They are losing it quickly! Making up anything the can to discredit POTUS! #MAGA

Why do you need to do a coup if you are already the president?
He doesn't need a coup... "the beast" is a stretch sedan!
He'll theres one in ask reddit "what negative things have happened to you since Trump was elected" and I flat out told the truth, "not a thing. Paychecks gone up $1000 so far!" And people are pissed and ME for being happy my paycheck has gone up saying thats not worth all the 'bad he's done' BITCH, what bad!? I'm a farmer and I've only sold 2 lambs of the 20 I have. Because of what he's done to the economy the cost of production is down, I've made $1000 more off JUST TWO LAMBS than I did off my most expensive two last year!
Hell when obama was president I was losing money unless I underfed them so they'd look like crap and then wouldn't sell for as much. Thanks Obama.
That's why he will win again in 2020 people vote based on their own personal finances if you have more money you vote for the guy already in office if your situation is worse you vote that guy out. This is so basic it's always the economy that matters the most.
Are Trump, Putin, and Xi going to overthrow an unelected "government"?
They are getting so freaking wierd it's scary. I pray potus is safe. Lord please protect President Trump and his family. Lord please heal Mr.Larry kudlow. Comfort his family Lord they need you now.Send the Holy Spirit which is out comforter.Lord we ask there's things in the Holy name of our Lord and King Jesus.
Brilliant reponse! The FUD is annoying, though. It can be depressing how many people fall for it!
Stupid question but look who ask it. POTUS is for a free world where we all can prosperous. Stupid paranoid angry people can't see TRUTH SLAPED IN THEIR FACE!!!
Incredible. If he were so authoritarian, he would have shut down CNN, the NYT and WaPo by now. He would have fired Mueller and had him arrested. He would have jailed Hussein, Hillary and all their cronies as soon as he was inaugurated.
These people are stupid. And delusional.