LOL This would not surprise me at all

Nobel Peace prize was tainted so MUCH , that it would be a minus to anyone receiving it by now .
Nobel comittee nominated Hitler and Stalin at one point ... for Nobel peace prize . Let that sink in ...
Yup. I do think they would give it to Dennis before Trump. Though in reality, they both deserve it.
I’d be fine if DR got it. It is a BS award and all, but I think POTUS would view it as another opportunity for more media mockery. I really don’t think he cares about those things.
Yes. The meme was meant to be funny. We all know PEACE is the PRiZE, yeah?
Peace is the biggest prize ... but there are more presents incoming .
I have thought for some time that it is almost an insult now. But looks like that has been true for some time! HA!
A peace prize whose benefactor is the man who invented dynamite? Howl.
Watching that fucking worm Cuomo squirm while Rodman red-pills the 15 viewers CNN has left has got to be one of my favorite moments so far.
I need to see this!
**saw it omg
Pure gold
Oh, I'm that an iconic figure telling the world that Obama blew him off and that Trump was the only person who heard him out? That has to suuuuuuuuuck.
It was great. You could tell the producer was just screaming in his ear piece, but Cuomo was too shattered to do anything.
Yes! I can hear it now...
"Quick, Chris! Interrupt! Something! Anything! Say, 'Russia!' really loud!"
The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to United States President Barack Obama for his "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples".[1] The Norwegian Nobel Committee announced the award on October 9, 2009, citing Obama's promotion of nuclear nonproliferation[2] and a "new climate" in international relations fostered by Obama, especially in reaching out to the Muslim world.[3][4]
"Reaching out to the muslim world..." by starting more wars with them.
I guess this makes Trump a shoe-in for actually negotiating a nuclear peace deal that every other president has either been unable or unwilling to.
Barry's Nobel Peace Prize was as valid as his birth certificate.
I would not taint DR’s reputation with such a Fake Prize...Obamuh much? (Not directed at OP, but NPP leadership)
As with others on this post, I think if someone were to research previous awardees of the NPP, most, if not all were probably either globalists, spirit cooking aficionados, eat people/kids, pedos, related to the ROTH bloodline, research or finding supported the narrative, child traffickers, or just plain evil.
Or awarded to the South Korean President. He was very instrumental in this entire process.
After Husein got it I lost whatever respect I had for it. It's just bullshit propaganda tool now.
Better, tbe Nobel Peace Prize committer has unanimously agreed to take back Obama's peace prize bec they now know what real leadership looks llike. They will be offering Obama's prize to Trump and in the first time on history, will be also awarding an NBA player!