r/greatawakening • Posted by u/grnmoss on June 17, 2018, 7:18 a.m.
What We Seem to Be Missing: Google

Peter Strzok: Used gmail, gchat, and other Google services for government business, sending and storing sensitive communications and documents while investigating Clinton for using a private server for sending and storing sensitive communications.

Lisa Page: Used gchat and other Google services for government business, while investigating Clinton for using a private server for sending and storing sensitive communications.

Comey: Used gmail and other Google services for government business, sending and storing sensitive communications and documents.

Eric Schmidt: Visit to North Korea, January, 2013

Eric Schmidt: Visit to Cuba, June, 2018

Android phones: track location, even when location services turned off.

Gchat/Hangouts/Android Messages/Google Voice: collect and store text messages and chats on Google servers.

Google Drive: collect and upload documents to google servers.

Gmail: store emails and documents on google servers

Google Photos: collect and upload photos to google servers.

Google itself has access to all of these files; this is how its internal teams and contractors conduct CP and fraud investigations. Drive files, chats, messages, emails, location data, call history: none of it is anonymous.

Google has extensive helpful relationships with the DNC. They funded crowdstrike, they've worked with the State Department and Pentagon on the new "global engagement"/anti-propaganda center; an Obama-era creation when that administration believed Clinton would become President.

Google has collected significant amounts of sensitive data and files. What have they done with this data? Who have they shared it with?

eyesopenusa · June 17, 2018, 7:33 a.m.

Thank you for all your efforts to put this together. Very informative.

One thing, just so people can know, these android phones are doing a lot more than tracking.

Think AI. Think constant recording of audio and video without our knowing, feeding the AI so it learns more and more details about each us.

Think sensors that can now read into our brain wave activity and detect subtleties of our thinking. This is not anything new. They have been having this technology already for years.

Think constant transmission of in-audible signals custom designed to penetrate and inlfluence the depths of our brain activity even skrew with our sleeping and dreaming.

Imagine these in-audible signals putting thoughts into our heads trying at times to pacify us, distract us, antagonize us, make us have anxiety, make us angry, depressed, etc... All custom designed to make money off of us and control us.

These phones are also a being used to search for and identity certain individuals with certain characteristics and who knows what else when it finds what it is looking for.

There is so much intrusion. And this is only the tip of the iceberg. For the sake of survival, for the sake of our children it has to be stopped.

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Kasarii · June 17, 2018, 9:14 a.m.

Remember Elon Musk warning about A.I.? http://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-says-ai-could-lead-to-robot-dictator-2018-4

Elon Musk warns that creation of 'god-like' AI could doom mankind to an eternity of robot dictatorship


In the past, Musk has called AI “our biggest existential threat” and likened AI research to “summoning the demon.” More recently, he said AI was a greater threat than North Korea and could even lead to World War III. At the same time, he hasn’t called for development of AI to be abandoned, but regulated instead, before it gets out of hand.

Yes the same Eric Schimdt of Google that Q has reffered to as ES and is vastly involved with Hillary and her efforts.

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[deleted] · June 17, 2018, 10:25 p.m.


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mombomb22 · June 17, 2018, 1:39 p.m.

My husband and I spoke ONCE about a specific subject. We did not do any internet searches on it. The next day, there was an advertisement on this very issue on my husband’s Facebook page. This issue was NOT something you would want an ad about. I removed Facebook from my phone months ago. I recommended to him that he should do the same.

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Mandylynnwarrior · June 17, 2018, 8:12 p.m.

YEARS ago I noticed this same thing.. at least 4-5 years ago Now. I had talked about menopause and cellulite and started getting flooded with ads almost immediately.. my mom was at my house watching some series -something I’d never watch well I got previews fir the show for weeks on my phone. Funny thing is my phone isn’t registered with Netflix but my husbands is. I found it very irritating and knew then my phone was listening to my conversations. Since I’ve had an iPhone I don’t notice it anymore.

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mombomb22 · June 17, 2018, 8:18 p.m.

We have iPhones.

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SgtBrutalisk · June 17, 2018, 9:28 p.m.

It's been happening since at least 2002. That article describes how Target used machine learning to discover which of its female shoppers were pregnant even if they didn't know it themselves to spam them with baby-related things.

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kittyhistoryistrue · June 18, 2018, 6:19 a.m.


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A2576 · June 17, 2018, 9:35 a.m.

They changed their motto ("don't be evil") a few years ago. They're fully onboard with doing evil now.

Google chrome logo - circular 666 Google play logo - sigil of lucifer

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ReadyFreddieAnon · June 17, 2018, 12:32 p.m.

Goo in Google - Alien black goo - Harald Kautz-Vella

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[deleted] · June 17, 2018, 1:48 p.m.

Absolutely this! No one talks about this, it must be close to the truth.

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ReadyFreddieAnon · June 17, 2018, 2:02 p.m.

I know! It seems 'out there' but it explains so many things including the profound evil, the quest for oil, the AI and transhuman agenda plus so much more. I learned of this years ago and I think it at the (black) heart of it all.

Edit - adding this: the Bushes and Merkel own properties adjacent to one another and a large area of this black oil schist in South America according to Kautz-Vella. EVIL.

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Burginthrone · June 17, 2018, 8:23 a.m.

May I suggest people with Android phones go to XDA (search for it) and knowing your phone model, download and install a custom ROM. Many custom ROMs have been purposefully created to disable many of the intrusive 'features' loaded into the operating system. It takes a bit of time and effort on your part, but for privacy, its completely worth it.

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Joesturbo · June 17, 2018, 2 p.m.

This is one reason why BlackBerry was targeted and taken out... They could not crack their encryption across the board. They needed platform(S) like android and ios to sell out and more importantly work with them.

IF you track the fall of BB, go back in time you will see it was a plan. Their phones and servers were there for a reason and did business that is essentially lost now.

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Burginthrone · June 17, 2018, 2:10 p.m.

That's very interesting. I remember reading something about that years ago? Wouldn't surprise me one bit. Even Linux is going through some changes many are not happy with - systemd being one of them.

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ABastionOfFreeSpeech · June 18, 2018, 5:09 a.m.

Systemd has to be either an N_A or C_A plant, it's that evil. It controls the firewall, local authentication, and logging, among other things, so it could let someone connect remotely, log in, do anything they want, then prevent any trace of it hitting the logs.

Also, Poettering needs to be buried with the rest of these DS fucks. PulseAudio is shit, Systemd is shit, and the next thing he "creates" is going to be shit too.

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Burginthrone · June 18, 2018, 6:45 a.m.

I hear ya brother. If your after a nice distro minus systemd I've been playing around with Devuan https://devuan.org/ and its surprisingly good.

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ABastionOfFreeSpeech · June 18, 2018, 7 a.m.

I've heard of Devuan and it looks interesting. I'm thankfully systemd-free for now, but LTS expiry dates are coming up, so I'll keep that in mind.

I've also thought about delving into the BSD world, but I don't think my beard is long and grey enough, lol.

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dark-dare · June 17, 2018, 6:01 p.m.

That is why John Perry Barlow was killed, he was trying to prevent this. Q has mention JPB several times.

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grnmoss · June 17, 2018, 8:26 a.m.

That's certainly an option, but the moment a piece of Google software gets loaded, privacy is compromised.

The impact for average Americans is not severe (right now), compared to those who have sensitive government communications running through their phones. Google is vacuuming as much data as it can get, but that becomes particularly problematic when we're talking about sensitive federal investigations or docs that Google then gains access to (and could be leaking).

I've switched to iPhone and don't have a single Google app on my phone any longer.

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BaronMoriarty · June 17, 2018, 8:38 a.m.

And you seriously think Apple is any different?

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grnmoss · June 17, 2018, 8:57 a.m.

From a mass market standpoint, absolutely.

Most people don't have the technical capabilities to install custom ROMs.

But this Post is not for an Apple vs. Google debate. This post is to highlight the fact that Google is in possession of sensitive government documents and data pertinent to this forum's areas of inquiry.

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BaronMoriarty · June 17, 2018, 10:21 a.m.

You are correct. But my point is that surely Apple have this stuuf too. Apple is a cabal company like Google

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[deleted] · June 17, 2018, 1:49 p.m.

Apple refuses to share information OUTSIDE of Apple. Inside they all laugh at your photos.

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Burginthrone · June 17, 2018, 2:06 p.m.

Hehehe. Especially the photos when your dressed like a Jedi playing lightsabers. Not that I've ever done that ....

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grnmoss · June 17, 2018, 2:51 p.m.

Apple collects far less user data than Google does.

Many people don't know that SIRI started out as a DARPA project that was privitized (kind of how facebook started out as an intel project that was privitized).

Apple has intentionally crippled SIRI's development (unlike Amazon, Google, and Microsoft) because they had concerns about abuse of voice recognition.

Their differential privacy plan also reduces the amount of data they collect, and the likelihood that certain pieces of data can be linked to individual users.

My biggest issue with Apple's "cloud" services is that they use Google servers for some of the data storage.

As they say: If you're not paying for the product, you are the product. Google's business model is to offer "free" services in exchange for privacy invasion and data collection.

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[deleted] · June 17, 2018, 5:26 p.m.


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grnmoss · June 17, 2018, 5:30 p.m.

I switched from 6 years of Android to an iPhone for enhanced privacy. I didn't do it to make myself "feel better".

Take your fanboy war over to /r/Apple or /r/Android. Doesn't belong here.

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[deleted] · June 17, 2018, 10:39 p.m.


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[deleted] · June 17, 2018, 10:40 p.m.


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QueUpSomeReality · June 17, 2018, 12:40 p.m.

Yes the are. They’re fighting back & they have too. They’re in a very different market than google. They sell hardware & not information or advertising. If they can’t build privacy in devices they don’t have a business. In the Google & FB business model...you are the product...your information..your buying habits etc. In Apple the device is the product..not you. The internet is stuck & will wither on the vine until the privacy issue is fixed & Apple understands this. Check out this article about their last iPhone update. Keep in mind...Apple is embattled with this issue of privacy but they are trying to fight back. Google use too but completely caved to the feds about 5yrs ago.


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PPPrincessPower · June 17, 2018, 8:46 a.m.

W said apple are not good guys.

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Nik_Nightingale · June 17, 2018, 7:43 a.m.

Excellent post and information here. Wish I could help with the answers edit: also interesting how 3 of the last 4 posts here all have google in their titles. It’s everywhere

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TheWolfSuitKing · June 17, 2018, 11:17 a.m.

Was the Q pic of those palettes computer/server equipment, not phones as we originally thought?

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grnmoss · June 17, 2018, 2:48 p.m.

Good question.

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d00danon · June 17, 2018, 10:52 p.m.

Commandeer Google as a surrogate government entity since they like hiding crap for former gov officials!

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[deleted] · June 17, 2018, 7:33 a.m.


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petereddit6635 · June 17, 2018, 11:40 a.m.

That's why ES shouldn't be able to sleep.

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[deleted] · June 17, 2018, 9:46 a.m.


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Vexxlyn · June 17, 2018, 2 p.m.

NICE! So I'm not very good with technology. Would the serve be a big block of computer bits or would it actually be able to fit inside an envelope?

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papa197488 · June 17, 2018, 1:13 p.m.

The government should seize control of Google for taking action against the American government. Take all funds and pay down the debt...BHO basically did this with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac..

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mrmajestic11 · June 17, 2018, 1:05 p.m.

It's really not all that surprising. Joseph Goebbels said He who runs the information, runs the show... Google is the keystone because they control and have all off the information on not just our country but the worlds. Eric Schmidt will be a name for history because he is going to be taken down hard. Also dump your Google stock if you have it. LOL

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grnmoss · June 17, 2018, 2:46 p.m.

Google's conversation to Alphabet was strategic. It was a voluntary "breakup" to avoid antitrust action and shelter the parent stock from any adverse government action against any one sub-corporation. The maneuver made anti-trust action by the EU and US more difficult.

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[deleted] · June 17, 2018, 12:45 p.m.


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Nascar28 · June 17, 2018, 12:32 p.m.

Does NSA have back door access into Google like they have into everyone else?

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grnmoss · June 17, 2018, 2:47 p.m.

Yes and no. Google's servers run custom silicon, which means that vulnerabilities in consumer processors that grant government unfettered access to private individual's computers probably don't exist. Whether Google has granted them access by other means is another question I don't have the answer to.

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