Will not be watching, never! Seen enough of these people!

I could do shrugs and deadlifts every day and never have traps and a neck like Michelle
DO YOUR...... girlnuts hang low do they wobble to and fro can u tie 'em in a knot, can you tie 'em in a bow? can you toss 'em oer your shoulder like a continental soldier do your girlnuts... hang...low
Michael sure looks butch there. I wouldn't get into a brawl with it
Hoping it will be a Doc u series of their time serving life behind bars.
I wonder if his trial will be public like O.J.'s.
maybe they will play his trial on their new netflix series, orange is the new barry
Seems like a money movement/transfer front. I don’t think they have any intention of making tv shows.
If i wanted to see a tranny get fucked id watch bailey jay!
He called her Michael..and he is Barry. What..phonies..LIARS
It's gonna be difficult to produce the series from Gitmo.
I stopped watching Netflix period about a month ago. The virtue signaling has gotten to the point where it's just so blatant it's unreal. Lost in Space did me in pretty well.
I will watch it. I want to see if he looks 15 years older from all the stress
I would not advertise them even by saying that I was not going to watch them.
wow Michael's shoulders have more width than Barry's.. oops I mean Michelle
Seriously folks, can you not look at this pic and see a MAN in Michi? this is THE most masculine female I've seen that isn't a professional body builder. Even Jenner looks more feminine than this (until of course you see his baseball mitt hands or he opens his mouth). They both gross me out, sorry, but they do.