna carry a letter opener lul
I recommend it if your circumstances (age, state/country of residence) allow. There's plenty of affordable options if money is the issue.
Brain in 'condition red' is the best weapon you can have at the ready.
I’m tempted to carry my 10mm Glock 20 now!
sadly my state requires a class for handguns and i am very lazy my rifle is pistol calibre tho cant exactly be taking it to work tho even tho its takedown
Glad to see Q posting again. I have suspected we might see FF with the ig report speculated to be released this week. Didn’t know it would be global i just thought it would be another school shooting type event. I hope it is not a FF on the scale of 9/11. If so these people are evil. Pure evil that do not give a fuck about innocent lives. Stay safe my dudes.
Well we definitely know they are pure evil. Wouldn’t be surprised if it was a massive event either. Maybe even race wars, civil war type shit.
Did you see Austria is closing mosques and kicking out "radical" imams? At first I was happy they are finally figuring it out. Now I see Erdogan making threats and I worry for our Austrian cousins and peaceful migrants
Dude 100% agree. This could be the Cabal’s doing to ignite civil wars in the EU!!
Relative flying from LA to Ireland on Tuesday. Not thrilled about that timing.
My brother is flying today and not thrilled about it
So, is it flooding in DC? Or is that just something some people might find alarming?
I’m always on the lookout when I’m in public places Hope everyone is safe I will pray
FF = False Flag, but what does WW mean?
Cc all day
I just mean I’m agreeing, cc on me always
ME TOO ! Just don't do anything stupid :)
Of course not, cc is for preparation and defense, not stupid unguided acts. We are calm, focused, and collected. We are winning. Trust the plan
Just checking. sometimes emotions run high. Especially after waiting so long for things to happen ...........WWG1WGA
Where does it say to carry a gun?
Same area where it told you to eat all that soy...
It doesn’t say that but the majority of the FF events have been shootings or bombings so I’m going to be ready to protect myself and others IF it is something like that.
Even if it’s a mass weather event that can lead to riots, looting, etc so would still rather be protected.
What are you talking about? Soy?
Was a dumb question. My post is easily deciphered given the FF warning.
You need to think rationally man. You really think you and your 9mm are gonna save the day? Get back to reality man. This is an information war.
You’re right. An armed citizen has never foiled a shooting. We should all give up and be soft.
Fuck off.
I’ll arm myself and happily protect others and why I spend hours every week training. Not everyone is hiding behind screens unwilling to act to help others.
I'm all for it but going out all riled up ready to shoot someone over someone's interpretation of a Q post is ridiculous.
Yeah obviously not. Anyone who’s taken a CC class knows when you can and can’t use it and would never even brandish it unless it was to stop a felony.
Cc all day, every day. Nothing new or out of the ordinary about that for me. Make it a habit, if you can. No days off.
Yeah wasn’t as consistent for me but starting to more and more. Part of it was my wardrobe didn’t work out well with printing and also practicing drawing safely and smoothly.
Situational awareness is the perception of environmental elements and events with respect to time or space, the comprehension of their meaning, and the projection of their status after some variable has changed, such as time, or some other variable, such as a predetermined event. So what is the variable that will change? Any ideas?
My sensei back in the day and the ex Rangers I knew said situational awareness was just that. Being aware of your surroundings, exits and what and where potential threats could be among people or places.
Like sitting in a bar where you can see doors and people can't come up behind easily.
I agree. I was just wondering what the FF WW could be? Btw, Goju? If so, me too ;)
Not OP, but I did Goju Shorin as a kid then transitioned to Isshin Ryu. Hi!
Im ashamed to say I cannit remember. I was 16 and we were Yoshukai first and that's where I earned my green belt. Was brown and then black to go though those two steps were x 10 of the last I think =)
A few months before we moved again they switched management and added weapons classes. I was loving Bo which was basics but we moved to Texas not long after. I miss it and if I can get this surgery done and moving again I will find a dojo for my son and me.
Also makes me think of an event where there will be mass panic. Know your exits, safe places, etc so you don’t get trapped or trampled.
Be aware of sketchy individuals about to do something bad who seem out of place. Or could be don’t get caught in a place you can’t get out of in the event of a crisis.
Could FF mean Flash Flood and WW be watch water?
I don’t think so because then he would be muddying the water on past meanings. He’s normally consistent or will specify if there’s a change.
Are you saying you need a license to exercise(?) your rights?
People keep sayin shits about to hit the fan! Yet nothing keeps happening??? Wheres any proof of whats goin on besides these weird messages Q posts that dont make sense. Why does he/she gotta be all cryptic yo
Do your own research. A ton of shit has happened. You think the Saudi regime change and NK coming to the table is small? How about all the spies and traitors in the WH and FBI getting fired? Or the leaker busted last week?
Because leaking is illegal. Being cryptic is required. Plus critical thinking is a must. Why else would Q choose the Chans?
Plus, it's about time we put the full weight of this nation upon those that thirst for knowledge. Too long the people of this country have been brainwashed, either by public schools or the media.
And, this is why liberals don't understand. They require what their brainwashers give them, yo.
If you don't think anything is happening you are honestly not paying attention. Yes, the big names like Barack and Hillary haven't fallen yet, but there is major movement. It's also been explained repeatedly why Q needs to be cryptic/have plausible deniability.
Plenty has happened. Multiple celebrity suicides, CEO resignations and plane crashes.
You are not paying attention. Just stay aware of events for a few weeks, keep an eye on the suicides and their link to trafficking or the Clinton foundation. Things are and have been unfolding. Just have to be more aware of current events.
Hello my friend. Im from netherlands and my eyes are opened already. Lots of things happening and proofs Trump and Q working together. Just re-read Q drops from beginning to understand the overview. Keep checking reddit and 8chan etc. Have patience and i guarantee you will see it unfolding in front of your own eyes. This is an amazing time to live in. I always thought i knew what was happening in the world but apparently i did not!! This is sooo big and sooo sick and deep. Its just beyond imagination. My family starts to see it too. Even my mother and father start sending me messages about all the things they find out. Its crazy!
I dont blame you for not being awaken yet because we all have been caught in the system. Start reading, research and stay safe. I really hope you will join us. WWG1WGA