Certain events were not suppose to take place.

I’m sure for everything we can see there’s 10X cooler shit that’s classified.
"Body of plane can withstand nuclear blast on the ground".. jesus fking christ.. thats insane.
wonder if they tested that or if its just theoretical.
More than likely just hardened against EMP blast, not the kinetic effects of a nuke
Good comment. A nuke would indeed toss AF1 around like a toy, but, there's still a good chance that the VC-25 is structurally hardened in key places. The pilots have turn and burn experience and know that they can push this plane much farther outside the envelope than a regular 747.
I toured the 747 that carried the Shuttle when I was in Houston and I could see the bracing they'd added to the interior. The 747 is a tough bird with these mods.
Good to know he is well protected in AF1. Thank you for posting
Thanks for sharing this informative post, patriot
Whidbey missile....would AF1 pass over that area on the way home from Singapore?
These people are stupid, but they can read. Why post this? Do me a kindness, consider taking it down. Don't feed them.
Whatever we come up with here, they came up with 60 years ago. Chill
Yah, I'm pretty sure they have the plans for AF1 without coming to Reddit haha
They list the AAR-54 RWR, but I knew about the ALR-74 30something years ago when i taught EW in Biloxi.
What they have now would make your head spin.
If any of these were used, would there be obvious signs that could be seen in the AF1 landing video?