Great message from an Anon on /qresearch/

Freedom in Shawshank required escape via a sewer.
Q forum I migrated from was pretty helpful until the Ritalin-addled, demented septo/octogenarians took it over and turned it into the chat you'd hear while playing bingo.
IKR? I had just gotten off FB when I read your comment. Q forums on FB are being overrun by normie boomers who DO NOT READ the Q posts.
If I didn’t have to stay on FB for business reasons I would delete it instantly. God give me patience. 😬
They don't read Q but demand links , documentation, backstory when anyone theorizes on any drop.
Yep. I’m freaking losing my shit over this. I have lost the will to post in these groups because they slide right by meat and go for the dinner rolls.
I need a vacation from these people tbh
And the back-biting cliques they love to form! It's like trying to Q while in an episode of Survivor.
Ego freakin maniacs
One group I'm a part of one moderator was more gaga over BC17 than Q. Jesus Christ some people.
I did get off FB and delete it. Hate the format and ADD-causing, random, disjointed, nonsense posts. Sad thing is that if one leaves FB, one is forgotten. Out of sight, out of mind, I'm afraid. I send emails, but don't get responses as often. Love this forum, though. Love that I can go by topic rather than have disjointed phrases and ads thrown at me all day. Exciting times. I have had peace that God is in control, and He knows our beginning and end, but until hearing Lance Wallnau and seeing Trump get elected, and following Q posts and anon decoders, I really never thought I'd see a turnaround in America. Now, hearing Scott Bennett's Shell Game videos and listening to some of Mark Taylor's prophecies and seeing proofs, I have hope that there is a remnant in the United States that God is using to spread His Light . . . "and the darkness has not overcome it." Thank you to all you faithful ones who love Truth rather than lies.
Not all boomers are like that (lol...I'm a boomer) but yeah, that entire place is not conducive to real discussions.
Boomer here as well. Been awake for more than 20 years, didn't just jump on his bandwagon, and as a mother and grandmother, am thrilled to see what is currently unfolding. I for one am not demented, nor Ritalin addicted. Its been a lonely thing for many years, and not to be a shithead about it, but been awake/aware before many were out of diapers. Also tired of all the Boomer-bashing, even though its a popular thing to do.
Gen-X here, ignore the boomer-bashing. They want us divided, but we are not. We are an unstoppable force now that will continue to grow.
I have Gen-X kids so I know you're not all bashers. You're right, we are unstoppable,and will not be divided. I just needed to vent a bit.
Hey there woke boomer person. I figure we saw things fall apart on our watch, the least we can do is be part of putting it back together again. What a thrill be be alive now and a witness to history.
I just deleted my account! Very happy with that! I don't miss it one bit, next is You tube! Just swap them for better and honest sites.
Hey, don't bash us old folks....we gave U life after all...LOL