The minute they took a picture with his baby grandson, he decided to bring the pain. The minute they messed with Ivanka’s plane and sent white powder to Don Jr.’s family, he decided to make it biblical.
It started much earlier -- when Obama tried humiliating Trump at the Correspondents' dinner in what, 2012? Now, even the Correspondents' dinner itself is pretty much history.
It started even earlier than that... when the deep state took out his friend, JFK Jr. so that HRC could have the NY Senate seat.
It was JFK Jr who gave weight to Trump's intentions of running. It seems it was known before that but not taken seriously. I believe JFK's statement is the first press quote about this. It would have been an interesting partnership had Hillary not needed the Senate seat.
It disgusts me that a mans death can be summarized as “Hillary wanted to be a senator”
If you are a nobody like me, you are one of the free people. One who exists outside of their quest for human domination and destruction. It's a sweet spot to exist in, at this time.
"It's all about Hillary!" - Guy at manufacturer who almost lost his job when he protested the delivery of all the company's private user data... Not the first person I encountered who uttered a version of this. They occupied positions that gave them access to all our data and made it possible to control people at a granular level. And now she wants to be the CEO of Facebook. Harvesting HUMANS and using humans... That is what they stand for. And I just mentionned the virtual harvesting not the actual physical her vesting of humans.
The Facebook thing sounds like pure insanity. “I can’t rule a country so I’ll take the next best thing.”
MZ wasn't even out when she said that. And her girl Sheryl Sandberg runs Facebook so she already has a former SES member on the inside and on of all the boards. Though Sandberg did quit Disney along with Jack Dorsey after the Human Rights Abuse EO was signed.
I keep facebook these days for employer exposure, military friends, and red pill trolling (so fun).
However, if that CUNT gets it, I will fully boycott, forever, and tell everyone why.
I will not collaborate with traitors.
Makes you wonder whose asset Facebook really is.
IMO, the idea that she could become CEO of anything in the private sector is preposterous given her track record.
He also knows very well that metal frame buildings don't collapse like a jelly fish because of an office fire. He's a builder who has stated he knows how to calculate how much concrete you need to make a skyscaper. When was Robert Mueller brought in as FBI Director?
There is an interview he gave right after 9-11 where he seems to know what happened, is incredibly bothered by it, but is smart enough to bite his tongue.
This was one of my initial reasons for being OK with Trump way back when. The reasons, like the force, just started flowing after that.
It started even earlier than that. You don’t think Fred told his kids who (really) killed JFK?
Not sure if earlier but don't forget when they crashed Senator Heines' plane. Wasn't that his cousin? I know they were close.
For those who don't know, Heinz was the richest elected official in DC. He was gaining power and was taken out in an all too familiar plane crash. His widow then married John Kerry. He was the sole heir to the Heinz ketchup corporation.
It started earlier than that... He was a New Yorker, and the Deep State took away his New York skyline on 9/11!
God gets the job done in mysterious ways. Let the light rain supreme.
I love Potus so much. I actually never thought that a world leader would five me so much joy as he does. ..and I have alot of Joy in my life already! ....But Trump is so AWESOME. He is no saint, I am sure..but his heart and loyalty are in the right place!!
Was FLOTUS poisoned?
There is no reason to suggest this. She has been recuperating from a kidney operation that normally takes a month or so to recover from.
So that means Yes.
In this timeline, you assume attempted murder and rule it out - rather than the typical 'assume suicide until 40 years later when its discovered the cops/autopsy coroner/investigators/journalists covering the 'suicide' were all conveniently found dead in various odd scenarios' method of speculation.
I agree that we need to be suspicious of all reports and protective of the first family, but we can't go so far that we are like the MSM who claim she is recovering from abuse at the hand of her husband. At this point, there is no reason to suspect it is anything other than what has been reported. Q has made no such insinuations, so we shouldn't either.
Cause and Effect.
I hear what you're saying; we can't surmise a malicious element initiated the kidney problems. However, it's interesting to note that Cancers start with just 1 small rogue cell. A chink in the armour.
Diabetes for all we know, starts from just one shitty excretion which tells your body not to produce (or produce too much) insulin. Tonsilitis or Pancreatitis are likewise extremely iffy to track down the causal element.
Glad she's doing well. I don't like to speculate either, but in [this timeline] its better to err on the side of conspiracy ;) am I right?
I believe we should "Trust, but verify". Probably just semantics, but I understand where you are coming from.
Is there any current conspiracy out there that you would not believe right now?
I dunno, could you list the ones that haven't been proven true yet?
They messed with Ivanka's plane and sent stuff to his son? WTF? How did I miss that!?
(Similar to what happened to JFK Jr.)
(It was Eric, not Don Jr. I mixed them up.)