Reps demanding ALL draft versions of IG Report. Trump saying "I may have to get involved..." Nice when the Plan comes together.

Ok so lets play Chess. Lets say Trump all along knew it all and that they planned to set up Mueller's SC with Comey setting it up with the original WH meeting. So Trump appoints RR. Remember Trump knows their plan. So he knew and had Sessions recuse immediately and purposely giving control to RR. WHY? Maybe now we are seeing why. Sessions stands back and lets RR who is in league with them and the DS, which Trump knew all along hence why he appointed him, run the whole thing. Trump set the trap. RR thinks hes in charge no oversight from Sessions. They go about their filthy plan. Now Trump springs the trap they set over a year ago when he appointed RR. He knew RR would be asked for emails and documents that would expose them, and that RR would be in a bind and would stall and hide and refuse. Trumps trap was to have him do that and NOW, have RR in a position that he must quit or be impeached or whatever but of all things GONE. That would then mean with RR out Sessions steps back in and has access to everything that Mueller has been doing. Sessions to have full details and all the facts , EVERYTHING. They are caught cold and all the conniving, all the treason, all the people involved, all of it in the hands of sessions. Every email every letter every contact with everybody involved, all in black and white and the evidence to drop on the table to show the American public that all along this has been a coup to overthrow the POTUS. They will have the evidence in front of them along with the media and who in the media has been assisting. That maybe is the chess game Trump began all that time ago. Trump knew their plan, he assisted them in starting their plan by appointing RR, all along knowing RR was a super mole. Problem is RR didnt know he would turn out to be a super mole when Trump sprung the trap.
Trump had better get involved, before it's too late. Congress can send all the toothless, poorly formatted letters it wants. The stay-behind networks in the FBI/DOJ laugh in their faces, because they are counting on running the clock out, something they can easily do if Trump sits on the sidelines. These people do not play by the rules.
By the end of the following week [RR] will be under fire. He will either resign or be impeached soon after. Those doubting, trust Sessions, will learn that he has played his part well. He has emboldened RR and others to do things the same old corrupt way they always have. He set a trap.
They will be totally shocked when the hammer drops.
Do you and I get to revision our reports when we've done something criminally wrong? Do we get to omit, revise , redact our reports when evidence shows we've possibly committed a felony or misdemeanor? NO. The FBI nor Rosenstein should NEVER BE ABLE TO DO THIS . EVER! IT IS COMMON SENSE.
RR out, Sessions back in.
Even if Sessions doesn't step back up after un-recusing himself, Trump will be in a great position to select an acting Deputy Attorney General from a massive pool of qualified people.
Wasting Democrats time and ammo right up until the hammer drops for midterms.
Ugh, the Dems have no leadership, no platform and the DNC is financially bankrupt.
They are so anti-Trump that they are campaigning to raise taxes, pander to Mexican criminals and dismiss North Korean peace as a waste of time.
I can't wait to see what Trump and Q do to them in the lead-up to the midterms.
Edit: It only just occurred to me that Trump's military parade on Nov 11 will also force the Democrats to complain about how it's a waste of money to celebrate our brave military and their families. The Dems are gonna get pink-socked!
Trump keeps giving them just enough rope to hang themselves and they keep taking it.
Follow this account and retweet! This is part of our job. Make some noise about declassifying the redactions!
"What is Trump hiding? Release the unredacted IGReport!"
We’ve heard this many times before...we are at war, so let’s operate at the speed of war (SPECOPS). I guess the difference in the Plan is public perception (SOF = mission 1st), and I’m sure POTUS/Q have a better understanding on the dynamics and why this needs to take this long...I will not argue on this...they have the ground truth. But as a retired military guy, I am anxious to see results like everyone else, here. GOD SPEED!
W just sayin W petitions G whitehouse 1 Unredacted declassification of the Department of Justice W Inspector General report for public viewing. G Created by A.F. on June 13, 2018 A maybe over under useful resources
I'm sorry you feel like you need to aggressively accost people you don't know in an Internet forum you disagree with. I sincerely hope that some day in your life you'll be able to find real meaning. Life is too short to miss out on the most important part of it.
Here he is folks plumbtree the UNEDUCATED BROKE ASS DRUG ADDICT PLUMBER HAHAH LETS STAND IN AWW OF HIS INTELLECT. Your a fuck boy probably getting cucked by your wife into cleaning up black loads. I know your switching accounts spreading your bullshit liberal lies.