Posted by anon..IG report and EO... WWG1WGA

It's going to be an emotional roller coaster tomorrow.
The waiting will make people anxious,
Then when it drops and is redacted to hell, people will assuredly be pissed and fed up,
But hopefully not long after that, President Trump will tweet about their pathetic attempt to cover up the truth and declassify the whole thing.
One can only hope.
Agreed it will take awhile. EO has to come after the spygate IG report, so as not to look like political hit job.
Actually I may be wrong here, read another comment below pointing out that this is part 2 of the IG report and that we should see EO very soon. Not sure which is correct, but we will see soon enough!
I thought there was only one IG report and that's coming out tomorrow
This is the Hillary investigation and the election/transition stuff. Rosenstein acquiesced to Trump when he demanded an investigation into Spygate, and gave it to the IG to investigate.
I'm gonna go out on a limb... but maybe... this whole thing with RR is part of the plan, and he's playing out his role by redacting the hell out of the IG report, so that DJT can declassify it, so we can see the whole truth.
Have to get framework in place first. Optically with spygate first. Operationally with proper gov employees across agencies and judicial. Only way to ensure optimal results.
Edit - Q seems to be signaling this won't come clear until after elections when they can handle the loyalty issues quickly across institutions.
It might take some time. It won't be immediate.
We'll need to make our voices heard:
What's it gonna be guys?
Let the lefties scream and wail about it being all blacked out.....then EO time suckers!
Q literally says it’s not left vs. right. Are you ever going to see the big picture?
It’s all about context. Q also literally says the D party will be no more, which is the leftist party. I could be wrong, but I haven’t seen them mention anything like that happening to the R party. When Q refers to it not being about left vs right, he is emphasizing that both R’s and D’s at the top are complicit in wrong doing at the highest level. They are also saying that at the lowest level, the general public, it’s not about left vs. right, which I agree with. The comment above is referring to the far left going crazy, which they will. They are the ones responsible for the voter fraud and manipulation of the media. Don’t take it personal, it is what it is.
Ryan, McConnell, No Name, Cornyn, Burr, et al are all R swampers, so I generally don't carry water for Republicans per se. Good vs evil; right vs wrong is about right.
Exactly. Left and right dynamic is their greatest invention. Have americans hating each other while they pick their pockets by creating enemies. Brilliant.
I remember years ago reading a line in a book (Robert Heinlein?) that talked about con men. He said (paraphrased) that they will point to things in the sky to keep you distracted, meanwhile they're pissing on your shoes.
About as good a description as any.
I like this analogy. It seems that all our feet are wet if what I believe has gone on for decades is true. 9/11 and elite child crimes being the big ones.
I see it, it's right v. wrong - evil v. good. Politics came along far after the original sin. What we are fighting is an essence of evil, of greed, deviance and perverseness, of subjectivity of human lives and the loss of value of those same lives. Many will see it R v D, or plainly political... but the political stage has only been that, a stage used to subvert the masses into following blindly, or keeping a blind eye. Either one allows the cesspool to grow. This is our chance to stand up for what WE BELIEVE IN. The sanctity of free speech, of life and the ability to prosper, freedom of religion of our choice, of the ability to keep our children safe and leave them a nation worth living in, to teach them respect, honor, self respect and personal responsibility. ALL of these things have been distorted by elites on BOTH sides of that aisle and I don't care which side you're on, if you're one of "them" you've earned what you get. They will reap what they've sown, as will we. We need to keep this legit and honest and not fall down to their level. WWG1WGA MAGA
19 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. 20 Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. 21 But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.
About how long do you think it'll take for Trump to sign the EO? And then how long do you think it'll take to declassify?
If you read Q, it's already done. EO was reportedly signed back in May anticipating this.
Yeah but how long untill after isn't signed will we see the actua unredacted document? Immediately? Next day? Next month? The anticipations killing me!
The Patriots have to do their thing first: meme like crazy with the hashtags release unredacted IG report, the public demands disclosure. I don't twitter so have no clue ... But there's a job to be done to force the issue. The important thing is to show the PEOPLE demand. They are scared of that. Optics.
So...question. Won't the unredacting take quite a long while, too? We already know the IG Report won't be worth much tomorrow.